Layering series in Oracle apex chart - charts

I am trying to add two series to a scatter chart in oracle apex 20.1. One of these series is rendered as markers, the other one is rendered as a line. The problem I am having is that the line is always rendered behind the markers, which, due to the amount of data points I have in my first series, completely obscures the line.
I have tried giving the markers a lower opacity to make the line more visible which didn't help, as you can see below. I've also tried changing the series' order which didn't make a difference.
The question I have is: does apex have an option to have the line render on top of the markers?
Oracle apex badly layered chart
Edit: changed wording to be more clear


Merging Percentage Lines with The Bars in Tableau Desktop

I have a graph that shows the ratio (count) of payable vs. processed words among the total words on stacked bars. I would also like to display the same ratio in percentages in lines overlapping the bars.
At the moment I have them in two separate graphs, but I want to merge them so that it takes less space in my dashboard view. I am unable to select the dual combination view as it requires two measures and even though I keep trying to cmd+click+drag the percentage measure pill to my marks, it's only changing the calculations in the bars but not allowing me to select the dual combination view.
Since the percentages are basically the ratio of the green/total in the bars, I don't think I need any complicated configurations for displaying it, however, I am also failing to achieve what I want.
Could you please tell me how to do this visualization?
Edit: I noticed that the reason I couldn't generate the dual combination view was that I had three date pills (year, quarter, month), and by removing two of them, I'm able to generate the dual combination view, but it's far from what I'm looking for as it's only splitting the stacked bar into bar+line.
Neeku, I certainly understand the desire to minimize "real estate" in your dashboard. If I understand your needs correctly, I believe that overlaying a transparent-background chart over the first chart might meet your needs, if a dual-axis chart doesn't work for you (for example, if you wanted to overlay a line chart on a column chart that is itself already dual axis).
By way of example, here is a simple Sample Superstore dashboard with a line chart on top and a stacked column at the bottom.
simple dashboard
Change the line chart to "Floating"
Size it to fit over your column chart and change the background to transparent by clicking anywhere in the line chart and select "Format"
...Format Shading
...and "None" for the color selection
Your line chart is now an overlay, but it's pretty messy.
Click on the line chart and hide field labels,
...turn off "Show Header" for each pill in the line chart
Clean things up and it should look better:
Note: one big issue with this approach is that you will not be able to click to select chart elements of the underlying chart.

Why does AWS CloudWatch dashboard widget does not respect scales when drawing two lines?

I'm new to AWS and CloudWatch.
Here is a screenshot of a CloudWatch dashboard showing two parameters related to a Dynamo table.
As you can see in the pop-up the value of the sample for the orange timeseries is 2,252 while the value of the sample for the red timeseries is 7,000, yet the red chart is drawn under the orange chart. If you check the scale on the left, it seems the red series is the one that get drawn correctly, while the line of the orange one is somehow "inflated".
Can you please help me understand what is the reason behind this?
It looks like your mouse hover point data and the popup data are out of sync. Just a UI glitch.
The popup is showing 09:57 and probably on the chart at 09:57 those are the correct values.
The hover point you chose is a particular peak and is at what time? The last digit is cut off from the display but it's definitely not a 7! Looks like "09:50" maybe?
Minor UI glitch is my diagnosis.
Eventually I come up with this different set up, where one of the series has values mapped on the left Y-axis, while the other series has values mapped on the right Y-axis.
The main drawback is that the two series are not directly comparable, but at least the difference in value is more evident.

Custom number format for y-axis on Chart

I have created a chart with 2 axes that acts as a panel chart (see image)
As a panel chart I only want to show the portions of the relevant y-axes to the chart next to them. For example, for the right-most y-axis I used a custom number format to exclude anything less than 0:
_(* #,##0_);_("";_(* 0??_);_(#_)
But for the left most y-axis, I'm stuck. I want to show -400 to positive 400. I've tried 2 different options, but neither is producing the desired effect.
Here is the result I'm looking for:
I learned something new today (and a bit weird) regarding formats and chart axes
After some experimenting, this is what I ended up using:
The odd part: When you change the Display Units of the axis (for me, millions), then the formatting no longer recognizes the original amount (500,000,000).
Once I figured that out, I was able to work out the solution.

SSRS sparkline with small difference in values

I have created a sparkline in SSRS. Since the values are small i get a straight line graph How do i improve the sensitivity of the graph.
the difference is like for every month
You need to look at the Sparkline Vertical Axis Properties.
Testing with data like yours and a simple Tablix/Sparkline I get results similar to yours:
Opening the Vertical Axis Properties I can see Always include zero is checked by default:
Unchecking this option has a major effect on the sparkline:
So this is one way of doing it. Other than that changing the Minimum and Maximum values here will also have an effect - you just need to play around and find the right combination for you.

Line chart with pictures?

I want to show a line chart, each point in the line chart will refer to a user. So whomever looks at the chart understands who the user is, I'd like each point to have a picture of the user and the user's name. Does anyone know any API that will let me do that?
I was looking at googles line chart ( but I cannot see anyway for me to have each data point represented as an image.
Using Java and JavaFX, you can build a StackPane where you can put two charts (one above other), where the back is a LineChart and the front is a ScatterChart. In this case, these charts will share the same X axis and Y axis, and on ScatterChart you can personalize the points with a picture.
How to personalize a chart style using Javafx and
How to produce an application with more than one chart in a StackPane
I hope this helps you.
It seems counter intuitive to have different points on the same line of a line graph represent different users.
(Line graphs) show in a linear form one or more variables that fluctuate over a period of time.
I believe if there is more than one variable that would mean there would be more than one line, so it is hard to make suggestions without more information about your specific application. With the currently available data I would recommend amcharts's Column chart with images on top: