How can set collate en_us.UTF-8 in order by query on Sequelize - postgresql

On postgres, order by with collate and lower writing like below.
ORDER BY convert_to(lower(column COLLATE "en_US"), 'UTF8')
But in sequelize, where should I put the "collate" query and how I write it.
// This is omitted "collate" query
sequelize.fn('convert_to', sequelize.fn('lower', sequelize.col(column)), '\'UTF8\''), 'ASC')

Try passing the argument to lower() as a sequelize.literal() You also do not need to include the single quotes in "UTF8", just passing the string will do.
order: [
sequelize.literal('column COLLATE "en_US"')


SELECT query using collate binary_ci with arg mapped to multiple params

I am trying to create a spring data jpa custom query that takes 2 args and uses collate binary_ci. One arg is compared to a string using '=', the other is compared to a string using LIKE.
Example that works without collate binary_ci:
The LIKE arg in is mapped to multiple parameters. I cannot get this query to work. I have tried multiple things, but in the end, my attempt to include collate binary_ci is the issue. Here is what I've tried:
WHERE ID = :id AND ((MODEL LIKE %:in%) OR (DESCR LIKE %:in%)) collate binary_ci ORDER BY ...
WHERE ID = :id AND (MODEL LIKE %:in% OR DESCR LIKE %:in%) collate binary_ci ORDER BY ...
WHERE ID = :id AND ((MODEL LIKE %:in%) collate binary_ci OR (DESCR LIKE %:in%) collate binary_ci) ORDER BY
Running these queries gets me either Could not locate named parameter [in], expecting one of [in%, id] or sql statement was not ended properly or missing right parentheses
How can I make this work?
Version: Spring-Boot: (v2.4.3)
Here are version values from my sqldeveloper:
org.openide.specification.version 6.2
org.osgi.framework.os.version 10.0.0
org.osgi.framework.version 1.7.0
os.version 10.0
osgi.framework.version 3.9.1.v20140110-1610
Figured it out:
WHERE ID = :id AND ((MODEL LIKE %:in% collate binary_ci) OR (DESCR LIKE %:in% collate binary_ci)) ORDER BY...

postgres LOWER( ) works not properly for Turkish characters

Simpyle run the query;
select LOWER('I'); //expected: 'ı' actual: 'i'
select LOWER('İ'); //expected 'i' actual 'İ'
how to change collation of entire database?
version : "PostgreSQL 10.13"

Quote strings and dates in psql query results output

Under the section \pset [ option [ value ] ] of the psql docs, I can set various settings to make my query results convenient for me.
I can, for example, approach a CSV-like output with:
\pset fieldsep ','
\pset footer off
\pset format unaligned
\pset null 'NULL'
Resulting in output like:
> WITH foo_tbl(foo,bar,baz)
> AS
> (
> ('foo', NULL, 1),
> (NULL, 'bar', 1)
> )
> SELECT * FROM foo_tbl;
This is great, but I'd like strings and dates to be quoted, like this:
Is this not possible with psql?
p.s. I know this kind of thing can be done with SQL clients like DBeaver, but that isn't in the scope of this question.
To generate CSV output, you can use the copy command rather than trying to tweak the output of a regular SELECT statement.
copy (
WITH foo_tbl (foo,bar,baz,dt) AS
('foo', NULL, 1, date '2020-01-02'),
(NULL, 'bar', 1, date '2020-03-04')
FROM foo_tbl
) to stdout
with (format csv, quote '''', header, null 'NULL', force_quote (foo, dt) );
Will generate the following output
I am not aware of an option that will quote only dates and strings, but not numbers, so using force_quote and specifying the columns to quote is the only way to get them (always).
copy (...) to stdout is easier to use than it's psql sibling \copy because it allows multi-line queries.
To write everything into a file, you can use the \o command in psql
postgres=> \o data.csv
postgres=> copy (...) to stdout with (...);

TSQL: Special (National) char detection (SQL Server2016)

