How can you return null from orElse within Iterable.firstWhere with null-safety enabled? - flutter

Prior to null-safe dart, the following was valid syntax:
final list = [1, 2, 3];
final x = list.firstWhere((element) => element > 3, orElse: () => null);
if (x == null) {
// do stuff...
Now, firstWhere requires orElse to return an int, opposed to an int?, therefore I cannot return null.
How can I return null from orElse?

A handy function, firstWhereOrNull, solves this exact problem.
Import package:collection which includes extension methods on Iterable.
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
final list = [1, 2, 3];
final x = list.firstWhereOrNull((element) => element > 3);
if (x == null) {
// do stuff...

You don't need external package for this instead you can use try/catch
int? x;
try {
x = list.firstWhere((element) => element > 3);
} catch(e) {
x = null;

A little bit late but i came up with this:
typedef FirstWhereClosure = bool Function(dynamic);
extension FirstWhere on List {
dynamic frstWhere(FirstWhereClosure closure) {
int index = this.indexWhere(closure);
if (index != -1) {
return this[index];
return null;
Example use:
class Test{
String name;
int code;
Test? test = list.frstWhere(t)=> t.code==123);

An alternative is that you set a nullable type to the list.
Instead of just [1, 2, 3], you write <int?>[1, 2, 3], allowing it to be nullable.
void main() {
final list = <int?>[1, 2, 3];
final x = list.firstWhere(
(element) => element != null ? (element > 3) : false,
orElse: () => null);

This should work, and it's a better solution:
extension IterableExtensions<T> on Iterable<T> {
T? firstWhereOrNull(bool Function(T element) comparator) {
try {
return firstWhere(comparator);
} on StateError catch (_) {
return null;

To add to #Alex Hartfords answer, and for anyone who doesn't want to import a full package just for this functionality, this is the actual implementation for firstWhereOrNull from the collection package that you can add to your app.
extension FirstWhereExt<T> on List<T> {
/// The first element satisfying [test], or `null` if there are none.
T? firstWhereOrNull(bool Function(T element) test) {
for (final element in this) {
if (test(element)) return element;
return null;


Don't execute assignment if value is null

I am still coming up to speed with dart and wanted to know if there was an easier way to not execute a statement if the value is null. See example below:
I can always do the if statements below for setting field3 and field4, but felt like something like field5 should work. But when I try to do that, it complains that a null check operator is used on a null value.
Also I don't want to change the Map to have a dynamic value.
Is there a single one liner to do what I am trying to do, or do I just need to check for null before setting the value.
Map<String, Object> myMap = {};
print('running now');
try {
myMap['field1'] = DummyClass.getString('hello');
myMap['field2'] = DummyClass.getString('good');
//Is there a more concise way to do this than the 2 options below?
if (DummyClass.getOptionalString('goodbye') != null) {
myMap['field3'] = DummyClass.getOptionalString('goodbye')!;
String? temp = DummyClass.getOptionalString('go');
if (temp != null) {
myMap['field4'] = temp;
// This gives an error 'null check operator used on a null value'
// myMap['field5'] ??= DummyClass.getOptionalString('to')!;
} catch (e) {
print('error condition, $e');
class DummyClass {
static String getString(String? strParam) {
String? retString = getOptionalString(strParam);
if (retString == null) {
throw ('nulls are not allowed');
return retString;
static String? getOptionalString(String? strParam) {
if (strParam == null || strParam.length < 3) {
return null;
return strParam;
There's no built-in way to do what you want, but you could write a function (or extension method) to do it. For example:
extension MapTrySet<K, V> on Map<K, V> {
void trySet(K key, V? value) {
if (value != null) {
this[key] = value;
and then you could do:
myMap.trySet('field3', DummyClass.getOptionalString('goodbye'));
myMap.trySet('field4', DummyClass.getOptionalString('go'));
Alternatively, if you really want to use normal Map syntax, you could create your own Map class that has a void operator []=(K key, V? value) override and does nothing when the value is null, but that probably would not be worth the effort.
The issue is that the ??= operator assigns to the left if it is null. Expanded, it would look something like this:
a ??= b;
// Equivalent to:
if (a == null) {
a = b;
Which is not something that you're trying to achieve. AFAIK, there is no such operator yet in Dart. However, you can try this:
final possiblyNullValue = '';
final myMap = <String, String>{};
myMap['key'] = possiblyNullValue ?? myMap['key'];
// Equivalent to:
if (possiblyNullValue != null) {
myMap['key'] = possiblyNullValue;
// or:
myMap['key'] = possiblyNullValue != null? possiblyNullValue : myMap['key'];
Which would work in your case as a one-liner.
You could create your map with all entries, even null, and then filter the null values out:
void main() {
try {
final myMap = <String, dynamic>{
'field1': DummyClass.getString('hello'),
'field2': DummyClass.getString('good'),
'field3': DummyClass.getOptionalString('goodbye'),
'field4': DummyClass.getOptionalString('go'),
}..removeWhere((k, v) => v == null);
} catch (e) {
print('error condition, $e');

