I am trying to import the miniSerializeError function from redux toolkit. To me it looks like the function is exported in: https://github.com/reduxjs/redux-toolkit/blob/4ad8be674187c2122b2fd0d499c61ab77cfec072/src/index.ts#L123 but i cant find the function in the build.
Does anyone know it this is a bug or the function just is not exported?
Link to the function: https://github.com/reduxjs/redux-toolkit/blob/4ad8be674187c2122b2fd0d499c61ab77cfec072/src/createAsyncThunk.ts#L57
Upgraded to recent most version (1.6.1) of redux-toolkit and it worked.
miniSerializeError is exported from version 1.6.0.
So make sure of the version of redux-toolkit in your package.json
I've imported the Open Zeppelin ERC721 token standard into my VS Code with the Solidity extension, but see the following warnings on all my OZ import statements:
Screenshot of error
Why is this happening and what is the workaround for this warning?
What I've tried:
change default workspace compiler to localNodeModule (began to throw other warnings like on the pragma solidity line)
Example of solution I've tried
Just install the Solidity+Hardhat Extension ,this will take care of the errror.
run below command
npm install #openzeppelin/contracts
Change the import line like this
import "./node_modules/#openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/ERC721.sol";
You could try this solution here, the only one that helped me.
When you compile programmatically using solc, new syntax was introduced, which you have to include in compile.js.
// New syntax (supported from 0.5.12, mandatory from 0.6.0)
var output = JSON.parse(
solc.compile(JSON.stringify(input), { import: findImports })
You should have a helper function for finding imports
function findImports(relativePath) {
//my imported sources are stored under the node_modules folder!
const absolutePath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'node_modules', relativePath);
const source = fs.readFileSync(absolutePath, 'utf8');
return { contents: source };
Unfortunately I ran into this error too & just gave the path manually:
import "/home/ev1lclow3n/node_modules/#openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/ERC721.sol";
This solved my error.
(I'm a linux user so path may differ for you)
Thanks ;-)
you have to manually guide the open zepplin import to its source file if you have it downloaded in your node modules then all you have to do is to change its path like this " ../node_modules/" and also make sure to use the latest extension of juan blanco's solidity extension and solidity and hardhat extension and if you are following a tutorial your first lines of codes would probably be import "hardhat/console.sol"; all you have to do here is to manually direct only this file to its designated place and the others would do it by themselves.
What you have to do is:
If you have "Solidity by Juan Blanco" for Truffle and "Solidity by Nomic Foundation" for Hardhdat, and if you are using Hardhat, disable the one by Juan Blanco and just use the one by Nomic Foundation, it just worked for me.
Make sure to create a Hardhat project (npx hardhat) and install:
npm install --save-dev "hardhat#^2.12.7" "#nomicfoundation/hardhat-toolbox#^2.0.0"
npm i #openzeppelin/contracts
Ok. That was a dumb question. Two things you have to do:
(1) Install the OZ library via
npm install #openzeppelin/contracts
(2) If you see Error HH606 (i.e. project can't compile), it's likely because The Solidity version pragma statement in these files doesn't match any of the configured compilers in your config.. Ensure that your pragma version matches the version in your hardhat config.
Hope this helps.
I am trying to use torchtext to process test data, however, I get the error: "AttributeError: module 'torchtext' has no attribute 'legacy'", when I run the following code. Can anyone please guide me what the issue here? I am using python 3.10.4. Thanks
import pandas as pd
import torch
import torchtext
import spacy
def prep_data(file_path):
TEXT=torchtext.legacy.data.Field(tokenize='spacy', tokenizer_language='en_core_web_sm')
fields=[('clean_text', TEXT), ('label',LABEL)]
dataset = torchtext.legacy.data.TabularDataset(
path=file_path, format='csv',
skip_header=True, fields=fields)
if __name__=="__main__":
I addressed the same issue by updating the torchtext.
pip install torchtext==0.9
I also had the same issue. I solved my problem by using a pytorch stable version You are probably using versions 0.10, and 0.11. These were the versions using legacy.
Please update to the latest versions 0.13 and 0.14.
pip install torchtext==<version>
I'm converting a project that was built using Create React App to use ParcelJS as a bundler instead. Strangely, a dependency that I imported during development (#twilio/voice-sdk) works fine in the CRA version of the application, but I get the following error when I try to invoke the constructor in the Parcel version:
TypeError: (this._options.AudioHelper || audiohelper_1.default) is not a constructor
The package is identical between both (#v2.1.1, the latest). I'm importing using ESM syntax, so:
import { Device } from '#twilio/voice-sdk'
I trying using CommonJS syntax (require) and it still didn't work. I've dug into the compiled code, and that seems to be the issue. I imagine there are a lot of differences, but one that I've noticed is here:
On the left is the code compiled by Create React App, which does seem to be exporting something more substantial than on the left - is the export just an empty object? If so, it's no wonder I'm getting a constructor error.
Unfortunately, no amount of googling and SO sleuthing has clarified what I could do to make ParcelJS transpile this dependency properly, if that's the issue. I've tried to make the babel config for ParcelJS match CRA more closely by adding the following to a babel.config.json
"plugins": [
But no luck. Any ideas from where to go from here, or is it time to switch to Webpack?
It looks like Twilio package has a problem when using Parcel 2: https://github.com/twilio/twilio-voice.js/issues/101
I have been using vscode with dart sass and flutter, however after my most recent update I am having trouble compiling my dart sass.
Here is the code that was working before:
import 'dart.io';
import 'package:sass/sass.dart' as sass;
id main(List<String> arguments) {
var result = sass.compile(arguments[0]);
new File(arguments[1]).writeAsStringSync(result);
As mentioned this was working, however I now get a error come up saying:
'compile' is deprecated and shouldn't be used. Use compileToResult() instead...
I have tried to find a solution but have had no luck. Any help would be greatly appreciated
The following modules appear to be missing
w in32pipe
My setup file looks like this:
from distutils.core import setup
import py2exe
i'm using Python 2.5.4 and the py2exe 0.6.8
Looked here and outside for a peculiar solution but have not found one!!
read about using "optoins: but being new to python itself failing to know where to do it.
Please HELP!
Try cx_freeze. After having a hell of a time with py2exe cx_freeze compiled my script without any configuration. In the same environment Py2exe claimed I'd missed nine packages.
For simple scripts you only need to do:
cxfreeze hello.py --target-dir dist