Reactive Quarkus: Use Reactive PanacheORM with Multiple datasources - vert.x

I'm trying to connect to two different databases (both with reactive connection), but I'm not able to create a connection pool for the second database and continue using Panache.
I tried to use the #ReactiveDataSource annotation as it is in the Quarkus documentation, but I can't set this connection for some entities to perform the operations via Panache for this specific pool.
Example (Something like this):
User entity
public class User extends PanacheEntity {
private String name;
(This is where the Panache configuration for a specific datasource should occur!!)
public class UserRepository {
PgPool additional1Client;
public Uni<User> findUserById(int id) {
// set the _additional1Client_ pool in the Panache to make User.findById(id)........
Thanks in advance for any help.

According to the guides, it is not currently possible to create multiple reactive datasources.
Also, looking forward this feature, but it will be supported only for future Hibernate ORM 6 according to a Quarkus member comment.

I was checking the guides ant the look exactly what you did.
But when i was using name source, I didn't use the ", so try to remove them, might work then. Therfore do:
As described in this artikel:


Spring data Dynamic projection without creating projection dto/interface

I use Spring data by extending SimpleJpaRepository, Sometimes we need only a few special fields of an entity on sometimes other fields. if we create a projection class or interface for every need, there will be many classes that are used only for one application. is there any way to pass fields/columns as map/list to createQuery ?
I use Spring data by extending SimpleJpaRepository
That is at least weird, if not wrong. you'd normally extend on or multiple of Spring Data interfaces.
Anyway, yes this is possible like so:
Is there a way to achieve this?
Yes, there is.
Version 2.6 RC1 of Spring Data JPA introduced fluent APIs for Query By Example, Specifications, and Querydsl.
This you can use among other things to configure projections. Note that only interface projections are supported.
You can use projections like this:
interface SomeRepository extends CrudRepository, JpaSpecificationExecutor{}
MyService {
SomeRepository repository;
void doSomething(){
List<User> users = repository.findBy(
q -> q.project("firstname", "roles").all()
// ...
It will return an entity, but only the fields given in the project clause will be filled.

Creating Datasource Dynamically in SpringBoot OpenJPA Application (Implementing Multitenancy with OpenJPA)

I am creating a Springboot application with OpenJPA.
My requirement is that I need to connect to multiple datasources dynamically and the datasource credentials are obtained at runtime by calling some rest-endpoints.
Here is the controller class:
public class StationController {
BasicDataSource dataSource;
I have a service which returns me the jdbc_url depending on the customer name:
public String getDSInfo(String customername){
// code to get the datasource info (JDBC URL)
My questions are:
Is there a way in which I can create datasources at runtime by getting datasource credentials by calling some other service (which takes the customer id and returns the customer specific datasource) ?
Since my application is a web based application, many customers will be accessing it at the same time, so how to create and handle so many different datasources?
The code will get information about the customer specific data source only by firing some service at the runtime, so I cannot hardcode the datasource credentials in the XML configuration file.
I found some implementations with Hibernate but i am using Springboot with OpenJPA. So need OpenJPA specific help.
It sounds like you want a multi-tenancy solution.
Datasources are easy to create programmatically, just use a DataSourceBuilder with your connection details pulled in from a central source (e.g. a central config database or Spring Config Server).
Then you'll need to look at a multi-tenancy framework to tie the datasources back to clients.
See here:
and here
The video is a long watch but a good one. Basically you have a map of customer data sources (from memory) that allow an entityManager to pick up a datasource from the map by using a thread scoped custom spring scope of "customer" which is set when a user for a particular customer somehow logs into your app.

Spring Data Crate custom queries

I am trying to implement Spring Data Crate API in a project. Following the instructions provided here:
Inserts/Updates/FindById methods are covered. My question is how to create custom queries using this API.
Have you looked at our Spring Data adapter?
Declared Queries
It's also possible to use the #Query annotation to define queries:
public interface UserRepository extends CrateRepository<User, String> {
#Query("select * from users")
List<User> getAllUsers();
please note that the crate java-client is not supported anymore since v0.57 unfortunately.
This leaves us with the java-jdbc:
Spring data adapter is using the java-client.
Here is a Spring Boot application that is using JDBC in order to access CrateDB (> v0.57.0)
And here are the official samples in order to access CreateDB through JDBC (using the Spark framework).

