How to manage different "project branches" with DevOps - version-control

I am currently working on a project and in this moment we have a Release Candidate, which is supposed to go under an official V&V and then it will undergo a FDA submission (medical devices Software).
At the same time, we need to go ahead with another branch of the same project, adding some features, changing some of the requirements for the features that now are going under V&V, removing some of them.
This means that we will need to add, edit, delete some of our Requirements in DevOps to be aligned with the new features, but we also need to continue managing the requirements that are now valid for the Release Candidate under V&V, even if some of them will not be valid anymore in the new branch.
What would be the best choice to manage this situation with devOps?
In general, how to manage a version that starts from a certain point in the project and follows a partially different path with slight or heavy differences in the requirements?
What we would need is some kind of "versioning" of all the work items (requirements, test cases etc) we have currently in devOps. Is that possible?
Thank you!


Azure DevOps - organizing projects and repositories

(Posting the question here as this is the 'community' that Microsoft redirects to with a 'Need advice? Ask community' button. Hope it won't get closed as 'primarily opinion based' or 'too broad')
I want to start using AzureDevops in my department for organizing code & work. We're a small team who creates a large number of applications & plugins.
Some of these applications have a very short lifecycle, i.e. we deliver them, and they work for years without changes. Other apps are larger and are updated/fixed across several months or years.
These applications are completely separate from each other in all aspects.
As far as I understand Azure DevOps structure, my department should become an 'Organization' (we can/need to be separate from the rest of the corporation).
I am a bit puzzled about the 'Project' part. Documentation says
In general, we recommend that you use a single project to support your organization or enterprise.
So, let's say we do have one project called Our Apps - where do we then put all the individual application-projects?
As far as I understand, each product (application) that we deliver should have it's own repository (or a set of applications, if they are logically connected).
This is in order to allow a developer to simply clone the repo on their machine and contribute to that product only - without downloading other projects etc.
I need to be able to:
easily navigate/see all the tens/(hundreds?) of applications that we create,
view their separate kanban boards (for those project that do have it, not all of them will)
to see their repositories (Git or TFS), commits etc
see & manage their pipelines
At the moment it seems to me that the only place where I can see a 'list' of what products do we have is the drop down below:
And the only way to see what is going on in the big-enough-to-get-own-board products is by creating a new separate 'SomeApp Team' in the Project (even though same people are in it), so that I can have a board for the SomeApp - and view the boards from here:
Is that the intended way to organize the structure?
Any alternative approaches?
Is there any way to have a 'cross-reposistory' or 'cross-team' overview?
What about creating documentation for each 'product'?
The "one project to rule them all" was coined by Martin Hinshelwood and his blog post from way-back-when explains the reasons and limitations.
With the introduction of Tagging and filtering on the backlog there is an alternative approach within the one-project setup.
Create team for the real teams you have in your organisation.
Create an area path for each major project/product in the org.
Assign the area paths of the projects to the teams who are working on them. This can change over time.
Optionally tag work items with the major project/product for additional filtering.
This way each team sees a complete view of all the work they can pull from. And they can quickly filter the work by tags to remove items from view when discussing specific projects/products.
Also, when teams change their focus from one product/project to another, you can simply change the assigned areas for that team to update their view.
The Plan View extension provides an additional cross-team view across over all the work. And the Dependency Tracker extension can visualize dependencies over time.
You can also use the Epic/Feature/PBI|UserStory tree structure to create additional grouping in your work items. You can customize the process template to introduce a Product level, though for the planning features to work, that would also mean that you'd also have to create full traceability from Product down to PBI|UserStory.
The main recommendation is to try a few of these approaches in a light-weight manner to see how they work and find your own ideal setup.
Another option for cross project visualization is to enable the Analytics Extension and connect it to PowerBI.
As you'll soon figure out, naming guidelines for your Tags, Repositories, Pipelines is going to be very important. Being able to quickly filter to the right level requires this.

