Can't remove PowerShell alias via ps1 script - powershell

Every time I run a script, I need to remove the curl alias from PowerShell in order to use the actual curl which is installed on my machine.
From PowerShell, I can remove the alias perfectly fine by using: Remove-Item alias:curl
But for some reason, when I put this code into a ps1 script and run that script, the alias is not removed.
Does anyone know why this is the case?

You can also update your profile to remove the alias each time PowerShell starts; $profile is an automatic variable that stores the paths to the PowerShell profiles that are available in the current session.
if (!(Test-Path -Path $profile)) {
New-Item -Path $profile -Force
Add-Content -Path $profile -Value "Remove-Item alias:curl"
. $profile


Powershell script with embedded exe

Is there a way to embed an exe to an existing powershell script? My boss wants me to come up with a way to install software on our employees computers that work from home and aren't tech savvy. Essentially, I need to copy a file locally to their computer (which is an exe) and run it from within powershell (or command line) terminal with some arguments (i.e., /norestart /quiet, etc).
You can use Base64 encoding to embed an exe in a PowerShell script. Run this script to encode the exe. It produces 'base64Decoder.ps1' in the Downloads folder.
# Requires PowerShell 5.1
# Run this script to encode the exe.
# It produces 'base64Decoder.ps1' in the Downloads folder.
$folder = "$env:UserProfile\Downloads\Demo\"
$file = "PowerShell-7.0.0-win-x64.msi"
$option = [System.Base64FormattingOptions]::InsertLineBreaks
$path = Join-Path -Path $folder -ChildPath $file
$bytes = Get-Content $path -Encoding Byte -ReadCount 0
$outputProgram = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new()
[void]$outputProgram.AppendLine( '$encodedText = #"' )
[void]$outputProgram.AppendLine( ([Convert]::ToBase64String($bytes, $option)) )
[void]$outputProgram.AppendLine( '"#' )
`$downloads = Join-Path -Path `$Env:USERPROFILE -ChildPath "Downloads"
`$file = "$file"
`$path = Join-Path -Path `$downloads -ChildPath `$file
`$value = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String(`$encodedText)
Set-Content -Path `$path -Value `$value -Encoding Byte
$downloads = Join-Path -Path $Env:USERPROFILE -ChildPath "Downloads"
$outFile = "base64Decoder.ps1"
$outPath = Join-Path -Path $downloads -ChildPath $outFile
Set-Content -Path $outPath -Value ($outputProgram.ToString())
You can copy and paste the contents of base64Decoder.ps1 into an existing PowerShell script to embed the exe. Or, if too large, include base64Decoder.ps1 with the original script and invoke it when necessary.
Run the script on the target computer to reproduce the original file in the Downloads folder. This is valid PowerShell syntax and can be included in a script.
& "$env:UserProfile\Downloads\base64Decoder.ps1"
You might have to set the execution policy before the script will run.
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
Invoke the exe with Start-Process. This can be saved in a script.
Start-Process -FilePath "$env:UserProfile\Downloads\PowerShell-7.0.0-win-x64.msi" -ArgumentList '/? '
If you want to send a PowerShell script via E-mail, attach it as .txt and have them rename it. I'm sure you know that file attachments are generally limited to 10MB.
If the exe is available online, you can use Invoke-WebRequest which is much easier.
Invoke-WebRequest "" -outfile "$env:UserProfile\Downloads\PowerShell-7.0.0-win-x64.msi"
You can test these steps in Windows Sandbox.
While this is the technically correct answer to your question, I don't recommend it.
First, it is more complicated than simply downloading an installer from the Internet and using (the MSI) switches on it.
Second, the performance of my script is poor for nontrivial exe's. And it will create more problems than it solves.
I'm not sure what the assumption is here. But if these computers are not managed, I imagine there will be a support request for each install. What you won't be able to do is just E-mail this script to 100 people or put it in a logon script and walk away. That would be very bad. Even if this were in the office, I would not deploy an unattended install without thorough testing. And that's assuming local storage and a logon script or equivalent: not people working from home as a one-off.

