IDX directory for splunk - deployment

Where to find IDX directory for app while deployment in SPLUNK . I tried to find it in opt/splunk/etc/shcluster/apps

Your team is not being very helpful. :-) "IDX" is a common abbreviation for "index" or "indexer", but there is never a directory by that name.
Often, an app that is already installed in a staging environment just gets copied from there straight into Production. That can change depending on the architecture of the two environments, however.
The usual method for installing an app is to explode the tarball into the $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps directory and restart Splunk. Clusters have a different procedure so let us know if you have one. See the docs at


Where to find current standalone configuration?

I have a fully working JBoss 6.3.3.GA instance but one of my colleagues unwittingly connected to my Development server instead of his, and updated my Standalone.xml file.
He made a lot of changes and there's no way (at least I didn't find any one) to get my old file back.
Now I need to restart my server, and I'm afraid I'll loose my current configuration forever since his update will be taken into account.
My question is : Is there anyway I can find my current XML Standalone configuration in any temporary folder or something like that ?
Under your jboss directory go to : standalone/configuration/standalone_xml_history.
You should find different versions : standalone.boot.xml, standalone.initial.xml, standalone.last.xml ... etc
You will also find old configurations of your standalone stored in folders which names include the date when you made those configurations includig a folder containing your current configuration.

What is the best deployment practice when using MODX?

It is convenient when you have DEVELOPMENT version of application on your local machine and you may deploy it on STAGE server for testing (it's optional) and then deploy it on PRODUCTION server. You can do this relatively easily when there is a fine discretion of code and data in the project (for example, if we store all the code and settings in project files and data in database).
MODX stores templates, snippets, etc. in database. Yes, we can move this code to static files and then we can use version control system for tracking changes of these items. But these ones have representation rows in database too. It means we must update database as before if we added or removed some items.
Looks like we can also get some troubles if we just copied files of extensions instead of making installation by package manager (because extensions often have its own tables in DB).
Another problem is that applications on DEV and PROD have different settings stored in files (configs) and database (user accounts, e.g.).
I do not still see the clear way to organize iterative DEV-STAGE-PROD development cycle. So, my questions are:
Which files and database tables should (or must) I copy when deploying?
What is the mode (replace, ignore) I should do that in?
What is the easiest and fastest way to do that?
My biggest concern here is having to deal with database.
P.S. I'm talking about "Revolution" version of MODX if it matters.
The database should not store any path information at all, previous versions did in the modx_workspaces table, but that has since disappeared [as of 2.2.4 I believe].
If you are concerned about the url changes [ / / production...] don't be - this is all in the .htaccess file [there used to be a site_url system setting, but it also seems to have disappeared.]
The only file you need to worry about is the core/config/ ~ create 3 different files with the different paths or just replace them when you migrate.
my process for moving/updating/migrating modx sites is:
clear the cache!!
tar cvfz httpdocs.tar.gz httpdocs/
mysqldump -u -p the_database > export.sql
move the files, tar xvfz & import the database.
It's a good idea to check the modx_workspaves table and if you have used an older version of gallery, check that as well, but most plugins & developers seem to be used to NOT storing path information in code & DB tables.
Of course if you have hardened your installation there are a few more steps, but nothing major. [see the "hardening Modx article on]
I think what you're looking for is this plugin (depending on your version of modx):
All Chunks, Snippets etc. are located on disk. Any changes made to the files will trigger the appropriate database changes without the need to do a complete SQL Import/Reimport. This will allow for any Version Control System / Distributed Development Environment / Automated Deployment.

Is there a good reason why PowerShell uses the Documents folder as a default location for scripts?

Is there a good technical or other reason why the MS hard-coded the Documents folder as the default location for WindowsPowerShell? MS has been criticized for too much configuration over convention in the past (WCF?), but a case can be made for more configuration in PowerShell. I, and I presume most developers, like to keep their development work centralized in a separate folder or volume away from personal and system files.
For instance, if you install PoshGit, it will install itself in C:\Users\Your Name\WindowsPowerShell\Modules. I don't want it to install itself there but in my own development partition d:\Dev\PowerShellScripts. There's no environment variable that controls this location.
Is there a reason for this or I just don't get it?
Can you explain yourself a bit more.
According to my understanding PowerShell.exe interpreter base directory is the one defined by $env:HOMEDRIVE, $env:HOMEPATH, that can be change using the user profile.
As shown in the screen shots here under :
Edited :
Ok, the screenshot comes from the user property in Active Directory MMC, you've got a simplest one in your windows seven user properties. But this has nothing to do with your problem.
Your problem is around the module installation. The think that you have to know is that Modules can be installed quite everywhere (even on a shared directory with some tricks). By default the environnement variable $env:PSModulePath points to the paths where Get-Module -ListAvailable look for them. So you can add d:\Dev\PowerShellScripts\Modules in this path and then copy the subfolder of C:\Users\Your Name\WindowsPowerShell\Modules created by PoshGit inside your Modules directory and it should work. Modules as opposite to Snapins don't need to be registered.
Now the reason why PoshGit choose to put module in user profile, raser than let you choose the place is PoshGit installer problem.
For more explanations read about Modules and about_environment_variables.

