Middleware to add time to all actions - redux-toolkit

Using Redux Toolkit, I have many action creators that have prepare callbacks adding a unixtime property to the payload. This property gets the Date.now() value. Since I'm continually adding more actions requiring a time, I'm thinking I'll instead add middleware like the following:
import { Middleware } from 'redux';
import { RootState } from '../sliceReducer'; // type of my app's Redux state
const unixtimeMiddleware: Middleware<{}, RootState> = () => (next) => (action) => {
if (action && !action.meta) {
action.meta = {};
action.meta.unixtime = Date.now();
return next(action);
export default unixtimeMiddleware;
My question is:
Is this the right type for the middleware?
Possibly related to (1), is there a way to automatically have meta: { unixtime: number } added to all RTK action types, or do I need to create types that extend the built-in action types like:
import { PayloadAction } from '#reduxjs/toolkit';
* An extension of Redux Toolkit's PayloadAction which includes a .meta.unixtime property.
* #template P The type of the action's payload.
* #template M Union to the action's base meta type { unixtime: number } (optional)
* #template E The type of the action's error (optional)
* #public
export type PayloadActionUnixtime<P, M = never, E = never> = PayloadAction<
{ unixtime: number } & ([M] extends [never] ? {} : M),
(Side note: I chose the name unixtime over something like timestamp to reduce the likelihood someone would think it is a string like YYYY-MM-DD HH-MM-SS)


Wagtail - how to get tags to work with `telepath` (tags in streamfield)?

I can use tags in regular page fields without any issue. When using tags within blocks (within a streamfield), the UI works and the tags are saved BUT the current page tags do not show up when loading the page in the admin. That's because the current value is not in the template anymore, it's in a JSON loaded via telepath.
I can confirm that the tags are saved and present in the data passed to initBlockWidget in the page source but these are ignored. Also, if I used a regular text field instead of the tag-widget, I can see the saved-values in the admin.
This is the code I have (which used to be enough before the refactor with telepath).
from wagtail.admin.widgets import AdminTagWidget
class TagBlock(TextBlock):
def field(self):
field_kwargs = {"widget": AdminTagWidget()}
return forms.CharField(**field_kwargs)
I think the following link is what I need to complete somehow to get it to work: https://docs.wagtail.io/en/stable/reference/streamfield/widget_api.html#form-widget-client-side-api
I've tried with this:
class AdminTagWidgetAdapter(WidgetAdapter):
class Media:
js = [
register(AdminTagWidgetAdapter(), AdminTagWidget)
And under js/admin/admin-tag-widget-adapter.js:
console.log("adapter"); // this shows up in the console
class BoundWidget { // copied from wagtail source code
constructor(element, name, idForLabel, initialState) {
var selector = ':input[name="' + name + '"]';
this.input = element.find(selector).addBack(selector); // find, including element itself
this.idForLabel = idForLabel;
getValue() {
return this.input.val();
getState() {
return this.input.val();
setState(state) {
getTextLabel(opts) {
const val = this.getValue();
if (typeof val !== 'string') return null;
const maxLength = opts && opts.maxLength;
if (maxLength && val.length > maxLength) {
return val.substring(0, maxLength - 1) + '…';
return val;
focus() {
// my code here:
class AdminTagWidget {
constructor(html, idPattern) {
this.html = html;
this.idPattern = idPattern;
boundWidgetClass = BoundWidget;
render(placeholder, name, id, initialState) {
console.log("RENDER", placeholder, name, id, initialState); // this does not show
var html = this.html.replace(/__NAME__/g, name).replace(/__ID__/g, id);
var idForLabel = this.idPattern.replace(/__ID__/g, id);
var dom = $(html);
// eslint-disable-next-line new-cap
return new this.boundWidgetClass(dom, name, idForLabel, initialState);
console.log("here") // does show in the console
// variants I've tried:
//window.telepath.register('wagtail.admin.widgets.tags.AdminTagWidget', AdminTagWidget);
//window.telepath.register('wagtail.widgets.AdminTagWidget', AdminTagWidget);
window.telepath.register('path.where.its.used.AdminTagWidget', AdminTagWidget)
The log from my custom render method does not show. It seems that I'm not calling the right path within window.telepath.register but I don't know how what the string is supposed to be...
I'm not even sure if this is the right way forward.
it works in regular field, the question is about tags in blocks
I'm using Wagtail version 2.13.2 but I've also tried with 2.15 without any difference.
In the console, I can log window.telepath and see my custom widget. It's just not "applied" to anything
Your WidgetAdapter class needs a js_constructor attribute:
class AdminTagWidgetAdapter(WidgetAdapter):
js_constructor = 'myapp.widgets.AdminTagWidget'
class Media:
js = [
Any string value will work here - it just needs to uniquely identify the class, so it's recommended to use a dotted module-like path to avoid colliding with others. This then matches the string you pass to window.telepath.register on the Javascript side:
window.telepath.register('myapp.widgets.AdminTagWidget', AdminTagWidget)