Spring Data JPA - Using #Transactional in a CDI environment instead of Spring environment

I realized after writing this question I could sum it up in a few sentences. How can I manage transactions in Spring-Data-JPA with CDI the same way you would by using #Transactional in Spring itself?
First thing I did was set up Spring Data JPA CDI based on the documentation here.
I set this up and it is working fine for read operations but not write operations
For Example, Their example in the docs would work fine.
List<Person> people = repository.findAll();
So I have the basic setup complete.
Written by hand may have typos. This is similar to the code I execute.
UserRepository userRepository;
User user;
public void signUpUserAction() {
Then I receive this error
Caused by: javax.persistence.TransactionRequiredException: no transaction is in progress
At first I realized I did not have the #Transactional so I added it and still did not work.(I believe in spring you need to use the AOP xml file to set up #Transactional so it makes sense this does not work in EE out of the box, I just do not know how to make it work.)
FYI annotating with this does not work
Something I tried while I was writing this post and I got it to work sort of... but I don't like the code and am still interested in using #Transactinoal, this code feels dirty, I'm pretty sure #Transactional handles calling other methods that are transactional in a clean way while this code would not.
This saves and I verify it's in the database.
EntityManager em;
UserRepository userRepository;
private User user;
public void signUpUserAction() {
So in short, how can I use #Transactional or something similar to manage my transactions?
Thank you for any help.
If you run Spring Data in a CDI environment, you're not running a Spring container at all. So you'll need to use EJB session beans to work with the repositories as CDI currently does not have support for transactions out of the box. The CDI extensions shipping with Spring Data is basically providing an entry point into the JavaEE world and you'll use the standard transaction mechanisms you can use in that environment.
So you either inject a repository into an #Stateless bean directly or you inject the CDI bean into one. This will allow you to use EJB transaction annotations on the EJB then.
for everyone who have this question yet.
I have this experimental project that support #Transactional in a CDI environment.
This project uses a custom code of Narayana as interceptor and provide compatibility with it and Spring Data Jpa implementation.
Key points to take in consideration:
Custom (Spring Data) Cdi Configuration -> add a Custom Transactional Post Processor custom spring data cdi configuration
Implement a custom Transactional Post Processor:
sample of a Custom Transactional Post Processor
Implement a custom Transactional Interceptor sample of a custom transactional interceptor
Add a Cdi Producer for your custom Tx Interceptor cdi producers
Create your custom repository fragments using #Transactional (JTA) custom fragments
Compose your Repository interface extending Repository interface and your fragments with #NoRepositoryBean annotation custom repositories
Take a look at this link that have some tips:

How to call dbms_application_info with EntityManager injection

We are building a Java EE / JPA / CDI app with an Oracle Database. The data model (this we can't change) implements security partly by using views and client_info...something like..
create view the_view
as select *
from the_table
where organization_id = USERENV('CLIENT_INFO')
where userenv('CLIENT_INFO') is basically set by calling
Now, we have a series of Stateless Beans that basically inject Persistence Context and execute queries (both native queries and regular POJO) and we need a way to inject the client info (that we can get from the security context) into the PersistenceContext before making calls to the EntityManager
in a nutshell I need to be able to call this..
EntityManager em;
UserInfo userInfo;
public TheView getTableData(long id) {
// At this point security Information should be set..
// Call the query
return em.find(TheView.class, id);
without having to call a setClientInfo() manually..
One way of doing this would probably be using interceptors and annotate the method and make the call there (providing I can get hold of the PersistenceContext that the method will use.. ).. will this even work??
Any other way of doing this??
The interceptor approach you are writing about sounds like an excellent fit.
I'm not 100% sure if I understood your requirements correctly, but it seems as if would be a good idea to decouple authorization logic from the actual business logic to be able to write something like this:
public X getData() {
IsEditor is an interceptor and will encapsulate the relevant DB lookup.
Seam Security as an independent CDI modules comes with a couple of concepts (& implementations), you should definitely check it out.
If you are using EclipseLink, there is some info here on using EclipseLink with Oracle VPD, which seems similar.
Nasically, you can use events to execute your call.