How to include config files when deploying to Vercel - deployment

I have a NextJS project I want to deploy to Vercel. The server needs a config file which is a typescript file containing an object, and is ignored from version control. Obviously when Vercel clones my repo it doesn't get the config file. Is there any way to sideload this config file into Vercel or do I need to fork my own repo privately so I can include the config file?

I've done some research and the only faster way I found is to push directly to Vercel using the cmd/cli.
Here's the doc:
Another way could be to create two repositories, one private where is your Vercel project linked, and another public without your config file (as you said).


how to use gitlab to share files and folders between projects

I have a question to ask but ill explain my plan/requirement first
I have started on new company
I have been tasked to migrate a lot of microservices running on swarm to Kubernetes
there are about 50 microservices running now
right now we are using consul as key/value store for configuration files
due to a lot of mistakes in designing infrastructure, our swarm is not stable ( failing overlays and so on)
developers want to have sub-versioning on configuration as well but in a specific way
one project for all config files
they don't want to go through building stages
there are some applications that read live configurations (
changes occur regularly )
so I need to centralize the configuration and create a project for this task
I store Kubernetes manifests GitLab-ci files and app configurations there
when I include ci files in the target project I can't access config and Kube manifests ( submodule is not acceptable by developers )
I'm planning to use helm instead of kubectl for deployment
my biggest challenge is to provide the configuration live ( as the developer pushes it applies on cm )
am I on the right track?
any suggestion on how to achieve my goal?
I expect to be able to deploy projects and use multiple files and folders from other projects
create a ci file like this in your devops repo, this job should commit the config file to your repo when config changed.
script: "command to commit config file to your devops repo"
- master
- path/some-config-file.json
- configs/*
change default ci file location to point to ci file in your devops repo
setup pipeline, apply config to k8s when file commited.
Personally I use argocd to sync helm chart to k8s, you can do it your way.
Read live configurations is normally not recommended, because changing config may cause error.
When using k8s, it is better to create configmap and inject config into environment variables
Then use rollout mechanism to restart the app.
Howeven, if you are using configmap volume
It will auto update config file when you change config

How to add helm repo from an existing github project?

I have an existing github project. I want to create/add a helm folder to the project to store the helm yaml files. I want to reference this github project/folder to act like a helm repo in my local/dev environment. I know I can add the charts to my local/default helm repo. The use case is if another developer checks out the code in github and he needs to work on the charts then he can run helm install directly from the working folder. The website has instructions of adding a gh-pages branch but I am wondering if I can avoid it.
Can I use an existing github project and it via the helm repo add command?
Unfortunately, I wasn't able to find a way to publish helm charts via GitHub using private repositories. On a theoretical level, it might work using GitHub token and 2nd (raw URLs method), but I haven't tried it. Since you're using docker registry anyway, it might be worth trying using OCI (docker) registry to store the charts.
If that doesn't work, or you have public repos, it is possible to either use GitHub Pages, or use GitHub raw URLs. Both of the solutions require public repository.
To use GitHub pages:
Setup github pages to publish docs folder as github pages (you can use a different name, just substitue later)
Package the helm repo as .tgz (using helm package): helm package charts/mychart -d docs/. Substitute charts/mychart with a path to a chart root folder
Include an index.yaml -- an index file for the repository helm repo index ./docs --url https://<YOUR_ORG_OR_USERNAME><REPO_NAME>
Now you can add the repo: helm repo add <INTERNAL_NAME> https://<YOUR_ORG_OR_USERNAME><REPO_NAME>
To use Raw URLs:
Place index.yaml and chart TGZs into a folder called docs, just like above
Now you can add a repo: helm repo add <INTERNAL_NAME><YOUR_ORG_OR_USERNAME>/<REPO_NAME>/<BRANCH_USUALLY_MASTER>/docs
Firstly make sure that you have have fully functional helm repository. The tricky part is to access it as if it was simple HTTP server hosting raw files. Fortunately Github provides such feature using In order for helm to be able to pull files from such repository you need to provide it with Github username and token (Personal Access Token):
> helm repo add - username <your_github_username> - password <your_github_token> my-github-helm-repo ''
> helm repo update
> helm repo list
> helm search my-app
my-github-helmrepo/my-app-chart 0.1.0 1.0 A Helm chart for Kubernetes
These are steps for adding new packages to existing repository
If you want to add new package to existing repository simply:
1. Place new package in your local repository root
2. Execute: helm repo index .. This will detect new file/folder and make updates.
3. Commit and push your new package
4. Finally execute command: helm repo update
Security ascpect
It is important to realize where does helm actually store your Github token. It is stored as plain text in ~/.helm/repository/repositories.yaml. In this case it will be good to generate token with as few permissions as possible.
Take a look here: hosting helm private repository.

