SSE "data" field not being received by Dart http.client - flutter

I'm building a Flutter app that receives SSE from a server and translates them to specific notifications. The server is a Spring Boot app returning events containing "event:" and "data:" fields:
public void pushNotification(String username, PushEvent event) {
var emitter = emitters.get(username);
if (emitter == null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
log.debug("Could not send event for user " + username);
public class PushEvent {
private String type;
private Map<String, Object> body;
public SseEmitter.SseEventBuilder toSseEvent() {
return SseEmitter.event().name(type).data(body);
On the Flutter app, I use the Dart http package to open a Stream and receive the events:
Future<void> subscribe() async {
if (!_userModel.hasAuthentication()) {
var user = _userModel.user as AuthenticatedUser;
var username = user.username;
var token = _userModel.getToken();
var uri = Uri.https(ApiUtils.API_BASE, '/api/push/subscribe/$username');
try {
var client = http.Client();
_client = client;
var request = new http.Request("GET", uri);
request.headers["Accept"] = "text/event-stream";
request.headers["Cache-Control"] = "no-cache";
request.headers["Authorization"] = token;
var response = await client.send(request);
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
_isSubscribed = true; {
var event = ServerEvent.parse(value);
}).onError((error, stackTrace) {"Connection closed");;;
}).whenComplete(() {"Connection completed");
} else {
_isSubscribed = false;
} catch (e) {
log.warning("Could not subscribe to notifications");
However, when I receive an event containing data from the server, the data does not show on the log:
I/flutter (14779): event:FRIEND_REQUEST
I/flutter (14779): data:
I am certain the data is being sent by the server since the React app on the same domain decodes the SSE and shows the notifications as intended:
const subscribePush = () => {
const username = sessionStorage.getItem('loggedUsername');
const token = sessionStorage.getItem('token');
var es = new EventSourcePolyfill(
'/api/push/subscribe/' + username,
headers: {
"Authorization": token,
es.onerror = () => es.close();
es.addEventListener("FRIEND_REQUEST", e => handleFriendRequestEvent(e));
es.addEventListener("FRIEND_ACCEPT", e => handleFriendAcceptEvent(e));
const handleFriendRequestEvent = function (event) {
const username = sessionStorage.getItem("loggedUsername");
const data = JSON.parse(;
const source = data.source;
if (source !== username) {
var note = `${source} solicitou sua amizade!`;
var newNotifs = notifications.concat(note);
setNewNotifications(newNotifications + 1);
Could something be missing from the request on the Flutter app, or is it possibly a bug?

Your implementation looks strangely similar to this one:
Take a look at the client implementation and how the response in decoded using the decoder.dart file.


Why is Flutter Dart application throwing an XMLHttpRequest error when test programme and POSTMAN do not?

