What is the upper limit of ADF string variable? - azure-data-factory

Is there any character limit on ADF string variable ? I am trying to store a big script in ADF variable , which seems to be working fine but this is a dynamic script so I wonder if there is any storage limit to it? My use case is that based on some tabular input , I am forming a script and need to send it to some compute , I didn't find any other solution apart from using a string variable.

There isn't upper limit of the ADF string variable. No documents talked about it and can't find any useful messages.
But I tested and found that you can set variable value length until you get the browser SBOX_FATAL_MEMORY_EXECEEDED error. I put a 16M string to the variable value:
You also could set a big size string as the variable value to prove that. The key is that I don't know the how to get the SBOX_FATAL_MEMORY. I googled and found nothing about it.
Hope it's useful for you.


Using regex to only return some of the Loki Label values

I am setting a Variable in Grafana.
I want to create a Query, that only returns a subset of the labels with value app the ones I want to return are those ending in dev
My Query so far, returns all of the labels with value app successfully. However, I have been unable to successfully filter the values so that only a-dev b-dev and c-dev are returned.
How do I successfully apply regex (or alternative) to this query so that I can see the desired values?
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated!
I eventually figured out what I needed to do. Originally I was trying to use | to run regex on the results from label_values.
However, this format worked:
label_values({app=~".*-dev$"}, app)
and returned only a-dev b-dev c-dev as expected.

Using the toInteger function with locale and format parameters

I've got a dataflow with a csv file as source. The column NewPositive is a string and it contains numbers formatted in European style with a dot as thousand seperator e.g 1.019 meaning 1019
If I use the function toInteger to convert my NewPositive column to an int via toInteger(NewPositive,'#.###','de'), I only get the thousand cipher e.g 1 for 1.019 and not the rest. Why? For testing I tried creating a constant column: toInteger('1.019','#.###','de') and it gives 1019 as expected. So why does the function not work for my column? The column is trimmed and if I compare the first value with equality function: equals('1.019',NewPositive) returns true.
Please note: I know it's very easy to create a workaround by toInteger(replace(NewPositive,'.','')), but I want to learn how to use the toInteger function with the locale and format parameters.
Here is sample data:
I was able to repro this and probably looks to be a bug to me . I have reported this to the ADF team , will let you know once I hear back from them . You already have a work around please go ahead that to unblock yourself .

Parse setting explicit type using REST

I know you can set a Date field explicitly like so:
But is there anyway to explicitly set the column type of 'Number' using REST? For instance, I'd like to set the column 'batch_size' to a Number instead of a string but when POST'ing via rest it keeps getting created as a string type column.
Meh, this was more of a Perl issue than a Parse issue.
What I had to do to tell Perl to treat the number like an actual number was to add a zero to the value. :/

Query string parsing as number when it should be a string

I am trying to send a search input to a REST service. In some cases the form input is a long string of numbers (example: 1234567890000000000123456789). I am getting 500 error, and it looks like something is trying the convert the string to a number. The data type for the source database is a string.
Is there something that can be done in building the query string that will force the input to be interpreted as a string?
The service is an implementation of ArcGIS server.
More information on this issue per request.
To test, I have been using a client form provided with the service installation (see illustration below).
I have attempted to add single and double quotes, plus wildcard characters in the form entry. The form submission does not error, but no results are found. If I shorten the number("1234"), or add some alpha numeric characters ("1234A"), the form submission does not error.
The problem surfaced after a recent upgrade to 10.1. I have looked for information that would tie this to a known problem, but not found anything yet.
In terms of forcing the input to be interpreted as a string, you enclose the input in single quotes (e.g., '1234567890000000000123456789'). Though if you are querying a field of type string then you need to enclose all search strings in single quotes, and in that case none of your queries should be working. So it's a little hard to tell from the information you've provided what exactly you are doing and what might be going wrong. Can you provide more detail and/or code? Are you formatting a where clause that you are using in a Query object via one of Esri's client side API's (such as the JavaScript API)? In that case, for fields of data type string you definitely need to enclose the search text in single quotes. For example if the field you are querying were called 'FIELD', this is how you'd format the where clause:
FIELD = '1234'
FIELD Like '1234%'
for a wildcard search. If you are trying to enter query criteria directly into the Query form of a published ArcGIS Server service/layer, then there too you need to enclose the search in single quotes, as in the above examples.
According to an Esri help technician, this is known bug.

Get statuscode text in C#

I'm using a plugin and want to perform an action based on the records statuscode value. I've seen online that you can use entity.FormattedValues["statuscode"] to get values from option sets but when try it I get an error saying "The given key was not present in the dictionary".
I know this can happen when the plugin cant find the change for the field you're looking for, but i've already checked that this does exist using entity.Contains("statuscode") and it passes by that fine but still hits this error.
Can anyone help me figure out why its failing?
I've not seen the entity.FormattedValues before.
I usually use the entity.Attributes, e.g. entity.Attributes["statuscode"].
Crm wraps many of the values in objects which hold additional information, in this case statuscode uses the OptionSetValue, so to get the value you need to:
This will return a number, as this is the underlying value in Crm.
If you open up the customisation options in Crm, you will usually (some system fields are locked down) be able to see the label and value for each option.
If you need the label, you could either do some hardcoding based on the information in Crm.
Or you could retrieve it from the metadata services as described here.
To avoid your error, you need to check the collection you wish to use (rather than the Attributes collection):
if (entity.FormattedValues.Contains("statuscode")){
var myStatusCode = entity.FormattedValues["statuscode"];
However although the SDK fails to confirm this, I suspect that FormattedValues are only ever present for numeric or currency attributes. (Part-speculation on my part though).
entity.FormattedValues work only for string display value.
For example you have an optionset with display names as 1, 2, 3,
The above statement do not recognize these values because those are integers. If You have seen the exact defintion of formatted values in the below link
you will find this statement is valid for only string display values. If you try to use this statement with Integer values it will throw key not found in dictionary exception.
So try to avoid this statement for retrieving integer display name optionset in your code.
Try this
string Title = (bool)entity.Attributes.Contains("title") ? entity.FormattedValues["title"].ToString() : "";
When you are talking about Option set, you have value and label. What this will give you is the label. '?' will make sure that the null value is never passed.