Shared config file for various VSTS roles

I know how to make a shared config file for traditional projects and adding them to each project with the following tag:
<appSettings file="../other_project/foo.config">.
How do I share application settings in VSTS, ensuring every role can access the shared config settings? I assume you can't directly reference other projects' config files using relative path names, like in my example above.
I would like to centralize my configuration and make my config transform file relatively short, as there are a lot of projects.
I assume you can't directly reference other projects' config files
using relative path names, like in my example above.
You can manage the config file into solution directory or the root of your git repo.
Then you can add (Add -> Existing Item) the config file for each project separately.
And keep the config file as artifacts, so even when deploying different projects into different machines, the config file will always accessible.

How to get s2i to connect to a private NuGet feed

I have OpenShift set up to build a ASP.NET Core application. I've succeeded in configuring OpenShift so it pulls in the latest source code. I see in the logs that it starts to build, but it immediately stops on the restore step.
OpenShift doesn't have access to our private NuGet feeds.
I know I can add credentials to the NuGet.config file, but that would mean committing sensitive information to the repository, which we don't want.
I've tried adding Input Secrets, as mentioned in the docs. I did this by creating a secret that contains the NuGet.config contents and adding the secret to my BuildConfig. I still get the same error (a HTTP 401).
Can I somehow tell OpenShift how to connect to the private NuGet feeds? Maybe using the secrets feature perhaps?
In the case of nuget configuration, you will need to specify where the NuGet.Config build input secret gets mounted into. This can be done by setting the destinationDir parameter to a valid configuration location.
As for being able to add the config file in your repository itself, you can do this by making use of environment variable references in the config, for example <add key="ClearTextPassword" value="%NUGET_REPO_PASSWORD%" />. The NUGET_REPO_PASSWORD environment variable can then be configured in your build configuration and value referenced from an OpenShift secret.
Hope this gets you going. If all else fails, you can definitely override the s2i assemble script with your own by adding an executable script at .s2i/bin/assemble of your project repository.

What server.xml is for in Java DB Web Starter GIT code?

I've created a liberty bluemix project. Then bluemix created the GIT project. I've downloaded it in eclipse and now I want to enable more features.
There's a server.xml there
but no matter what features I add there, bluemix logs says I am still using the default ones.
I am just pushing the changes to GIT (so jazz will push them to bluemix)
What am I doing wrong?
From my understanding the server.xml from the starter is for your local Liberty runtime that you can also fire up from within the maven plugin. If you want to make changes to your bluemix Liberty feature set you can do so by setting cf environment variables.
See my recent blogpost on how I did this.
I added the following to the build script in my deployment pipeline.
cf set-env blueair-web JBP_CONFIG_LIBERTY “app_archive: {features: [servlet-3.1]}”
cf push “${CF_APP}”
Alternatively you can set the liberty feature set within your manifest, see this blogpost on how to do so:
If all you're trying to do is update the feature list, then setting the JBP_CONFIG_LIBERTY is the easiest way.
But if you're looking to provide more config in the server.xml then you'll need to provide a server package.
For example, for this case:
I can either:
I can issue a cf push myBluemixApp directly from the "videoServer" directory.
Or, package the server using the wlp/binserver package videoServer --include=usr command and then push the resulting zip file cf push myBluemixApp -p wlp/usr/servers/videoServer/
Or, manually or using your build, create a wlp dir structure keeping only the files you want to upload as I've done in the deploy directory here: You can then push that directory as I'm doing (see manifest.yml). This will work with jazz/DevOps Services.
Packaging the server.xml within a war file is not the correct way.