Ag-Grid : Access to the row node/data in the browser's Developer Tools

When debugging my application with Chrome's Developer Tools I would like to be able to access the row node or the column on a given ag-cell.
I can do it if there is an Angular cellRenderer (using ng.getComponent($0) I can access my Angular component and the params). But is it possible with the default cellRenderer ?
I'd recommend a simple solution: use the cellClicked callback.
and in your component:
I've created a StackBlitz for your here.
This answer works only if you are using AgGrid within Angular.
I created a function (here in Typescript) that can be included in your app code.
You can then call-it from the Dev Tools:
select an element inside the AgGrid (which must be created using an Angular Component)
in the console, run getAgGridCellInfo($0) (as you would call ng.getComponent($0))
Code to be copied inside your app's code :
* For Dev tool's console, provides an easy access to a cell's Node and column.
* Just :
* * select an element inside the AgGrid (which must be created using an <ag-grid-angular> Angular Component)
* * in the console, run getAgGridCellInfo($0) (as you would call ng.getComponent($0))
* #param element HTMLElement ($0 usually)
* #return an object with some information on the row, column and cell
function getAgGridCellInfo(element: HTMLElement) {
if (!element) {
console.error('Call with $0 parameter, after selecting a DOM element inside an AgGrid');
function getInheritedAttribute(el: HTMLElement, attributeName: string) {
if (!el) {
throw new Error('Could not find attribute ' + attributeName + ' in parents of ' + element);
const elVal = el.getAttribute(attributeName);
return elVal != null ? elVal : getInheritedAttribute(el.parentElement, attributeName);
function getAgGridCompontent(el: HTMLElement) {
const comp = window['ng'].getComponent(el);
return comp && comp.constructor.name === 'AgGridAngular' ? comp : getAgGridCompontent(el.parentElement);
const rowId = getInheritedAttribute(element, 'row-id');
const colId = getInheritedAttribute(element, 'col-id');
const agGridComp = getAgGridCompontent(element);
const api: GridApi = agGridComp?.api;
const rowNode = api?.getRowNode(rowId);
const colDef = api?.getColumnDef(colId);
const value = colDef && rowNode && api.getValue(colId, rowNode);
return {
api: api,
rowId: rowId,
colId: colId,
rowNode: rowNode,
colDef: colDef,
value: value,
data: rowNode?.data
window['getAgGridCellInfo'] = getAgGridCellInfo;

AG Grid: Better way for validation row - valueSetter?