Keeping SSIS packages under the source control

I store all SSIS packages in Subversion repository, their configuration files as well. Configuration file almost always stored in the same folder where package is.
Problem is - SSIS seems to always store path to configuration file (the one saved in the package itself) as an absolute path.
When someone else checks out folder with the package in the location different from where I had on my development PC the configuration file is not detected (because my absolute path is stored and it doesn't exist on the other developer PC). So another developer has to remove this configuration and add it again from where it is now on his local hard drive. Then changed package is saved which will cause new version to be committed. When I get that version from SVN it will no longer match local path on my PC.
On a related note: another developer may want to change values in configuration file as well. If I later get the latest version of everything from SVN package will no longer work on my PC.
How do you work around these inconveniences?
Another solution is to save your configuration in a database with an environment variable as the first configuration to tell it what database to look in, that's what we do. We have scripts to populate ssisconfig for each server in our source control, but the package uses the actual table data for the database in the environment variable we are using.
Anyone who has heard my SQL Saturday presentations knows I don't much care for XML and this is one of the reasons. A trick to using XML configuration with varying locations is to use an environment variable (indirect configuration) to direct SSIS where it can look for that resource. The big, big downside to this approach is you'd generally need to create an environment variable for each set of configuration files or have a massive, honking .dtsconfig file which becomes painful for versioning.
The option I prefer if XML configuration is a must is that the "variableness" is removed. Developers and admins get together and everyone agrees "there will be a folder everywhere SSIS is done to hold configuration files and that location is X" and then it's just a matter of solving for X. At a previous job, we used D:\ssisdata\configs
#HLGEM's approach of a table for configurations is hands down my favorite approach to SSIS configuration (until you get to 2012 and their project deployment model where configuration is an entirely different animal)
I add a folder called "config" under my projects folder, add it to source control and mantain the config file in this folder. You can also add it to the SSIS project if you like.
I think its a good solution because everybody can have this folder and dowload the config file.
When the package is deployed it will read the config file from where you inform in the deployment manifest so this solution wont impact your development

Huge amount of JAR files in jboss/server/web/tmp/vfs-nested.tmp directory

Sometimes we have huge amount of JAR files in jboss/server/web/tmp/vfs-nested.tmp directory.
For example today this directory contained over 350k jar files.
But on other hosts there are only 2 jar files in this directory.
What can be the root cause of this problem?
We use JBoss 5.1
I found following information in release notes for JBoss 5.1.0.GA:
JBoss VFS provides a set of different
switches to control it's internal
behavior. JBoss AS sets
jboss.vfs.forceCopy=true by default.
To see all the provided VFS flags
check out the code of the class.
So I do not understand what should I set?
Should I set -Djboss.vfs.forceNoCopy=true or -Djboss.vfs.forceCopy=false?
Or should I set both of them?
I have read entire thread
and now I am not shure that I should change either jboss.vfs.forceCopy or jboss.vfs.forceNoCopy.
According to this thread I will have OutOfMemory error instead of huge amount of files in tmp dir.
From here:
"Excessive nestedjarNNN.tmp files in the tmp directory. The VFS unwraps nested jars by extracting the nested jar into a tmp file in the java tmp directory. This can result in a large number of files that fill up the tmp directory. You can disable this behavior by setting -Djboss.vfs.forceNoCopy=true on command line used to start jboss. This will be enabled by default in a future release, JBAS-4389."
jskaggz has a good answer. In addition, I have this in the beginning of my run.bat file:
rmdir /s /q c:\apps\\server\default\tmp
rmdir /s /q c:\apps\\server\default\work
rmdir /s /q c:\apps\\server\default\log
mkdir c:\apps\\server\default\tmp
mkdir c:\apps\\server\default\work
mkdir c:\apps\\server\default\log
echo --- Cleared temp folders ---
I've had problems with old copies of classes hanging around, so this seems to help.
We have solved this problem by exploded deployment ( works for war and ear) as described in jboss documentation
That's way vfs is not used.
I had the same issue described above in production and resolved it with the following solution.
Added java options
My setup also defines additional deployment directories so I needed to add these additional directories to vfs.xml file located in $JBOSS_SERVER_HOME/conf/bootstrap/ in order to see the benefit.
The lifetime setting I think is in minutes so I set it to a day as I have a scheduled restart of the server overnight.
Prior to finding this solution I had also tried using -Djboss.vfs.forceNoCopy=true and -Djboss.vfs.forceCopy=false
This appeared to work but I noticed the application ran a lot slower - presumably because these settings turn vfs caching off.
My Jboss version is jboss-5.1.0.GA
and my application runs in a cluster on production.
Found a lot others having the same problem running in cluster (or farm) environments. desribes to solve the problem having a farm directory as deployment directory.
I had the same problem using a 2nd deploy directory.
The jar files out of my applications coming from this 2nd deploy directory got copied until the disk was full.
Tried adding the 2nd deploy directory the same way as at described for the farm directory.
It works well!
We were facing the same issue and were able to circumvent the issue by using a farm directory as deployment directory.
After putting that process in place we were facing one more issue due to the nature of our DEV environment ( We have clustered environment and we have many developers deploying on the shared DEV environment ) of not getting a consistent results while we were deploying the EARs and WARs that way .We circumvented the issue by making sure that the EARs and JARs that are being deployed are TOUCHED ( ) on the servers to make sure that inconsistencies are avoided .