How to add 58/Text into Logon message using QuickFIX - fix-protocol

I need to send tag 58=something in 35=A (logon message) in FIX4.4.
How should I configure .cfg file of QuickFIX tool to have this tag sent by the tool?

You wouldn't use the config file for that. (Not sure where you got that idea.)
Logon is an admin message, so you would do it in the toAdmin() callback. This callback handles all admin messages, though, so you need to write a check to make sure you only add it to Logon.
You could put this code in toAdmin():
final String msgType = msg.getHeader().getString(MsgType.FIELD);
if(MsgType.LOGON.compareTo(msgType) == 0)
// "Text" is the name of field 58
// That constant literally resolves to int 58.
msg.setString(quickfix.fields.Text.FIELD, "razzledazzle");
(I'm assuming QF/j, but the code would be similar for any QF.)


How to make Keycloak 20.0.1 send an e-mail when a user is blocked due to too many failed login attempts?

I want Keycloak to send an e-mail to a user whenever a user is blocked due to too many failed login attempts (see section Realm Settings -> Security defenses -> Brute force detection).
The event in question has the following properties:
Error ( = user_temporarily_disabled
How can I do that, i. e. make Keycloak send an e-mail to the user when such event occurs?
Known ways to implement it
One obvious way to do it is to write a class that implements the interface, detect the event in its onEvent method and trigger sending of the e-mail at some custom server (i. e. send a request to that server and it will contact an SMTP server).
Second is a variation: Detect the event in the same method and somehow make Keycloak send the e-mail using Keycloak SMTP settings ("Realm settings -> Email -> Connection & Authentication").
The screenshot in this answer made met think (possibly wrongly) that there may be a way to make Keycloak send emails upon the occurrence of certain events "out of the box," i. e. without writing custom event listeners.
Update 1: If someone else wants to do this, I recommend to look at this answer. The code below worked for me.
RealmModel realm = this.model.getRealm(event.getRealmId());
UserModel user = this.session.users().getUserById(event.getUserId(), realm);
if (user != null && user.getEmail() != null) {
System.out.println(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>" + user.getEmail()); senderProvider = new;
try {
senderProvider.send(session.getContext().getRealm().getSmtpConfig(), user, "test", "body test",
"html test");
} catch (EmailException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
Keycloak does indeed support sending emails for events out of the box. However, it can only be configured by event (LOGIN_ERROR), and not by further filtered types (user_temporarily_disabled).
For this, you will need to implement your own EventListener, but it should be easy to heavily copy code from Keycloak's existing EmailEventListener, which you can find here:
In there, you'd change the implementation of L59 in onEvent(Event event) to check your two conditions (event type and error), rather than checking against some list of configured fixed events. Your event will be added to the currently running transaction, and when the transaction ends (in success or error), Keycloak will send an email via the SMTP settings that are configured in the realm.
If you want to customize the template and subject lines of the email, you'll have to provide your own freemarker templates in src/main/resources/theme-resources/templates/{html,text}. Both the html and text folder need to contain an .ftl file of the same name. Message keys for use in the template and the subject go in src/main/resources/messages/messages_{en,fr,de,...}.properties files.
With the template and messages configured, you can use one of the 2 send(...) methods available in the EmailTemplateProvider class

Outlook Addin Event handler clean up

I am having problems with the event handler in my office addin . Below is an example code i got from microsoft website to explain what i mean.
I have a manifest file that uses the on-send hook as well as a click-based event triggering.
My button calls appendMessageBodyOnClick and onsend i call appendMessageBodyOnSend. Both function primarily do the same thing. I never want to block sending emails regardless.
The problem is that the event object is not properly cleaned up i think.
Scenario 1
When i click my button ; which calls event.completed(), and then after i try to send the message, it says my app is blocking the message, but then when i try to send again it goes through.
Scenario 2
When i leave the subject empty and then send the message, as expected i am prompted that the subject is empty. If i cancel sending the message on this note and then click on my button, the message tries to send as though i clicked send.
I am supposing the is some sort or state clean up issue. What am i doing wrong here?
function appendMessageBodyOnClick(event) {
// Append string to message body
// In the following example, the checkMessage function has
// been registered as an event handler for ItemSend.
function appendMessageBodyOnSend(event) {
// Append string to message body
event.completed({allowEvent = true});
Not sure if this will help, but I also have faced some seemingly inconsistent behavior while understanding how to signal that event is fully completed. Once I got my edge cases fixed, then it worked.
One suggestion: Appending string to message body should be an async function. Call the event.completed() from inside the callback function. (i.e: make sure when you are calling event.completed(), nothing else is pending -like another async result)
Something like the following:
Office.context.mailbox.item.body.setAsync("new body", function(asyncResult) {
// handle success and failure
Same would be for your scenario 2, make sure event.completed() is called at the very end.

