Suggestions for email providers that allow mailbox creation via API and Forwarding Rules - email

I have a web application that utilizes several CRM types of emails for notifications, appointment reminders, attachments for digital sales and such. My clients can use my own admin domain email account to send these emails (no-reply email), or they can provide credentials for using their own SMTP server or relay service so that any emails that are replied to are sent to them (vs a no-reply admin email).
However, I'd like to try for a 3rd option where I can create an email mailbox on my a domain like so:
And then I would apply a forwarding rule on each one to send any replies to their personal email accounts so they wouldn't have to have their own SMTP service.
Now I can do this using providers' interfaces, but I'd rather do it with an API so I'm not having to manually create mailboxes and setting forwarding rules.
Currently I'm using AWS SES for my domain emailing, but I've searched for hours and the "solution" to create mailboxes and create rules to forward are ridiculous.
Are there any other email providers out there that make this easier? I don't need anything fancy except the ability to create a bunch of email mailboxes via API (preferably with a high limit of mailboxes) and the ability to create the forwarding rules via API.
Or can anyone recommend a good email provider that allows for a lot of mailboxes and makes forwarding really easy (and of course cheap).
Like "cringe" GoDaddy Email or something similar??

After a lot of research, this procedure doesn't really make sense these days. There are a lot of relay email providers that make it easy to set up "Senders" so that emails can appear to come from any kind of email account (personal or domain based) for ease of use with applications


Route outbound messages from office 365 Exchange (EOP) to a third-party service such as Sendgrid, SparkPost etc

Am trying to set up an outbound mail connector and rule within to route messages FROM a particular user, out to a 3rd party delivery service such as SparkPost, Sendgrid etc.
These services accept SMTP mail on port 25 or 587, with TLS, and expect username and password credentials to be presented on SMTP connection establishment. Messages are relayed on (with DKIM signing etc) to the final recipient.
This help article describes similar, but it's oriented around delivering mail TO a particular user.
There doesn't seem to be a way for O365 to have a connector to services like this.
The connector setup requires a mailbox identity to verify against; not a username and password.
Further, the limit on mail flow thru an O365 account looks to be 10,000 per day, which is a lot for a human user but small for apps generating mail.
Looks like they'll need to keep Exchange running on-prem to fulfil this use-case, unless anyone knows otherwise?
I spoke to Microsoft tech support and there appears to be no way to set up such a connector.
Also they do discourage folks from using O365 for bulk mail, but sometimes grant enterprises exceptions.

Sending email from GCE or AWS on behalf of users

How could I use Google Compute Engine (or a similar service, like AWS) to send email on behalf of users via their SMTP server?
I am interested in building an online email client which allows users to enter their SMTP and POP servers and send/receive email, like they would with their desktop clients. GCE blocks all SMTP ports to prevent abuse and recommends using a mail service like SendGrid instead. However, after researching dozens of these services, they all seem to only support transactional email using their own SMTP servers, or possibly a pre-cleared smtp server. I simply want to send email using the user's SMTP server (ex, just like they would if they were using a desktop client.
I realize I could host my own servers but I am not interested in maintaining the infrastructure. I would like to host everything on a cloud service. Is there any way I can work around Google's restrictions with an existing service?
As I'm sure you are aware, you would have to have the user enter their SMTP server information and account credentials. You would then use that information to connect to their SMTP server.
By default AWS EC2 instances have SMTP traffic on port 25 rate limited. To remove this limitation, you would need to fill out and submit the following form:
If you're looking to send mail as a Gmail, Hotmail, or Yahoo user, you'll probably want to call the service's API to have the server send mail on the user's behalf. There are several benefits of this:
You'll need to get authorization from users (usually via an OAuth flow)
in order to access their mail. This means that users shouldn't be
surprised that you're sending mail from their accounts, and they'll
have some control over your access.
The mail will be signed and come from the appropriate IP addresses to
comply with the various spam-control mechanisms set up by those
companies. Without this, it's likely that the mail you send will end
up in the bit-bucket of the recipient.
By using the API, the service should be able to keep a copy of the
sent mail in the user's outgoing mail folder. This will let the user
see and search for the original message sent if they want.
Unfortunately, this may also mean that each mail service you want to send from will need separate integration, and that you may not be able to send as the user's email address from smaller providers.
Note that the App Engine mail API allows you to send mail as the currently logged-in user (when logging in, users have a similar consent screen to the OAuth process mentioned above).

