Returning parsed JSON data using Alamofire? - swift

Hello new to Swift and Alamofire,
The issue i'm having is when I call this fetchAllUsers() the code will return the empty users array and after it's done executing it will go inside the AF.request closure and execute the rest.
I've done some research and I was wondering is this is caused by Alamofire being an Async function.
Any suggestions?
func fetchAllUsers() -> [User] {
var users = [User]()
let allUsersUrl = baseUrl + "users/"
if let url = URL(string: allUsersUrl) {
AF.request(url).response { response in
if let data = {
users = self.parse(json: data)
return users

You need to handle the asynchrony in some way. This this means passing a completion handler for the types you need. Other times it means you wrap it in other async structures, like promises or a publisher (which Alamofire also provides).
In you case, I'd suggest making your User type Decodable and allow Alamofire to do the decoding for you.
func fetchAllUsers(completionHandler: #escaping ([User]) -> Void) {
let allUsersUrl = baseUrl + "users/"
if let url = URL(string: allUsersUrl) {
AF.request(url).responseDecodable(of: [User].self) { response in
if let users = response.value {
However, I would suggest returning the full Result from the response rather than just the [User] value, otherwise you'll miss any errors that occur.


Accessing Google API data from within 3 async callbacks and a function in SwiftUI

I know this question is asked a lot, but I can't figure out how to apply any answers to my program. Sorry in advance this async stuff makes absolutely zero sense to me.
Basically, I have a button in SwiftUI that, when pressed, calls a function that makes two API calls to Google Sheets using Alamofire and GoogleSignIn.
Button("Search") {
if fullName != "" {
print(SheetsAPI.nameSearch(name: fullName, user: vm.getUser()) ?? "Error")
This function should return the values of some cells on success or nil on an error. However, it only ever prints out "Error". Here is the function code.
static func nameSearch<S: StringProtocol>(name: S, advisory: S = "", user: GIDGoogleUser?) -> [String]? {
let name = String(name)
let advisory = String(advisory)
let writeRange = "'App Control'!A2:C2"
let readRange = "'App Control'!A4:V4"
// This function can only ever run when user is logged in, ! should be fine?
let user = user!
let parameters: [String: Any] = [
"range": writeRange,
"values": [
// What I want to be returned
var data: [String]?
// Google Identity said use this wrapper so that the OAuth tokens refresh { authentication, error in
guard error == nil else { return }
guard let authentication = authentication else { return }
// Get the access token to attach it to a REST or gRPC request.
let token = authentication.accessToken
let headers: HTTPHeaders = ["Authorization": "Bearer \(token)"]
AF.request("url", method: .put, parameters: parameters, encoding: JSONEncoding.default, headers: headers).responseString { response in
switch response.result {
case .success:
// I assume there is a better way to make two API calls...
AF.request("anotherURL", headers: headers).responseDecodable(of: NameResponseModel.self) { response2 in
switch response2.result {
case .success:
guard let responseData = response2.value else { return }
data = responseData.values[0]
// print(responseData.values[0]) works fine
case .failure:
print(response2.error ?? "Unknown error.")
data = nil
case .failure:
print(response.error ?? "Unknown error.")
data = nil
// Always returns nil, "Unknown error." never printed
return data
The model struct for my second AF request:
struct NameResponseModel: Decodable { let values: [[String]] }
An example API response for the second AF request:
"range": "'App Control'!A4:V4",
"majorDimension": "ROWS",
"values": [
"Bob Jones",
"Cathy Jones",
"1234 N. Street St. City, State 12345"
I saw stuff about your own callback function as a function parameter (or something along those lines) to handle this, but I was completely lost. I also looked at Swift async/await, but I don't know how that works with callback functions. Xcode had the option to refactor { authentication, error in to let authentication = try await, but it threw a missing parameter error (the closure it previously had).
EDIT: also returns void--another reason the refactor didn't work (I think).
There is probably a much more elegant way to do all of this so excuse the possibly atrocious way I did it.
Here is the link to Google Identity Wrapper info.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Solved my own problem.
It appears (according to Apple's async/await intro video) that when you have an unsupported callback that you need to run asynchronously, you wrap it in something called a Continuation, which allows you to manually resume the function on the thread, whether throwing or returning.
So using that code allows you to run the Google Identity token refresh with async/await.
private static func auth(_ user: GIDGoogleUser) async throws -> GIDAuthentication? {
typealias AuthContinuation = CheckedContinuation<GIDAuthentication?, Error>
return try await withCheckedThrowingContinuation { (continuation: AuthContinuation) in { authentication, error in
if let error = error {
continuation.resume(throwing: error)
} else {
continuation.resume(returning: authentication)
static func search(user: GIDGoogleUser) async throws {
// some code
guard let authentication = try await auth(user) else { ... }
// some code
I then ran that before using Alamofire's built-in async/await functionality for each request (here's one).
let dataTask = AF.request(...).serializingDecodable(NameResponseModel.self)
let response = try await dataTask.value
return response.values[0]

