Metrics responsed in random order on querying CrUX Report API - chrome-ux-report

I queries to CrUX Report API, as dev docs show.
Instead of origin I use url to get data for certain URLs, so my query looks like:
curl \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{"url":""}'
I do this one by one for different urls.
My problem: responses are coming in different order: for the first query CLS comes as first metric, for the second query - FID and so on.
This issue doesn't depend on the kind I run queries: cURL in terminal, by Postman, or by Google App script in Google Sheets.
I tried to setup an explicit metrics order in the request, like
curl \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{"url":"","metrics":["cumulative_layout_shift","first_contentful_paint","first_input_delay","largest_contentful_paint"]}'
but responses come still in random order.
Q: is there a possibility to force a metrics order in the response I wish to have?

While the metrics input parameter does allow you to list the metrics that get output in the results, it doesn't control the ordering of the metrics. There is no other input mechanism to enforce a particular metric ordering.
That said, the metrics response is a JSON object, which is an inherently unordered data structure. The ordering of the object keys may affect how the object is iterated, for example Object.fromEntries(response.record.metrics) will iterate over the metrics in the order they appear.
If the order is critical to your application, I would recommend deterministically looping through a constant array of metric IDs rather than iterating over the object keys. For example:
const METRICS = ['first_contentful_paint', 'largest_contentful_paint', 'first_input_delay', 'cumulative_layout_shift'];
const cruxData = => response.record[metric]);
I see you're using cURL to issue the requests, so you can adapt this strategy to whichever programming language you use to parse the results.


Why prometheus got history data?

I have grabbed some metrics via prometheus, but it seems like I got some history data.
I used the command curl -X GET $APISERVER/metrics --header "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" --insecure | grep apiserver_flowcontrol_dispatched_requests_total three times in a row, result showed in the picture.
The result of the second command shows that there is no priority_level="global-default" data, which is indicated by red underline in the result of other two commands. The number of priority_level="global-default" which is indicated by yellow underline is counter data type, but the result of the second command is less than the first one.
I guess my prometheus got the history data.
How can I resolve this problem?
I'm not sure this is a problem.
Yes. Prometheus is a time series database, meaning that every time you query a metric (to get a value) you get the value of that specific metric in the particular time where the query happened.
More details:

Finding all the users in Jira using the REST API

I'm trying to list all the users in Jira using the REST API, I'm currently using the search user feature using GET :
The thing is it says that the result will by default display the 50 first result and that we can expand that result up to 1000. Compared to other features available in the REST API, the pagination here is not specified.
An example is the group member feature :
Thus I did a test and with my test Jira filled with 2 members, tried to get only one result and see if there was some sort of indication referring to the rest of my result.
The response provided will only give the results and no ways to get to know if there was more thatn 1000 (or 1 in my example), it's maybe logical but in the case of an organization with more than 1000 members, listing all the users doing this : http://jira/rest/api/2/user/search?username=.&maxResults=1000&includeInactive=true will only give at most 1000 results.
I'm getting all the users no matter what their name are using . as the matching character.
Thanks for your help!
What you can do, is to calculate manually the number of users.
Let's say you have 98 users in your system.
First search will give you 50 users. Now you have an array and you can get the length of that array which is 50.
Since you do not know if there are 50 or 51 users, you execute another search with the parameter &startAt=50.
This time the array length is 48 instead of 50 and you know that you've reached all the users in the system.
From speaking to Atlassian support, it seems like the user/search endpoint has a bug where it will only ever return the first 1,000 results at most.
One possible other way to get all of the users in your JIRA instance is to use the Crowd API's /rest/usermanagement/1/search endpoint:
curl -X GET \
'https://jira.url/rest/usermanagement/1/search?entity-type=user&start-index=0&max-results=1000&expand=user' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' -u username:password
You'll need to create a new JIRA User Server entry to create Crowd credentials (the username:password parameter above) for your application to use in its REST API calls:
Go to User Management.
Select JIRA User Server.
Add an application.
Enter the application name and password that the application will use when accessing your JIRA server application.
Enter the IP address, addresses, or IP CIDR block of the application, and click Save.

Is it safe to use Celery task IDs in HTTP requests?

I am starting to use Celery in a Flask-based web application to run async tasks on the server side.
Several resources get an '/action' sub-resource to which the user/client can send a POST including a JSON-body specifying an action, for example:
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST \
-d '{"doPostprocessing": { "update": true}}}' \
They get a 202 ACCEPTED response with a header
Location: http://localhost:5000/api/results/123/action/8c742418-4ade-474f-8c54-55deed09b9e5
they can poll to get the final result (or get another 202 ACCEPTED if the task is still running).
The ID I am returning for the action is the
Is this a safe thing to do? What kind of problems do I create when passing Celery task ids directly to the public?
If not, is there a recommended way to it? Preferably one which avoids having to track the state of the tasks explicitly.
You will be fine using the task ID. Celery uses Kombu's uuid function, which in turn uses uuid4 by default. uuid4 is randomly generated, rather than based off mac address (which uuid1 is), so will be 'random enough'.
The only other way would be to have an API endpoint that returns the status of all running tasks for the user. i.e. remove any task ID. But you will then remove the ability to query an individual task. Other options will effectively mask the task ID behind a different random number, so you'll have the same brute force problem.
I'd recommend having a look through the security Stack Exchange for UUID questions ( Some of these will no doubt be equivalent to what you're looking for.

Can firebase server timestamps be written without making two requests?

The Firebase REST API describes how to write server values (currently only timestamps are supported) at a location, but it appears that one must submit a separate request in order to do this. Is there (or has there been planned) any way of setting timestamps (like createdAt) at the same time one submits other data? Seems like this would really help reduce traffic and improve performance.
Sure, this is possible. The documentation is admittedly a little unclear, but all you need to do is include the {".sv": "timestamp"} object as part of your JSON payload. Here's an example that saves it to a key timestamp.
curl -X PUT -d '{"something":"something", "timestamp":{".sv": "timestamp"}}' REST API Relation Query

If this has already been answered please feel free to direct to a relevant Q&A. The only answer I have found is what I am already trying and I am not getting the result I am hoping for. Also looked over the REST API documentation for Parse and no luck in figuring this out. That being said...
I have two classes in Invites and Events
Each Invite has a relation to an Event. Ideally I would like to query the Invite but also receive event_name and event_address from the Events object related to the invite.
This is the curl query I have been trying (pulled from the other answer I mentioned and docs):
curl -X GET \
-H "X-Parse-Application-Id: xxxxx" \
-H "X-Parse-REST-API-Key: xxxxxx" \
--data-urlencode 'where={"$relatedTo":{"object":{"__type":"Pointer","className":"Events","objectId":"Yp04m8QT2N"},"key":"event_name"}}' \
Yp04m8QT2N is the related 'Events' objectId, event_name is in the Events class
I am getting results from the invite class but was expecting event_name to be included in the results. What am I missing? I haven't gotten as far as including multiple columns from events so if you could save me another question it would be much appreciated!
Thanks for your help!
if it really is a pointer, then as docs say in 'retreiving objects' section , you can just do
--data-urlencode 'include=$pointer'
where $pointer is the field name in Invites whose value is the pointer to Events.
If you are useing a relation type instead of a pointer then you can not flatten the query in this way.