Xcode, Is there was to constrain in a circle? - swift

I'm working with some Text views placed on top of some UIimages. Im wanting to shape them circular but I'm not sure if theres a way to constrain them that way in a way that would stay relatively the same on different phones.

Interesting question! I think you can do something like this:
Each view is at a certain angle of the big circle. So you can constrain each view's x to the rightmost view x with a multiplier of cos(angle) and similarly constrain its y with a multiplier of sin(angle). You'll need to constrain the top and right views to the margins.
(In the image you don't have a rightmost view, maybe you can have a hidden view there.)


How to get exactly the same point on different screen sizes?

I want to call the action (go to another view) when user tap specific area of image (black dots): . Image fills whole view, content mode is 'Aspect Fit'. The problem is that when I setup it on one screen size (e.g. iPhone 8) on another the 'tap area' is shifted. I've tried to solve this with button and constraints or UITapGestureRecognizer with point conversion using screen resolution (nativeBounds), but nothing helps.
It is possible to use constraints to match the positions of the circles with UIButtons. The trick is to use the multiplier of the constraint to scale the buttons width/height and position to the screen size.
I'll describe how to do it for one button, and then you can repeat it for the others. I assume the image is 657 wide by 918 high. If I have the dimensions reversed, you'll need to substitute the actual values for the ones I have used.
Create a UIView to hold the image and buttons. Give this view an aspect ratio constraint with multiplier 657:918 which is width:height. Add the UIImageView to this view and constrain its 4 edges to the edges of the view with 0 offsets. Give this view constraints to the left and right edges of the main view and give it a vertical constraint to place it on the screen.
Get the width/height of the circle in the image and the horizontal and vertical positions of the right edge and bottom edge. For example, the topmost circle is 106 x 106 and ends at horizontal position 392 and the bottom is at 338.
Set the width of the button equal to the width of the containing view with multiplier 106:657 which is width of circle:width of the image.
Set the height of the button equal to the height of the containing view with multiplier 106:918 which is height of circle:height of the image.
Set the trailing edge of the button equal to the trailing edge of the containing view with multiplier 392:657 which is end of circle:width of image.
Set the bottom edge of the button equal to the bottom edge of the containing view with multiplier 338:918 which is bottom of circle:height of the image.
This will allow the button to stay aligned with the circle on all devices. Repeat steps 2 through 6 for the other circles.
Instead of using an image, you can try creating your own UIView subclass called BlackDotsView.
In the draw(_rect:) method, you can draw the lines. To determine where the lines start and end, you need to do some maths with the view's width and height. You calculate where all the lines end and create UIBezierPaths and then you stroke the paths.
In the initializer of BlackDotsView, you can add the dots as subviews. To make them circular, just set dotView.layer.cornerRadius to half the dot's width. Then, you can add UITapGestureRecognizers to the dot views.
You can follow the delegate pattern by creating a BlackDotsViewDelegate that has a method called dotTapped(index:). When a dot is tapped, you would call the delegate method and pass the index of the dot.

Auto Layout issues

I am trying to get a layout working where I have 9 squares set 3 x 3 and on all device sizes, they are square.
I have tried endless ideas to make it work but can't seem to get it to stay squares on all devices.
I attached below, a picture showing the results and current constraints on the top left corner square.
Any help would be awesome!
The best approach would be use the stackView. The advantage will be you do not have to deal with the much constraints. So select the first rows three view horizontally then click on the Embed in Stack button whose axis should be horizontal inside your storyboard. Follow the same for second and third rows. Also inside stackview you can mention the spacing you want.
So now you have three stackView for all the three rows. After that select all three stackView then click on the Embed in Stack button and whose axis should be vertical and you can mention the spacing you want.
So advantage of doing that is you do not have to worry about the constraints. Finally you only have to apply the constraint on your main stackView which hold all your child stackView
While I totally agree that UIStackView is a great option, you can also add Aspect Ratio constraints (with a Multiplier of 1) to your squares and ensure that they remain squared (as nothing about your current layout demands that your views should be squares).
If you want your 9 squares to remain in the center of the superview, I recommend adding them to an invisible intermediate view and center that within the superview.

How do you right align a horizontal UIStackView?