I have an application that was working doing http.get requests on an Ubuntu virtual machine hosting a postgres DB and an API using Hapi/node. The VM disk become corrpupted and following the rebuild, the http.get now throws an XMLHttpRequest error. However, a test programme doing the same request works fine and a test GET using POSTMAN works fine as well. I'm stumped as to why this is the case.
The code that is throwing the error is as follows (the getScores() function):
import 'package:noxo/functions.dart' as func;
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
class DataManager {
Map<dynamic, dynamic> results = {}; // Return values from DB parameter query
double difficulty = 5; // Level of difficulty (1- easiest to 5-hardest)
// Address of API for data requests
final _apiAddress = '';
bool _httpAvailable = true; // Assume that http is available
int getHumanScore() {
func.debugPrint('httpAvailable is $_httpAvailable');
if (_httpAvailable && results.isNotEmpty) {
func.debugPrint('Returning HUMAN score');
return results['humanwin'];
} else {
return 0;
int getDrawScore() {
if (_httpAvailable && results.isNotEmpty) {
return results['draws'];
} else {
return 0;
int getComputerScore() {
if (_httpAvailable && results.isNotEmpty) {
return results['computerwin'];
} else {
return 0;
void setDifficulty(double value) {
func.debugPrint('Set difficulty = $value');
difficulty = value;
double getDifficulty() {
func.debugPrint('Get difficulty is $difficulty');
return difficulty;
void getScores(Function() updateScores) async {
if (_httpAvailable) {
// If we haven't had a previous http error - read the scores
try {
dynamic _parsedAddress = Uri.parse(_apiAddress);
final response = await http.get(_parsedAddress);
'doing getScores. Address = $_apiAddress. statusCode = ${response.statusCode}');
Map decodedResponse = jsonDecode(response.body) as Map;
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
func.debugPrint('getScores response: $decodedResponse');
results = decodedResponse;
updateScores(); // Update scores on main.dart
} else {
throw Exception('Unable to fetch products from the REST API');
} catch (e) {
func.debugPrint('getScores. Error is $e.');
_httpAvailable = false; // Disable http checks because we had an error
results =
{}; // Return an empty map if the internet connection is not available
// Put data about scores into the database
Future<void> putScores(String resultPath) async {
// Only try to put the scores if http is available
if (_httpAvailable) {
try {
String address = '$_apiAddress$resultPath';
func.debugPrint('http address: $address');
var response = await;
func.debugPrint('http response: ${response.body.toString()}');
// Check for sucess, throw an error if it didn't work
if (response.statusCode == 200 ||
response.statusCode == 201 ||
response.statusCode == 204) {
} else {
throw Exception(
'Unable to update results from the REST API. Status Code: ' +
} catch (e) {
_httpAvailable = false; // Disable http requests
The output when "getScores()" is called is:
getScores. Error is XMLHttpRequest error..
The Hapi interface code is as follows:
'use strict';
const Hapi = require('#hapi/hapi');
const { options } = require('#hapi/hapi/lib/cors');
const Inert = require('#hapi/inert');
const HapiPostgresConnection = require('hapi-postgres-connection');
const path = require('path');
const debug = true;
const init = async () => {
const server = Hapi.server({
port: 4044,
host: '',
//host: '',
routes: {
cors: false
origin: ['192.168.*'], // an array of origins or 'ignore'
headers: ['Authorization'], // an array of strings - 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers'
exposedHeaders: ['Accept'], // an array of exposed headers - 'Access-Control-Expose-Headers',
additionalExposedHeaders: ['Accept'], // an array of additional exposed headers
maxAge: 60,
credentials: false // boolean - 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials'
await server.register([{
plugin: HapiPostgresConnection
plugin: Inert
method: 'GET',
path: '/',
handler: async function (request, h) {
let id = '1';
let statement = `SELECT * FROM scores WHERE id = ${id}`;
debugPrint(`Doing GET. Statement = ${statement}`);
try {
const result = await;
debugPrint(`After GET. Result = ${result}. Response = ${h.response()}`);
return h.response(result.rows[0]);
} catch (err) {
method: 'GET',
path: '/noxo',
handler: (request, h) => {
return h.file('/home/mike/programming/noxo/index.html');
method: 'GET',
path: '/fwebtest',
handler: (request, h) => {
return h.file('index.html', options [{confine: false}]);
options: {
files: {
relativeTo: path.join(__dirname, 'fwebtest')
method: 'GET',
path: '/webtest',
handler: (request, h) => {
return h.file('./webtest/index.html', options [{confine: false}])
method: ['PUT', 'POST'],
path: '/',
handler: async function (request, h) {
let statement = 'update scores set';
var jsonData = request.payload;
if (jsonData.hasOwnProperty('id')) {
var first = true
for (var key of Object.keys(jsonData)) {
if (!first) {
statement = statement + ",";
statement = statement + ' ' + key + ' = ' + jsonData[key];
first = false;
statement = statement + ' where id = 1'
debugPrint(`Doing PUT. Statement = ${statement}`);
try {
const result = await;
return h.response(result.rows[0]);
} catch (err) {
await server.start();
console.log('Server running on %s',;
function buildStatement(element, index, array) {
if (index != 'id') {
statement = statement + index + ' = ' + value + ' ';
return this;
function debugPrint(value){
if (debug == true){
process.on('unhandledRejection', (err) => {
The test dart programme, which works, is as follows:
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
// Address of API for data requests
final _apiAddress = '';
// Global variables
bool _httpAvailable = true; // Has http conect worked? Assume yes.
const bool debug = true; // Global bebug print variable.
void main() async {
// Get the scores from the API
Map scores = await _getScores();
// Function to get the scores using http command
Future<Map> _getScores() async {
debugPrint('Doing GET...');
dynamic response;
Map decodedResponse = {};
try {
dynamic _parsedAddress = Uri.parse(_apiAddress);
response = await http.get(_parsedAddress);
decodedResponse = jsonDecode(response.body) as Map;
} catch (e) {
debugPrint('getScores. Error is $e.');
_httpAvailable = false; // Disable http checks because we had an error
decodedResponse =
{}; // Return an empty map if the internet connection is not available
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
debugPrint('GET successful... code: ' + response.statusCode.toString());
debugPrint(' ');
return decodedResponse;
} else {
throw Exception('Unable to fetch products from the REST API. Error code: ' +
debugPrint(String message) {
if (debug == true) {
The output from this programme is:
D:\Sync\Programming\Flutter\http_get>dart run
Building package executable...
Built http_test:http_test.
Doing GET...
GET successful... code: 200
The POSTMAN results are:
I assume that this is a CORS issue from what I have read about XMLHttpRequest errors, but believe I have disabled CORS in the Hapi interface. The application class, test programme and POSTMAN test all pre-date the Ubuntu VM rebuild so the only thing that has changed is the VM. The Hapi code was backed up so that shouldn't have changed either, although I can't quite remember when I took the last backup.
Does anyone have any ideas about why the test programme and POSTMAN work, but my DataManager class in my application doesn't?
In the routes definition for Hapi, cors needs to be set to true as below.
const server = Hapi.server({
port: xxxx,
host: '',
routes: {
cors: true

