How to select a specific network interface when joining a node in Kubernetes? - kubernetes

I have a single master cluster with 3 worker nodes. The master node has one network interface of 10Gb capacity and all worker nodes have two interfaces: 10Gb and 40Gb interface. They are all connected via a switch.
By default, Kubernetes binds to the default network eth0 which is 10Gb for the worker nodes. How do I specify the 40Gb interface at joining?
The kubeadm init command has a --apiserver-advertise-address argument but this is for the apiserver. Is there any equivalent option for the worker nodes so the communciation between master and worker (and between workers) are realised on the 40Gb link?
Please note that this is a bare-metal on-prem installation with OSS Kubernetes v1.20.

You can use the --hostname-override flag to override the default kubelet behavior. The default name of the kubelet equals to the hostname and it's ip address default to the interface's ip address default gateway.
For more details please visit this issue.

There is nothing specific, you would have to manage this at the routing level. If you're using BGP internally it would usually do this automatically because the faster link will have a higher metric but if you're using a simpler static routing setup then you may need to tweak things.
Pods live on internal virtual adapters so they don't listen on any physical interface (for all CNIs I know of anyway, except the AWS one).


Kubernetes: How does CNI take advantage of BPG?

When learning the Kubernetes CNI, I heard some plugins are using the BGP or VXLAN under the hood.
On the internet, border gateway protocol (BGP) manages how packets are routed between edge routers.
Autonomous systems (AS) are network routers managed by a single enterprise or service provider. for example, Facebook and Google.
Autonomous systems (AS) communicate with peers and form a mesh.
But I still can't figure out how does the CNI plugin take advantage of BGP.
Imagine there is a Kubernetes cluster, which is composed of 10 nodes. Calico is the chosen CNI plugin.
Who plays the Autonomous System(AS) role? Is each node an AS?
How are packets forward from one node to another node? Is the iptable still required?
The CNI plugin is responsible for allocating IP addresses (IPAM) and ensuring that packets get where they need to get.
For Calico specifically, you can get a lot of information from the architecture page as well as the Calico network design memoirs.
Whenever a new Pod is created, the IPAM plugin allocates an IP address from the global pool and the Kubernetes scheduler assigns the Pod to a Node. The Calico CNI plugin (like any other) configures the networking stack to accept connections to the Pod IP and routes them to the processes inside. This happens with iptables and uses a helper process called Felix.
Each Node also runs a BIRD (BGP) daemon that watches for these configuration events: "IP 10.x.y.z is hosted on node A". These configuration events are turned into BGP updates and sent to other nodes using the open BGP sessions.
When the other nodes receive these BGP updates, they program the node route table (with simple ip route commands) to ensure the node knows how to reach the Pod. In this model, yes, every node is an AS.
What I just described is the "AS per compute server" model: it is suitable for small deployments in environments where nodes are not necessarily on the same L2 network. The problem is that each node needs to maintain a BGP session with every other node, which scales as O(N^2).
For larger deployments therefore, a compromise is to run one AS per rack of compute servers ("AS per rack"). Each top of rack switch then runs BGP to communicate routes to other racks, while the switch internally knows how to route packets.

Does Kubernetes need to assign real IP addresses?

