Strapi : populate result from a relation collection - mongodb

I'm using strapi 3.4.4 with mongodb.
I've got a location collection with a reservation linked collection (a location can have many reservations).
Location Model
text field : title of the location
Reservations Model
linked collection : has one author
My goal is to populate the author name when I made a get request to /location
But right now, my request is :
"reservations": [
"_id": "60be41626a15ab675c91f417",
"author": "60be3d40ea289028ccbd4d5a",
"id": "60be41626a15ab675c91f417"
"_id": "60be40a26a15ab675c91f414",
"title": "New York Plaza",
As you can see, the author is an id, so I try to edit location/controllers/location.js to
const { sanitizeEntity } = require('strapi-utils');
module.exports = {
* Retrieve records.
* #return {Array}
async find(ctx) {
let entities;
if (ctx.query._q) {
entities = await;
} else {
entities = await, ['reservations', '']);
return => sanitizeEntity(entity, { model: strapi.models.location }));
I followed this guide :

After further research, it seems that the syntax ['reservations', ''] doesn't work to populate with mongodb.
await, {path:'reservations', populate:{path:'author'}});

You need to provide the API key you're using "Full access" for what ever reason, "Read only" won't return relations.
On top of that you will still need to use the query parameter populate.


how to query for key exists in object field in firestore document (firebase web sdk)

I have subjects collection. In this collection every document has tutors field that is object where key is id of tutors( from tutors collection)
tutors: {
"tutor_id_1": {
"name": "jonas",
"email": ""
"name": "stephen",
"email": ""
"name": "maria",
So how to query subjects where tutors field contain tutor id equal to "tutor_id_1" ?
I found one way
if I have two variables in client side
const tutorToFindId = "xxx"
const tutorToFindEmail = "YYY"
collection(db, 'subjects'),
where(`tutors.${tutorToFindId}.email`, '==', `${tutorToFindEmail}`)
Is there any other way ??
As I understand, "tutor_id_1" is being used as a unique id. Considering that, you may structure your data model with "tutors" as a subcollection instead of a field and you will be able to get the content of that specific document as follows:
const docRef = db.collection('subjects').doc('subjectX').collection('tutors').doc(tutorToFindId);
const tutor = await docRef.get();
if (!tutor.exists) {
console.log('No such document!');
} else {
console.log('Document data:',;
db.getBy({ where: { [`tutors.${tutorToFindId}.email`]: tutorToFindEmail } });
Take a look at the getBy function in
Disclaimer: I am the creator of this library. It helps to manipulate objects in Firebase Firestore (and adds Cache)

how can I set the value of objectId to another property different that _id when creating a document?

I'm trying to create an object that looks like this:
const userSettingsSchema = extendSchema(HistorySchema, {
user: //ObjectId here,
key:{type: String},
value:{type: String}
this is the post method declared in the router
and this is the method "create":
async create(request, response) {
try {
const param = request.params.key;
const body = request.body;
console.log('body', body)
switch (param) {
case 'theme':
var userSettings = await UserSettings.create(body) // user:objecId -> missing...
} catch (e) {
return response.status(400).send({ msg: e.message });
I don't know how to assign the value of ObjectId to the user property, because ObjectId is generate when the doc is created, thus, I can not do this: userSettings.user = userSettings._id, because the objectr is already. I only manage to get something like this created:
"_id": "60c77565f1ac494e445cccfe",
"key": "theme",
"value": "dark",
But it should be:
"user": "60c77565f1ac494e445cccfe",
"key": "theme",
"value": "dark",
_id is the only mandatory property of a document. It is unique identifier of the document and you cannot remove it.
If you provide document without _id the driver will generate one.
You can generate ObjectId as
let id = mongoose.Types.ObjectId();
and assign it to as many properties as you want.
You can even generate multiple different ObjectIds for different properties of the same document.
Now, you don't really need to assign ObjectId to "user" property. _id will do just fine. In fact it is most likely you don't need user's settings in separate collection and especially as multiple documents with single key-value pair.
You should be good by embedding "settings" property to your "user" collection as a key-value json.

