Install Postgres on removable volume on linux? - postgresql

Cloud platforms like often provide hot-pluggable storage volumes that you can easily attach and detach from a Linux virtual machine without restarting it.
I am looking for a way to install Postgres so that its data and configuration ends up on a volume that I have mounted to the virtual machine. The end result should allow me to shut down the machine, detach the volume, spin up another machine with an identical version of Postgres already installed, attach the volume and have Postgres work just like it did on the old machine with all the data, file system permissions and server-wide configuration intact.
Is such a thing possible? Is there a reliable way to move installations (i.e databases and configuration, not the actual binaries) of Postgres across machines?
CLARIFICATION: the virtual machine has two disks:
the "built-in" one which is created when the VM is created and mounted to /. That's where Postgres gets installed to and you can't move this disk.
the hot-pluggable disk which you can easily attach and detach from a running VM. This is where I want Postgres data and configuration to be so I can just detach the disk (after shutting down the VM to prevent data loss/corruption) and attach it to another VM when I want my data to move so it behaves like it did on the old VM (i.e. no failures to start Postgres, no errors about permissions or missing files, etc).

This works just fine. It is not really any different to starting and stopping PostgreSQL and not removing the disk. There are a couple of things to consider though.
You have to make sure it is stopped + writing synced before unmounting the volume. Obvious enough, and I can't believe you'd be able to unmount before sync completed, but worth repeating.
You will want the same version of PostgreSQL, probably on the same version of operating system with the same locales too. Different distributions might compile it with different options.
Although you can put configuration and data in the same directory hierarchy, most distros tend to put config in /etc. If you compile from source yourself this won't be a problem. Alternatively, you can usually override the default locations or, and this is probably simpler, bind-mount the data and config directories into the places your distro expects.
Note that if your storage allows you to connect the same volume to multiple hosts in some sort of "read only" mode that won't work.
Edit: steps from comment moved into body for easier reading.
start up PG, create a table put one row in it.
Stop PG.
Mount your volume at /mnt/db
rsync /var/lib/postgresql/NN/main to /mnt/db/pg_data and /etc/postgresql/NN/main to /mnt/db/pg_etc
rename /var/lib/postgresql/NN/main and add .OLD to the name and do the same with the /etc
bind-mount the dirs from /mnt to replace them
restart PG
Return to step 8 until you are happy


Can two postgres service share one common PGDATA folder, one at a time

Can I share data between two postgres services in separate machines (PGDATA folder will be in a shared location) while only one service will run at a time?
PostgreSQL has a number of ways to make sure that you cannot start two postmaster processes on the same data directory, but if you mount a filesystem on two machines, these mechanisms will fail. So you would have to make very sure that you don't start servers on both machines; that would lead to data corruption. Moreover, you'd have to make sure that the remote file system is reliable. A Windows network share isn't, for example.
So, all in all, my only recommendation is "don't do that". For high availability, use a proven shared-nothing architecture like Patroni.

Copying directories into minikube and persisting them

I am trying to copy some directories into the minikube VM to be used by some of the pods that are running. These include API credential files and template files used at run time by the application. I have found you can copy files using scp into the /home/docker/ directory, however these files are not persisted over reboots of the VM. I have read files/directories are persisted if stored in the /data/ directory on the VM (among others) however I get permission denied when trying to copy files to these directories.
Are there:
A: Any directories in minikube that will persist data that aren't protected in this way
B: Any other ways of doing the above without running into this issue (could well be going about this the wrong way)
To clarify, I have already been able to mount the files from /home/docker/ into the pods using volumes, so it's just the persisting data I'm unclear about.
Kubernetes has dedicated object types for these sorts of things. API credential files you might store in a Secret, and template files (if they aren't already built into your Docker image) could go into a ConfigMap. Both of them can either get translated to environment variables or mounted as artificial volumes in running containers.
In my experience, trying to store data directly on a node isn't a good practice. It's common enough to have multiple nodes, to not directly have login access to those nodes, and for them to be created and destroyed outside of your direct control (imagine an autoscaler running on a cloud provider that creates a new node when all of the existing nodes are 90% scheduled). There's a good chance your data won't (or can't) be on the host where you expect it.
This does lead to a proliferation of Kubernetes objects and associated resources, and you might find a Helm chart to be a good resource to tie them together. You can check the chart into source control along with your application, and deploy the whole thing in one shot. While it has a couple of useful features beyond just packaging resources together (a deploy-time configuration system, a templating language for the Kubernetes YAML itself) you can ignore these if you don't need them and just write a bunch of YAML files and a small control file.
For minikube, data kept in $HOME/.minikube/files directory is copied to / directory in VM host by minikube.

Using vagrant & puppet, how to create and restore a database on fresh postgresql-server instance?

I have fresh provisioned instances of apache and postgres all set to go. I would like to restore a dump or mount a logical volume with data to the postgres instance. Likewise, I'd like to ensure that the dump is written out or the volume unmounted when i bring the instance down.
Can I use a logical volume this way? How should I approach?
I see this:
How to handle data such as Mysql, web sites sources with Vagrant?
The other answer had the following suggestions. Below I will discuss their implications for PostgreSQL.
In the current version of Vagrant (1.0.3), you have two main options:
Use shared folders. You can put your MySQL data directory into a shared folder so that the data comes back onto your host machine. The
con of this is that shared folders are actually quite slow compared to
the native VM filesystem in VirtualBox, and you can run into weird
permission issues as well.
Setup a task (rake, make, etc.) to copy your MySQL data to your shared folder on demand. Then, before you decide to destroy your VM,
you can run the task to export your data to your shared folder, then
you can reimport the data when you bring your VM back up.
The shared folders approach may work, but if you do this you need to be extremely careful with file permissions. PostgreSQL tends to be very paranoid about this, so you may have to be cautious about group permissions.
I would recommend something based on the second approach with a base backup (using pg_basebackup) since you get a copy of your database. You can also archive your wal segments to that directory to have something that can be restored on demand to near-present conditions.

