How to get the string I put into a Error instance? - swift

Basicly I got this,
// MyPackage.swift
enum Error: LocalizedError {
case general(String)
func foobar() throws {
throw Error.general("haha")
do {
try foobar()
} catch Error.general(let message) {
// will print "haha"
And then in the unit test, I need to check if I got the exact same error,
import Quick
import Nimble
import MyPackage
class MySpec: QuickSpec {
override func spec() {
describe("") {
let input = "haha"
let count = 2
let expectation = Error.general("非纯数字字符串无法使用本方法")
context("输入_" + input) {
it("预期_" + expectation.localizedDescription) {
// got the error
// but expectation.localizedDescription was not what I looking for
expect(try numberStringByAddingZerosInto(input, tillReach: count))
It worked, but expectation.localizedDescription was not "haha", which made the name of the test case useless.
I also tried expectation.errorDescription with no luck.
Where could I get it?
And why is it like this?

override errorDescription var
enum Error: LocalizedError {
case general(String)
var errorDescription: String? {
switch self {
case .general(let errorMessage):
return errorMessage
Now, you can also write do-catch block by this
do {
try foobar()
} catch let error {


websiteUp set to false, but does not print Failure

I am trying to learn Swift/Xcode and have come across an error that I can't explain.
Here is some code that should print the error code, but still prints Success even though I have changed websiteUp to false!
enum WebpageError: Error {
case success
case failure(Int)
func getWebpage(uRL: String, siteUp: Bool) throws -> String {
if siteUp == false {
return "Success"
let webpageURL = ""
let websiteUp = false
do {
let status = try getWebpage(uRL: webpageURL, siteUp: websiteUp)
} catch {
I can't spot what is wrong, as it all looks OK to me!
You are doing two silly things:
How can a case of an Error enum be a .success? It's for failures!
It isn't enough to say WebpageError.failure. You have to throw the error.
enum WebpageError: Error {
case failure(Int) // <== look
func getWebpage(uRL: String, siteUp: Bool) throws -> String {
if !siteUp {
throw WebpageError.failure(404) // <== look
return "Success"
let webpageURL = ""
let websiteUp = false
do {
let status = try getWebpage(uRL: webpageURL, siteUp: websiteUp)
} catch {
Having said all that, let's go back to the question of why you included a .success case. Maybe your idea was to return a value signalling success or failure. That would be a Result. Like this:
enum WebpageError: Error {
case failure(Int)
func getWebpage(uRL: String, siteUp: Bool) -> Result<String,Error> {
return Result {
if !siteUp {
throw WebpageError.failure(404)
return "Success"
let webpageURL = ""
let websiteUp = false
let status = getWebpage(uRL: webpageURL, siteUp: websiteUp)
do {
try print(status.get())
} catch {
That might be more sophisticated than you had in mind at this stage, but it's worth thinking about.

Swift: How to cast error to generic struct

I am being passed an Error at runtime. This error is actually a generic struct. I need to cast the error to this struct so I can get its details. How can I do this?
Code Example:
protocol MinorErrorType: Error {}
struct MajorError<T: MinorErrorType>: Error {
let minorError: T
enum SomeMinorError: MinorErrorType {
case error
func getName(_ error: Error) -> String {
"Some Error"
func getName<T: MinorErrorType>(_ error: MajorError<T>) -> String {
func printName(_ error: Error) {
let error = MajorError<SomeMinorError>(minorError: .error)
// output:
// Some Error
You can see in the above code the generic getName is not called. If there is a solution where I only need to modify func printName that would be awesome.
Update: In production, I want to use this pattern for logging. I want a logger to be passed an error and be able to log MajorError's. I do not want to have to cast to MajorError<SomeMinorError> in getName as that would mean I would need to cast for all new implementations of MinorErrorType. This would make my logger need to know about too much information.
In the meantime, I used type erasure (here is a great article on the subject)
protocol MajorErrorType: Error {
func eraseToAnyMajorError() -> AnyMajorError
enum AnyMajorError {
case majorError(MinorErrorType)
protocol MinorErrorType: Error {}
struct MajorError<T: MinorErrorType>: Error {
let minorError: T
func eraseToAnyMajorError() -> AnyMajorError {
func printName(_ error: Error) {
if let majorError = (error as? MajorErrorType)?.eraseToAnyMajorError() {
else {
This lets the rest of my code use the generic structs (fun) and my logger in the dark about other error types.
Not sure if it helps, but I would use proper encapsulation to help with this issue. I.e. define getName as a function of your struct, enum, etc., so you can call it on appropriate type:
protocol MinorErrorType: Error {}
extension Error {
func getName() -> String {
"Some Error in extension"
struct MajorError<T: MinorErrorType>: Error {
let minorError: T
func getName() -> String {
"MajorError in struct"
enum SomeMinorError: MinorErrorType {
case error
Now inside printError you can control what to call:
func printName(_ error: Error) {
if let majorError = error as? MajorError<SomeMinorError> {
} else {
So if you call
let error = MajorError<SomeMinorError>(minorError: .error)
printName(error) // prints MajorError in struct
But you don't need printName function with it's casting at all: you can call getName(), and it will call getName from Error extension only if nothing else is defined:
let error = MajorError<SomeMinorError>(minorError: .error)
let smthElse = NSError(domain: "s", code: 123, userInfo: nil)
print(error.getName()) // prints MajorError in struct as before
print(smthElse.getName()) // prints Some Error in extension
You just need to switch your error. No need to create a another method:
func getName(_ error: Error) -> String {
switch error {
case is MajorError<SomeMinorError>: return "MajorError"
default: return "Some Error"
To access your error properties you can cast the error instead of checking its type:
func getName(_ error: Error) -> String {
switch error {
case let error as MajorError<SomeMinorError>:
return "\(error.minorError)"
default: return "Some Error"
Playground testing:
protocol MinorErrorType: Error {}
struct MajorError<T: MinorErrorType>: Error {
let minorError: T
enum SomeMinorError: MinorErrorType {
case minor
func getName(_ error: Error) -> String {
switch error {
case let error as MajorError<SomeMinorError>:
return "\(error.minorError)"
default: return "Some Error"
let error = MajorError<SomeMinorError>(minorError: .minor)
print(getName(error)) // "minor\n"
You can also give your error a RawValue:
enum SomeMinorError: String, MinorErrorType {
case minor
func getName(_ error: Error) -> String {
switch error {
case let error as MajorError<SomeMinorError>:
return error.minorError.rawValue
default: return "Some Error"