I've yet to find an answer for this anywhere and I'm not sure if it's possible, but I'm trying to right align a horizontal UIStackView, so that if subviews are hidden they move towards the right side not the left. Either programmatically (in Swift) or using the Interface Builder
UIStackViews align according to the user's text direction, i.e. left aligned for English and other Roman script languages, or right aligned for languages such as Hebrew.
In my opinion, changing this for layout reasons may be a misuse of the text direction APIs, and a bit of a hack, but with that in mind:
You can change the direction for a particular view in interface builder, using the Semantic drop down, which has options for 'Force Left-to-Right' and 'Force Right-to-Left', which will change the direction they pop to but also the order they are shown in. So you will have to reverse the order of the elements in your stack view
Or you can do it in code, using the view's semanticContentAttribute
stackView.semanticContentAttribute = .forceRightToLeft
What worked best for me was putting my horizontal stackview inside a vertical stackview and set the vertical one's alignment to leading
Unlike the other answers, the solution is actually fairly simple. What you need is to add a trailing constraint that pins the stack view to the trailing edge of its superview and then also add a leading constraint that pins it to the leading edge of the superview.
The trick, however, is changing the leading stackview constraint relation from equal to greater than or equal.
That will allow the leading edge of the stack view to snap over to the intrinsic width of the contents of the stackview, effectively pinning everything to the trailing edge.
Vertical stack views are similar. Pin the top with equals, and pin the bottom with less than or equal.
stackView.leadingAnchor.constraint(greaterThanOrEqualTo: parent.leadingAnchor).isActive = true
stackView.trailingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: parent.trailingAnchor).isActive = true
stackView.distribution = .equalSpacing
I had a horizontally oriented UIStackView containing two UIViews; hiding one of the views led to the other spreading full-width. Adding a width constraint to the remaining view resulted in keeping the desired width, but it shifted to the right.
Add a hidden UIView to the stack view which shows when the other is hidden for spacing.

Increase UIView's frame size at the left edge

I have an UIView that can grow dynamically in width. The view also have subviews located inside it's bounds.
Default behavior seems to be that when the view's frame grows along the x axis, increasing frame.size.width, it always grows at the right edge, keeping the subviews fixed as if there were a fix left margin. However, when I want to expand the view on the left edge this doesn't work because of this behavior. In this case I want it to behave in a mirrored way, as if there were a fix right margin. I could of course "manually" move all subviews so it looks like that is the case, but that seems really awkward since there could be plenty of them.
So I guess the question really is if there is a way to shift a views bounds relative to it's subviews? Is maybe autoresizingMask the way to do this?
Maybe you should take a look at the AutoresizingMask property of a UIView subclass :-)
For example, if you have a UILabel called labelVideoTitle, you could set a mask like this :
[ labelVideoTitle setAutoresizingMask:UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth ];
You can by the way add 2 mask at once like :
[ labelVideoTitle setAutoresizingMask:UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight ];
Good Luck !
Edit : To increase the parent view frame size at the left edge, you could change too its X position to the left to give the impression wanted ^^ For example if you add 10 pt to the width, try modifying the X origin -10 pt :-)
In interface builder, you can graphically indicate in the CMD-3 (little ruler icon) Size Inspector what each element in your view should do when the parent view is resized: you can indicate which borders (top, left, right, bottom), the given element should "stick to" when the parent view is resized. You can also indicate whether the given element should itself resize (in either width or height) or stay the same size. Underneath the hood, this sets the autoresize mask for the UIView element you're editing, but especially for making an element stick to a particular border, Interface Builder is the way to go.
IB Size Inspector also has a neat little animation that shows you the effect on a hypothetical element (little red square) during a resize, given your settings to the left.

Evenly aligning things in IB

I have ten labels on a view positioned vertically. I need to evenly space them. Does IB have any type of setting that will do this?
If you select individual labels and drag them around the view, they should "snap" to certain guides around the interface. If you drag an element close to another element it should snap to about 8 pixels away, and that's the standard spacing between elements on the iPhone.
If you want more precise control, you can select an element and use the arrow keys to move it around one pixel at a time.
You can also use the Align Horizontally/Vertically in Container menu items from the Layout menu.
Do the math and then type in the X,Y coordinates. Unfortunately, I think that is the easiest way.
If you are OK using Apple's guideline spacing, dragging one label near another will generate a dashed line at a certain point. Do this for each label below the next, and they will be evenly spaced.