Custom Length Vibrations For Notifications in Swift - swift

I am developing an app that sends vibrations to a users phone based on how long the user trying to reach them holds down a button. However, it has to work when the users app is not open. Is there a way to attach custom haptics to a notification to achieve this? I was also thinking that generating user feedback haptics locally when a message is received would work but I need it to work when the user is not using the app. Any suggestions?

This feature isn't available to the Firebase FCM library and would require the vibration settings configured on a per device basis.


How to set up custom behaviour when receiving a notification in Flutter

I have an app built in flutter and I am sending certain notification via firebase messaging to a given device. When that device receives the notification, I would like that there will be an alarm a bit like when you receive a phone call. I would like the alarm to go on until the user do not open the notification.
Is there an easy way to achieve this in flutter? I s it even possible?

Flutter best way to store App Notifications?

Is there a way to store app notifications in a flutter app. Most of the time this app will be closed and the app notifications will not directly be hitting the app. I would like to store app notifications in a notifications received section. I know I can get the notifications if the app is opened, but for if the app is closed and it just shows as a status, I can't get them in the device unless the user clicks on the notification message. and it opens the app. What options do I have and is what I am wanting to do even possible?
First interpretation of your question: If I read your question correctly, you're saying its not possible to have text in your notifications when the app is not open. This is definitely possible, almost all your apps create notifications on the device with more than just 'status'.
Another interpretation of your question: In response to a firebase cloud messaging message, you might want to save data or do some other background task, instead of just creating a notification the user sees. This is not enabled by default. There's lots more instructions on enabling and using this in the README
By default background messaging is not enabled. To handle messages in the background:
The golden nugget of information is _firebaseMessaging.configure(onBackgroundMessage: yourBackgroundMessageHandler) which is not listed under the receiving messages section.
Let me know if I misread. What do you mean by status?
You can use background Fetch to make the app stay in the background. The package will awaken an app in the background about every 15 minutes.

Local or Push notification

I have a simple application that shows some videos from a YouTube channel. I need to send a notification to my users when that YouTube channel have a new video.
I've been thinking and I realize that if I use local notifications the app will have to run a method every "5 minutes" and check if there's a new video, BUT when the user closes the app my method will stop running and the app will stop checking for new videos.
Otherwise, I'll use remote notification. I'll store the user device token into a database and check for new videos with PHP. When it happens, I'll send a push to all my users. Unfortunately, this case will overload the server that the PHP is.
My question is: What's the best solution? Is there any way to I keep executing a method when my app is closed?
Push is your best option. There isn't a good enough way to keep checking in the background to use local notifications accurately enough. Monitor for new videos on your server as often as you feel necessary and fire a push notification to the user. That model exists in many apps across the app store. Good luck.

How I verify that user installed an iPhone app?

We provide advertising capabilities to iPhone app customers, where they can advertise apps to millions of users on social network, and stand out among large number of apps in app store.
Now, to prove the ROI, we also want to provide statistics of how many users actually installed the app using our advertisements on social network.
My question is:
How do I verify whether user installed an app (when user clicks on advertisement and we take user to App Store (on mobile device) or itunes page (on PC/Mac) )
Is there a way to integrate with developer's interface to get this information?
Thanks in advance.
This is a broad question and there are some simple solutions which may require some work. Apple provides you no feedback for when an app is installed. Assuming you are storing the click of the ad on a server you will need to match to that click with something you send up when the app is opened for the first time.
(if the ad is shown in a native app on the phone) You can send up a unique key when the click happens and also send that same unique key when the app opens for the first time and match them on the server. This key can be a hashed mac address or something you save to the UIPasteboard. This requires integration on the side of your clients app because they will need to send a http request to you when the app launches.
If the social network is web based then your best bet is to match on IP address which isn't perfect but can give you a high percentage of accuracy.
I guess I'm assuming you are hosting the ads though. If you are not then you will have to rely on what the ad networks give you and many of them can provide some form of install tracking.
Well, you can always look at that persons phone and check if your app is present there :P
Just kidding.
You have some ways to get information such as these.
If you have registration in your app, you can monitor the userInfo, along with the UDID.
You can setup some webservice calls on applicationDidFinishLaunching for the first time events (using NSUserDefaults key to save the first time info) and use that.
Check out FLURRY for data analytics in your app. This is an awesome service, and allows you to track your users and how they interact with your app. I would recommend this !
Most ad networks have conversion tracking capabilities, but once you click an ad from the web and go to iTunes, all hope is lost tracking a conversion.
I guess you'd be able to track a conversion if you require the user to provide information (like an email address) before directing them to the appstore then requiring them to input that same email once the app is opened.

iPhone Push notifications via mobile safari

Is there a way to simulate push notifications by pushing data to mobile safari? Here are 2 scenarios.
I make a web app via phonegap and dont want to use APNS but rather make a web-socket connection and push data to the device myself. On the device end is there a "alert" function I can call to emulate a pop up when a user is not in the application?
Lets throw web app out the window. Is there a way I can do this in native mobile safari? Im not talking about a plain old JS alert window that would only come up if the user was in the app, but be able to do so with it backgrounded.
You cannot run background tasks with mobile safari so for #2 you can't do true push notifications or alerts. However you can send a user an SMS if you have the user's phone number. This can have a hyperlink to a part of your web site (which can contain some sort of payload). You can use a service such as Twilio to help you send SMS'es. However this costs money. APNS does not.
For scenario #1 I'm assuming you're talking about a native app using a phonegap solution. In this case when the app is backgrounded you cannot access any UI at all and wake up the app and show a UIAlert. In fact unless an app is registered for location updates or background music, the app is effectively not going to respond after a set period of time (it only can "finish" certain operations it had started before). So the websocket solution will only be effective if the user has the app opened.
You could register a local notification that runs at some predetermined time which will show an alert. But that is not being pushed from the server so its probably not what you want.
APNS is your best solution for scenario #1. Its not that hard to implement and its pretty inexpensive. Check out urban airship if you want to avoid building out your own server-side components for it.