Flashing an internal SD card that is mounted as root

I am working on an embedded linux device that has an internal SD card. This device needs to be updatable without opening the device and taking out the SD card. The goal is to allow users to update their device with a USB flash drive. I would like to completely overwrite the internal SD card with a new SD card image.
My first thought was to unmount the root filesystem and use something to the effect of:
dd if=/mnt/flashdrive/update.img of=/dev/sdcard
However, It appears difficult to actually unmount a root filesystem correctly, as processes like "login" and "systemd" are still using resources on root. As soon as you kill login, for example, the update script is killed as well.
Of course, we could always use dd without unmounting root. This seems rather foolish, however. :P
I was also thinking of modifying the system init script to perform this logic before the system actually mounts the root filesystem.
Is there a correct/easy way to perform this type of update? I would imagine it has been done before.
Thank you!
Re-imaging a mounted file system doesn't sound like a good idea, even if the mount is read-only.
Use a ramdisk (initialized from a compressed image) as your actual root filesystem, but perhaps have all but the most essential tools in file systems mounted beneath, which you can drop to upgrade. Most Linux implementations do this early in their boot process anyway before they mount the main disk filesystems: rebooting to do the upgrade may be an option.
SD cards are likely larger than you need anyway. Have two partitions and alternate between them each time you upgrade. Or have a maintenance partition which you boot into to perform upgrades/recovery.
Don't actually image the file system, but instead upgrade individual files.
Try one of or both:
Bring down to single user mode first: telinit 1
Remount / as readonly: mount -o remount,ro /
before running the dd
Personally I would never do something as you do, but it is possible to do.
Your linux system does it every time it is booted. In fact, what happens is that your kernel initially mounts the initrd, loads all the modules and after that it calls pivot_root to mount the real / .
pivot_root is also a command that can be used from shell, you'd better run man 8 pivot_root but just to give you an idea, you can do something like this
mount /dev/hda1 /new-root
cd /new-root
pivot_root . old-root
exec chroot . sh <dev/console >dev/console 2>&1
umount /old-root
One last thing: this way of performing software upgrade is extremely weak. Please consider other solutions.

How to scale MongoDB?

I know that MongoDB can scale vertically. What about if I am running out of disk?
I am currently using EC2 with EBS. As you know, I have to assign EBS for a fixed size.
What if the MongoDB growth bigger than the EBS size? Do I have to create a larger EBS and Copy & Paste the files?
Or shall we start more MongoDB instance and each connect to different EBS disk? In such case, I could connect to a different instance for different databases.
If you're running out of disk, you obviously need to get a bigger disk.
There are several ways to migrate your data, it really depends on the type of up-time you need. First steps of course involve bundling the machine and creating the new volume.
These tips go from easiest to hardest.
Can you take the database completely off-line for several minutes?
If so, do this (migration by copy):
Mount new EBS on the server.
Stop your app from connecting to Mongo.
Shut down mongod and wait for everything to write (check the logs)
Copy all of the data files (and probably the logs) to the new EBS volume.
While the copy is happening, update your mongod start script (or config file) to point to the new volume.
Start mongod and check connection
Restart your app.
Can you take the database off-line for just a few minutes?
If so, do this (slaving and switch):
Start up a new instance and mount the new EBS on that server.
Install / start mongod as a --slave pointing at the current database. (you may need to re-start the current as --master)
The slave will do a fresh synchronization. Once the slave is up-to-date, you'll do a "switch" (next steps).
Turn off writes from the system.
Shut down the original mongod process.
Re-start the "new" mongod as a master instead of the slave.
Re-activate system writes pointing at the new master.
Done correctly those last three steps can happen in minutes or even seconds.
Can you not afford any down-time?
If so, do this (master-master):
Start up a new instance and mount the new EBS on that server.
Install / start mongod as a master and a slave against the current database. (may need to re-start current as master, minimal down-time?)
The new computer should do a fresh synchronization.
Once the new computer is up-to-date, switch the system to point at the new server.
I know it seems like this last version is actually the best, but it can be a little dicey (as of this writing). The reason is simply that I've honestly had a lot of issues with "Master-Master" replication, especially if you don't start with both active.
If you plan on using this method, I highly suggest a smaller practice run first. If something bombs here, Mongo might simply wipe all of your data files which will have the effect of taking more stuff down.
If you get a good version of this please post the commands, I'd like to see it in action.
Doesn't the E in EBS stand for elastic meaning something like resizing on the fly?
Currently the MongoDB team is working on finishining sharding which will allow you horizontal scaling by partitioning data separately on different servers. Give it a month or two and it will work fine. The developers are quite good at keeping their promises.
You could slave the bigger disk off the smaller until it's caught up
fsync+lock and take a file system snapshot and copy it onto the bigger disk.
well, I am using Mongo DB now. I am pretty amazed the performance it generated, especially on some simple sorting.
I believe it's a good tool for simple web application logic. The remaining concern for is how to scale and backup. I will continue to explore.
The only disadvantage I have is that I didn't have any good tools to reveal the data stored inside. For example, I want to put my logging from MYSQL into Mongo as well. However, it's pretty difficult for me to view the log. Previously, i can use MYSQL query to fetch what I want easily.
Anyway, it's a good tool and I will continue to use it.