Use sendgrid from multiple domains without whitelabel

I'm trying to understand a few concepts around sendgrid, whitelabeling and different servers that I plan to deploy the same sendgrid account in.
So my questions are:
1) Is whitelabelling purely for masking the via and will I have any issues if I dont use it with my current setup(i.e. same account on several domains)
2) How does sendgrid deal with messages that have a "From" email that doesnt match the domain the email is sent from? Cause I read that it would silently drop them but instead I see that emails do get delivered however the statistics in sendgrid's dashboard are not being updated.
3) Upon creating a demo account I was asked to provide the domain from which the emails will be triggered but since I want to deploy this in several different domains will I need multiple accounts or is there an alternative option when you go for a paid plan?
Yes - whitelabelling will replace the with your own domain.
You can also setup multiple domains inside SendGrid and assign each to a subuser. That will get you one SendGrid account, with multiple whitelabelled domains and separate sender reputation for each.
SendGrid will attempt delivery of whatever you ask it to send -- if you send an email with a different from domain than the signed sending domain, it's up to the receiving mail server to decide whether to block, flag as spam, or allow the email. Different receiving domains will behave differently.
It's generally best practice to always have your from domain match your signed sender domain.
Once you have one domain setup, you can setup additional domains using SendGrid subusers -- more info here.
If you have a complicated multi-domain setup, you might want to check out a templating API, like sendwithus, for making things easier to manage. They'll integrate directly with your SendGrid subusers on your behalf.

Are there any Email Saas providers which allows creation of email ids using APIs?

For a project I need to setup either a mail server (like Open X-change, Kolab) or I can use email service as Saas from providers like Mailgun, Sendgrid etc. But my prime requirements are:
Create new email addresses using (Rest) API or any other API programmatically.
Ability to create huge number of email ids (more than 10,000)
I have researched and found some like mailgun provides facility of sending / receiving messages through APIs. But nothing was mentioned about creating new email ids using APIs.
Does anyone know any mail server / SaaS which provides the aforementioned facilities?
To have a mail id, you need to be able to accept messages at that location, which would be a full mail service such as Gmail.
If you just need to send "as" addresses, you can use an SMTP service such as SendGrid. You'd just need to make sure the domain is legitimate and can receive mail, and that you set the Reply-To value to something that you can accept mail at.

How are SaaS/Mult-Tenancy apps implementing email notifications (sending and receving)?

Given multi-tenant application, How are vendors implementing email notifications from an email account setup and programming perspective:
Sending emails could come from a generic account: eg or, this seems reasonable considering reply addresses and lilnks can be contained within the email contents.
Receiving Emails: How would an application receive email, for instance; to generate support tickets or assign comments in an email to a project/task. I have seen ID's within the subject and some reply to addresses containing the account name eg:
I realise one can programatically connect to a pop3 server and receive emails and look for the IDs with the subject, but is there a way of setting up and receiving email to a single pop3 account from multiple sub-host name email addresses (not sure on terminology there) eg: or and check the Account Name from the address? (similar to checking subdomains on a URL)
Any practices, experience, comments or sughestions?
(not sure its relevant, but using C# and services etc)
For sending notification emails, we have a notification send to address associated with each account and simply send from our domain to that address. Our from address is monitored and replies end up in the CSR work queue.
For inbound emails, we use FogBugz (from the makers of Stack Overflow) for case tracking. That accepts new cases via email (e.g. Tickets are auto-created from the email. My only complaint there is that the customer needs to check an obscure link for case updates (no "my cases" web portal, but maybe that will come out in an upcoming version of FogBugz).
We have a custom field in FogBugz to indicate the customer the ticket is from. We could theoretically write a plugin to FogBugz that auto-assigns that using the senders domain, but I guess the CSR's haven't complained loudly enough yet :-)
We (at muHive) are an inbound email/social conversations management product. If you are looking at a handling inbound email or social media conversations from customers, we have an impressive toolset.
For our own outbound needs, the simplest way is to use an Email sending API. Don't bother with SMTP sending by yourself. We use Amazon SES and have also tried Sendgrid which gave us additional benefits like delivery status and email parsing.
There are two ways in which you can handle multiple accounts to a catch all email address. If your target system can differentiate between different customers and assign tasks to the correct representatives based on either the content/sender, ask all your customers to send an email to
As you rightly said, you could also create ** email addresses and use different accounts on whatever CRM/Support solution use to manage these emails.
Another approach is to have your customers send you an email to and you use a rule based system (like muHive) to forward these mails to the appropriate account executives based on the customer/account who sent the mail.