Is there a better way to validate a row in ag-grid than with valueSetter?
I can achieve the validation with that but I am not sure, if there is a better way.
I want to validate two fields in the row. DateFrom and DateUntil (they are not allow to be null and DateFrom must be lower than DateUntil).
There are two ways of possible validation handling:
First: via ValueSetter function
Second: via custom cellEditor component
I suggest that it would be better to split the logic between custom components, but as you said you need to validate two cell-values between themselves.
On this case from UI perspective you could try to combine them inside one cell and it would be easily to work with values via one component only.
You could override the valueSetter and call the grid api transaction update instead.
Here is pseudo-code that shows how you could implement this.
valueSetter: params => {
validate(params.newValue, onSuccess, onFail);
return false;
validate = (newvalue, success, fail) => {
if (isValid(newValue)) {
} else {
onSuccess = () => {
// do transaction update to update the cell with the new value
onFail = () => {
// update some meta data property that highlights the cell signalling that the value has failed to validate
This way you can also do asynchronous validation.
Here is a real example of an async value setter that has success, failure, and while validating handlers that do transaction updates when validation is done.
const asyncValidator = (
) => {
setTimeout(function() {
if (validateFn(newValue)) {
} else {
}, 1000);
const _onWhileValidating = params => () => {
let data = params.data;
let field = params.colDef.field;
data[field] = {
isValidating: true
params.api.applyTransaction({ update: [data] });
const _onSuccess = params => () => {
let data = params.data;
let field = params.colDef.field;
data[field] = {
isValidating: false,
lastValidation: true,
value: params.newValue
params.api.applyTransaction({ update: [data] });
const _onFail = params => () => {
let data = params.data;
let field = params.colDef.field;
data[field] = {
isValidating: false,
lastValidation: params.newValue
params.api.applyTransaction({ update: [data] });
const asyncValidateValueSetter = validateFn => params => {
return false;
Here is a code runner example showing this in action: https://stackblitz.com/edit/async-validation-ag-grid-final
Have a look at this two snippets, these come from our internal knowledge base (accessible to customers)
When editing a value in column 'A (Required)', you will see that it does not allow you to leave it empty. If you leave it empty and return the edit, it will be cancelled.
//Force Cell to require a value when finished editing
In this example, we are using a Custom Cell Editor that will also validate the values against a 6 character length rule. While editing, if the value is modified outside of 6 characters, it will appear in red, and when you stop editing the row, the value would be reset, so it only accepts a complete edit if the value is valid.
//Inline Validation while editing a cell

how to put verification in pageobject model in protractor

I have a code (credit to #kishanpatel) Traverse-through-each-row-for-a-column-text which will verify whether the value is added in grid or not. i want to put this in my page object. i was thinking to add the elements into page object and the if condition in a different helper file similar to selenium but i am not sure is that the right appraoch. see the details below.
if I call the mo.helper in spec.ts, it says gridcheck.ispresent() is not a function. How to handle this scenario?
it('verify the grid that master obligation is added', function () {
var testvar = "'test_protractor'";
var row_check = element(by.xpath("//div[contains(text()," + testvar + ")]"));
if (row_check.isPresent()) {
row_check.getText().then(function (msg) {
if (row_check.isPresent()) {
console.log("Grid contains========== " + msg);
i have the below method in mo.ts(page object page):
this.grid = function (value) {
// var testvar = "'test_protractor'";
var row_check = element(by.xpath("//div[contains(text()," + value + ")]"));
return require('./mohelper.ts')
var mohelper = function () {
this.gridvaluepresent = function () {
var gridcheck = mo.grid();
if(gridcheck.isPresent()) {
gridcheck.getText().then(function (msg) {
if (gridcheck.isPresent()) {
console.log("Grid contains========== " + msg);
module.exports = new mohelper();
it('go to corresponding module and verify whether the master obligation is added ', function () {
Couple of things here to be considered -
1) Most of the protractor's api methods are asynchronous i.e. they return promises you have to resolve/reject them to perform actions.
isPresent() also returns a promise, you need to resolve it-
var row_check = element(by.xpath("//div[contains(text()," + value + ")]"));
row_check.isPresent().then(function(present) {
if(present) { // it returns a boolean value
row_check.getText().then(function (msg) {
console.log("Grid contains========== " + msg);
2) Since you are using TypeScript , use its syntax rather than conventional js-
let row_check = element(by.xpath("//div[contains(text()," + value + ")]")); // Block scoped variable using 'let'
row_check.isPresent().then((present) => { // notice the thick arrow
if(present) {
row_check.getText().then((msg) => {
console.log("Grid contains========== " + msg);
3) Maintain Page Objects efficiently and readable-
All the helper methods, elements etc. for a single page should go in a single page object. Write them in separate classes, typescript uses the concept of classes and transpiles them to global functions.
import {ElementFinder, element} from 'protractor';
export class MoHelper {
public row_check: ElementFinder; // its of element finder type
gridValueCheck(value : string) {
row_check = element(by.xpath("//div[contains(text()," + value + ")]")); // please use Css selectors instead of Xpath!
row_check.isPresent().then((present) => {
if(present) {
row_check.getText().then((msg) => {
return msg; // here you are returning the msg of the row from your page!
Your spec.ts should validate that row msg!
import {MoHelper} from './moHelper.ts'
let mo: MoHelper = new MoHelper();
it('go to corresponding module and verify whether the master obligation is added ', () => {
browser.sleep(10000); // please refrain from using sleeps instead use Expected Conditions
expect(mo.gridValueCheck("test_protractor")).toEqual("Your Expected Message");
Please find the links for your reference to understand the above in more detail-
Getting started with typescript
Using page objects in protractor/style guide
Expected Conditions

