Twincat 3.0 How to convert string to ASCII code and vice-versa? - plc

Is there any function block which allows conversion of string to ASCII code and vice versa in TwinCAT?
I found this function f_ToCHR, but it only converts one character at a time and for converting the whole string, I would need to put it in a for loop, which would not be optimal.
Is there any function that could do the whole string conversion, not character by character?

You could create a UNION with a string and a byte array. This will put them in the same memory space, and since a string is simply a series of ASCII bytes, the individual character values will end up in each array element.
TYPE testUnion
stTest : STRING;
arTest : ARRAY[0..79] OF BYTE;


How to convert String to UTF-8 to Integer in Swift

I'm trying to take each character (individual number, letter, or symbol) from a string file name without the extension and put each one into an array index as an integer of the utf-8 code (i.e. if the file name is "A1" without the extension, I would want "A" as an int "41" in first index, and "1" as int "31" in second index)
Here is the code I have but I'm getting this error "No exact matches in call to instance method 'append'", my guess is because .utf8 still keeps it as a string type:
for i in allNoteFiles {
var CharacterArray : [Int] = []
for character in i {
var utf8Character = String(character).utf8
CharacterArray.append(utf8Character) //error is here
....`//more code down here within the for in loop using CharacterArray indexes`
I'm sure the answer is probably simple, but I'm very new to Swift.
I've tried appending var number instead with:
var number = Int(utf8Character)
var number = (utf8Character).IntegerValue
but I get errors "No exact matches in call to initializer" and "Value of type 'String.UTF8View' has no member 'IntegerValue'"
Any help at all would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
The reason
var utf8Character = String(character).utf8
doesn't work for you is because utf8Character is not a single integer, but a UTF8View: a lightweight way to iterate over the UTF-8 codepoints in a string. Every Character in a String can be made up of any number of UTF-8 bytes (individual integers) — while ASCII characters like "A" and "1" map to a single UTF-8 byte, the vast majority of characters do not: every UTF-8 code point maps to between 1 and 4 individual bytes. The Encoding section of UTF-8 on Wikipedia has a few very illustrative examples of how this works.
Now, assuming that you do want to split a string into individual UTF-8 bytes (either because you can guarantee your original string is ASCII-only, so the assumption that "character = byte" holds, or because you actually care about the bytes [though this is rarely the case]), there's a short and idiomatic solution to what you're looking for.
String.UTF8View is a Sequence of UInt8 values (individual bytes), and as such, you can use the Array initializer which takes a Sequence:
let characterArray: [UInt8] = Array(i.utf8)
If you need an array of Int values instead of UInt8, you can map the individual bytes ahead of time:
let characterArray: [Int] = Array( { Int($0) })
(The .lazy avoids creating and storing an array of values in the middle of the operation.)
However, do note that if you aren't careful (e.g., your original string is not ASCII), you're bound to get very unexpected results from this operation, so keep that in mind.

How do I parse out a number from this returned XML string in python?

I have the following string:
The number in the Id field will vary, but will always be an integer with no comma separator. I'm not sure how to get just that value from that string given that it's string data type and not real "XML". I was toying with the replace() function, but the special characters are making it more complex than it seems it needs to be.
is there a way to convert that to XML or something that I can reference the Id value directly?
Maybe use a regular expression, e.g.
import re
txt = "{\"Id\":\"135\",\"Type\":0}"
x ='"Id":"([0-9]+)"', txt)
if x:
It is assumed here that the ids are numeric and consist of at least one digit.
Non-regex answer as you asked
\" is an escape sequence in python.
So if {\"Id\":\"135\",\"Type\":0} is a raw string and if you put it into a python variable like
a = '{\"Id\":\"135\",\"Type\":0}'
>>> a
If the above string is python string which has \" which is already escaped, then do a.replace("\\","") which will give you the string without \.
Now just load this string into a dict and access element Id like below.
import json
d = json.loads(a)
Output :

How can I convert a single Character type to uppercase?

All I want to do is convert a single Character to uppercase without the overhead of converting to a String and then calling .uppercased(). Is there any built-in way to do this, or a way for me to call the toupper() function from C without any bridging? I really don't think I should have to go out of my way for something so simple.
To call the C toupper() you need to get the Unicode code point of the Character. But Character has no method for getting its code point (a Character may consist of multiple code points), so you have to convert the Character into a String to obtain any of its code points.
So you really have to convert to String to get anywhere. Unless you store the character as a UnicodeScalar instead of a Character. In this case you can do this:
assert(unicodeScalar.isASCII) // toupper argument must be "representable as an unsigned char"
let uppercase = UnicodeScalar(toupper(CInt(unicodeScalar.value)))
But this isn't really more readable than simply using String:
let uppercase = Character(String(character).uppercased())
just add this to your program
extension Character {
//converts a character to uppercase
func convertToUpperCase() -> Character {
return self
return Character(self.uppercased())

Need code for removing all unicode characters in vb6

I need code for removing all unicode characters in a vb6 string.
If this is UTF-16 text (as normal VB6 String values all are) and you can ignore the issue of surrogate pairs, then this is fairly quick and reasonably concise:
Private Sub DeleteNonAscii(ByRef Text As String)
Dim I As Long
Dim J As Long
Dim Char As String
I = 1
For J = 1 To Len(Text)
Char = Mid$(Text, J, 1)
If (AscW(Char) And &HFFFF&) <= &H7F& Then
Mid$(Text, I, 1) = Char
I = I + 1
End If
Text = Left$(Text, I - 1)
End Sub
This has the workaround for the unfortunate choice VB6 had to make in returning a signed 16-bit integer from the AscW() function. It should have been a Long for symmatry with ChrW$() but it is what it is.
It should beat the pants off any regular expression library in clarity, maintainability, and performance. If better performance is required for truly massive amounts of text then SAFEARRAY or CopyMemory stunts could be used.
Public Shared Function StripUnicodeCharactersFromString(ByVal inputValue As String) As String
Return Regex.Replace(inputValue, "[^\u0000-\u007F]", String.Empty)
End Function
Vb6 - not sure will
sRTF = "\u" & CStr(AscW(char))
work? - You could do this for all char values above 127
StrConv is the command for converting strings.
StrConv Function
Returns a Variant (String) converted as specified.
StrConv(string, conversion, LCID)
The StrConv function syntax has these named arguments:
Part Description
string Required. String expression to be converted.
conversion Required. Integer. The sum of values specifying the type of conversion to perform. `128` is Unicode to local code page (or whatever the optional LCID is)
LCID Optional. The LocaleID, if different than the system LocaleID. (The system LocaleID is the default.)

PARI:similar function like Integer.parseInt()

I want to convert the text hello to ascii decimal in PARI/GP. After that I will
concatenate the values.
I initialize a Vecsmall(hello), after that I run a loop to concatenate the ascii decimal values,
I want to use this concatenated value to * by certain values. The value is now in String type, In Java, there is a Integer.parseInt() to convert the string to int. I wonder if there is a similar function in PARI/GP?
for (i = 1, length(v), text=Str(text,v[i]););
//is there any similar function like Integer.praseInt(text) in PARI?
You can use eval
or else a combination of Vecsmall and fromdigits which is faster:
fromdigits(apply(n->n-49, Vec(text)))