Can .vtuexe files of vteststudio be executed on something which is not CANOE? - canoe

I have some .vtuexe files from vteststudio studio and my project doesn't use canoe
Can I execute the test cases with no canoe?
Debugger is Isystem winidea

The .vtuexe file is designed to work only with CANoe. It is not an open source file which you can use in other tools. If your project doesn't use CANoe, then you should not use vTESTstudio.


how to import a Cmake Project which used .sh scripts for build to Vscode?

I have a legacy code base which has CMake configuration and .sh files which calls build commands with respect to build type ( release, relwithdebinfo etc.) as well as does a lot of things.
I have to work over codebase. So far I used STM32CubeIDe. I imported the project as existing Makefile project and then I changed C/C++ Build directory to where makefile outputs converted.
So whenever I did a change on the code, I hit the build command over UI and it calls make command at where I modifed the path above.
This is working but In case of a need of debug then I had to use .elf outputs and OZONE J link Debug program.
I have to do build+debug in same environment but eclipse is slow and making me struggle.
How can I make VSCode host to my legacy code in order to build and debug and also navigate in code i.e go to the definition of code in VSCode, not only building.
Please navigate me if anything needs to share from existing code base, if there is still unclear.

Java Debug Differences between Eclipse and VS Code

I wrote some java code in eclipse - this code reads files that are in src/main/resources/input and it writes files to src/main/resources/output. When I run locally (or debug), this code works exactly as I expect - the files open successfully, I can read the data I need, and I can write the data I need to write. Then I copied the code into a new project with VS Code (I want to start using VS Code instead of eclipse). I have the project set up as needed, including all the typical plugins for java development, but when I debug the code in VSCode, it fails to find the input file (FileNotFoundException). Same code, same file location, same file name.
The same behavior happens when trying to write to the files - Eclipse works fine, VSCode gets a FileNotFoundException.
Is there something I need to do in VSCode so that it can find the files?
Thank you for any help you can provide.

How do I use a Github program where the .exe does not exists?

I try to use programs or scripts on github form time to time, and several times I find myself incapable of executing the program and that is generally because the tutorial points towards a .exe or that does not exists on the github repository (folder containing all the gihub project files).
This is the perfect example :
This indicates that for using it you put
alishop.exe -ProductId=32704963843
alishop.exe -ProductUrl=
As command line.
But there is no such file as 'alishop.exe' in this repo !
The only other .exe file that there is is NuGet.exe, so I tried to use
NuGet.exe -ProductId=32704963843
Result : the command '-ProductId=32704963843' is said to be 'unknown' (command launched in the folder containing NuGet.exe of course)
Any idea of what do I do wrong ?
Source code must typically be built or compiled. In this case, it's a C# project, and expects you to have Visual Studio.
In other cases, Github projects may simply be scripts, documents, or plugins. They may not be standalone executables, and you will need other tools to make use of them.

How to Import/Export live code template in android studio?

In Eclipse there is simply option to import or export code template. I want to do same in android studio but there is not any direction option to do so.
I have create one template and now i want to apply it to all my other system so i need to export & import.
I have one option to do but i just want to know that is any other way to do.
Create your code template file in eclipse and export.
Exported file will be XML.
Now copy that XML file and move to ..//.AndroidStudio/config/templates
Restart Studio and Use it.
Can you please help me out.
Thanks for your time.
System-independent solution:
Go to File -> Export Settings, choose only Live templates, and export it to a file.
Then you can use File -> Import Settings and provide this file to import live templates.
(I haven't tested it myself so I'm not sure how exactly the Import Settings works. I don't know if it merges the settings with your current ones or swaps it entirely. Bare that in mind when trying...)
System-specific solutions:
Mac OS:
Go to /Users/<username>/Library/AndroidStudioX.X/templates/.
There's where user.xml file containing your Live Templates should be.
The templates are saved inside ~/.AndroidStudioX.X/config/templates/Android.xml

How to determine if a build is from the editor or command line?

I am building a C++ solution with Visual Studio 2005.
Sometimes I open the solution in Visual Studio and build it from within the development environment. Other times I build it from the command line using msbuild.exe. I'm wondering if there is a way that I can determine which of these two types of builds I'm using at compile time (for example, a macro or something like like that). I want to change the path of my output files based on this determination. So, if I'm building from within Visual Studio I would put my output files in FolderA but if I'm building from the command line I would put my output files in FolderB. Is this possible?
Perhaps you can pass in a command-line parameter when building from the command-line that would indicate you are building the solution from the command-line. Otherwise, you can assume you are building from within Visual Studio.
I don't have the answer to your general question, but in order to change the output path, have you thought of adding project configurations ? You could copy project configurations and update the output path of the new ones.