In dart,How to remove element in the NestedList

Element not removed from the List. pls tell me how could i remove the element in the list
void main() {
List data=[['apple',1],['banana',5]];
Instead of defining dynamic objects like ['apple', 1]. Declare a class for it, and tell the program how those instances should be compared such as
class Fruit {
final String name;
final int index;
int get hashCode => name.hashCode + index.hashCode * 7;
and then use it like;
void main() {
List data=[Fruit('apple', 1), Fruit('banana', 5),];
It's not very recommended to use List<dynamic> everywhere in dart. Tolga Kartal's answer gives a better practice.
Bur for your case, if you do not want to refactor your code, you can first find where ['apple', 1] is and then delete it from data.
void main() {
List data=[['apple',1],['banana',5]];
dynamic targetElement = data.firstWhere(
(element) => element[0]=='apple' && element[1]==1,
orElse: () => null);
if (targetElement != null)
The reason why you can't directly use data.remove(['apple', 1]) is that every time you use ['apple', 1], what you're actually doing is declaring a new List object. Although both ['apple', 1] have exactly same elements, their addresses in memory are different. To be more specific, they have different hash codes.
void main() {
List<dynamic> itemA = ['apple', 1];
List<dynamic> itemB = ['apple', 1];
print('hashcode of itemA and itemB');
print('itemA: ${itemA.hashCode}, itemB: ${itemB.hashCode}');
// <<< itemA: 397807318, itemB: 278500865
print('verify if they have same elements inside');
print('itemA[0] == itemB[0]:${itemA[0] == itemB[0]}, itemA[1] == itemB[1]:${itemA[1] == itemB[1]}');
// <<< itemA[0] == itemB[0]:true, itemA[1] == itemB[1]:true
print('check if itemA and itemB are same');
print('itemA == itemB: ${itemA == itemB}');
// <<< itemA == itemB: false
print('A case to show why they are different');
print('itemA: $itemA');
// <<< itemA: [apple, 1, Hello]
print('itemB: $itemB');
// <<< itemB: [apple, 1, World]
Hope this explanation helps.
Just replace ['apple',1] to index, In this case 0
void main() {
List data=[['apple',1],['banana',5]];
Hope it work

why I can't run my code where is the problem of this code?

void main() {
const list = [1, 2, 3, 4];
final odd = where(list, (value) => value % 2 == 1);
List<T> where<T>(List<T> items, bool Function(T) f) {
var results = <T>[];
for (var item in items) {
if (f(item)) {
return results;
this kind of error show in my terminal
lib/exercises/18-implement-where-function.dart:3:44: Error: The operator '%' isn't defined for the class 'Object?'.
'Object' is from 'dart:core'.
Try correcting the operator to an existing operator, or defining a '%' operator.
final odd = where(list, (value) => value % 2 == 1);
void main() {
const list = [1, 2, 3, 4];
final odd = where(list, (value) => value! % 2 == 1);
List<T> where<T>(List<T> items, bool Function(T) f) {
var results = <T>[];
for (var item in items) {
if (f(item)) {
return results;
The operator '%' isn't defined for the type 'Object'.
Try defining the operator '%'
Possible Dart analyzer is not able to infer type.
It's better to wait for the answer from the developers.
A workaround as below:
void main() {
const list = [1, 2, 3, 4];
final odd = where(list, (int value) => value % 2 == 1);
List<T> where<T>(List<T> items, bool Function(T) f) {
var results = <T>[];
for (var item in items) {
if (f(item)) {
return results;
I also encounter this issue from time to time in Dart.
On the one hand, the type is not explicitly specified (for parameter value) and must be inferred, on the other hand, it is not clear why it is not inferred from another type (aslo T), which is inferred from the value (in our case. list) wuth the same type parameter (T).
I've run your code on, it's working though. I think there is an issue with your import classes.

