Car with wheel colliders jumps when collides with another box collider - unity3d

So, I make a car using wheel colliders. Also I have a simple scene with a box collider. The problem is that when wheel colliders touch box collider, the car takes off in the sky and starts turning. What I'm doing wrong?This is how wheel colliders are tuned

I consider this was a very stupid mistake. I just turned off is Trigger for box collider of the scene, and all started to work well. I hope it will help someone)


Unity Collider doesn't work for box and circle collider

I created two game object.
One is box and the other one is a ball. Then I added collider them( box collider and circle collider) to collision them. But it's not working. When I hit play button, the ball just falling to eternity ^^.
I searched on the internet and looked for possible solutions and they didn't work.
*Is trigger unchecked.
*Attached rigidbody2d to the ball.
Any help will be appreciated. Thanks for your interest
The BoxCollider and CircleCollider2D interact with physics in different dimensions, box collider physics are calculated in 3D while circle collider physics are calculated in 2D. In Unity, 3D physics and 2D physics are calculated separately so collisions between 2D and 3D colliders isn't possible. You will have to replace your box collider with a BoxCollider2D or replace your circle collider with a SphereCollider. Best of luck!

Preventing collider from glitching through terrain

I'm using a terrain in Unity 2019.2.1f1 and a custom mesh of a cave with a mesh collider.
My character that has a Capsule Collider way bigger than the entry of the cave should not be able to enter in. But due to the roundness of both colliders, he can come into force in the cave, glitching through the terrain collider.
I think it's velocity is not excessive, I'm moving the character with rb.MovePosition() in the FixedUpdate(), and I set its rigidbody collision detection to Continuous speculative (tried all the "continuous" modes)
In the animation below, you can see the mesh of the cave and the capsule collider around the character.
How can I prevent this from happening? How can I say to Unity: "I want the colliders to be rock solid and not marshmallow"?
Colliders in Unity are rock-solid. They are incapable of any kind of soft physics, and the only moment they will warp through each other is when you force them to.
Here, you are setting the rigidBody position by force, into an impossible location. The game tries its best to fit your rigidBody despite the lack of room.
You can
Only use forces, and velocities. You can simply set the velocity to the direction of your choosing, and set it to 0 when you stop moving, or use AddForce, which is basically the same thing.
Keep using MovePosition, but use a SphereCast or CapsuleCast to check if you have enough room to move first.

How to add mesh collider into trees in unity3d?

I added palm trees on my terrain. But I didnt add a mesh collider into the trees.
My car is able to pass through them.
How do I resolve this?
Make sure both the car and the trees have a mesh collider. Some more explanation of your problem would be nice.
Prefabs include a Capsule collider,Sphere collider or any simple collider is working but mesh collider when plant trees or any prefabs by Terrain Place Trees method.
A tree use Capsule collider is fine but a stone maybe use a simple mesh collider better than a Sphere collider. and unity don't let we do.
I solved problem with box collider. Box colliders are covering all of the trees and no problem.

Objects not colliding in 2D project

I've set up a 2D project in Unity (4.3.4). It has a ball and ground. The ball is in the air.
To the ball I've added Box Collider 2D and Rigidbody 2D, standard values.
To the ground I've added Box Collider 2D.
When I run the game, the ball falls, but instead of stopping when hitting the ground, it continues and keep falling.
Where did I go wrong? By the tutorials this should simply work?
Check if one of the two colliders has the checkbox isTrigger checked. They should both be unchecked for collisions to work. First time that happened to me it took me a whole day to figure it out xD

Collisions issues of CharaterController with other box colliders

I have a Player with a CharacterCollider & Coins with box collider. When my player collides with coin, then i m disabling coin in OnControllerCollideHit() with = false (where hit = coin gameObject).
But still i m getting some back force or a kind of jerk when i collide with coin.
How can i remove that jerk or force on player collision with any coin box collider.?
I did a lot of research on Google & some forums, but can't find related to this issue.
Any Code will be appreciated.
I resolved this issue with a trick.
I added an empty child GameObject with Box collider & Rigidbody in my Player GameObject & increase the collider area that cover my player collider.
This will make me to react before i collide with player collider. And i m handling Coin collision & other collision with empty GameObject collider.
I think this solution might probably help other people on Here. Gud Luck.
If you Don't use Trigger, I suggest check on trigger on Box collider in your Player Object. then OnTriggerEnter function will called when collide with coin.