the tokenGetter method does not wait for the promise to be completed before attempting to process the token

I am using Jwt tokens for authentication and using a interceptor for adding access token to the requests.I have a getToken() method which is checking for token's validity and calling the service for getting new set of tokens. The method is returning promise but the requests are taking the promise before it gets completed and failing to get the updated token.
Below is my code:
export class TokenService {
refresh = false;
constructor(public injector: Injector) {
public getToken(): string | Promise<string> {
const jwtHelper = new JwtHelperService();
let token = localStorage.getItem('token');
let refreshToken = localStorage.getItem('refreshToken');
if (!token || !refreshToken) {
return null;
if (jwtHelper.isTokenExpired(token)) {
if (jwtHelper.isTokenExpired(refreshToken)) {
return null;
} else {
let tokenPromise;
if (!this.refresh) {
this.refresh = true;
tokenPromise = this.promiseFromObservable(this.getTokenService(localStorage.getItem('refreshToken')));
return tokenPromise;
} else {
return token;
getTokenService(refreshToken: string) {
let http = this.injector.get(HttpClient);
const httpOptions = {
headers: new HttpHeaders({
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + refreshToken
return<Tokens>(location.origin + '/LiveTime/services/v1/auth/tokens?locale=en', null, httpOptions);
promiseFromObservable(o): Promise<string> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => o.subscribe((token: Tokens) => resolve(token.token),reject(), err => { console.log(err); return null; }))
.then((token: Tokens) => {
localStorage.setItem('token', token.token);
localStorage.setItem('refreshToken', token.refreshToken);
this.refresh = false;
return token.token;
err => { console.log(err); return null; }
.catch((error) => { console.log(error);reject();
Can someone tell me what is wrong in this code?

