can't fetching json in flutter - flutter

It Work When String is used BUT Can't fetch String Object.
it Works :-
String? url = "";
var raw = await http.get(Uri.parse(url));
it is Not working :-
getInfoFromSharedPref() async {
dogApiLink = await SharedPreferenceHelper().getDogName();
var raw = await http.get(Uri.parse('${dogApiLink}'));
where dogApiLink is String and having Link But Not working.

bro it's direct .. I just don't understand if the return from the shared preferences that you are taking is a link ???? if it's only dog name then that's your problem.. if it's a legitimate link then
String uri = "The link";
var response = await http.get(Uri.parse(uri), "The headers of the api").then(){
// The task you wanna perform.


Flutter - loop not working while parsing json

I am trying to create model and parse json data from api
for that i created the model class you can see below
class FeatureModel {
String? PlanFeatures;
bool? FeatureStatus;
FeatureModel({this.PlanFeatures, this.FeatureStatus});
FeatureModel.fromJson(parsonJson) {
PlanFeatures = parsonJson['PlanFeatures'];
FeatureStatus = parsonJson['FeatureStatus'];
now i am trying to parse json with the help of loop
let me show you my method
List<FeatureModel> featureModel = [];
Uri featureAPI = Uri.parse(
apiCall() async {
try {
http.Response response = await http.get(featureAPI);
// print(response.statusCode);
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
var decode = json.decode(response.body);
for (var i = 0; i < decode.length; i++) {
} catch (e) {}
I am calling it here
onPressed: () async{
await apiCall();
but the problem is here
loop is not working while parsing data
in that particular code i remains on 0 only
when i removes featureModel.add( FeatureModel.fromJson(decode[i]), ); i started increaing till 10
please let me know if i am making any mistake or what
thanks in advance
Here is the sample of api respone
[{"PlanFeatures":"Video Link Sharing","FeatureStatus":"true"},{"PlanFeatures":"Email \u0026amp; Telephonic Support","FeatureStatus":"true"},{"PlanFeatures":"Remove Pixeshare Branding","FeatureStatus":"false"},{"PlanFeatures":"Add Custom logo on uploaded photos","FeatureStatus":"false"},{"PlanFeatures":"Get Visitor Info","FeatureStatus":"false"},{"PlanFeatures":"Mobile Apps","FeatureStatus":"false"},{"PlanFeatures":"Send Questionnaries","FeatureStatus":"false"},{"PlanFeatures":"Create \u0026amp; Send Quotation","FeatureStatus":"false"},{"PlanFeatures":"Online Digital Album Sharing","FeatureStatus":"false"},{"PlanFeatures":"Analytics","FeatureStatus":"false"}]
I found many errors, first, the fromJson is not a factory constructor and doesn't return a class instance from the JSON.
the second one is that the bool values from the sample you added are String not a bool so we need to check over it.
try changing your model class to this:
class FeatureModel {
String? PlanFeatures;
bool? FeatureStatus;
FeatureModel({this.PlanFeatures, this.FeatureStatus});
factory FeatureModel.fromJson(parsonJson) {
return FeatureModel(
PlanFeatures: parsonJson['PlanFeatures'],
FeatureStatus: parsonJson['FeatureStatus'] == "false" ? false : true,

How to solve Error: XMLHttpRequest error. in Flutter Web

I want to use to Google places api and
I am trying to call this api but I am getting this. error
Error: XMLHttpRequest error.
static Future<List<Result>?> searchPlaces(context, String query) async {
String mapApiKey = "API_KEY";
String _host = '';
final url = '$_host?query=$query&key=$mapApiKey';
var response = await http.get(Uri.parse(url));
if (response.statusCode == '200') {
GPlacesSearch result = GPlacesSearch.fromJson(jsonDecode(response.body));
return result.results!;
} else
return null;
I don't know which platform you are using, but I guess the solution would be to disable chrome web security.
If you are working on mac try the following steps
Go to flutter\bin\cache and remove a file named: flutter_tools.stamp
Go to flutter\packages\flutter_tools\lib\src\web and open the file chrome.dart.
Find '--disable-extensions'
Add '--disable-web-security'
And if you are working on windows just search for how to disable web security for chrome
Use this url '' before your actual url e.g.
String baseUrl = '';
String actualUrl = '';
String finalUrl = "$baseUrl/$actualUrl";
static Future<List<Result>?> searchPlaces(context, String query) async {
String mapApiKey = "YOUR_KEY_HERE";
var _sessionToken = Uuid().v4();
String _host =
final url = '$_host?query=$query&key=$mapApiKey';
var response = await http.get(Uri.parse(url);
GPlacesSearch result = GPlacesSearch.fromJson(jsonDecode(response.body));
return result.results!;

