I have a composite type:
user_id integer,
value character(4)
Also, I have a table, uses this composite type as an array of mydata_t.
id serial NOT NULL,
data_list mydata_t[],
Here I want to update the mydata_t in data_list, where mydata_t.user_id is 100000
But I don't know which array element's user_id is equal to 100000
So I have to make a search first to find the element where its user_id is equal to 100000 ... that's my problem ... I don't know how to make the query .... in fact, I want to update the value of the array element, where it's user_id is equal to 100000 (Also where the id of tbl is for example 1) ... What will be my query?
Something like this (I know it's wrong !!!)
UPDATE "tbl" SET "data_list"[i]."value"='YYYY'
FROM unnest("data_list") "d" WHERE "d"."user_id"=10000 LIMIT 1)
For example, this is my tbl data:
Row1 => id = 1, data = ARRAY[ROW(5,'YYYY'),ROW(6,'YYYY')]
Row2 => id = 2, data = ARRAY[ROW(10,'YYYY'),ROW(11,'YYYY')]
Now i want to update tbl where id is 2 and set the value of one of the tbl.data elements to 'XXXX' where the user_id of element is equal to 11
In fact, the final result of Row2 will be this:
Row2 => id = 2, data = ARRAY[ROW(10,'YYYY'),ROW(11,'XXXX')]
If you know the value value, you can use the array_replace() function to make the change:
SET data_list = array_replace(data_list, (11, 'YYYY')::mydata_t, (11, 'XXXX')::mydata_t)
WHERE id = 2
If you do not know the value value then the situation becomes more complex:
UPDATE tbl SET data_list = data_arr
-- UPDATE doesn't allow aggregate functions so aggregate here
SELECT array_agg(new_data) AS data_arr
-- For the id value, get the data_list values that are NOT modified
SELECT (user_id, value)::mydata_t AS new_data
FROM tbl, unnest(data_list)
WHERE id = 2 AND user_id != 11
-- Add the values to update
VALUES ((11, 'XXXX')::mydata_t)
) x
) y
WHERE id = 2
You should keep in mind, though, that there is an awful lot of work going on in the background that cannot be optimised. The array of mydata_t values has to be examined from start to finish and you cannot use an index on this. Furthermore, updates actually insert a new row in the underlying file on disk and if your array has more than a few entries this will involve substantial work. This gets even more problematic when your arrays are larger than the pagesize of your PostgreSQL server, typically 8kB. All behind the scene so it will work, but at a performance penalty. Even though array_replace sounds like changes are made in-place (and they indeed are in memory), the UPDATE command will write a completely new tuple to disk. So if you have 4,000 array elements that means that at least 40kB of data will have to be read (8 bytes for the mydata_t type on a typical system x 4,000 = 32kB in a TOAST file, plus the main page of the table, 8kB) and then written to disk after the update. A real performance killer.
As #klin pointed out, this design may be more trouble than it is worth. Should you make data_list as table (as I would do), the update query becomes:
UPDATE data_list SET value = 'XXXX'
WHERE id = 2 AND user_id = 11
This will have MUCH better performance, especially if you add the appropriate indexes. You could then still create a view to publish the data in an aggregated form with a custom type if your business logic so requires.
I have a table cusers with a primary key:
primary key(uid, lid, cnt)
And I try to insert some values into the table:
insert into cusers (uid, lid, cnt, dyn, ts)
(A, B, C, (
select C - cnt
from cusers
where uid = A and lid = B
order by ts desc
limit 1
), now())
on conflict do nothing
Quite often (with the possibility of 98%) a row cannot be inserted to cusers because it violates the primary key constraint, so hard select queries do not need to be executed at all. But as I can see PostgreSQL first counts the select query as a result of dyn column and only then rejects row because of uid, lid, cnt violation.
What is the best way to insert rows quickly in such situation?
Another explanation
I have a system where one row depends on another. Here is an example:
(x, x, 2, 2, <timestamp>)
(x, x, 5, 3, <timestamp>)
Two columns contain an absolute value (2 and 5) and relative value (2, 5 - 2). Each time I insert new row it should:
avoid same rows (see primary key constraint)
if new row differs, it should count a difference and put it into the dyn column (so I take the last inserted row for the user according to the timestamp and subtract values).
Another solution I've found is to use returning uid, lid, ts for inserts and get user ids which were really inserted - this is how I know they have differences from existing rows. Then I update inserted values:
update cusers
set dyn = (
select max(cnt) - min(cnt)
from (
select cnt
from cusers
where uid = A and lid = B
order by ts desc
limit 2) Table
where uid = A and lid = B and ts = TS
But it is not a fast approach either, as it seeks all over the ts column to find the two last inserted rows for each user. I need a fast insert query as I insert millions of rows at a time (but I do not write duplicates).
What the solution can be? May be I need a new index for this? Thanks in advance.
This is the question: Is it possible to look at the outputs, what has been selected, from the previous row of a running SQL query in Postgres?