How to create a CDN server in dotnet core using MongoDB GridFS and AngularJs

We want to create a decoupled file server named CDN in .net core using MongoDB GridFS and angular js.
From various sources I tried my best to solve the issue.
And finally we done this.
I used Visual Studio 2017 and .NETCore 1.1
To do so I follow the followings:
1. Write Code in MongoDB GridFS
create an interface like
public interface IGridFsRepository : IDisposable
Task<string> UploadAsync(IFormFile file);
Task<bool> AnyAsync(ObjectId id);
Task<bool> AnyAsync(string fileName);
Task DeleteAsync(string fileName);
Task DeleteAsync(ObjectId id);
Task<GridFSDownloadStream<ObjectId>> DownloadAsync(string fileName);
Task<GridFSDownloadStream<ObjectId>> DownloadAsync(ObjectId id);
object GetAllFilesByContentType(string contentType, int skip, int
object GetAllFiles(int skip, int take);
then create MongoDbCdnContext:
public abstract class MongoDbCdnContext
public IGridFSBucket GridFsBucket {get;}
protected MongoDbCdnContext(string connectionStringName)
var config = new ConfigurationBuilder()
var connectionString =
var connection = new MongoUrl(connectionString);
var settings = MongoClientSettings.FromUrl(connection);
//#if DEBUG
// settings.ClusterConfigurator = builder =>
builder.Subscribe<CommandStartedEvent>(started =>
// {
// Debug.Write(started.Command);
// });
var client = new MongoClient(settings);
var database = client.GetDatabase(connection.DatabaseName);
GridFsBucket = new GridFSBucket(database);
then implement it:
public class GridFsRepository : MongoDbCdnContext,
public GridFsRepository() : base("MongoCdn")
public async Task<string> UploadAsync(IFormFile file)
var options = new GridFSUploadOptions
Metadata = new BsonDocument("contentType", file.ContentType)
using (var reader = new
var stream = reader.BaseStream;
var fileId = await
GridFsBucket.UploadFromStreamAsync(file.FileName, stream,
return fileId.ToString();
public async Task<bool> AnyAsync(ObjectId id)
var filter = Builders<GridFSFileInfo>.Filter.Eq("_id", id);
return await GridFsBucket.Find(filter).AnyAsync();
public Task<bool> AnyAsync(string fileName)
var filter = Builders<GridFSFileInfo>.Filter.Where(x =>
x.Filename == fileName);
return GridFsBucket.Find(filter).AnyAsync();
public async Task DeleteAsync(string fileName)
var fileInfo = await GetFileInfoAsync(fileName);
if (fileInfo != null)
await DeleteAsync(fileInfo.Id);
public async Task DeleteAsync(ObjectId id)
await GridFsBucket.DeleteAsync(id);
private async Task<GridFSFileInfo> GetFileInfoAsync(string fileName)
var filter = Builders<GridFSFileInfo>.Filter.Eq(x => x.Filename,
var fileInfo = await
return fileInfo;
public async Task<GridFSDownloadStream<ObjectId>>
DownloadAsync(ObjectId id)
return await GridFsBucket.OpenDownloadStreamAsync(id);
public async Task<GridFSDownloadStream<ObjectId>>
DownloadAsync(string fileName)
return await
public IEnumerable<GridFSFileInfoDto> GetAllFilesByContentType(string
contentType, int skip, int take)
var filter = Builders<GridFSFileInfo>.Filter
.Eq(info => info.Metadata, new BsonDocument(new
BsonElement("contentType", contentType)));
var options = new GridFSFindOptions
Limit = take,
Skip = skip,
var stream = GridFsBucket.Find(filter, options)
.Select(s => new GridFSFileInfoDto
Id = s.Id,
Filename = s.Filename,
MetaData = s.Metadata,
Length = s.Length + "",
UploadDateTime = s.UploadDateTime,
return stream;
public IEnumerable<GridFSFileInfoDto> GetAllFiles(int skip, int take)
var options = new GridFSFindOptions
Limit = take,
Skip = skip,
var stream = GridFsBucket.Find(new
BsonDocument()), options)
.Select(s => new GridFSFileInfoDto
Id = s.Id,
Filename = s.Filename,
MetaData = s.Metadata,
Length = s.Length + "",
UploadDateTime = s.UploadDateTime,
return stream;
public void Dispose()
then create a controller in .netcore web api
public class FileController : Controller
private readonly IGridFsRepository _gridFsManager;
public FileController(IGridFsRepository gridFsRepository)
_gridFsManager = gridFsRepository;
[HttpGet("{fileName}",Name = "GetByFileName")]
public async Task<IActionResult> GetByFileName(string fileName)
return Ok(await _gridFsManager.DownloadAsync(fileName));
[HttpGet("{id}",Name = "GetById")]
public async Task<IActionResult> GetByFileName(ObjectId id)
return Ok(await _gridFsManager.DownloadAsync(id));
public async Task<IActionResult> Upload([FromForm] IFormFile file)
if (file != null)
if (file.ContentType.Contains("image"))
return BadRequest("Sorry only image jpg/jpeg/png
if (file.Length >= (300 * 1024))
return BadRequest($"Sorry {file.FileName} is exceeds
await _gridFsManager.DeleteAsync(file.FileName);
await _gridFsManager.UploadAsync(file);
return NoContent();
public async Task<IActionResult> Delete(string id)
await _gridFsManager.DeleteAsync(id);
return NoContent();
please do not forget to resolve dependency:
services.AddScoped<IGridFsRepository, GridFsRepository>();
to file from html:
<div class="btn">
<input type="file" data-ng-model=""
id="selectedFile" name="selectedFile">
lets go to UI layer:
first create an angular factory:
(function () {
"use strict";
angular.module("appCdn", [])
.factory('fileUploader', ["$http", function ($http) {
return {
upload: function (url, file, fileMaxSize, fileName, callback) {
if (this.isValidFileSize(fileMaxSize, file)) {
var fd = new FormData(); //Create FormData object
if (fileName)
fd.append("file", file, fileName);
fd.append("file", file);
$, fd, {
transformRequest: angular.identity,
headers: { 'Content-Type': undefined }
}).success(function (data) {
}).error(function (data) {
Materialize.toast("Sorry! error in file upload", 4000, 'red');
} else {
Materialize.toast("Sorry! " + + " exceeds 300kb", 4000, 'red');
isValidFileSize: function (maximumAllowedSize, file) {
if (file.size >= maximumAllowedSize) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
after that create an angular controller:
['$http', 'config', "confirmation", "fileUploader",companyProfile]);
function companyProfile($http, config, confirmation, fileUploader) {
var vm = this; vm.getProfile = function () {
$http.get(config.apiUrl + "companyProfile")
.success(function (response) { = response;
}; = function (profile) {
confirmation.confirm(function () {
$ + "companyProfile", profile)
.success(function (data) {
var fileName = "";
if ( {
fileName =;
} else {
fileName = data;
function () {
Materialize.toast("succeeded", 4000, 'green');
window.location.href = window.history.back();
.error(function (data) {
Materialize.toast(data, 4000, 'red');
vm.upload = function (fileName, callback) {
var photo = document.getElementById("selectedFile");
var file = photo.files[0];
if (file) {fileUploader.upload(config.cdnUrl + "files",
file, 1024 * 300, fileName, callback);
finally to show the image in html:
<div><img src="http://localhost:41792/api/files/{{}}"
class="img-responsive visible-md visible-lg img-margin-desktop"
width="350" height="167" />
finally we done this. this is all.
I always looking forward to receiving criticism.