I found a lot of techniques to detect aka special chars($%##) avail on English keyboard, however I see that some national char like á works differently, though my LIKE condition should get it, as it should select anything but a-z1-9, what is the trick here: In sample below I'm missing my special á. I'm on TSQL 2016 with default settings in US.
;WITH cte AS (SELECT 'Euro a€' St UNION SELECT 'adgkjb$' St UNION SELECT 'Bravo Endá' St)
SELECT * FROM cte WHERE St LIKE '%[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]%'
Euro a€
SQL Server appears to be helping with ranges of characters due to the default collation. If you explicitly list all of the valid characters it will work as desired. Alternatively, you can force a collation on the pattern match that won't interpret the pattern a containing non-ASCII characters.
-- Explicit pattern for "bad" characters.
declare #InvalidCharactersPattern as VarChar(100) = '%[^abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 ]%';
-- Query some sample data with the explicit pattern and an explicitly specified collation.
select Sample,
case when Sample like #InvalidCharactersPattern then 'Bad Character' else 'Okay' end as ExplicitStatus,
case when Sample like '%[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]%' collate Latin1_General_100_BIN
then 'Bad Character' else 'Okay' end as CollationStatus
from ( values ( 'a' ), ( 'A' ), ( 'á' ), ( 'Foo' ), ( 'F&o' ), ( '$%^&' ) ) as Samples( Sample );
-- Server collation.
select ServerProperty( 'collation' ) as ServerCollation;
-- Available collations.
select name, description
from sys.fn_helpcollations()
order by name;

Escaping hstore contains operators in a JDBC Prepared statement

I am using PostgreSQL 9.1.4 with hstore and the PostgreSQL JDBC driver (9.1-901.jdbc4).
I am trying to use the contains operators (?, ?&, ?|) in a PreparedStatement, however the ? character is parsed as a variable placeholder. Can this character be escaped to send the correct operator in the query?
An example:
PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT a, b FROM table1 WHERE c ? 'foo' AND d = ?");
stmt.setInt(1, dValue);
In this form the following example would raise an exception:
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: No value specified for parameter 2.
After investigating the query parser in the pgjdbc driver this snippet seems to indicate that it is not possible to escape the ? character. The questions that remain are:
Is there anything in the JDBC spec which allows a ? to be escaped and be anything other than a parameter placeholder?
Is there any better work around for this issue than just using plain Statements with variables manually inserted into the query string?
Effectively, it looks like the java SQL parser is not hstore compliant.
But since the syntax c ? 'foo' is equivalent to exist(c, 'foo'), you can easily workaround this problem. Have a look at the following page to see what the verbose operators for hstore are.
Postgres hstore documentation
There is a discussion about this issue on pgsql-hackers mailing list:
For now I like most this workaround which also supports indexes:
CREATE FUNCTION exist_inline (hstore, text) RETURNS bool AS $$ SELECT $1 ? $2; $$ LANGUAGE sql;
You can use this query to find the function backing an operator in PostgreSQL like this. In your example:
oprcode || '(' || format_type(oprleft, NULL::integer) || ', '
|| format_type(oprright, NULL::integer) || ')' AS function
FROM pg_operator
WHERE oprname LIKE '?%'
AND (SELECT oid FROM pg_type WHERE typname = 'hstore') IN (oprleft, oprright);
This produces:
|oprname|function |
|? |exist(hstore, text) |
|?| |exists_any(hstore, text[])|
|?& |exists_all(hstore, text[])|
See also a related question about using JSON operators containing ?. Note that the function usage may not profit from the same indexing capability when using a GIN index on your HSTORE column.
If you'd like to add multiple key-value pairs using PreparedStatement then you can do:
PreparedStatement ps = c.prepareStatement(
"insert into xyz(id, data) values(?, hstore(?, ?))");
ps.setLong(1, 23456L);
ps.setArray(2, c.createArrayOf("text", new String[]{"name", "city"}));
ps.setArray(3, c.createArrayOf("text", new String[]{"Duke", "Valley"}));
This will insert: 23456, 'name=>Duke, city=>Valley'