Managing volatile changes with TFS

I work in a shop where we maintain numerous .Net projects that require many small changes. We typically get a Service Request from our customer asking for a new feature. We need to ensure that the work we do is checked into TFS and can be related back to the SR in our help desk database, and that the changes to our code can be reviewed in isolation.
There have been a few strategies that we have discussed, but I hope this question isn't considered subjective as I feel there must be a single practice here that we should be employing. TFS has been used primarily as a source control repo for us, but we are looking to leverage more of it.
1) Currently, a developer creates a Task in TFS, and gives it the name of the SR work number. Then, all changes to the codebase are checked-in against that task. I personally am hesitant about this approach as we are co-opting the Task artifact to be used in a way it hasn't been intended for.
2) There has been discussion about branching for each new feature request we receive, and tag the branch with the SR work number. Should we be concerned about the overhead here? My understanding is that branching and merging can lead to complexity.
3) Simply add a comment to the changeset that is prefixed with the SR work item number. This is a simple approach, but when I View History, there doesn't seem to be an easy way to search through the changeset comments for the SR work number.
4) We're not terribly familiar with labelling, but would it be an option? It sounds like we could tag our Team Project with our SR work number once the work has been completed, and that would provide us with the snapshot we would need if we ever needed to refer back to the changes made.
Obviously, if I've missed the boat entirely, I'd be grateful for guidance.
I don't know if you're aware that you can customize TFS work items? You can create a Service Request work item. Make it a kind of Requirement. Make the tasks needed to create the new feature be children of the Service Request work item.
You can then use Branches, but only as a method for isolating the work of one feature request from another. As you check in work to the branch, be certain to associate each check-in with a task. You will be able to track the tasks across changesets and across branches.
As you perform builds, they will be associated to the changesets, and therefore, to the service requests. In the same way, test cases, bugs, and the tasks needed to remediate the bugs will also be associated to the service request. You will be able to track everything that happened with respect to that service request.
I assume you have a separate system for entering Service request and you want to continue using that. I'm also assuming that you are using Agile process template in TFS ( but this should also work if you are using Scrum process template.
I would not suggest creating a custom work-item for Service request but just adding a new field to your user story/bug and name the field "SR work number". Creating custom work items and even adding new fields (adding new field is less painful) is not recommended unless you really need it as it becomes painful when you want to upgrade/migrate your project. You can find out how to customize work-items by going to below link:
Based on the info you provided I can suggest following workflow. This might be too much for your needs and if that's the case you can ignore creating user story and bug and directly create tasks.
1) Your helpdesk team creates a Service Request (in a different system) which generates a Service Request number.
2) Helpdek/Product/Dev team decides whether its a new feature or a bug in existing code. Based on that they create a User story(for new feature) or Bug work item in TFS.
3) Tasks are child elements of User story so if you want to break down your user story (feature) into multiple tasks then you can create tasks as child elements to the user story.
4) You enter the Service Request number in the new field you created for it. You can also later use the field for reporting purposes.
5) When developers check-in the code they link it to the appropriate user story/bug/task.
I wouldn't suggest #2, #3 and #4 for the same reasons you mentioned.

Best practice to maintain source code under version control with multiple companies?

I'm wondering if there is any best practice for maintaining your source code under version control among different companies. In Open Source there is a maintainer, who receives patches, decides on them and applies them. But what about closed sourced projects where different companies get different workloads and just commit them to the trunk and branches? Is this maintainer concept applicable to a project on which multiple companies work on?
You can choose from a wide range of version control systems. (Not only subversion)
With the "versioning" concept you are safe that no one damages the project permanently.
So there is no need for a manual approval process, especially when there are contracts for example between the participating companies.
I'd also set up a commit mailinglist so you have some kind of peer review of changes. So no changes can be done without anyone noticing them.
If applicable set up some kind of continous integration environment to keep the quality up.
I don't understand the question about the branches. The decision whether to use them or not is IMHO not depending on the fact that the commiters are employed in the same company or not.
Its really up to you to decide which workflow works best for the companies involved. Subversion has the ability to add permissions to your trunk and branches allowing you to lock down certain parts of your repository to people who are "trusted" with merge access to trunk. You'll need good communication amongst the companies. Using the open source Trac provides a wiki, integrated RSS feeds of the commits to the project and code browser.
Usually, each site works on its dedicated branch and can import the other remote site branch, to decide what to integrate in its own work.
But if a site need to work directly on the other site branch, one possible practice is the concept of branch membership which allows only one site at a time to work on a given branch.
(not sure it is possible with SVN though)
That allows for two remote site (with a large time shift) to work on the same task in a tightly integrated manner.
My recommendation : subversion, with that configured you give away a url and then checkout, update, get things done and when you guess that the project is ready, snapshot and deliver.

