Convert array of objects into an array of values from that object - mongodb

I have the following documents in my collection:
"archives" : [
{ "colour" : "red", "default" : true },
{ "colour" : "green", "default" : false }
"archives" : [
{ "colour" : "yellow", "default" : true }
I want to project the colour value from the archive objects as follows:
"archives" : [ "red", "green" ]
"archives" : [ "yellow" ]
My proposal
My best attempt at this has been this query:
db.test.find({}, {
'archives': {
'$map': {
'input': '$archives',
'in': '$archives.colour'
But it's returning an array of arrays with redundant information, like so:
{ "archives" : [ [ "red", "green" ], [ "red", "green" ] ] }
{ "archives" : [ [ "yellow" ] ] }
So what would be the correct query to give the result I need, preferably on the database side, and as efficient as possible?

Why not simply this:
{ $set: { archives: "$archives.colour" } }
If you like to use $map, then is would be this one. You missed the $$this variable:
$set: {
archives: {
"$map": {
"input": "$archives",
"in": "$$this.colour"
$set: {
archives: {
"$map": {
"input": "$archives.colour",
"in": "$$this"

You can use aggregation framework:
"$unwind": "$archives"
"$group": {
"_id": "$_id",
"archives": {
"$push": "$archives.colour"
And if you don't want the _id in the output, you can exclude it by adding an additional $project stage:
"$unwind": "$archives"
"$group": {
"_id": "$_id",
"archives": {
"$push": "$archives.colour"
"$project": {
_id: 0


Perform search with facets unknown upfront Atlas MongoDB

I have the following document structure in MongoDB:
// other keys,
tags: [
tagA: "red",
tagB: "green"
// other keys,
tags: [
tagA: "orange",
tagB: "green",
tagC: "car"
I want to perform a $facets search that gives me the following output (name of each tag + values that occur on that tag + count of these value):
tagA: {
red: 1,
orange: 1
tagB: {
green: 2
tagC: {
car: 1
The tricky part is that the facets are unknown upfront (they can vary), and every tutorial I found only works for a predefined set of facets.
Is it possible?
P.S.: how to get the output of this to come alongside with a given query? So that the return is something like:
queryResults: [all the results, as in a normal query],
facets: [result showed in accepted answer]
If you consider having this as input (i've added bracket around object in your array) :
tags: [
tagA: "red"
tagB: "green"
tags: [
tagA: "orange"
tagB: "green"
tagC: "car"
You could then do an aggregation pipeline as follow :
"$unwind": "$tags"
"$addFields": {
"kv": {
"$objectToArray": "$tags"
"$unwind": "$kv"
"$group": {
"_id": {
key: "$kv.k",
value: "$kv.v"
"count": {
"$sum": 1
"$group": {
"_id": "$_id.key",
"value": {
"$push": {
"k": "$_id.value",
"v": "$count"
$project: {
val: [
k: "$_id",
v: {
"$arrayToObject": "$value"
$project: {
res: {
"$arrayToObject": "$val"
$replaceRoot: {
newRoot: "$res"
It would give you this result :
"tagA": {
"orange": 1,
"red": 1
"tagB": {
"green": 2
"tagC": {
"car": 1
You can see this on mongoplayground :
Hope this answer your question.
Detailled explanation :
I use $unwind on the tags field in order to get one object per object in tags array.
I use $objectToArray to get keys (tagsA, tagsB) as values.
$unwind to go from an array to objets.
$group with $sum accumulator to calculate the occurence of each unique combination.
$group by tagsA,tagsB, etc with $push accumulator to add value in array (will be usufull afterwards)
$arrayToObject to go from array to object
$replaceRoot to display results better.
If you want to understand more each step, consider reading mongo doc of each pipeline aggregator i used. You can also use the mongoplayground link above, delete some code to see what happens after each step.

Variable set of attributes $facets MongoDB [duplicate]

I have the following document structure in MongoDB:
// other keys,
tags: [
tagA: "red",
tagB: "green"
// other keys,
tags: [
tagA: "orange",
tagB: "green",
tagC: "car"
I want to perform a $facets search that gives me the following output (name of each tag + values that occur on that tag + count of these value):
tagA: {
red: 1,
orange: 1
tagB: {
green: 2
tagC: {
car: 1
The tricky part is that the facets are unknown upfront (they can vary), and every tutorial I found only works for a predefined set of facets.
Is it possible?
P.S.: how to get the output of this to come alongside with a given query? So that the return is something like:
queryResults: [all the results, as in a normal query],
facets: [result showed in accepted answer]
If you consider having this as input (i've added bracket around object in your array) :
tags: [
tagA: "red"
tagB: "green"
tags: [
tagA: "orange"
tagB: "green"
tagC: "car"
You could then do an aggregation pipeline as follow :
"$unwind": "$tags"
"$addFields": {
"kv": {
"$objectToArray": "$tags"
"$unwind": "$kv"
"$group": {
"_id": {
key: "$kv.k",
value: "$kv.v"
"count": {
"$sum": 1
"$group": {
"_id": "$_id.key",
"value": {
"$push": {
"k": "$_id.value",
"v": "$count"
$project: {
val: [
k: "$_id",
v: {
"$arrayToObject": "$value"
$project: {
res: {
"$arrayToObject": "$val"
$replaceRoot: {
newRoot: "$res"
It would give you this result :
"tagA": {
"orange": 1,
"red": 1
"tagB": {
"green": 2
"tagC": {
"car": 1
You can see this on mongoplayground :
Hope this answer your question.
Detailled explanation :
I use $unwind on the tags field in order to get one object per object in tags array.
I use $objectToArray to get keys (tagsA, tagsB) as values.
$unwind to go from an array to objets.
$group with $sum accumulator to calculate the occurence of each unique combination.
$group by tagsA,tagsB, etc with $push accumulator to add value in array (will be usufull afterwards)
$arrayToObject to go from array to object
$replaceRoot to display results better.
If you want to understand more each step, consider reading mongo doc of each pipeline aggregator i used. You can also use the mongoplayground link above, delete some code to see what happens after each step.