I know that lag exists to look at the inputs, the "from" of the query. I also know that a CTE, subquery or lateral join can solve most issues of this kind. But I think the problem I'm facing genuinely requires a peek at the output of the previous row. Why? Because the output of the current row depends on a constant from a lookup table and the value used too look up that constant is an aggregate of all the previous rows. And if that lookup returns the wrong constant all subsequent rows will be increasingly off from the expected value.
The whole rest of this text is a simplified example based on the problem I'm facing. It should be possible to input it to PostgreSQL 12 and above and play around. I'm terribly sorry that it is as complicated as it is, but I think it is the most simple I can make it while still retaining the core issue: lookup in lookup table based on an aggregate from all previous rows as well as the fact that the "inventory" that's being tracked is modeled as a series of transactions of two discrete types.
The database itself exists to keep track of multiple fish farms, or cages full of fish. Fish can be moved/transferred from between these farms and the farms are fed about daily. Why not just carry the aggregate as a field in the table? Because it should be possible to switch out the lookup table after the season is over, to adjust it to better match with reality.
-- A listing of all groups of fish ever grown.
create table farms (
id bigserial primary key,
start timestamp not null,
stop timestamp
insert into farms
(id, start)
values (
1, '2021-02-01T13:37'
-- A transfer of fish from one odling to another.
-- If the source is null the fish is transferred from another fishery outside our system.
-- If the destination is null the fish is being slaughtered, removed from the system.
create table transfers (
source bigint references farms(id),
destination bigint references farms(id),
timestamp timestamp not null default current_timestamp,
total_weight_g bigint not null constraint positive_nonzero_total_weight_g check (total_weight_g > 0),
average_weight_g bigint not null constraint positive_nonzero_average_weight_g check (average_weight_g > 0),
number_fish bigint generated always as (total_weight_g / average_weight_g) stored
insert into transfers
(source, destination, timestamp, total_weight_g, average_weight_g)
(null, 1, '2021-02-01T16:38', 5, 5),
(null, 1, '2021-02-15T16:38', 500, 500);
-- Transactions of fish feed into a farm.
create table feedings (
id bigserial primary key,
growth_table bigint not null,
farm bigint not null references farms(id),
amount_g bigint not null constraint positive_nonzero_amunt_g check (amount_g > 0),
timestamp timestamp not null
insert into feedings
(farm, growth_table, amount_g, timestamp)
(1, 1, 1, '2021-02-02T13:37'),
(1, 1, 1, '2021-02-03T13:37'),
(1, 1, 1, '2021-02-04T13:37'),
(1, 1, 1, '2021-02-05T13:37'),
(1, 1, 1, '2021-02-06T13:37'),
(1, 1, 1, '2021-02-07T13:37');
create view combined_feed_and_transfer_history as
with transfer_history as (
select timestamp, destination as farm, total_weight_g, average_weight_g, number_fish
from transfers as deposits
where deposits.destination = 1 -- TODO: This view only works for one farm, fix that.
union all
select timestamp, source as farm, -total_weight_g, -average_weight_g, -number_fish
from transfers as withdrawals
where withdrawals.source = 1
select timestamp, farm, total_weight_g, number_fish, average_weight_g, null as growth_table
from transfer_history
union all
select timestamp, farm, amount_g, 0 as number_fish, 0 as average_weight_g, growth_table
from feedings
order by timestamp;
-- Conversion tables from feed to gained weight.
create table growth_coefficients (
growth_table bigserial not null,
average_weight_g bigint not null constraint positive_nonzero_weight check (average_weight_g > 0),
feed_conversion_rate double precision not null constraint positive_foderkonverteringsfaktor check (feed_conversion_rate >= 0),
primary key(growth_table, average_weight_g)
insert into growth_coefficients
(average_weight_g, feed_conversion_rate, growth_table)
-- My current solution is a bad one. It does a CTE that sums over all events but does not account
-- for the feed conversion rate. That means that the average weight used too look up the feed
-- conversion rate will diverge more and more from reality the further into the season time goes.
-- This is why it is important to look at the output, the average weight, of the previous row.
-- We start by summing up all the transfer and feed events to get a rough average_weight_g.
with estimate as (
total_weight_g as transaction_size_g,
sum(total_weight_g) over (order by timestamp) as sum_weight_g,
sum(number_fish) over (order by timestamp) as sum_number_fish,
sum(total_weight_g) over (order by timestamp) / sum(number_fish) over (order by timestamp) as average_weight_g
transaction_size_g as trans_g,
closest_lookup_table_weight.average_weight_g as lookup_g,
converted_weight_g as conv_g,
sum(converted_weight_g) over (order by timestamp) as sum_conv_g,
sum(converted_weight_g) over (order by timestamp) / sum_number_fish as sum_average_g
join lateral ( -- We then use this estimated_average_weight to look up the closest constant in the growth coefficient table.
