CAS-6-Forgot username unable to sent user name in mail - email

I am new in CAS-6 and trying to send user name in mail, I created "forgot.password.gtemplat" file for email.
In template I am trying to get username from attribute using this syntax "<%=principal.attributes.username %>", "<%=email %>"
value of email is email address entered by user this returns proper value but value of <%=principal.attributes.username %> " is printing null, I didn't understand why, In console it says "None of the principal resolvers in the chain were able to produce a principal".
For attribute resolution I am calling rest API.


delete phone number using ews

I want to manage mailbox contacts in Exchange online using EWS 2.2 in PowerShell. I am able to create, delete and modify (most of the properties)
But I can not set any PhoneNumber (BusinessPhone, MobilePhone, HomePhone) to an empty value. Tried $updateItem.PhoneNumbers[[Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.PhoneNumberKey]::BusinessPhone] = $null;
and a lot of variations. Always get: "An object within a change description must contain one and only one property to modify."
I saw this post and using the code from there does not create any error message, but the phone number also isn't empty: EWS Delete PhoneNumber Entry on Contact
Any ideas how to set these field empty?

User address sub fields not showing in userinfo response

I have added a mapper to my client with a mapper type of 'User Address' and enabled the 'Add to userinfo' option
I have then set an address attribute on my user as follows:
When making a request to the userinfo endpoint I just get back an empty address object:
Have I missed out something here? We are using keycloak 3.2.1 also.
Your user's attributes must be passed as single key/value pairs , not as full JSON object.
And the values in the mapper must be filled in as well :

How do I individually set a form validation error message in CodeIgniter?

I would like to be able to set form validation error messages individually for my form. Particularly for the "is unique" rule. I writing a member registration form script that and I use that rule to validate the email address as well as the username.
$this->form_validation->set_message('rule', 'Error Message');
The above code won't work for what I am trying to do. If I set the message for the rule "is unique" it will display the same thing for both fields, assuming there are errors for both. For example, if both the username and the email address are already in use(maybe the user forgot they already registered?), then it will be the same. So I would like the "is unique" rule for the email address to say "The email address is already in use." or the username field would say "The username is already in use.".
Or if I can somehow insert the name of the field into the error message? Thanks for your time.
Here you go,
$this->form_validation->set_rules('reg_email', Email, 'trim|xss_clean|required|valid_email|callback_check_email_exists');
$this->form_validation->set_rules('user_name', Username, 'trim|xss_clean|required|valid_email|callback_check_username_exists');
function check_email_exists($reg_email)
$data['result'] = $this->general_model->check_record_exist('usermaster','Id',array('Email'=>$reg_email,'Status !='=>'Delete')); //check if same or not
if (!empty($data['result']))
$this->form_validation->set_message('check_email_exists', 'Email already exist');
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
Make same callback fun for username also and change the message. Try it tell me if u don't get anything.

