Groovy: Multiple assignments not allowed in fields - class

When I tried to declare my variables using multiple assignment, it came up with the error
Multiple assignments not allowed in fields
class Ana {
def tmp = []
String subject
def (ini, sorted, full) = ['','',[:]]
Ana(subject) {
this.subject = subject
However, it shows no error when I declare them one by one.
Wondering why this is the case
screen shot


Rescript Record: Key as Array

In Rescript, one can define a Record in this format:
type record1 = {
a : String
but NOT:
type record2 = {
[a] : String
I am looking to write a record that compiles to JS like:
[Op.or]: [12,13]
The use case above comes from Sequelize, and the reference is here.
My current solution:
It's not entirely clear how you intend to interface with the Op construct, whether you can bind to it or not, but here's an example that does, and along with Js.Dict.t effectively produces the same output:
module Op = {
#val external or: string = "Op.or"
(Op.or, [12, 23])
It does not directly compile to the JS you want, however, which might be a problem if you rely on something that actually parses the source code. But short of that, I believe this should do what you ask for.

How is new object instantiation handled in case of Datasets?

I have to following scenario
case class A(name:String)
class Eq { def isMe(s:String) = s == "ME" }
val a = List(A("ME")).toDS
a.filter(l => new Eq().isMe(
Does this create a new object Eq every time for each data point on each executor ?
Nice one! I didn't know there is a different filter method for a typed dataset.
In order to answer your question, I will do some deep dive into Spark internals.
filter on a typed Dtaset has the following signature:
def filter(func: T => Boolean): Dataset[T]
Note that func is parameterized with T, hence Spark needs to deserialize both your object A along with the function.
TypedFilter Main$$$Lambda$, class A, [StructField(name,StringType,true)], newInstance(class A)
where Main$$$Lambda$ is a randomly generated function name
During optimization phase it might be eliminated by the EliminateSerialization rule if the following condition is met: can be optimized by this rule to save extra deserialization, but[AnotherType].filter(...) can not be optimized.
If the rule is applicable TypedFilter is replaced by Filter.
The catch here is a Filter's condition. In fact, it is another special expression named Invoke where:
targetObject is the filter function Main$$$Lambda$
functionName is apply since it is a regular Scala function.
Spark eventually runs in one of these two modes - generate code or interpreter. Let's concentrate on the first one as it is the default.
Here is a simplified stack trace of the methods invocation that will generate the code
-> WholeStageCodegenExec.execute
[child: Filter]
-> child.execute
[condition Invoke]
-> Invoke.genCode
-> doGenCode
Simplified code after generation phase:
final class GeneratedIteratorForCodegenStage1 extends BufferedRowIterator {
private Object[] references;
private scala.collection.Iterator input;
private UnsafeRowWriter writer = new UnsafeRowWriter();
public GeneratedIteratorForCodegenStage1(Object[] references) {
this.references = references;
public void init(Iterator inputs) {
this.inputs = inputs;
protected void processNext() throws IOException {
while (input.hasNext() && !stopEarly()) {
InternalRow row =;
do {
//Create A object
UTF8String value = row.getUTF8String(0));
A a = new A(value.toString)
//Filter by A's value
result = (scala.Function1) references[0].apply(a);
if (!result) continue;
writer.write(0, value)
if (shouldStop()) return;
We can see that projection is constructed with an array of objects passed in references variable. But where and how many times the references variable is instantiated?
It is created during WholeStageCodegenExec and instantiated only once per partition.
And this leads us to the answer that, however, filter function will be created only once per partition and not per data point, the Eq and A classes will be created per data point.
If you are curious about where it has been added to the code context:
It happens here
where javaType is scala.function1 .
and value is the implementation - Main$$$Lambda$

How to initialize an array of classes in kotlin?

