We would like to update the Huawei developer name [closed] - appgallery-connect

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I want to change my developer name in Huawei App Gallery. Could you please provide me step by step process?

I just found the answer.
If you want to update developer name ,
Please sign in to the HUAWEI Developers console,
Go to Developer center > Settings > My profile, set Developer name, and click Submit. Please refer the below images:
Once applied for the renaming permission, you have to wait for 1 to 2 working days
to complete the review process.
For more information, please refer to instructions in https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/en/doc/nickname-settings.


Is it possible to set a default Outlook profile per machine? [closed]

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Closed 10 months ago.
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Dear people on Stackoverflow,
is it possible to set a default Outlook profile per machine, so for example that it doesn't matter which user logs in at the machine, they can only access one particular mail profile.
Thank you all for helping!
No, Outlook profiles are stored on the per user (HKCU) basis.

Start Verification Button not showing in FB business manager account [closed]

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Closed 8 months ago.
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Do anyone has idea Start Verification button not showing in my FB business manager account ?
What sort of things required to show this button?
How it will show in my account ??
I was following this blog https://www.businesschat.io/post/6-simple-steps-to-get-your-business-verified-on-facebook
You have to create Simple App to enable the start verification process.
Under Accounts, you can see Apps menu. In that apps home page, you need to create simple app id using Add menu button. Once you create this app then automatically Verification button will be enabled.

How to leave a team on itunes connect? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'm in multiple teams in iTunes Connect and want to leave one of these teams. I can't connect with the administrator of that team. How to do that?
P.S. This answer is for Developer site only.
Click on "Edit Profile" on the top right of App Store Connect while you are on the team you want to leave. Scroll down to the bottom and select "Leave Team".

How do I change company website URL is app store app page? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I want to change the website URL for a very old app that I published to IPhone app store. How do I change that URL? I do not want to change the Support URL.
Login to iTunes Connect, choose your app and the current version. There you will find both the Support URL and the Marketing URL. I assume you're referring to the Marketing URL as "Company Website URL". You can change them at any time.

Submitting an app to AppStore [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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In App Store Review Guidelines there is one thing:
Apps should have all included URLs fully functional when you submit it for review, such as support and privacy policy URLs
But what should I do, if I don't have any website which provides following information - support link and privacy policy?
The sentence to me reads like Apps should have all, if any included URLs fully functional (...). It does not sound like such URLs are required for the app to be accepted.