How to have Error Type inference for a throwing function in a protocol

Is there a way to create a throwing function with a specified Error sub type that will be thrown? Below code is an example of how I'd like it to be.
protocol ValidatorError: Error {
var somePrintableThingy: String { get }
protocol Validator {
associatedType T
var model: T { get set }
init(model: T)
func validate() throws where Error: ValidatorError
Example Use Case
class SomeModelErrorNotValidatorError: Error {
case invalidUsername
class SomeModelError: ValidatorError {
case invalidUsername
var somePrintableThingy: String {
switch self { case .invalidUsername: return "haha" }
class SomeModel {
var username: String = ""
init(username: String) { self.username = username }
class SomeModelValidator: Validator {
var model: SomeModel
init(model: SomeModel) { self.model = model }
func validate() throws {
guard self.model.username.isEmpty else {
// this line should be fine
throw SomeModelError.invalidUsername
// if i replace it with this line it should not be fine
throw SomeModelErrorNotValidatorError.invalidUsername
class SomeModelViewController: UIViewController {
// .. some other codes here
func buttonClicked(_ sender: Any? = nil) {
let model = SomeModel(username: self.txtUsername.text ?? "")
let validator = SomeModelValidator(model: model)
do {
try validator.validate()
} catch let error {
// since I already know that this is a `SomeModelError`
// I could just do this
PS: The possible workaround for this is to create a non throwing function with a callback but I don't want to do that
PS PS: Another possible workaround for this would be to use a linting tool, but that's too much.

Throw an exception from a singleton initializer

I have a singleton that manages a set of data. If for some reason that data is unavailable I'd like the creation of the singleton to fail by throwing an exception. The compiler isn't a fan of marking the getter with throws NOTE: I realize I could handle this other ways but now I'm curious if it's even possible.
class Foo {
class var `default`: Foo {
let instance = Foo()
return instance
private init() throws {
// Throw if unable to load required data...
You can do it like this(code from my playground), downside every call of your singleton will have to be done with try.
enum FooError : Error {
case RuntimeError(String)
class Foo {
static func defaultFoo() throws -> Foo {
if let instance = Foo("Success") {
return instance
} else {
throw FooError.RuntimeError("Singleton is not created")
private init?(_ parameter: String?) {
if let _ = parameter {
print("Init Succeded")
} else {
print("Init failed")
return nil;
try Foo.defaultFoo()

How can I catch and log all errors?

I'm using some third-party functions, and I don't know what types of errors they can produce.
I want to catch and log all such errors, but ErrorType protocol does not have any members that could provide a meaningful message or error code. What can be done to log any type of errors properly?
do {
try someFunction()
} catch WellKnownError { // handle it }
} catch let err {
let message = ... // how can I get error type and some meaningful message from err?
I think it's not an option...
But you can try something like this...
// Private API
public enum CarError : ErrorType
case NeverTurnOn
case OutOfFuel
case Other(String)
public class Car
public func turnOn(newState:Int) throws -> Bool
if newState == 1
throw CarError.NeverTurnOn
else if case 2...5 = newState
throw CarError.OutOfFuel
else if newState == 10
throw CarError.Other("Something is gonna wrong")
else if newState == 11
throw CarError.Other(":(")
return false
Error Handling
func main()
let car = Car()
do {
try car.turnOn(4)
} catch CarError.NeverTurnOn {
print("Turn off")
} catch let err as NSError {
} catch {
print("It's madness!!!")
With this test... I had this result...
//Error Domain=trycatchtest.CarError Code=1 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (trycatchtest.CarError error 1.)"
//Program ended with exit code: 0
It's not the best way to solve your problem, but a new way to understand what is happening in background of this framework.
Now, asking a favor.
Please, let me now about the final result ;)
It's doesn't matter if is a good or bad result.