Simple MongoDB Aggregation

I'm a bit confused on how to group using aggregation but still be able to extract specific values from arrays:
{ "$unwind": f"${stat_type}" },
"$group": {
"_id": "$userId",
"value" : { "$max" : f"${stat_type}.stat_value" },
"character" : f"${stat_type}.character_name", <-- how do I extract this value that matches where the $max from above is grabbed.
{ "$sort": { "value": -1 }},
{ '$limit' : 30 }
Sample Entries:
'name' : "Tony",
'userId' : 12345,
'damage_dealt' : [
"character_name" : "James",
"stat_value" : 100243
'name' : "Jimmy",
'userId' : 12346,
'damage_dealt' : [
"character_name" : "James",
"stat_value" : 1020243
'name' : "Tony",
'userId' : 12345,
'damage_dealt' : [
"character_name" : "Lebron",
"stat_value" : 99900243
A sample output for what I'm looking for is below:
'user' : 'Tony'
'character_name' : 'Lebron',
'stat_value' : 99900243
'user' : 'Jimmy'
'character_name' : 'James',
'stat_value' : 1020243
You can use the $top accumulator to achieve the desired result. Like this:
"$unwind": "$damage_dealt"
"$group": {
"_id": "$userId",
"value": {
$top: {
output: {
character_name: "$damage_dealt.character_name",
stat_value: "$damage_dealt.stat_value"
sortBy: {
"damage_dealt.stat_value": -1
"$project": {
character_name: "$value.character_name",
stat_value: "$value.stat_value"
"$sort": {
"stat_value": -1
"$limit": 30
Playground link.
Or collects all the group elements in an array, and the max stat_value, then pick the object from the array containing the max stat_value.
"$unwind": "$damage_dealt"
"$group": {
"_id": "$userId",
"max_stat": {
"$max": "$damage_dealt.stat_value"
"damages": {
"$push": {
name: "$name",
damage_value: "$damage_dealt"
"$project": {
"damages": {
"$arrayElemAt": [
"$filter": {
"input": "$damages",
"as": "damage",
"cond": {
"$eq": [
"$project": {
"character_name": "$damages.damage_value.character_name",
"stat_value": "$damages.damage_value.stat_value",
"name": "$"
"$sort": {
"stat_value": -1
"$limit": 30
Playground link.
Here's another way you could do it.
"$group": {
"_id": "$userId",
"user": {"$first": "$name"},
"damage_dealts": {"$push": "$damage_dealt"},
"maxStat": {"$max": {"$first": "$damage_dealt.stat_value"}}
"$set": {
"outChar": {
"$first": {
"$arrayElemAt": [
{"$indexOfArray": ["$damage_dealts.stat_value", "$maxStat"]}
"$project": {
"user": 1,
"character_name": "$outChar.character_name",
"stat_value": "$outChar.stat_value"
{"$sort": {"stat_value": -1}},
{"$limit": 30}
Try it on

Retrieve the field from the array

I have a document like this
"empno": "×325007",
"vehicle": [
"valdate": "2020-08-02T13:17z",
"Inspectvalue": {
"price": "2000"
But I want document like this
keeping them in the array, and including the keys to each element.
$addFields: {
newData: {
"$map": {
"input": "$vehicle",
"as": "v",
"in": {
valdate: "$$v.valdate",
price: "$$v.Inspectvalue.price",
empno: "$empno"
$unset: [
(you can't have repeated top level fields in JSON).
Or if you want them as top level keys, unwind the elements:
$unwind: "$vehicle"
$addFields: {
valdate: "vehicle.valdate",
price: "vehicle.Inspectvalue.price"
$unset: "vehicle"

Mongodb aggregation $size inside nested array

I have a problem with a query with aggregation framework.
Given a collection with documents like:
"internalId" :1,
"first" : {
"second" : [
"value" : 1
this aggregation :
{ $addFields: { tmpSize: { $strLenCP: { $ifNull: [ { $toString: "$first.second.value" }, "" ] } } } },
return this error:
"message" : "Unsupported conversion from array to string in $convert with no onError value",
"ok" : 0,
"code" : 241,
"codeName" : "ConversionFailure",
"name" : "MongoError"
Now, the solution on this problem is to use unwind in the following way:
{ $unwind: "$first.second"},
{ $addFields: { tmpSize: { $strLenCP: { $ifNull: [ { $toString: "$first.second.value" }, "" ] } } } },
But my requirement is to create a general approach for documents with various shape and possible nested array inside array.
Due this bug seems to be impossible to unwind array inside array, so how to solve this problem ?
There is an approach ?
Some context:
I cannot change document structure before aggregation
I don't know where array will be in "field hierarchy", if first for example is an array, or is second
Thanks in advance
You can use $reduce.
====== Aggregate ======
"$addFields": {
"first.second.tmpSize": {
"$reduce": {
"input": "$first.second",
"initialValue": "",
"in": {
$strLenCP: {
$ifNull: [
$toString: "$$this.value"
====== Result ======
"_id": ObjectId("5d925bd3fabc692265f950d5"),
"first": {
"second": [
"tmpSize": 1,
"value": 1
"internalId": 1
Mongo Playground