Sending e-mail programmatically in Magento is failing

Why is there nowhere in the Configuration/System/Mail Sending Settings to specify a user name and password for your smtp server?
To get around this, do you need to make the changes to getMail() outlined in this post:
I want to do something very simple:
- create an e-mail template
- do not have to make reference to that template in any config files.
- programmatically send an e-mail using the template defined above
- supply values to replace any tags in the template
- supply recipient e-mail addresses
- supply other bits, like a from address
So first step - create a template.
- In Confguration/Transactional Emails I believe I am supposed to see a list of templates. I see nothing. But if I add a new template, I can select from a list of templates.
- Give template a name of "Bob".
- Add a few vars to the template:
myvar1={{var myvar1}}
myvar2={{var myvar2}}
- Save the template; it is given an Id of 1.
Now send the e-mail programmatically from a controller action:
- No need to make change to LINEEND in Mime.php as it is already set to \n in version
- Make changes to getMail() in Template.php as specified in this post:
- Write code in the controller action to send the e-mail:
This returns nothing:
$emailTemplate = Mage::getModel('core/email_template')->loadDefault('no matter what goes here emailTemplate is not set');
This does return an email template:
$emailTemplate = Mage::getModel('core/email_template')->loadByCode('Bob');
but the call to send below fails:
$emailTemplateVariables = array();
$emailTemplateVariables['myvar1'] = 'TestValue1';
$emailTemplateVariables['myvar2'] = 'TestValue2';
// $processedTemplate = $emailTemplate->getProcessedTemplate($emailTemplateVariables); -- this returns nothing
$emailTemplate->send('','John', $emailTemplateVariables);
In the system.log I get the warning below, and no e-mail ever arrives.
Warning: stream_socket_enable_crypto() [<a href='streams.crypto'>streams.crypto</a>]: this stream does not support SSL/crypto in C:\Applications\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\magento\lib\Zend\Mail\Protocol\Smtp.php on line 206
Should I be using loadByCode? I wish there was some worthwhile documentation (the help for loadByCode is "Load template by code" !!). Should I be using send, sendTransactional? Oh for a bit of quality documentation.
I see 2 questions here.
1. How to configure Magento mailing system to use smtp protocol ?
You are having trouble for this because Magento is made to use default host mailing. So it will search for it on the machine where it is installed.
If you want to configure a smtp server, I would recommend using this extension :
I found it simple to use and configure.
2. How to send a mail in your custom module
You can first create your template in Confguration/Transactional Emails, mark down the Id for it will be your identifier
Then, simply use this code to send the mail in your module
// The Id you just marked...
$templateId = 1;
// Define the sender, here we query Magento default email (in the configuration)
// For customer support email, use : 'trans_email/ident_support/...'
$sender = Array('name' => Mage::getStoreConfig('trans_email/ident_general/name'),
'email' => Mage::getStoreConfig('trans_email/ident_general/email'));
// Set you store
// This information may be taken from the current logged in user
$store = Mage::app()->getStore();
// In this array, you set the variables you use in your template
$vars = Array('my_var' => $my_var,
'another_var' => 12);
// You don't care about this...
$translate = Mage::getSingleton('core/translate');
// Send your email
'Recipient Name',
// You don't care as well
Hope this will help you
I took out the 'ssl' => 'tls' element in the array in getMail() in Template.php and my e-mail came through.
I'd still appreciate if anyone has an explanation of how the smtp server's username and password should be specified, and an explanation of the differences in the template load methods etc would be most welcome!
If anyone is looking for full sample code of how to send a Magento email based on an existing Magento email template, the following works well. It does not require any XML config. You can load the template by name as well as by ID. In this case I load it by name.
// This is the name that you gave to the template in System -> Transactional Emails
$emailTemplate = Mage::getModel('core/email_template')->loadByCode('My Custom Email Template');
// These variables can be used in the template file by doing {{ var some_custom_variable }}
$emailTemplateVariables = array(
'some_custom_variable' => 'Hello World'
$processedTemplate = $emailTemplate->getProcessedTemplate($emailTemplateVariables);
$emailTemplate->setSenderName('Joe Bloggs');
$emailTemplate->setTemplateSubject("Here is your subject");
$emailTemplate->send('', 'Joanna Bloggs', $emailTemplateVariables);

Zend Validate, Display one message per validator

I am validating an email address using zend_validate_email.
For example, for email address aa#aa it throws several error messages including very technical describing that DNS mismatch (:S).
I am trying to make it display only 1 message that I want it to (for example: "Please enter a valid email").
Is there any way of doing it elegantly, apart from creating a subclass and overriding the isValid method, clearing out the array of error messages?
$validator = new Zend_Validate_EmailAddress();
// sets the message for all error types
$validator->setMessage('Please enter a valid email');
// sets the message for the INVALID_SEGMENT error
$validator->setMessage('Something with the part after the # is wrong', Zend_Validate_EmailAddress::INVALID_SEGMENT);
For a full list of errors and message templates see the Zend_Validate_EmailAddress class