Can object properties be used as function parameters?

I have a class with several Boolean properties:
class aTest {
String name;
bool twoGroups;
bool continuous;
bool parametric;
bool covariates;
bool paired;
} //end aTest
I also have a list with instances of aTest:
List<aTest> testList = [
name: "independent samples t-test",
twoGroups: true,
continuous: true,
parametric: true,
covariates: false,
paired: false),
//followed by a bunch of similar objects
Elsewhere in my app I filter the List<aTest> with procedures like:
void isParametric(bool value) {
List<aTest> newList = [];
for (aTest test in testList) {
if (test.parametric == value || test.parametric == null) {
testList = newList;
void isTwoGroups(bool value) {
List<aTest> newList = [];
for (aTest test in testList) {
if (test.twoGroups == value || test.twoGroups == null) {
testList = newList;
(I don't know whether this is the best way to filter and remove objects from the List.) All that differs among these procedures is an object property, e.g., test.parametric and test.twoGroups in the code above.
Is there a way to refactor the code? Something like
void filter (aBooleanPropertyGoesHere, bool value)
You can simply filter with the lists with one liner by where method.
var parametricList = testList.where((i) => (i.continuous && i.parametric == null)).toList()
var twoGroupsList = testList.where((i) => (test.twoGroups == value || test.twoGroups == null)).toList()
Something like this
For detailed explanation check out the documentation

Check whether a list contain an attribute of an object in dart

I need to check whether myItemsList contains myitem.itemId or not, If it exists need to add itemQuantity, if it not exists need to add myitem object to myItemsList.
List<MyItem> myItemsList = new List();
MyItem myitem = new MyItem (
itemId: id,
itemName: name,
itemQuantity: qty,
if (myItemsList.contains(myitem.itemId)) {
print('Already exists!');
} else {
setState(() {
MyItem class
class MyItem {
final String itemId;
final String itemName;
int itemQuantity;
MyItem ({
above code is not working as expected, please help me to figure out the issue.
Contains() compares the whole objects.
Besides overriding == operator or looping over, you can use list's singleWhere method:
if ((myItemsList.singleWhere((it) => it.itemId == myitem.itemId,
orElse: () => null)) != null) {
As Dharaneshvar experienced and YoApps mentioned in the comments .singleWhere raises StateError when more elements are found.
This is desired when you expect unique elements such as in the case of comparing IDs.
Raised error is the friend here as it shows that there is something wrong with the data.
For other cases .firstWhere() is the right tool:
if ((myItemsList.firstWhere((it) => it.itemName == myitem.itemName,
orElse: () => null)) != null) {
// EO Edit
Whole example:
List<MyItem> myItemsList = new List();
class MyItem {
final String itemId;
final String itemName;
int itemQuantity;
void main() {
MyItem myitem = new MyItem(
itemId: "id00",
itemName: "name",
itemQuantity: 50,
String idToCheck = "id00";
if ((myItemsList.singleWhere((it) => it.itemId == idToCheck,
orElse: () => null)) != null) {
print('Already exists!');
} else {
As already said before, contains compares two Objects with the == operator. So you currently compare MyItem with String itemId, which will never be the same.
To check whether myItemsList contains myitem.itemId you can use one of the following: => item.itemId).contains(myitem.itemId);
myItemsList.any((item) => item.itemId == myitem.itemId);
You're using contains slightly wrong.
bool contains(Object element) {
for (E e in this) {
if (e == element) return true;
return false;
You can either override the == operator, see:
bool operator ==(Object other) => other is Better && other.value == value;
Or you can loop over your list and search the normal way one by one, which seems slightly easier.
One more way to check does list contain object with property or not
if (myList.firstWhereOrNull((val) => == != null) {}