Flutter : Container on Container - flutter

I try to make a container who is on another container in the border like that:
I want do that without TextField. For the moment I have just
To be more clear it's like a textfield without a textfield.

You can use Stack and Positioned for this custom.😀


Flutter - create a Container under a Row of container

I have a Wrap with different containers inside with a GestureDetector and a text as child (each container has a different text inside than the others),
I would like onTap for each container to create a Container at the bottom of the screen with the same text as the Container inside.
Can anyone explain to me how I could do it?
Hope someone can help me.
Thank you :)
The widget that has all these can have an onTextChanged function that does setState to save the text to a variable, which is used in the build function to put that text at the bottom of the screen. Then you can call that onTextChanged from each GestureDetector to put its own text on the bottom.
You can improve it a bit by creating a widget for those Containers and pass that onTextChanged function to that widget.

Create a custom button in Flutter

I would like to make a custom checkbox button with rounded corners.
Because I wasn't able to do it with a CheckBox widget, I simply created a container with rounded corners (and some styling depending on whether the "value" is true) and wrapped it in InkWell.
The problem is that the checkbox (container) is quite small and you have to tap precisely on the Container. When you use CheckBox or any other button, there is some tolerance (meaning that you can click slightly off the button). How can I achieve this with InkWell?
The only idea I have is to wrap the Container in Padding first:
Is this the only solution, or is there another way of making a "button" with InkWell, where the onTap function will execute even if you don't touch the button precisely?

Snapping effect / Focus on a Container for a ListView.builder scrolling vertically

I currently have a ListView.builder of containers that expand once I tap it. However, I'd like the containers to center in on the expanded container that was tapped.
List of items mockup
Expanded Container mockup
Currently, if I tap on No.2 from the Expanded Container mockup picture, the container will expand but it won't snap/focus on that container. I'd like to find a way to make this possible.
Thank you in advance!

How to fix overflow error on ListView inside Responsive Container

I am trying to use ListView inside a package called Responsive Container and whenever I use it a White Screen came along and covers all the contain
Try to set ListView shrinkWrap property to true

Auto Scrolling in LWUIT Container

I have a not scrollable Form with a BorderLayout. In the CENTER of this BorderLayout, I have made a scrollable Container with BoxLayoutY. Inside this Container are appearing more Container. When there are a lot of Containers the CENTER Container is scrollable, but the last element is nos visible, I have to go down with the focus to see the last Container. What I want to do is:
When a new Container appears in the CENTER Container , this Container must scroll down, revealing the last Container added...is like an auto-scrolling.
Any help?
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