MyBatis mapper does not load query - mybatis

I have a service which executes a SQL query from a mapper.
Last week was working fine, but today isn't working.
It is on the master branch and all of my colleagues can run it locally with no problems.
Only on my machine isn't loading the results from the query.
I've tried - updating, cloning, opening from their archived folder of the project and still not working.
Any ideas what it could be?

So guys, just FYI Docker sometimes saves its virtual machine's date and it is different than the local one.
Unfortunately on wake up/turn on it is not updated.
Be careful if you are using timestamp with docker!


vsCode can't retrieve/deploy anything

Working with Salesforce, org is authorised, everything works fine until it doesn't and there's no error code or anything.
In the morning I retrieved a few files I had to change, 10 minutes later when I needed to retrieve another one, it kept "Running SFDX: Retrieve Source from Org" for a few minutes and failed. Then again and again, whether I deploy something or retrieve, it just fails.
Closed, waited for it to sync, refreshed all lwcs, still the same problem.
You may have a sfdx-cli issue. There is a known issue right now with the version 7.150.0 reported here:
My team was having issues with our CI pipeline, and our fix was to use an older version. Once we updated our CI tool to grab extract the binary, and run the tool, our deploys started working successfully.
Check your local and CI tool with the sfdx --version command. If you are using the broken one, roll it back to the version that you need.

PostGIS & QGIS - PostGIS extension not accessible?

I am having an odd problem with PostGreSQL/PostGIS on a Windows 10 machine.
I have successfully installed PostGIS many times without issue over the years, most recently last week on a Windows 10 machine at work. I typically use QGIS as my client, so have a fair idea how these things need to be configured and operated.
Over the weekend, I downloaded the latest PostGres 11 installer with Stackbuilder, and installed PostGres & PostGIS. pgAdmin4 seems to show everything is as it should be, and the sample 'postgis_23_sample' database is present and correct.
However, using QGIS DB Manager, when I try to connect to the database (on port 5432), whilst I can see the sample database and public schema, I cannot create a new table with geometry, or load any data (e.g. a simple shapefile) into the database. The error message tells me that the 'addGeometryColumn' function does not exist. I checked that the PostGIS extension is installed - which it is. (I ran 'CREATE EXTENSION postgis' again to confirm this.)
So, I went back to pgAdmin, and tried creating a table with geometry via SQL, but got the same error: Creating a table without geometry works just fine. As soon as I try to create a geometry column, I get the error. It seems to me that the PostGIS extension is somehow not being 'found' by PostGres.
I have uninstalled and reinstalled various combinations of PostGres, PostGIS and QGIS over the weekend - but get the same error. I created a new Windows account, and tried installing the stack there: same thing happened.
I also tried uninstalling everything and then installing the 'Portable GIS' stack by Astun. These are much older versions of QGIS and PostGIS, but in theory the installer configures them all to work together. (That, at least, has been my past experience of using Portable GIS at work.) In this instance, I got the same error about the missing AddGeometryColumn function.
I am wondering if the various installs of PostGIS, QGIS and other tools over the last year or so have left some stubborn configuration entries (maybe in the registry?) that uninstallers have not been able to remove. Could something like that be upsetting my recent PostGres insatllations? It feels as though something is preventing DB clients from locating the PostGIS services on the assigned port. Having said that, PostGres iteslef seems to be working fine, so maybe that is nonsense.
In any case, if anyone has any ideas how I can begin to debug and fix this, I would be hugely grateful. (In the meantime, I am about to try the OSGeoLive Lubuntu VM, which at least will enable me to get some proper work done - I hope.)
Thank you...

Asset Catalog Compile Error with On-Demand Resources: has no output specification