Mongoose - can't insert subDocuments of a Dictionary Type

I have a Mongoose schema for the document Company, that has several fields. One of these (documents_banks) is a "free" field, of dictionary type, because I don't know the names of the keys in advance.
The problem is that, when I save the document ( even if the resulting saved document has the new sub_docs, in the DB no new sub_docs are actually saved.
var Company = new Schema({
banks: [{ type: String }], // array of Strings
documents_banks: {} // free field
Even if documents_banks is not restricted by the Schema, it will have this structure (in my mind):
"bank_id1": {
"doc_type1": {
"url": { "type": "String" },
"custom_name": { "type": "String" }
"doc_type2": {
"url": { "type": "String" },
"custom_name": { "type": "String" }
"bank_id2": {
"doc_type1": {
"url": { "type": "String" },
"custom_name": { "type": "String" }
But I don't know in advance names of keys bank_id neither doc_type, so I used the Dictionary type (documents_banks:{}).
Now, this below is the function I use to save new sub_docs in documents_banks. The same logic I always use to save new sub_docs.. Anyway this time, it seems saved, but it's not.
function addBankDocument(company_id, bank_id, doc_type, url, custom_name) {
// retrieve the company document
.then(function(company) {
// create empty sub_docs if needed
if (!company.documents_banks) {
company.documents_banks = {};
if (!company.documents_banks[bank_id]) {
company.documents_banks[bank_id] = {};
// add the new sub_doc
company.documents_bank[bank_id][doc_type] = {
"url": url,
"custom_name": custom_name
.then(function(saved_company) {
// I try to check if the new obj has been saved
// and it actually prints the new obj!!
The saved_company returned by the .save() actually has the new sub_docs, but if I check the DB there is not the new sub_doc! I can save just the first one, all the others are not stored.
So, the console.log() always print the new sub_docs, but actually in the DataBase, just the first sub_doc is saved, not the others. So at the end, saved_company always has 1 sub_doc, the first one.
It seems very strange to me, since saved_company has the new sub_docs. What can be happened?
This below is a real extract from by DB, and it will contains forever just the sub_doc "doc_bank#1573807781414", others will be not present in the DB.
"_id": "5c6eaf8efdc21500146e289c", // company_id
"banks": [ "MPS" ],
"documents_banks": {
"5c5ac3e025acd98596021a9a": // bank_id
"doc_bank#1573807781414": // doc_type
"url": "http://...",
"custom_name": "file1"
$ npm -v
$ npm show mongoose version
$ node -v
It seems that, since mongoose doesn't know the exact model of the subdoc, it can't know when it changes. So I have to use markModified to notify changes of the "free field" (also known as dictionary or MixedType) with this:
company_doc.documents_banks["bank_id2"]["doc_type3"] = obj; // modify
company_doc.markModified('documents_banks'); // <--- notify changes; // save changes
As I understood, markModified force the model to 'update' that field during the save().

changed object structure from item with object to array of objects in MongoDB shows error "An error occurred while deserializing"

I have changed the object structure from
in API we get list of these objects based on ecosystemid or student access item "X", name or any field..calling like this in API
var acc = await _eco.FindByUser();
var query = await _db.CourseDocuments.FindAsync(w => w.EcosystemId == acc.Identifier);
after query executes i get this error pls help me i need to change structure anywhere after it changed in mongoDB?

