Eclipse crashes on MacBook M1 - eclipse

I've recently moved from Mac with Intel to Mac with M1 and I have to use Eclipse, but it doesn't work on M1. What happens is that Eclipse opens up, asks for directory for workspace, main windows shows up. In bottom right corner it says, "deferred early start" and after that "setup check". This check goes to 20% and then Eclipse crashes. I tried to reinstall it, but same result.

There are two ways to run eclipse on apple M1.
Running eclipse for intel architecture using rosetta translator(requires jdk as well as eclipse to be of x86_64 architecture)
Running eclipse built for apple M1 with a jvm for aarch64
In the first case you can use 4.19 build. In general eclipse should work, but there can be some problems
In the second case there is a build available from 4.20 onwards at eclipse-SDK-4.20-macosx-cocoa-aarch64.dmg. This will require a jvm for apple M1.
With JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port targeted for Java 17, you should be able download jvm for apple m1


Eclipse cant be opened on mac m1

I have installed eclipse aarch64 based on my mac m1.
it was working fine. later i stopped using it for few days but i was just opening and closing it just to make sure it is not crashing as it used to happen with x64 version.
Now even with aarch it is crashing.
As soon as i open it via launch pad it says 'The apllication 'Eclipse'can't be opened.
Here are the details of eclipse and jdk version that i am currently using.
Eclipse: eclipse-java-2021-12-R-macosx-cocoa-aarch64
Jdk: jdk-17_macos-aarch64_bin
I've just had the same problem on the second launch of Eclipse from a fresh installation. The solution was to re-sign the app with an ad-hoc signature:
sudo codesign --force --deep --sign - /Applications/

Mac M1 chip machine, Mac OS BigSur Version 11.5.1 having problem with eclipse app. Its not opening after restarting machine

I Installed eclipse on my new mac m1 chip machine, It was working fine until I restart my machine. After restart the machine, the eclipse app is not opening also no error is shown in the display..
I am trying to open the app in terminal I am getting the following error
rosetta error: /var/db/oah/223263137464320_223263137464320/27e2cf6e452a44ee1a3ccc20e0409d562f65d18f27dd9ff3ebd552b78e52a4e3/eclipse.aot: attachment of code signature supplement failed: 3 Trace/BPT trap: 5
the solution giving in this is to upgrade the OS, but I already upgraded to the new OS version.
I can't find a solution anywhere, even in Apple forum sites
I faced a similar issue today. In my case, I'm using Anypoint Studio, which is built on top of Eclipse 4.19. After updating the OS, it worked again.

install4j error on Mac OS X

I am using install4j to create a Window and Mac OSX installer for a new version of my software. The only thing that has changed since my last distribution is my application. I have not changed any of the launcher or media file options in install4j. After building the installer, the Windows installer runs fine. The Mac OSX installer gives an error message on some machines. The message is "You need at least a 1.7 Java Virtual Machine to install..." However, a user reported that they already have 1.7 installed but still gets the error message. Does anyone know what is causing this error? Does install4j require 1.7 to run on a Mac?
Edit the media file of your Mac OS X installer and go to the "JRE" step. If "Installed OpenJDK JRE" is selected, then Java 7 and higher is required. The above message indicates that no such JRE was installed. Also, make sure to update to the latest version of install4j.

How to build native app bundles for Windows, Linux & Mac in a single build?

I am running my build on Windows 8 O.S. , 64 bit machine. I have JavaFx2.0 and Java 1.7.0_09 installed on my system. I am able to build a 64 bit window executable that launches my JavaFx application as a self-contained Javafx application.
Now I want to deliver native app bundles on Windows, Linux and Mac without build my project on all three platforms i.e I would like to achieve these set of bundles in a single build that I suppose to run on by Windows 8 O.S. 64 bit machine.
I am also okay if I can do it by distributing a single Application JAR file as .zip for MAC and Linux. But what I want is that JAR should work on there respective platform.
When I used to run a single application Jar on MAC using command
java -jar application.jar
It always shows a dialog "The application require a newer version of Java Run-time" with download link. Even I have downloaded and successfully installed it on my MAC machine but it still shows me the same window.
I don't want the users to experience such difficulties while running my JavaFX application on MAC and Linux.
What I need to ship more with the Application JAR so the users can run my JavaFx application on MAC and Linux without any hassle?
I guess you are making the JavaFX Solution in a 64bit machine and on the other hand you must be having all the SDK and runtime for 64bit version. The problem is that the application made using 64bit version of SKD would required 64 bit OS to render itself. So the bottom line is, is yout mac and linux PC have 64bit version of OS and JavaFX Runtime as well as Java7.X all 64 bit? If not then you must update your runtime to 64bit version or make your application in a 32bit version of SDK. One quick suggestion. If your mac or linux is 64bit(I dont have much idea about mac) then just install a browser i.e. 64bit version and runtimes and try out. I was having the same problem and that got fixed. Let me know if my answer caused any confusion.

Netbeans 7.2 based on JDK7 on Mac OS Mountain Lion crashes frequently

I am using the latest version of Netbeans (7.2) on a macbook pro with Mountain Lion clean installation, and it gives me frequent crashes.Is it only me , or is it a general problem and who is responsible for it mountain lion, netbeans or jdk7?
(The default java version for this machine is java 7 - you can set it in System Preferences->Java)
I would say Java 7. I tried it briefly (on Lion) and it had severe issues. e.g. Spurious calls to setValueAt with JTables in Java 7 on OS X Lion?
I've been running Netbeans with Java 6 on Lion just fine.
IIRC, netbeans will log problems (exception etc...) you might want to look in your ~/.netbeans directory (exact name may vary) for things to submit to either Netbeans or as Java bugs to help.