Invalid attribute AuraDefinationBundle - visual-studio-code

I'm using VS code for Salesforce development. I've created a Aura Component and getting this error (see screenshots) every time. Every time if something wrong with variable name and If I correct it, previous error stays at the same line.
Please help me to resolve this issue.


Kadena Marmalade api errors

Last time I used marmalade(, I could see data on it. but I can't see them today.
I was investigating why I could not see any data, and found these api error.
Error Image
This means, server is not working? How can I fix this?

Unable to find component with id 'FooPopup'

I found this strange error in the production logs:
Unable to find component with id 'FooPopup' in [Form [Component id = FooForm]]
Expected: 'FooPanel:FooForm:FooPopup'.
Found with similar names: 'FooPanel:FooForm:FooPopup'>.
I cannot reproduce this locally.
Do you know what could be the reason for this since the expected and the found item have exactly the same name?
Thank you in Advance!
Such kind of errors occur when a Wicket component is made invisible after interaction with it.
For example if a user clicks twice on an Ajax link/button and the first click makes the component invisible then the second one will fail with this error.

Why is jquery.fileupload-validate raising $.blueimp.fileupload.prototype.options.processQueue.push error?

I am using jquery file upload on a page, and the following error is being raised in the browser console.
TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating '$.blueimp.fileupload.prototype.options.processQueue.push')
It appears to be coming from jquery.fileupload-validate.
I have been unable to find much information about this error. From previous experience jquery file upload seems to be very sensitive to the order in which modules are loaded, but again I've been unable to find much in the way of documentation about this.
Has anyone else encountered this error, or can shed some light on load order or other possible causes?
BTW, I am currently loading files in the following order (though have tried others without success)
Try this order:

Sample Component with Content Versioning from Joomla Site not working correctly

I was trying to restore a version of a content I am editing.
in my administrator/components/com_joomprosubs/tables/subscription.php
in the construct function I added this following line:
'JoomprosubsTableSubscription', array('typeAlias' =>'com_joomprosubs.subscription'));
from what I have read in this link:
but when I try to restore a version, an error is displayed:
"Error restoring item version from history."
I have followed the procedures step by step from that link. The storing of content history works, the only problem is when I try to restore the older versions. I even downloaded the finished sample file on the link's above.
The error is being return due to the blank value of typeAlias. I don't know where I got it wrong. from the code that I added above, I have included the typeAlias with its corresponding value. The weird thing is, if my code above does not work, it would not been also able to store content history.
Has anybody tried adding versioning in their custom component in Joomla? Please leave your comments.
For now, I temporarily overridden the loadHistory function from the Base Class.
from there, i passed the alias as 'com_joomprosubs.subscription'. The restoring of version history is now working.
Is there a disadvantage in my resolution?

Why is Eclipse's HTML viewer randomly showing previous output and an error?

Well, this video shows my problem best :
If I have a page that is proper/ok, everything works fine and as expected.
If I purposely induce an error (which I have been doing loads of whilst learning!), Eclipse doesn't show an error at all inline/red underline, and, when I try to run, it will either display an error (which I expect it should be doing every time), or it will randomly display the last successful build.
I can (remotely) understand the logic of alternating, maybe someone would want to see the previous output, but, this is just completely random - no logic at all, so, I just don't understand why it is happening.
Does anyone know what is going on?
edit - been able to recreate this on a brand new install. What is going on!?