Not able to upload image to server using flutter API integration

I am trying to send Form data to the backend using Flutter.
As a result, all the text type data is sent easily but my image file is not shared.
Help me Guys
filepath,url) async { 'Uploading Data...');
try {
final result = await InternetAddress.lookup('');
if (result.isNotEmpty && result[0].rawAddress.isNotEmpty) {
var request = http.MultipartRequest('POST', Uri.parse(url));
print(filepath); *// this filepath is not empty*
request.files.add(await http.MultipartFile.fromPath('image', filepath));
request.fields['name'] = _pName.text;
request.fields['store_id'] = store_id;
request.fields['seller_name'] = seller_name;
request.fields['seller_id'] = seller_id;
request.fields['product_id'] = 35.toString();
request.fields['stock_status_id'] = 6.toString();
request.fields['price'] = _pPrice.text;
request.fields['model'] = _pModel.text;
request.fields['sku'] = _pSKU.text;
request.fields['status'] = 1.toString();
request.fields['product_name'] = "Shoes Sport";
request.fields['is_approved'] = 1.toString();
request.fields['special'] = false.toString();
request.fields['quantity'] = _pQuantity.text;
var res = await request.send();
EasyLoading.showSuccess('Data is Uploaded!\n Waiting For Approval');
// print(filepath);
on SocketException catch (_) {
EasyLoading.showError("Internet Connection is not available");
all the data is uploaded except image, i have also crosschecked the parameter its correct.
chek the spelling of "image" it should be same mention in your api doc and the one you are using, your code seems correct i was stuck at the same issue i was using the image key but the key was "profile " please do a recheck , let me know if this works

How to assign values from an API call to a variable in flutter

I have the following method which is use dto verify a ticket/token
var ticketArray = ticket.split('|');
//First check to verify token using simple versification algo
if (widget.eventID.toString() != (ticketArray[0])) {
setState(() {
ticketMainMsg = 'This QR code is NOT VALID';
ticketsubtitle = ticketArray.length != 2
? 'The QR code is fake'
: 'QR code could belong to another event';
ticketStatus = false;
//Make API call
ticketModel = HttpVerifyTicketPost(
eventId: widget.eventID,
ticket: ticket,
scannerId: widget.scannerId,
From above, you can see I do a very simple check on the qr code/token if this simple step fails, I don't bother making an API call and I set the state based on these values.
However if the check passes, then I proceed to make an API call to the server to fully verify the token/code.
My issue is I am struggling to now assign the values from the API call to the ticketStatus, ticketMainMsgand ticketsubtitle parameters. Can anyone helo shed some light. I am quite new to flutter but I am aware that the TicketModel will be a type of Future. My background is PHP so forgive me!
EDIT: The httpVerifyTicket Class
class HttpVerifyTicketPost {
String ticket;
int someId;
int anotherId;
{required this.ticket, required this.someId, required this.anotherId});
String verifyURL =
Future<TicketModel> verifyTicket() async {
var storage = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
var code= storage.getString('code');
var client = http.Client();
var ticketModel = null;
var body = {
'ticket': ticket,
'scanner': scannerCode,
'someId': someId,
'anotherId': anotherId
try {
var url = Uri.parse(verifyURL);
var res = await, body: jsonEncode(body));
if (res.statusCode == 200) {
var jsonString = res.body;
var jsonMap = json.decode(jsonString);
ticketModel = TicketModel.fromJson(jsonMap);
return ticketModel;
} catch (Exception) {
return ticketModel;
Try this please
eventId: widget.eventID,
ticket: ticket,
scannerId: widget.scannerId,
).verifyTicket().then((value){setState(() {
I don't quite understand what you want to achieve, but maybe you need to add an asynchronous method like
ticketModel = await HttpVerifyTicketPost( //add await eventId: widget.eventID, ticket: ticket, scannerId: widget.scannerId, ).verifyTicket();
and you must add async like Future Foo() async {your code...}