What Check-In Policies should be considered for version control?

I'm tasked with helping to set up the process templates and check-in policies for my company's TFS 2008 installation.
Aside from three check-in policies (a check-in action must have comments against it, a code file must be peer-reviewed, there must be a work item associated with a check-in), I have been asked to consider and implement any others.
What are some of the most important or useful policies to enforce for version control?
The fewer the better.
Usually in an organization you want to ease the friction of check-in to ensure that you are encouraging developers to make frequent small discrete check-ins rather than checking out a load of stuff at once. Then again you want to ensure that you have a working codebase for everyone who needs it and are capturing the data that you need to improve your software delivery process.
Personally, a policy to enforce changeset comments and a work item association policy are ok - as they capture meta-data that is very easy to remember at the time but hard to find afterwards. It also encourages developers to get into the habit of having a work item to track all pieces of work - even experimental development or spikes.
The peer review process might be better performed using branching or another process rather than forcing a peer review on every check-in - however that depends on your process. Remember as well that you can have mandatory check-in notes in TFS to capture meta-data such as code reviewer. A check-in note is slightly different to a check-in policy and is often confused.
If you want read more discussion about check-in policies, take a look at a blog post I did on the balancing act a while ago. Also to hear some more discussion about check-in policies, I recorded a podcast recently with a fellow Team System MVP talking about their use of TFS and it might be interesting (Radio TFS, Using TFS with Ed Blankenship). Finally we also did a Radio TFS episode all about check-in policies in 2008 that might be of interest.
Don't break the build! Of course, finding an automated way to check on that and reject the check-in are the challenge.
Some rules that we follow in our company:
Commit all changes related to the same task at once (that will help review the changes and future rollbacks or merges if needed).
template based comments (eg: prefix all comments with a code that represents what was done, + for adds, - for removes, * for updates, ! for important modifications, etc).
Obviously always check-in code that compiles, and finished work to the main-line.
check-in daily unfinished work to branches.
The ones we use where I work on TFS are:
Code Analysis
This ensures that all the code was compiled on the devs machine before it was checked in
Work Item Association
If you've done a change there should have been an assigned task!
Last Build Successful
Using the TFS Build Server to check that the current code in source control compiled on an independant machine
Check In Comments (part of the TFS Powertools -
It's good to be able to see a summary of the check in without having to go to the work item(s)
Try to keep the number of developers working on the same branch small. That way the branch stays stable with respect to compilation, the unit tests, and regressions. It's a nightmare if a developer does a check in which compiles but his code breaks a key area of the application (such as login).
If you really have to have more than 10 developers checking code into the same branch, we've started an email policy where the developer checking in warns everyone that they're checking in, so that no one attempts to update their copy of the branch in the midst of a check in. Sometimes, we've had to have the converse, where we set aside an time in the date to prohibit check ins, so that updates are safe.
Frankly, the less policies, the better. The more policies you have, the greater the incentive for NOT using version control. What happens then is:
Code is developed on parallel, uncontrolled source control systems, and just the final revision goes to the official one.
People delay committing as much as possible, decreasing visibility of what they are doing to other developers.
People will actually avoid committing something if they can get away with it, and some will find a way to get away with it.
In fact, I think your three check-in policies are already too much. For instance:
Having code being peer-reviewed before check-in makes it much more difficult to have work-in-progress stored there. Instead, if the source control system allows it (and many do), control whether the source is peer reviewed or not. With some systems you can create a life cycle for a revision, with others you might create branches, and still others you might use tags.
Having a work-item associated with a check-in makes it impossible for developers to do exploratory programming, or having initiative on possible improvements. It stifles the developers. Instead, make sure that any revision going into integration tests or user acceptance tests, not to mention production itself, is associated with a work item.
This might sound anti-Enterprise, but it's just some things we have learned in a few decades of software development. Most enterprise organizations haven't been clued in to this, but, eventually, they will. So, you might go the very opposite way, but don't say no one ever told you.
I recommend the Agile Manifest, and, particularly, Lean Software Development for general principles.
Or, taking Stack Overflow design philosophy into account, make the system reward the behavior you want.