CakePHP 3.x - Email to log instead of sending during debug

I would like to switch my application to a configuration where email isn't actually send, but instead saved to a log file.
This way I can test my application normally without being afraid of accidentally emailing to hundreds of users and without spamming myself.
I figured something with EmailTransports could be a solution. For instance, when using the DebugTransport the emails aren't send at all, the mail content is instead only returned by the ->send() function.
The downside of this transport is than I have to modify controller code in order to display the content, which I would like to avoid.
So is there a configuration such that email is stored to files instead of being sent, e.g.:
There is no such built-in configuration, no, but you can easily create your own custom transport that logs emails to files instead of sending them.
Here's a very basic example transport that extends the debug transport, and writes the data to a custom logging scope:
namespace App\Mailer\Transport;
use Cake\Log\LogTrait;
use Cake\Mailer\Email;
use Cake\Mailer\Transport\DebugTransport;
use Psr\Log\LogLevel;
class TestTransport extends DebugTransport
use LogTrait;
public function send(Email $email)
$data = parent::send($email);
$this->log(json_encode($data), LogLevel::DEBUG, ['scope' => ['emails']]);
return $data;
See also
Cookbook > Email > Using Transports > Creating Custom Transports

Is there a way to fetch latest email from "Mail reader sampler" or "Beanshell Sampler"

I am able to fetch email from my email account using POP3 via "Mail Reader Sampler" listener. But its not retrieving latest email.
Is it possible to extract the latest email using Beanshell Sampler. If yes, can you please share the code if this is achievable.
As per below discussion - looks like it is not doable. But, wanted to check if this is achievable using any means?
Stackoverflow Discussion on how to fetch required email
You can do this programmatically, check out the following methods:
Folder.getMessageCount() - Get total number of messages in this Folder
Folder.getMessage(int msgnum) - Get the Message object corresponding to the given message number
According to the JavaDoc
Messages are numbered starting at 1 through the total number of message in the folder.
So the number of the last message will always be the same as the total number of messages in the given folder.
Example code which reads last email using POP3 protocol
import javax.mail.Folder
import javax.mail.Message
import javax.mail.Session
import javax.mail.Store
String host = "host"
String user = "username"
String password = "password"
Properties properties = System.getProperties();
Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(properties)
Store store = session.getStore("pop3")
store.connect(host, user, password)
Folder inbox = store.getFolder("Inbox")
int msgCount = inbox.getMessageCount()
Message last = inbox.getMessage(msgCount)
//do what you need with the "last" message
I would also recommend forgetting about Beanshell, whenever you need to perform scripting - use JSR223 Elements and Groovy language as Groovy has much better performance, it is more Java-compliant and it has some nice language features. See Apache Groovy - Why and How You Should Use It guide for more details.

Manually send mail from terminal console?

We have a class that builds and sends a mail message. I want to make some changes but before I do I want to test some things (like how URLs are displayed). I'm trying to manually send a message from the console but I'm getting some errors. Here is the SendMessage method of the class:
Method SendMessage(pSubject As %String, pMessage As %String, pEmailAddresses) As %Status
set tSC=$$$OK
set tMailMessage=##class(%Net.MailMessage).%New()
do tMailMessage.To.Insert($PIECE(pEmailAddresses,",",1))
for tI=2:1:$LENGTH(pEmailAddresses,",") {
do tMailMessage.Cc.Insert($PIECE(pEmailAddresses,",",tI))
set tMailMessage.Subject=pSubject
set tMailMessage.Charset="iso-8859-1"
set tSC=tMailMessage.TextData.Write(pMessage)
Set tSC1=..Adapter.SendMail(tMailMessage)
if 'tSC1 {
//Log warning about being unable to send mail.
do $SYSTEM.Status.DecomposeStatus(tSC1,.err)
$$$LOGWARNING("Could not send email: "_err(err))
kill err
quit tSC
From the terminal, I can instantiate the MailMessage class and set the body data but when I try to send I get an error:
USER>set tMailMessage=##class(%Net.MailMessage).%New()
USER>do tMailMessage.To.Insert("")
USER>set tSC=tMailMessage.TextData.Write("This is a URL test, thank you")
USER>set tMailMessage.Subject="This is a test"
USER>set tMailMessage.Charset="iso-8859-1"
USER>set tSC1=..Adapter.SendMail(tMailMessage)
SET tSC1=..Adapter.SendMail(tMailMessage)
As you can see, when I try to SendMail it tells me NO CURRENT OBJECT
I noticed these lines at the top of the class:
Parameter ADAPTER = "EnsLib.EMail.OutboundAdapter";
Property Adapter As EnsLib.EMail.OutboundAdapter;
So I tried USER>set tSC1=EnsLib.EMail.OutboundAdapter.SendMail(tMailMessage) but that resulted in <UNDEFINED> *EnsLib
As I think you working on Ensemble Service. But for testing, you should not use that classes. For sending emails you could use %Net.SMTP directly.
So, instead of ..Adapter.SendMail use this code
set s=##class(%Net.SMTP).%New()
set s.smtpserver="SMTP server name"
#; if SMTP server needs auth
set auth=##class(%Net.Authenticator).%New() ; use default authentication list
set auth.UserName="myUser"
set auth.Password="myPassword"
set s.authenticator=auth
set status=s.Send(tMailMessage)
if $$$ISERR(status) do $system.OBJ.DisplayError(status)