I am trying to understand Kubernetes and how it works under the hood. As I understand it each pod gets its own IP address. What I am not sure about is what kind of IP address that is.
Is it something that the network admins at my company need to pass out? Or is an internal kind of IP address that is not addressable on the full network?
I have read about network overlays (like Project Calico) and I assume they play a role in this, but I can't seem to find a page that explains the connection. (I think my question is too remedial for the internet.)
Is the IP address of a Pod a full IP address on my network (just like a Virtual Machine would have)?
Kubernetes clusters
Is the IP address of a Pod a full IP address on my network (just like a Virtual Machine would have)?
The thing with Kubernetes is that it is not a service like e.g. a Virtual Machine, but a cluster that has it's own networking functionality and management, including IP address allocation and network routing.
Your nodes may be virtual or physical machines, but they are registered in the NodeController, e.g. for health check and most commonly for IP address management.
The node controller is a Kubernetes master component which manages various aspects of nodes.
The node controller has multiple roles in a node’s life. The first is assigning a CIDR block to the node when it is registered (if CIDR assignment is turned on).
Cluster Architecture - Nodes
IP address management
Kubernetes Networking depends on the Container Network Interface (CNI) plugin your cluster is using.
A CNI plugin is responsible for ... It should then assign the IP to the interface and setup the routes consistent with the IP Address Management section by invoking appropriate IPAM plugin.
It is common that each node is assigned an CIDR range of IP-addresses that the nodes then assign to pods that is scheduled on the node.
GKE network overview describes it well on how it work on GKE.
Each node has an IP address assigned from the cluster's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) network.
Each node has a pool of IP addresses that GKE assigns Pods running on that node (a /24 CIDR block by default).
Each Pod has a single IP address assigned from the Pod CIDR range of its node. This IP address is shared by all containers running within the Pod, and connects them to other Pods running in the cluster.
Each Service has an IP address, called the ClusterIP, assigned from the cluster's VPC network.
Kubernetes Pods are going to receive a real IP address like how's happening with Docker ones due to the brdige network interface: the real hard stuff to understand is basically the Pod to Pod connection between different nodes and that's a black magic performed via kube-proxy with the help of iptables/nftables/IPVS (according to which component you're running in the node).
A different story regarding IP addresses assigned to a Service of ClusterIP kind: in fact, it's a Virtual IP used to transparently redirect to endpoints as needed.
Kubernetes networking could look difficult to understand but we're lucky because Tim Hockin provided a really good talk named Life of a Packet that will provide you a clear overview of how it works.

CIDR Address and advertise-address defining in Kubernetes Installation

I am trying to install Kubernetes in my on-premise server Ubuntu 16.04. And referring following documentation ,
After installing kubelete kubeadm and kubernetes-cni I found that to initiate kubeadm with following command,
kubeadm init --pod-network-cidr= --apiserver-advertise-address= --kubernetes-version stable-1.8
Here I am totally confused about why we are setting cidr and api server advertise address. I am adding few confusion from Kubernetes here,
Why we are specifying CIDR and --apiserver-advertise-address here?
How I can find these two address for my server?
And why flannel is using in Kubernetes installation?
I am new to this containerization and Kubernetes world.
Why we are specifying CIDR and --apiserver-advertise-address here?
And why flannel is using in kubernetes installation?
Kubernetes using Container Network Interface for creating a special virtual network inside your cluster for communication between pods.
Here is some explanation "why" from documentation:
Kubernetes imposes the following fundamental requirements on any networking implementation (barring any intentional network segmentation policies):
all containers can communicate with all other containers without NAT
all nodes can communicate with all containers (and vice-versa) without NAT
the IP that a container sees itself as is the same IP that others see it as
Kubernetes applies IP addresses at the Pod scope - containers within a Pod share their network namespaces - including their IP address. This means that containers within a Pod can all reach each other’s ports on localhost. This does imply that containers within a Pod must coordinate port usage, but this is no different than processes in a VM. This is called the “IP-per-pod” model.
So, Flannel is one of the CNI which can be used for create network which will connect all your pods and CIDR option define a subnet for that network. There are many alternative CNI with similar functions.
If you want to get more details about how network working in Kubernetes you can read by link above or, as example, here.
How I can find these two address for my server?
API server advertise address has to be only one and static. That address using by all components to communicate with API server. Unfortunately, Kubernetes has no support of multiple API server addresses per master.
But, you can still use as many addresses on your server as you want, but only one of them you can define as --apiserver-advertise-address. The only one request for it - it has to be accessible from all your nodes in cluster.

How to make cluster nodes private on Google Kubernetes Engine?