Install an .MSI file from the same directory as the powershell script without setting a static file path

I have a script that we use that is in Powershell however I need the script to be able to find the files that it needs to install an application dynamically as users can copy the folder to any folder on their computer. Currently I have the below code set, I guess my question is, if the script is in the same folder as the install files. How do I tell powershell to just look in the directory that its being ran from for the install files?
$Install = "C:\Other Folder\File.msi"
$InstallArg = "/quite /norestart"
Start-Process '
-FilePath $Install '
-ArgumentList $InstallArg '
-PassThru | Wait-Process
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
Update, I found that I have to be in the directory the script is in. However since we have to run ISE with admin credentials it automatically defaults to C:\Windows\System32 as the directory powershell is looking in regardless if I tell it to open the script. If that is the case how can I tell it to look where the script is located so that it can find the files that it needs?
I have found my answer below is how I got it to work with our current situation. Thank you Thomas for the help!
$ScriptLocation = Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Users -Filter Untitled2.ps1 -Recurse | Select Directory
cd $ScriptLocation.Directory
$Install = ".\Install.msi"
$InstallArg = "/quite /norestart"
Start-Process '
-FilePath $Install '
-ArgumentList $InstallArg '
-PassThru | Wait-Process
Define a relative path:
$Install = ".\File.msi"
If you are not running the script inside the directory, where the script itself and the executable are stored, you will have to determine the absolute path to it. With PowerShell 3+ you can easily determine the directory, where your script is stored, using the $PSScriptRoot variable. You could define your $Install variable like this:
$Install = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath "File.msi"
Thank you so much for your help everyone! I accidentally stumbled upon the perfect solution.
# Set active path to script-location:
$path = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
if (!$path) {
$path = $psISE.CurrentFile.Fullpath
if ($path) {
$path = Split-Path $path -Parent
Set-Location $path

Copy-item runas Administrator to program file fail

i would like to copy the license folder and overwrite the existing folder, since it is program file (x86), i have to run the elevated powershell, i am able to copy it when i launch it manually, just wonder is it possible to get all run at one line (all at once) ? really appreicated
$net = new-object -ComObject WScript.Network
$net.MapNetworkDrive("R:", "\\roa\smdd\Software\Mest", $false)
Start-process Powershell.exe -ArgumentList " Copy-Item "R:\Licenses\" "C:\Program Files `(x86`)\Mest Research S.L\Mest\licenses"" -force -recurse -wait
You don't need to map a drive or invoke powershell.exe. The code is PowerShell, so you don't need to spin up a new copy of PowerShell to run the Copy-Item cmdlet to copy files. You only need one PowerShell command:
Copy-Item "\\roa\smdd\Software\Mest\Licenses\*" "${Env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Mest Research S.L\Mest\licenses" -Force -Recurse
Note that you will likely need to open PowerShell as administrator (elevated) to be able to copy items into that directory.

PowerShell: Using $env:userprofile in an 'IF' statement

I am using PowerShell ISE (I think 4).
I am writing logon scripts to replace the old '*.BAT' files.
I am trying to test for a user-profile condition before 'creating/deleting' certain directories from the desktop.
If(($env:userprofile = "rmullins"))
Remove-Item $env:userprofile\Desktop\ITFILES -Recurse -Force
So I run the following to see what's going on:
md -Path $env:userprofile\Desktop\ITFILES
The path is created in the following location:
The MD command above works fine until I run that 'IF' statement. I think I might not understand how the $env:userprofile part works.
Any ideas?
On Windows 7:
[PS]> echo $ENV:UserProfile
This returns the path to the profile directory. Therefore I'd expect looking only for the username to fail the condition. I'd do a simple match instead:
if ($env:userprofile -imatch "rmullins")
Remove-Item $env:userprofile\Desktop\ITFILES -Recurse -Force

Setting an alias with attributes in PowerShell

I wanted to set an alias for listing files in the directory, but Set-Alias -name lf -value ls -file does not seem to work. I intend to use this the Unix alias way.
An alias can't do that. From the help for Set-Alias:
You can create an alias for a cmdlet, but you cannot create an alias for a command that consists of a cmdlet and its parameters.
However, using a technique called "splatting", a function can do it easily:
function lf {
ls -file #args
For more information, see help about_splatting.
Example 5 from Get-Help Set-Alias -Full is what you want:
Function lsfile {Get-Childitem -file}
Set-Alias lf lsfile
Append to the answer from #mike-z .
You can put the function definition into the PowerShell profile so that you can reuse it opening shell again.
test-path $profile
// Ensure it doesn't exists before creating the profile!
new-item -path $profile -itemtype file -force
notepad $profile
Simply put the code into the file:
function lf { ls -file #args }
You can check the details from official documentation.