(select gc.average_weight_g - estimate.average_weight_g as diff, gc.average_weight_g from growth_coefficients gc where gc.average_weight_g >= estimate.average_weight_g order by gc.average_weight_g asc limit 1)
union all
(select estimate.average_weight_g - gc.average_weight_g as diff, gc.average_weight_g from growth_coefficients gc where gc.average_weight_g <= estimate.average_weight_g order by gc.average_weight_g desc limit 1)
order by diff
limit 1
) as closest_lookup_table_weight
on true
join lateral ( -- If the historical event is a feeding we need to lookup the feed conversion rate.
select case when growth_table is null then 1
else (select feed_conversion_rate
from growth_coefficients gc
where gc.growth_table = growth_table
and gc.average_weight_g = closest_lookup_table_weight.average_weight_g)
) as growth_coefficient
on true
join lateral (
select feed_conversion_rate * transaction_size_g as converted_weight_g
) as converted_weight_g
on true;
At the very bottom is my current "solution". With the above example data the sum_conv_g should end up being 5.6, but due to the aggregate being used as the lookup not accounting for the conversion rate the sum_conv_g ends up 45.2 instead.
One idea I had was if there perhaps something like query-local variables one could use to store the sum_average_g between rows? There's always the escape hatch of just querying out the transactions to my generic programming language Clojure and solving it there, but it would be neat if it could be solved entirely within the database.
You have to formulate a recursive subquery. I posted a simplified version of this question over at the DBA SE and got the answer there. The answer to that question can be found here and can be expanded to this more complicated question, though I would wager that no one will ever have the interest to do that.
I've got a table in PostgreSQL 9.4:
user_votes (
user_id int,
portfolio_id int,
car_id int
vote int
Is it possible to put a constraint on the table so a user max can have 99 point to vote with in each portfolio?
This means that a user can have multiple rows consisting of the same user_id and portfolio_id, but different car_id and vote. The sum on votes should never exceed 99, but it can be placed among different cars.
So doing:
INSERT INTO user_vores (user_id, portfolio_id, car_id, vote) VALUES
(1, 1, 1, 20),
(1, 1, 7, 40),
(1, 1, 9, 25)
would all be allowed, but when trying to add something that exceeds 99 votes should fail, like another row:
INSERT INTO user_vores (user_id, portfolio_id, car_id, vote) VALUES
(1, 1, 21, 40)
Unfortunately no, if you tried to create such a constraint you will see this error message:
ERROR: aggregate functions are not allowed in check constraints
But the wonderfull thing about postgresql is that there is always more than one way to skin a cat. You can use a BEFORE trigger to check that the data you are trying to insert fullfills our requirements.
Row-level triggers fired BEFORE can return null to signal the trigger
manager to skip the rest of the operation for this row (i.e.,
subsequent triggers are not fired, and the INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE does
not occur for this row). If a nonnull value is returned then the
operation proceeds with that row value.
Inside your trigger you would count the number of votes
SELECT COUNT(*) into vote_count FROM user_votes WHERE user_id = NEW.user_id
Now if vote_count is 99 you return NULL and the data will not be inserted.
First off, I'm using SQL Server 2008 R2
I am moving data from one source to another. In this particular case there is a field called SiteID. In the source it's not a required field, but in the destination it is. So it was my thought, when the SiteID from the source is NULL, to sort of create a SiteID "on the fly" during the query of the source data. Something like a combination of the state plus the first 8 characters of a description field plus a ten digit number incremented.
At first I thought it might be easy to use a combination of date/time + nanoseconds but it turns out that several records can be retrieved within a nanosecond leading to duplicate SiteIDs.
My second idea was to create a table that contained an identity field plus a function that would add a record to increment the identity field and then return it (the function would also delete all records where the identity field is less than the latest saving space). Unfortunately after I got it written, when trying to "CREATE" the function I got a notice that INSERTs are not allowed in functions.
I could (and did) convert it to a stored procedure, but stored procedures are not allowed in select queries.
So now I'm stuck.
Is there any way to accomplish what I'm trying to do?
This script may take time to execute depending on the data present in the table, so first execute on a small sample dataset.
DECLARE #TotalMissingSiteID INT = 0,
#Counter INT = 0,
SiteID BIGINT-- Check the datatype
SELECT #TotalMissingSiteID = COUNT(*)
FROM SourceTable
WHILE(#Counter < #TotalMissingSiteID )
WHILE(1 = 1)
SELECT #NewID = RAND()* 1000000000000000;-- Add your formula to generate new SiteIDs here
-- To check if the generated SiteID is already present in the table
FROM SourceTable
WHERE SiteID = #NewID),0) = 0 )
SET #Counter = #Counter + 1;
INSERT INTO DestinationTable (SiteID)-- Add the extra columns here
SELECT ISNULL(MainTable.SiteID,NewIDs.SiteID) SiteID
SELECT SiteID,-- Add the extra columns here
ORDER BY SiteID) SerialNumber
FROM SourceTable
) MainTable
FROM #NewSiteIDs
) NewIDs
ON MainTable.SiteID IS NULL
AND MainTable.SerialNumber = NewIDs.SerialNumber