Angular2 Stripe integration stripeResponseHandler cannot access this

I'm integrating Stripe payments with Angular2 (actually Ionic but the code is the same)
the call to Stripe.card.createToken is successful and returns a token
but in stripeResponseHandler which is an async callback, I cannot access any of the "this" variables. for example I cannot set this.amount = 10 and I cannot call
how can I access the "this" variables ? I'm trying to http post the token and the amount to an API to make the payment
constructor(private _navController: NavController,
private _http: Http) { }
submitPayment() {
this.card = new Card();
this.card.number = this.cardNumber;
this.card.cvc = this.cardCVC;
this.card.exp_month = this.cardExpMonth;
this.card.exp_year = this.cardExpYear;
this.card.address_zip = this.cardAddressZip;
try {
Stripe.card.createToken(this.card, this.stripeResponseHandler);
catch (e) {
// Prevent the form from being submitted:
return false;
stripeResponseHandler(status, response) {
if (response.error) { // Problem!
} else { // Token was created!
// Get the token ID:
try {
this.amount = 10;
let payment = new Payment();
payment.token =;
payment.amount = this.amount;
let body = JSON.stringify(payment);
let headers = new Headers({ 'Content-Type': 'application/json' });
let options = new RequestOptions({ headers: headers });, body, options)
.map(res => res.json())
catch (e) {
handleError(error: Response) {
// may send the error to some remote logging infrastructure
// instead of just logging it to the console
alert('error' + error.text + " " + error.statusText);
return Observable.throw(error.json().error || 'Server error');
If you just pass the function reference, then JavaScript doesn't keep the this reference. You have to take care of this explicitely:
Instead of
Stripe.card.createToken(this.card, this.stripeResponseHandler);
Stripe.card.createToken(this.card, (status, person) => this.stripeResponseHandler(status, person));
See also
Stripe.card.createToken(this.card, this.stripeResponseHandler.bind(this));

Drupal JSON POST from PhoneGap

I am trying to send a POST request to Drupal's Services module & JSON_Server module, however I am getting
{ "#error": true, "#data": "Invalid method " }
Since PhoneGap runs html files from locally on the phone, should i need to worry about JSONP. The issue I have with that is that I must POST data, and JSONP only allows for GET. Any ideas would be helpful. Thanks!
var req;
DrupalService.prototype.request = function(dataObject, callback){
req = false;
var url = DRUPAL_JSON_URL;
var params = "data="+dataObject;
try {
req = new XMLHttpRequest();
} catch(e) {
req = false;
if(req) {
req.onreadystatechange = function() {//Call a function when the state changes.
if(req.readyState == 4 && req.status == 200) {
console.log(">> "+req.responseText);
}"POST", url, false);
So i figured it out, It had to do with conflicting content types
make sure you set it as
Content-Type = application/x-www-form-urlencoded;
var req;
DrupalService.prototype.request = function(dataObject, callback){
var url = DRUPAL_JSON_URL;
req = false;
var params = "method=system.connect";
try {
req = new XMLHttpRequest();
} catch(e) {
req = false;
if(req) {
req.onreadystatechange = function() {//Call a function when the state changes.
if(req.readyState == 4 && req.status == 200) {
alert("test " + req.responseText)
console.log("RESPONSE "+req.responseText);
}"POST", url, true);
req.setRequestHeader("Content-length", params.length);