I get an error when I put the type and size of an array of classes
I have tried:
fun main(args :Array<String>) {
class modul() {
var nommodul: String? = null
var coeff: Int? = null
var note: Int? = null
var releve
class notes() {
var releve: array<modul>(10){""} here the erreur
First of all, your code has several errors. This might be an MCVE and/or copy-paste issue, but I need to address these before I get started on the arrays.
var releve before the notes class isn't allowed. You don't assign it, you don't declare a type, and the compiler will complain if you copy-paste the code from your question.
Second, the array var itself: Array is upper-case, and initialization is separate. This would be more valid (note that this still does not work - the solution for that comes later in this answer):
var releve: Array<modul> = Array(10) {...}
// or
var releve = Array<modul>(10) {...}
And the last thing before I start on the array itself: please read the language conventions, especially the naming ones. Your classes should all start with an upper-case letter.
Kotlin arrays are quite different from Java arrays in many ways, but the most notable one being that direct array initialization also requires an initializer.
The brackets are expected to create a new instance, which you don't. You create a String, which isn't, in your case, a modul.
There are several ways to fix this depending on how you want to do this.
If you have instances you want to add to the array, you can use arrayOf:
arrayOf(modulInstance, modulInstance2, ...)
If you want to create them directly, you can use your approach:
var releve = Array(10) { modul() }
A note about both of these: because of the initialization, you get automatic type inference and don't need to explicitly declare <modul>
If you want Java-style arrays, you need an array of nulls.
There's two ways to do this:
var releve = arrayOfNulls<modul>(10)
// or
var releve = Array<modul?>(10) { null }
I highly recommend the first one, because it's cleaner. I'm not sure if there's a difference performance-wise though.
Note that this does infer a nullable type to the array, but it lets you work with arrays in a similar way to Java. Initialization from this point is just like Java: releve[i] = modul(). This approach is mostly useful if you have arguments you want to add to each of the classes and you need to do so manually. Using the manual initializers also provides you with an index (see the documentation) which you can use while initializing.
Note that if you're using a for loop to initialize, you can use Array(10) { YourClass() } as well, and use the supplied index if you need any index-sensitive information, such as function arguments. There's of course nothing wrong with using a for loop, but it can be cleaner.
Further reading
here some example of kotlin array initialization:
array of Library Method
val strings = arrayOf("January", "February", "March")
Primitive Arrays
val numbers: IntArray = intArrayOf(10, 20, 30, 40, 50)
Late Initialization with Indices
val array = arrayOfNulls<Number>(5)
for (i in array.indices) {
array[i] = i * i
See Kotlin - Basic Types for details