swift function doesnt return a value [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Returning data from async call in Swift function
(13 answers)
Closed last year.
I'm new at Swift and that's why i need your help. So I have a function which should send request and return a value
func getAnswer() -> String? {
var answer: String?
guard let url = URL(string: "") else { return nil }
URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url) { data, response, error in
guard let data = data, error == nil else {
guard let response = response as? HTTPURLResponse else { return }
guard response.statusCode == 200 else { return }
do {
let model = try JSONDecoder().decode(Answer.self, from: data)
DispatchQueue.main.async {
answer = model.magic.answer
} catch let error {
return answer
but it always returns nil.
I suppose problem is here
DispatchQueue.main.async {
answer = model.magic.answer
How can I fix it?
In order to know what is happening here, you need to learn about #escaping functions in swift, here is some link1 together with taking function as another functions parameter link2 written in part "Function Types as Parameter Types" , closures in Swift link3 and
Here is what is happening simplified and explained step by step :
you call getAnswer()
variable answer gets initialized with value nil by declaring answer: String?
URLSession.shared.dataTask is called and it is taking as an argument another function - closure (Data?, URLResponse?, Error?) -> Void . Also URLSession.shared.dataTask is executed on different thread and is not returning yet, but will return right after it receives response from server, which can take any time (but usually milliseconds) and will basically happen after your getAnswer() function is returning value.
your getAnswer() immediately returns value of answer which is currently nil
if you get any data from server, or server could not be reached, your URLSession.shared.dataTask function executes your code in closure. This is the code it will execute:
guard let data = data, error == nil else {
guard let response = response as? HTTPURLResponse else { return }
guard response.statusCode == 200 else { return }
do {
let model = try JSONDecoder().decode(Answer.self, from: data)
DispatchQueue.main.async {
answer = model.magic.answer
} catch let error {
Your problem lies in how swift executes closures. When you call
URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url) {
// Closure code here
return answer
Your "Closure code here" doesn't get called until the endpoint "" actually gives a response. However, you've promised swift that your function will return an optional string immediately after the serial code of your function has completed. For this reason, by the time your "Closure code here" has run, and your "answer" variable has been updated with the correct value, your function is long gone, and has already returned a value (which in this case is whatever you've set it to at the beginning - nil).
You can fix this issue in one of two ways.
Swift's new concurrency system
By defining your own closure.
Swift's new concurrency system
You can define your function as async, meaning that the function won't have to return a value in serial, as follows.
enum GetAnswerError: Error {
case invalidURL
func getAnswer() async throws -> String {
var answer: String?
guard let url = URL(string: "") else {
throw GetAnswerError.invalidURL
// Your function will suspend here and probably be moved to a different thread. It will resume once a response has been received from the endpoint.
let (data, _) = try await URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url)
let parsedData = try JSONDecoder().decode(Answer.self, from: data)
return parsedData.magic.answer
When you call this function, you'll have to do so from an environment which swift can suspend. This means you'll call the function from either another async function like so
func anotherFunction() async throws -> Bool {
let answer = try await getAnswer()
// Run some code here
return answer == "YES" // Return some useful value
or from a Task object like so
Task {
// Note that because the function getAnswer() can throw errors, you'll have to handle them when you call the function. In this case, I'm handling them by using try?, which will simply set answer to nil if an error is thrown.
let answer = try? await getAnswer()
Note that when you call code in a task, you must be using the return value's from within the scope of the task. If you try to do something like this
func getAnswerTheSecond() -> String? {
var answer: String? = nil
Task {
let receivedAnswer = try? await getAnswer()
answer = receivedAnswer
return answer
You'll just end up back where you started, where swift immediately returns the nil value because your code is ran in serial. To fix this, run the relevant code on the "answer" from wherever it is needed within the task. If you are using the "answer" to update a SwiftUI view that might look like this.
struct ContentView: View {
#State var answer: String = ""
// This is the function that I've written earlier
func getAnswer() async throws -> String {
// Make URL Request
// Return the value
var body: some View {
let result = try? await self.getAnswer()
self.answer = result
Defining your own closure
You can define your own closure to handle the URL response; however, because of swift's new concurrency framework, this is probably not the right way to go.
If you'd like to go this way, do a google search for "Swift closures", and you'll find what you need.

Removing Swift RxAlamofire dependency

I'm trying to remove my dependency on RxAlamofire.
I currently have this function:
func requestData(_ urlRequest: URLRequestConvertible) -> Observable<(HTTPURLResponse, Data)> {
How can I refactor this and use Alamofire directly to build and return an RxSwift Observable?
I suggest you look at the way the library wraps URLRequest to get an idea on how to do it...
Below is an abbreviated example from the library. In essence, you need to use Observable.create, make the network call passing in a closure that knows how to use the observer that create gives you.
Make sure you send a completed when done and make sure the disposable knows how to cancel the request.
Your Base will be something in Alamofire (I don't use Alamofire so I'm not sure what that might be.)
extension Reactive where Base: URLSession {
Observable sequence of responses for URL request.
Performing of request starts after observer is subscribed and not after invoking this method.
**URL requests will be performed per subscribed observer.**
Any error during fetching of the response will cause observed sequence to terminate with error.
- parameter request: URL request.
- returns: Observable sequence of URL responses.
public func response(request: URLRequest) -> Observable<(response: HTTPURLResponse, data: Data)> {
return Observable.create { observer in
let task = self.base.dataTask(with: request) { data, response, error in
guard let response = response, let data = data else {
observer.on(.error(error ?? RxCocoaURLError.unknown))
guard let httpResponse = response as? HTTPURLResponse else {
observer.on(.error(RxCocoaURLError.nonHTTPResponse(response: response)))
observer.on(.next((httpResponse, data)))
return Disposables.create(with: task.cancel)