Copy Groovy class properties

I want to copy object properties to another object in a generic way (if a property exists on target object, I copy it from the source object).
My code works fine using ExpandoMetaClass, but I don't like the solution. Are there any other ways to do this?
class User {
String name = 'Arturo'
String city = 'Madrid'
Integer age = 27
class AdminUser {
String name
String city
Integer age
def copyProperties(source, target) {
target.properties.each { key, value ->
if (source.metaClass.hasProperty(source, key) && key != 'class' && key != 'metaClass') {
target.setProperty(key, source.metaClass.getProperty(source, key))
def (user, adminUser) = [new User(), new AdminUser()]
assert adminUser.name == null
assert adminUser.city == null
assert adminUser.age == null
copyProperties(user, adminUser)
assert adminUser.name == 'Arturo'
assert adminUser.city == 'Madrid'
assert adminUser.age == 27
I think the best and clear way is to use InvokerHelper.setProperties method
import groovy.transform.ToString
import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.InvokerHelper
class User {
String name = 'Arturo'
String city = 'Madrid'
Integer age = 27
class AdminUser {
String name
String city
Integer age
def user = new User()
def adminUser = new AdminUser()
println "before: $user $adminUser"
InvokerHelper.setProperties(adminUser, user.properties)
println "after : $user $adminUser"
before: User(Arturo, Madrid, 27) AdminUser(null, null, null)
after : User(Arturo, Madrid, 27) AdminUser(Arturo, Madrid, 27)
Note: If you want more readability you can use category
use(InvokerHelper) {
I think your solution is quite good and is in the right track. At least I find it quite understandable.
A more succint version of that solution could be...
def copyProperties(source, target) {
source.properties.each { key, value ->
if (target.hasProperty(key) && !(key in ['class', 'metaClass']))
target[key] = value
... but it's not fundamentally different. I'm iterating over the source properties so I can then use the values to assign to the target :). It may be less robust than your original solution though, as I think it would break if the target object defines a getAt(String) method.
If you want to get fancy, you might do something like this:
def copyProperties(source, target) {
def (sProps, tProps) = [source, target]*.properties*.keySet()
def commonProps = sProps.intersect(tProps) - ['class', 'metaClass']
commonProps.each { target[it] = source[it] }
Basically, it first computes the common properties between the two objects and then copies them. It also works, but I think the first one is more straightforward and easier to understand :)
Sometimes less is more.
Another way is to do:
def copyProperties( source, target ) {
[source,target]*.getClass().declaredFields*.grep { !it.synthetic }.name.with { a, b ->
a.intersect( b ).each {
target."$it" = source."$it"
Which gets the common properties (that are not synthetic fields), and then assigns them to the target
You could also (using this method) do something like:
def user = new User()
def propCopy( src, clazz ) {
[src.getClass(), clazz].declaredFields*.grep { !it.synthetic }.name.with { a, b ->
clazz.newInstance().with { tgt ->
a.intersect( b ).each {
tgt[ it ] = src[ it ]
def admin = propCopy( user, AdminUser )
assert admin.name == 'Arturo'
assert admin.city == 'Madrid'
assert admin.age == 27
So you pass the method an object to copy the properties from, and the class of the returned object. The method then creates a new instance of this class (assuming a no-args constructor), sets the properties and returns it.
Edit 2
Assuming these are Groovy classes, you can invoke the Map constructor and set all the common properties like so:
def propCopy( src, clazz ) {
[src.getClass(), clazz].declaredFields*.grep { !it.synthetic }.name.with { a, b ->
clazz.metaClass.invokeConstructor( a.intersect( b ).collectEntries { [ (it):src[ it ] ] } )
Spring BeanUtils.copyProperties will work even if source/target classes are different types. http://docs.spring.io/autorepo/docs/spring/3.2.3.RELEASE/javadoc-api/org/springframework/beans/BeanUtils.html