Unable to print the values of an instance of my model

I know this is a very fundamental question but answer to this will solve many of my doubts.
val new_parent = ParentDetails(intent.extras.getString("name"),
The code above doesn't print the various fields and their values present in the class.
The ParentDetails is a model I have created with some fields that are initialized. The ParentDetails model:
class ParentDetails {
var parent_id: Int = 0
var parent_name: String = ""
var parent_email: String = ""
var parent_relation: String = ""
var parent_location: String=""
constructor(parent_name: String, parent_email: String, parent_relation: String,parent_location:String) {
this.parent_name = parent_name
this.parent_email = parent_email
this.parent_relation = parent_relation
this.parent_location = parent_location
public fun getparentId(): Int {
return parent_id
fun ParentDetailsprintme() {
In fact, it prints null and accessing individual fields, it prints empty string(the way it was initialized).
How do we explain this?
As I understand your problem is that calling println(new_parent.tostring()) does not print what you would like to print in function ParentDetailsprintme.
First of all, you have a typo, the correct call would be new_parent.toString().
Note that it could have been simplified as println(new_parent).
It does not print that you defined in the ParentDetailsprintme method, as the method is not called.
What println(new_parent.toString()) prints, is actually the hashcode of the object, as this is the default behaviour of every object.
To make it work call it like println(new_parent.ParentDetailsprintme()) or override the toString() method for example as:
override fun toString() = "$parent_name $parent_email $parent_relation $parent_location"
then the following
val new_parent = ParentDetails("myName", "myEmail", "myParent_relation", "myLocationdata")
should print
myName myEmail myParent_relation myLocationdata
Kotlin's println function simply calls System.out.println(message) under the hood which will call String.valueOf() (e.g. String.valueOf(Object object) for objects, which will call the toString() method of the passed object).
/** Prints the given message and newline to the standard output stream. */
public inline fun println(message: CharArray) {
Update ("Using data class method also works"):
If you make the class to be a data class:
data class ParentDetails(
val parent_id: Int = 0,
val parent_name: String = "",
val parent_email: String = "",
val parent_relation: String = "",
val parent_location: String = ""
and then you execute
val new_parent = ParentDetails(0, "myName", "myEmail", "myParent_relation", "myLocationdata")
you will receive as result
ParentDetails(parent_id=0, parent_name=myName, parent_email=myEmail, parent_relation=myParent_relation, parent_location=myLocationdata)
This is because data classes override the toString() function:
The compiler automatically derives the following members from all
properties declared in the primary constructor:
equals()/hashCode() pair;
toString() of the form "User(name=John, age=42)";
Did you check that you receive valid data from your intent.extras?
Also I suggest you use data class for your models.
It will look something like this:
data class ParentDetails(
var parent_id: Int = 0,
var parent_name: String = "",
var parent_email: String = "",
var parent_relation: String = "",
var parent_location: String = ""
You will be able to use it like this :
val new_parent = ParentDetails(
parent_name = intent.extras.getString("name"),
parent_email = intent.extras.getString("email"),
parent_relation = intent.extras.getString("parent_relation"),
parent_location = intent.extras.getString("locationdata")
As already mentioned, you have a typo. toString returns the hashcode of an object unless it's overridden to return something else. Look up the original implementation for more details.
By overriding the toString method, you change what it returns, and through that, what is printed when you print(someClass). DVarga showed that in their answer.
Data classes auto-generate a toString method containing the content of the class. So creating a data class is a shortcut to getting output containing the data.
The reason the method you had didn't work is because you didn't call it. if you call it instead of toString, you would get the data printed.
Also, toString is explicitly called when you print a class. You don't need to call print(someInstance.toString()), print(someInstance) is enough.
And while I'm writing an answer, you don't need to use secondary constructors in Kotlin. Primary constructors would shorten your code significantly, whether it's a data class or not. Also, you should look into naming conventions.

scala reassignment to val in Option Class

My code looks like:
case class SRecord(trialId: String, private var _max:Int) {
def max=_max
def max_=(value:Int):Unit=_max=value
Then later on I apply a function onto it:
def groupSummaryRecords(it:Iterator[Option[SRecord]], optionSummary:Option[SRecord]):Option[SRecord] = {
var max=0;
var sRecord1 : Option[SRecord] = None
var i=0
while(it.hasNext) {
var sRecord:Option[SRecord] =;
if(i==0) {
sRecord1 = sRecord;
sRecord1.max=max; // getting 'reassignment to val' compilation error
Why am i getting this compilation error, and how to fix it ?
If I instead change sRecord and sRecord1 instances to be of type SRecord instead of Option[SRecord] as well as the method signature, it all works fine however.
But in some cases I may have a null SRecord hence the use of None/Some. I am new to Scala, using Option/Some all over feels like a real pain if you ask me, i am just thinking of removing all this Option nonsense and testing for 'null' in good ol' Java, at least my code would work ??!
With the line sRecord1.max=max you are trying to call the max method on an Option[SRecord], not an SRecord. You want to access the contained SRecord (if any) and call the method on that, which can be done using foreach:
which is desugared to:
sRecord1.foreach( srec => srec.max=max )
(the actual name "srec" is made up, the compiler will assign some internal name, but you get the idea). If sRecord1 is None, this won't do anything, but if it is Some(srec), the method execution will be passed in to operate on the contained instance.