Can't get data returned from dataTask()

For one week I have been trying to get a string returned from dataTask().
I already read a lot here on StackOverFlow and also from serval sites where they tackle this topic. For example, this one. So I already understand that it's that the dataTask doesn't directly return values, cause it happens on different threads and so on. I also read about closures and completion handlers. I really got the feeling that I actually already got a little clue what this is about. But I can't get it to work.
So this is my code. I just post the whole code so no-one needs to worry that the problem sticks in a part which I don't show. Everything is working fine until I try to return a value and save it for example in a variable:
func requestOGD(code gtin: String, completion: #escaping (_ result: String) -> String) {
// MARK: Properties
var answerList: [String.SubSequence] = []
var answerDic: [String:String] = [:]
var product_name = String()
var producer = String()
// Set up the URL request
let ogdAPI = String("\(gtin)&cmd=query&queryid=400000000")
guard let url = URL(string: ogdAPI) else {
print("Error: cannot create URL")
let urlRequest = URLRequest(url: url)
// set up the session
let config = URLSessionConfiguration.default
let session = URLSession(configuration: config)
// make the request
let task = session.dataTask(with: urlRequest) {
(data, response, error) in
// check for any errors
guard error == nil else {
print("error calling GET on /todos/1")
// make sure we got data
guard let responseData = data else {
print("Error: did not receive data")
// parse the result, which is String. It willbecome split and placed in a dictionary
do {
let answer = (String(decoding: responseData, as: UTF8.self))
answerList = answer.split(separator: "\n")
for entry in answerList {
let entry1 = entry.split(separator: "=")
if entry1.count > 1 {
let foo = String(entry1[0])
let bar = String(entry1[1])
answerDic[foo] = "\(bar)"
if answerDic["error"] == "0" {
product_name = answerDic["detailname"]!
producer = answerDic["vendor"]!
} else {
print("Error-Code der Seite lautet: \(String(describing: answerDic["error"]))")
Here I call my function, and no worries, I also tried to directly return it to the var foo, also doesn't work The value only exists within the closure:
// Configure the cell...
var foo:String = ""
requestOGD(code: listOfCodes[indexPath.row]) { (result: String) in
foo = result
return result
print("Foo:", foo)
cell.textLabel?.text = self.listOfCodes[indexPath.row] + ""
return cell
So my problem is, I have the feeling, that I'm not able to get a value out of a http-request.
You used a completion handler in your call to requestOGD:
requestOGD(code: listOfCodes[indexPath.row]) {
(result: String) in
// result comes back here
But then you tried to capture and return that result:
foo = result
return result
So you're making the same mistake here that you tried to avoid making by having the completion handler in the first place. The call to that completion handler is itself asynchronous. So you face the same issue again. If you want to extract result at this point, you would need another completion handler.
To put it in simple terms, this is the order of operations:
requestOGD(code: listOfCodes[indexPath.row]) {
(result: String) in
foo = result // 2
print("Foo:", foo) // 1
You are printing foo before the asynchronous code runs and has a chance to set foo in the first place.
In the larger context: You cannot use any asynchronously gathered material in cellForRowAt. The cell is returned before the information is gathered. That's what asynchronous means. You can't work around that by piling on further levels of asynchronicity. You have to change your entire strategy.

How i can return value from function use Alamofire

How i can return value from function used Alamofire . i try to print outside .responseJSON the value in ArrData is not set but i try print inside it work
this code:
func getDept()->NSMutableArray
var ArrData:NSMutableArray = []
let url = ""
Alamofire.request(.GET, url).responseJSON { response in
let json = JSON(response.result.value!)
let count = json.count
for var index = 0; index < count;index++
return ArrData
it i good idea to check at least of the framework which you are going to use in your code
Networking in Alamofire is done asynchronously. Asynchronous
programming may be a source of frustration to programmers unfamiliar
with the concept, but there are very good reasons for doing it this
Rather than blocking execution to wait for a response from the server,
a callback is specified to handle the response once it's received. The
result of a request is only available inside the scope of a response
handler. Any execution contingent on the response or data received
from the server must be done within a handler.
Try to use a handler like this and a callback:
func getopt(callback:(array: [String]) -> void ){
func completion(request: NSURLRequest?, response:NSHTTPURLResponse?,result:Result<AnyObject>){
if let rdata = result.value{
let data = JSON(rdata)
let myArray = [String]
let objects = data.array
for object in objects{
let url = ""
encoding: .JSON).responseJSON(completionHandler: completion)
You pass the array to your callback So when you call getopt where you call it you can print the array. Some like this:
func something (){
func callback(array:[String]){
print array[0]