Merging and branching shared code between projects in TFS

I'm currently in charge of migrating our applications from source safe to TFS. We have three or four very similar apps (let us say e-commerce) that currently share a core library (services, business logic, entities, data access etc).
The applications are similar but not identical so one app might get a feature set the others won't get etc.
I want to stop the sharing of code and instead set up branches (if that fits) so if I change something in Application A:s core library I will need to merge the changes with the other branches instead of them getting the changes automatically. This to avoid surprises when you update from your trunk and suddenly the core has changed for another project and this project breaks in some way.
Any suggestions on how I should set this up in TFS? Should I have a "main" Core that is not directly used in any project that is the parent of all the other cores so I can push changes up to that one from one core and then distribute it to the other cores? Does that make sense and would it be easy to set up in TFS?
In response to your comment, I'd suggest you to read up on Feature branches on the CodePlex website.
Scenario 4 – Branch for Feature
In this scenario, you create a
development branch, perform work in
that branch, and then merge your work
back into your main source tree. You
organize your development branches
based on product features. The
following is a physical view showing
branching for feature development:
My Team Project
Development -> Isolated development branch container
Feature A -> Feature branch
Feature B -> Feature branch
Feature C -> Feature branch
Main -> Main Integration branch
We are alos moving from SS to TFS in the near future.
As I perceive it, we are going to keep our SS repository online and start fresh over in TFS. Our framework probably will get its own project in TFS. Project specific shared units will need to get merged from time to time.
The way you structure your repository depends on your specific situation. Every branch scenario has its specific advantages and drawbacks.
How many projects
How many developers
Are the developers dedicated
Do you need concurrent hot fixes
Do you need service packs
Take a look at the CodePlex branching guide for all the information you need to make an informed decision about your TFS structure. Print out the cheat sheets and pin them to your wall for quick reference.
Before executing on your branch plan,
pay attention to this cautionary
message - every branch you create does
have a cost so make sure you get some
value from it. The mechanics of
branching in TFS are simplified to a
single right click branch command.
However, the total cost of branching
is paid by reduced code velocity to
main, merge conflicts and additional
testing can be expensive.
I am assuming you have already investigated whether you truly need to make your "copies" seperate team projects. Remember the TFS concept of a "Team Project" is a VERY LARGE high level container. It is not the same thing as what most IT shops consider a "Project". Think of "Microsoft Vista" or "Office 2007" as a project, not, say "A new release of Company XYZ's Accounts Receivable System" as a project in the Team Project sense.
I have a client that decided on one single Team Project for TFS. There is nothing wrong with this - and it is truly the best scenario in many circumstances.
If you truly need a very strong isolation between your copies of the application (perhaps they are seperate clients and you need very strong security seperation) and must have seperate team projects.
That said - you still - as you've stated need to share code between instances of your application. The first thing I would strongly recommend is to get away from "Cut and Paste" sharing. I would truly try to isolate the shared code into a seperate Solution and generate binaries for that (perhaps you've already done this!)
This is covered in the Codeplex TFS:
Another approach I've done for several clients - is to have a Team Project that contains the shared code. The "Build" creates the binaries for the shared code - and the "Deploy" simply copies those to a "known location" (ie UNC share on the build machine)
For the applications that are "Consumers" of the "Framework" we simply used the "AdditionalReferencesPath" Item group to include the location of that known location.
Furthermore - this tool: can be helpful. This would allow you to have builds automatically triggered for your "Consumer" Projects whenever the "Framework" solution is built.
My brief answer is that you should only setup one 'TFS project' and simply organize your different projects, i.e. your individual applications, and each shared library, as separate folders under that one TFS project. The alternative is to include specific (binary) builds of the shared libraries in each individual application – if you do that then you can organize each application into it's own TFS project, tho you can't merge changes or branch those projects without using the TFS command line (and some non-obvious commands to boot).
I was trying to determine the same information, this guide on codeplex is perfect
Includes terminology and different branching workflow approaches as well as cheat sheets.