Nested document insert into MongoDB with C#

I am trying to insert nested documents in to a MongoDB using C#. I have a collection called categories. In that collection there must exist documents with 2 array, one named categories and one named standards. Inside those arrays must exist new documents with their own ID's that also contain arrays of the same names listed above. Below is what I have so far but I am unsure how to proceed. If you look at the code what I want to do is add the "namingConventions" document nested under the categories array in the categories document however namingConventions must have a unique ID also.
At this point I am not sure I have done any of this the best way possible so I am open to any and all advice on this entire thing.
namespace ClassLibrary1
using MongoDB.Bson;
using MongoDB.Driver;
public class Class1
public void test()
string connectionString = "mongodb://localhost";
MongoServer server = MongoServer.Create(connectionString);
MongoDatabase standards = server.GetDatabase("Standards");
MongoCollection<BsonDocument> categories = standards.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("catagories");
BsonDocument[] batch = {
new BsonDocument { { "categories", new BsonArray {} },
{ "standards", new BsonArray { } } },
new BsonDocument { { "catagories", new BsonArray { } },
{ "standards", new BsonArray { } } },
For clarity this is what I need:
What I am doing is building a coding standards site. The company wants all the standards stored in MongoDB in a tree. Everything must have a unique ID so that on top of being queried as a tree it can be queried by itself also. An example could be:
/* 0 */
"_id" : ObjectId("4fb39795b74861183c713807"),
"catagories" : [],
"standards" : []
/* 1 */
"_id" : ObjectId("4fb39795b74861183c713806"),
"categories" : [{
"_id" : ObjectId("4fb39795b74861183c713807"),
"catagories" : [],
"standards" : []
"standards" : []
Now I have written code to make this happen but the issue seems to be that when I add object "0" to the categories array in object "1" it is not making a reference but instead copying it. This will not due because if changes are made they will be made to the original object "0" so they will not be pushed to the copy being made in the categories array, at least that is what is happening to me. I hope this clears up what I am looking for.
So, based on your latest comment, it seems as though this is the actual structure you are looking for:
_id: ObjectId(),
name: "NamingConventions",
categories: [
id: ObjectId(),
name: "Namespaces",
standards: [
id: ObjectId(),
name: "TitleCased",
description: "Namespaces must be Title Cased."
id: ObjectId().
name: "NoAbbreviations",
description: "Namespaces must not use abbreviations."
id: ObjectId(),
name: "Variables",
standards: [
id: ObjectId(),
name: "CamelCased",
description: "variables must be camel cased."
Assuming this is correct, then the below is how you would insert one of these:
var collection = db.GetCollection("some collection name");
var root = new BsonDocument();
root.Add("name", "NamingConventions");
var rootCategories = new BsonArray();
rootCategories.Add(new BsonDocument
{ "id": ObjectId.GenerateNewId() },
{ "name", "Namespaces" },
{ "standards", new BsonArray() }
root.Add("categories", rootCategories);
Hope that helps, if not, I give up :).
So, I guess I'm confused by what you are asking. If you just want to store the namingConventions documents inside the array, you don't need a collection for them. Instead, just add them to the bson array and store them.
var categoriesCollection = db.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("categories");
var category = new BsonDocument();
var namingConventions = new BsonArray();
namingConventions.Add(new BsonDocument("convention1", "value"));
category.Add("naming_conventions", namingConventions);
This will create a new document for a category, create an array in it called naming_conventions with a single document in it with an element called "convention1" and a value of "value".
I also am not quite sure what you are trying to accomplish. Perhaps if you posted some sample documents in JSON format we could show you the C# code to write documents that match that.
Alternatively, if you wish to discuss your schema, that could also be better done in the context of JSON rather than C#, and once a schema has been settled on then we can discuss how to write documents to that schema in C#.
One thing that didn't sound right in your original description was the statement "in that collection must exist 2 arrays". A collection can only contain documents, not arrays. The documents themselves can contain arrays if you want.
var filter = Builders<CollectionDefination>.Filter.Where(r => r._id== id);
var data = Builders<CollectionDefination>.Update.Push(f=>
await _dbService.collection.UpdateOneAsync( filter,data);
Note: Make sure embedded document type [Categories] is array.