I've been trying to get On-Demand Resource to work but I keep getting this compile error:
/* */
: error: The tag combination "tagName" for "xxx.imageset/xxx#3x.png" has no output specification.
I had a look at actool man page and there's an option:
--asset-pack-output-specifications filename
Which says:
Tells actool where to write the information about ODR resources found
in the asset catalog. The emitted file will be a plist.
But I'm not really sure what to put as an argument/where this plist is used or even if this option is in the right track of fixing the error.
My coworkers and I struggled with this error for over a day and were only able to fix it by wiping our existing local repos and installing a fresh clone from our remote repos with the code that contains the on-demand resources.
In our case, I was the one that created the on-demand resources functionality and did the tagging for the assets. I built and ran all of that code, and everything worked fine locally on my machine. I pushed those commits to our remote, and when my coworkers pulled they received the asset catalog compile error that you reported when they tried to build.
I compared my build logs with those of my coworkers and found that I had the --asset-pack-output-specifications flag along with a filename whereas they did not, even though all of our production code was the same. I never set that flag manually myself during development, it was automatically generated at some point in the process but I have no idea where -- I didn't even know it existed until this build failure occurred. After struggling for many hours we noticed that if my coworkers deleted their local projects entirely and basically started fresh by installing a new project and repo again from the remote, they suddenly were able to build. They had already tried to clean and nuke their derived data, but that didn't work. Only totally deleting the repos and the projects entirely did the trick. Not sure why, but something about wiping the project and all associated directories and building themselves totally fresh from their own local machines triggered something that enabled the --asset-pack-output-specifications flag.
I just faced this issue and was totally against deleting my repo and cloning again.
I noticed that alongside this error, I also got a warning stating that I had assets under the same name (thus being duplicated).
Deleting the duplicated asset in order to get rid of the warning, fixed the compilation error.
Hope this helps someone, as deleting the repo and cloning again shouldn't be an option.
I just faced the issue.
I could solve it just by deleting on-demand resource tags and tagging them back again.
I just solve it by rebooting Xcode then run successfully. The error seems to only appear once...I don't know why.

liquibase integration not interoperable between command line and application

I'm using liquibase since several years and it's extremly helpful for me as application developer to bring source code and database in sync, so thank you to all contributors for this tool.
During my daily work, I usually start liquibase from the command line in order to test the changesets and database operations. If everything is wired right, I start my application (Spring Boot) and the liquibase setup within the application performs all those sync steps. These setup works perfect unless my changelog file contains changesets with loaddata in order to populate data from CSV files into the database. Every application start fails with liquibase.exception.ValidationFailedException: Validation Failed:
change sets check sum
The reason seems to be the different file locations for the CVS files mentioned in loaddata which are part of the checksum computation. If startet from the application, the changesets looks like this:
classpath:liquibase/changelog.xml: classpath:liquibase/changelog.xml::loadDefaultRolePermissions::dominik
But if started from commandline, there is no way to use classpath resources, the changeset infos looks like that
liquibase: src/main/resources/liquibase/changelog.xml: src/main/resources/liquibase/changelog.xml::loadDefaultRolePermissions::dominik
Both values differs and leads to different checksums.
If you look into, there is no classpath resource accessor used:
FileSystemResourceAccessor fsOpener = new FileSystemResourceAccessor();
CommandLineResourceAccessor clOpener = new CommandLineResourceAccessor(classLoader);
CompositeResourceAccessor fileOpener = new CompositeResourceAccessor(fsOpener, clOpener);
Is there any way to let liquibase be interoperable between command line AND application startup run ?
Thanks in advance
RESOLVED by updating from liquibase 3.3.1 to 3.5.3

My Meteor projects skip MongoDB-startup

Three weeks ago my Meteor projects worked fine, but today I noticed that all my Meteor projects skip the 'start-MongoDB' step, or at least it seems that way. All my projects that rely on one or more collections now get stuck on the 'starting your app' step, while new projects start normally (probably because no MongoDB doesn't cause problems for them). Note: I'm having these problems while running applications locally on my laptop.
Most posts that I can find about apps freezing on 'starting your app' mention that the app can't connect MongoDB, which relates to my case, because it is never started, but I don't know how to tell Meteor it should start up MongoDB first before running any of my apps.
Any tips on this matter?
Have you set the environment variable MONGO_URL? If so, meteor (aka meteor run) will not start MongoDB.
Thx for the tips guys, I fixed it, but the root of the problem was kind of far-fetched. The METEOR_LOG=debug option, as suggested by #aedm, helped me figure out what was wrong though.
One of my older applications posted the error message Meteor - Couldn't run tasklist.exe on Windows 10, and when searching on that error message someone suggested that something might be wrong with my environment variables. Apparently when installing some new software a couple of days ago I created a new 'path' variable, rather than editing the old one, which overwrote the original 'path' variable, which included something essential for Meteor. I deleted the new 'path' variable, and added its contents to the old one, and now everything works and Mongo starts as it should when I run my apps.