I noticed every node in a cluster has an external IP assigned to it. That seems to be the default behavior of Google Kubernetes Engine.
I thought the nodes in my cluster should be reachable from the local network only (through its virtual IPs), but I could even connect directly to a mongo server running on a pod from my home computer just by connecting to its hosting node (without using a LoadBalancer).
I tried to make Container Engine not to assign external IPs to newly created nodes by changing the cluster instance template settings (changing property "External IP" from "Ephemeral" to "None"). But after I did that GCE was not able to start any pods (Got "Does not have minimum availability" error). The new instances did not even show in the list of nodes in my cluster.
After switching back to the default instance template with external IP everything went fine again. So it seems for some reason Google Kubernetes Engine requires cluster nodes to be public.
Could you explain why is that and whether there is a way to prevent GKE exposing cluster nodes to the Internet? Should I set up a firewall? What rules should I use (since nodes are dynamically created)?
I think Google not allowing private nodes is kind of a security issue... Suppose someone discovers a security hole on a database management system. We'd feel much more comfortable to work on fixing that (applying patches, upgrading versions) if our database nodes are not exposed to the Internet.
GKE recently added a new feature allowing you to create private clusters, which are clusters where nodes do not have public IP addresses.
This is how GKE is designed and there is no way around it that I am aware of. There is no harm in running kubernetes nodes with public IPs, and if these are the IPs used for communication between nodes you can not avoid it.
As for your security concern, if you run that example DB on kubernetes, even if you go for public IP it would not be accessible, as this would be only on the internal pod-to-pod networking, not the nodes them selves.
As described in this article, you can use network tags to identify which GCE VMs or GKE clusters are subject to certain firewall rules and network routes.
For example, if you've created a firewall rule to allow traffic to port 27017, 27018, 27019, which are the default TCP ports used by MongoDB, give the desired instances a tag and then use that tag to apply the firewall rule that allows those ports access to those instances.
Also, it is possible to create GKE cluster with applying the GCE tags on all nodes in the new node pool, so the tags can be used in firewall rules to allow/deny desired/undesired traffic to the nodes. This is described in this article under --tags flag.
Kubernetes Master is running outside your network and it needs to access your nodes. This could the the reason for having public IPs.
When you create your cluster, there are some firewall rules created automatically. These are required by the cluster, and there's e.g. ingress from master and traffic between the cluster nodes.
Network 'default' in GCP has readymade firewall rules in place. These enable all SSH and RDP traffic from internet and enable pinging of your machines. These you can remove without affecting the cluster and your nodes are not visible anymore.

Joining an external Node to an existing Kubernetes Cluster

I have a custom Kubernetes Cluster (deployed using kubeadm) running on Virtual Machines from an IAAS Provider. The Kubernetes Nodes have no Internet facing IP Adresses (except for the Master Node, which I also use for Ingress).
I'm now trying to join a Machine to this Cluster that is not hosted by my main IAAS provider. I want to do this because I need specialized computing resources for my application that are not offered by the IAAS.
What is the best way to do this?
Here's what I've tried already:
Run the Cluster on Internet facing IP Adresses
I have no trouble joining the Node when I tell kube-apiserver on the Master Node to listen on and use public IP Adresses for every Node. However, this approach is non-ideal from a security perspective and also leads to higher cost because public IP Adresses have to be leased for Nodes that normally don't need them.
Create a Tunnel to the Master Node using sshuttle
I've had moderate success by creating a tunnel from the external Machine to the Kubernetes Master Node using sshuttle, which is configured on my external Machine to route through the tunnel. This works in principle, but it seems way too hacky and is also a bit unstable (sometimes the external machine can't get a route to the other nodes, I have yet to investigate this problem further).
Here are some ideas that could work, but I haven't tried yet because I don't favor these approaches:
Use a proper VPN
I could try to use a proper VPN tunnel to connect the Machine. I don't favor this solution because it would add a (admittedly quite small) overhead to the Cluster.
Use a cluster federation
It looks like kubefed was made specifically for this purpose. However, I think this is overkill in my case: I'm only trying to join a single external Machine to the Cluster. Using Kubefed would add a ton of overhead (Federation Control Plane on my Main Cluster + Single Host Kubernetes Deployment on the external machine).
I couldn't think about any better solution than a VPN here. Especially since you have only one isolated node, it should be relatively easy to make the handshake happen between this node and your master.
Routing the traffic from "internal" nodes to this isolated node is also trivial. Because all nodes already use the master as their default gateway, modifying the route table on the master is enough to forward the traffic from internal nodes to the isolated node through the tunnel.
You have to be careful with the configuration of your container network though. Depending on the solution you use to deploy it, you may have to assign a different subnet to the Docker bridge on the other side of the VPN.