Prefix text to ASP.NET Core response body

I'm trying to prepend the string )]}',\n to any response body that's JSON. I thought that an IAsyncResultFilter would be what I needed to use, but I'm not having luck. If I use the below code, it appends the text to the response since calling await next() writes to the response pipe. If I try and look at the context before that though, I can't tell what the response will actually be to know if it's JSON.
public class JsonPrefixFilter : IAsyncResultFilter
public async Task OnResultExecutionAsync(ResultExecutingContext context, ResultExecutionDelegate next)
var executed = await next();
var response = executed.HttpContext.Response;
if (response.ContentType == null || !response.ContentType.StartsWith("application/json"))
var prefix = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(")]}',\\n");
var bytes = new ReadOnlyMemory<byte>(prefix);
await response.BodyWriter.WriteAsync(bytes);
Thanks to timur's post I was able to come up with this working solution.
public class JsonPrefixFilter : IAsyncResultFilter
public async Task OnResultExecutionAsync(ResultExecutingContext context, ResultExecutionDelegate next)
var response = context.HttpContext.Response;
// ASP.NET Core will always send the contents of the original Body stream back to the client.
var originalBody = response.Body;
// We want to write into a memory stream instead of the actual response body for now.
var ms = new MemoryStream();
response.Body = ms;
// After this call the body is written into the memory stream and the properties
// of the response object are populated.
await next();
if (response.ContentType != null && response.ContentType.StartsWith("application/json")) {
var prefix = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(")]}',\\n");
var prefixMemoryStream = new MemoryStream();
await prefixMemoryStream.WriteAsync(prefix);
await prefixMemoryStream.WriteAsync(ms.ToArray());
prefixMemoryStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
// Now put the stream back that .NET wants to use and copy the memory stream to it.
response.Body = originalBody;
await prefixMemoryStream.CopyToAsync(response.Body);
} else {
// If it's not JSON, don't muck with the stream, so just put things back.
response.Body = originalBody;
ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
await ms.CopyToAsync(response.Body);
I never liked the above, so I switched to this solution. Instead of calling AddJsonOptions, I took inspiration from ASP.NET's formatter to use this instead:
public class XssJsonOutputFormatter : TextOutputFormatter
private static readonly byte[] XssPrefix = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(")]}',\n");
public JsonSerializerOptions SerializerOptions { get; }
public XssJsonOutputFormatter()
SerializerOptions = new() {
PropertyNamingPolicy = JsonNamingPolicy.CamelCase,
DefaultIgnoreCondition = JsonIgnoreCondition.WhenWritingNull,
ReferenceHandler = ReferenceHandler.IgnoreCycles
public override sealed async Task WriteResponseBodyAsync(OutputFormatterWriteContext context, Encoding selectedEncoding)
ArgumentNullException.ThrowIfNull(context, nameof(context));
ArgumentNullException.ThrowIfNull(selectedEncoding, nameof(selectedEncoding));
var httpContext = context.HttpContext;
var objectType = context.Object?.GetType() ?? context.ObjectType ?? typeof(object);
var responseStream = httpContext.Response.Body;
try {
await responseStream.WriteAsync(XssPrefix);
await JsonSerializer.SerializeAsync(responseStream, context.Object, objectType, SerializerOptions, httpContext.RequestAborted);
await responseStream.FlushAsync(httpContext.RequestAborted);
} catch (OperationCanceledException) when (context.HttpContext.RequestAborted.IsCancellationRequested) {
Now, when you call .AddControllers() you just set that as the first output formatter:
services.AddControllers(options => {
options.Filters.Add(new ProducesAttribute("application/json"));
options.OutputFormatters.Insert(0, new XssJsonOutputFormatter());
Obviously you could improve this to take serialization options in the constructor, but all my project would work exactly like the above so I just hardcoded it right in.
You could've used Seek on a steam to rewind it. Issue is, you can only keep adding onto default HttpResponseStream, it does not support seeking.
So you can employ the technique from this SO answer and temporarily replace it with MemoryStream:
private Stream ReplaceBody(HttpResponse response)
var originBody = response.Body;
response.Body = new MemoryStream();
return originBody;
private async Task ReturnBodyAsync(HttpResponse response, Stream originalBody)
response.Body.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
await response.Body.CopyToAsync(originalBody);
response.Body = originalBody;
public async Task OnResultExecutionAsync(ResultExecutingContext context, ResultExecutionDelegate next)
var originalBody = ReplaceBody(context.HttpContext.Response); // replace the default stream with MemoryStream
await next(); // we probably dont care about the return of this call. it's all in the context
var response = context.HttpContext.Response;
if (response.ContentType == null || !response.ContentType.StartsWith("application/json"))
var prefix = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(")]}',\\n");
var bytes = new ReadOnlyMemory<byte>(prefix);
response.Body.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); // now you can seek. but you will notice that it overwrites the response so you might need to make extra space in the buffer
await response.BodyWriter.WriteAsync(bytes);
await ReturnBodyAsync(context.HttpContext.Response, originalBody); // revert the reference, copy data into default stream and return it
this is further complicated by the fact that you need to restore reference to original stream, so you have to careful around that.
This SO answer has a bit more context.