Test::LeakTrace says code leaking. I don't understand.
I do not understand output of Test::LeakTrace, and it is too long for this post. Some leaks from Test system, but others? No.
This is the code.
use 5.26.0;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
use Test::LeakTrace;
sub spawn {
my %methods = #_;
state $spawned = 1;
my $object = bless {}, "Spawned::Class$spawned";
while ( my ( $method, $value ) = each %methods ) {
no strict 'refs';
*{ join '::', ref($object), $method } = sub { $value };
return $object;
no_leaks_ok {
my $spawn = spawn( this => 2 );
is( $spawn->this, 2 );
'no leaks';
I get weird things like this:
# leaked SCALAR(0x7f9b41a069c0) from leak.pl line 11.
# 10: $spawned++;
# 11: while ( my ( $method, $value ) = each %methods ) {
# 12: no strict 'refs';
# SV = IV(0x7f9b41a069b0) at 0x7f9b41a069c0
# REFCNT = 1
# IV = 2
And this:
# leaked GLOB(0x7f9b411b22a0) from leak.pl line 9.
# 8: state $spawned = 1;
# 9: my $object = bless {}, "Spawned::Class$spawned";
# 10: $spawned++;
# SV = PVGV(0x7f9b41a29530) at 0x7f9b411b22a0
# REFCNT = 1
# NAME = "Class4::"
# GvSTASH = 0x7f9b4081a0a8 "Spawned"
# FLAGS = 0x2
# GP = 0x7f9b40534720
# SV = 0x0
# REFCNT = 1
# IO = 0x0
# FORM = 0x0
# AV = 0x0
# HV = 0x7f9b41a24730
# CV = 0x0
# CVGEN = 0x0
# GPFLAGS = 0x0 ()
# LINE = 9
# FILE = "leak.pl"
# EGV = 0x7f9b411b22a0 "Class4::"
Nothing makes sense to me. Reference counts are 1.
Your code leaks. They are intentional leaks, but leaks nonetheless.
You create a package that is never freed.[1] In it you create a glob that is never freed. To this glob you assign a sub that is never freed. The sub captures a variable, so it's never freed.
The module is doing its job and telling you about this.
I encountered a few surprises confirming the above was what was happening. The rest of this answer identifies them and explains them.
I'll be using this program (a.pl):
use 5.010;
use Test::More tests => 1;
use Test::LeakTrace;
sub f {
state $spawned = 1;
my $object = bless {}, "Spawned::Class$spawned" if $ARGV[0] & 1;
$spawned++ if $ARGV[0] & 2;
delete $Spawned::{"Class".($spawned-1)."::"} if $ARGV[0] & 4;
If we do $spawned++; but not the bless:
$ perl a.pl 1
ok 1 - leaks 0 <= 0
If we do the bless but not $spawned++;:
$ perl a.pl 2
ok 1 - leaks 0 <= 0
huh!? We created global symbols. Shouldn't those be considered leaks? So why did the OP produce leaks, then? I'll come back to this.
If we do both:
$ perl a.pl 3
not ok 1 - leaks 8 <= 0
# Failed test 'leaks 8 <= 0'
# at a.pl line 11.
# '8'
# <=
# '0'
# [snip]
huh?! Why is it suddenly mentioning the global symbols we created?! I mean, it's what we expect, but we expected it above too. I'll come back to this.
Finally, we'll also undo the changes we made.
$ perl a.pl 7
ok 1 - leaks 0 <= 0
As expected, if we release the additions we made to the global symbol table, it no longer reports any leaks.
Now let's address the questions I raised.
Imagine if you had done something like
state $cache = { };
You wouldn't want that hash to be reported as a leak even though it's never freed. To that end, Test::LeakTrace evaluates the test block twice, ignoring leaks from the first call.
Leaked SVs are SVs which are not released after the end of the scope they have been created. These SVs include global variables and internal caches. For example, if you call a method in a tracing block, perl might prepare a cache for the method. Thus, to trace true leaks, no_leaks_ok() and leaks_cmp_ok() executes a block more than once.
That's why perl a.pl 2 didn't result in any reported leaks.
But perl a.pl 3 and the OP's code (intentionally) leak every time they are called, not just the first. Test::LeakTrace has no way to know those leaks are intentional, so you get what I suppose you could call false positives.
When I say "never freed", I mean "never freed until global destruction". Everything gets freed then.
sub foo {
my #return_value = (1, 2);
my #receiver = foo();
Is this assigning like any other assigning in perl? the array is duplicated in memory? I doubt this cause of that since the array held by the subroutine is disposable, a duplication is totally redundant. it makes sense to just 'link' the array to #receiver for optimization reason.
by the way, I noticed a similar question Perl: function returns reference or copy? but didn't get what I want.
and I'm talking about Perl5
ps. any books or materials on such sort of topics about perl?
The scalars returned by :lvalue subs aren't copied.
The scalars returned by XS subs aren't copied.
The scalars returned by function (named operators) aren't copied.
The scalars returned by other subs are copied.
But that's before any assignment comes into play. If you assign the returned values to a variable, you will be copying them (again, in the case of a normal Perl sub).
This means my $y = sub { $x }->(); copies $x twice!
But that doesn't really matter because of optimizations.
Let's start with an example of when they aren't copied.
$ perl -le'
sub f :lvalue { my $x = 123; print \$x; $x }
my $r = \f();
print $r;
SCALAR(0x465eb48) # $x
SCALAR(0x465eb48) # The scalar on the stack
But if you remove :lvalue...
$ perl -le'
sub f { my $x = 123; print \$x; $x }
my $r = \f();
print $r;
SCALAR(0x17d0918) # $x
SCALAR(0x17b1ec0) # The scalar on the stack
Worse, one usually follows up by assigning the scalar to a variable, so a second copy occurs.
$ perl -le'
sub f { my $x = 123; print \$x; $x }
my $r = \f(); # \
print $r; # > my $y = f();
my $y = $$r; # /
print \$y;
SCALAR(0x1802958) # $x
SCALAR(0x17e3eb0) # The scalar on the stack
SCALAR(0x18028f8) # $y
On the plus side, assignment in optimized to minimize the cost of copying strings.
XS subs and functions (named operators) typically return mortal ("TEMP") scalars. These are scalars "on death row". They will be automatically destroyed if nothing steps in to claim a reference to them.
In older versions of Perl (<5.20), assigning a mortal string to another scalar will cause ownership of the string buffer to be transferred to avoid having to copy the string buffer. For example, my $y = lc($x); doesn't copy the string created by lc; simply the string pointer is copied.
$ perl -MDevel::Peek -e'my $s = "abc"; Dump($s); $s = lc($s); Dump($s);'
SV = PV(0x1705840) at 0x1723768
PV = 0x172d4c0 "abc"\0
CUR = 3
LEN = 10
SV = PV(0x1705840) at 0x1723768
PV = 0x1730070 "abc"\0 <-- Note the change of address from stealing
CUR = 3 the buffer from the scalar returned by lc.
LEN = 10
In newer versions of Perl (≥5.20), the assignment operator never[1] copies the string buffer. Instead, newer versions of Perl uses a copy-on-write ("COW") mechanism.
$ perl -MDevel::Peek -e'my $x = "abc"; my $y = $x; Dump($x); Dump($y);'
SV = PV(0x26b0530) at 0x26ce230
PV = 0x26d68a0 "abc"\0 <----+
CUR = 3 |
LEN = 10 |
COW_REFCNT = 2 +-- Same buffer (0x26d68a0)
SV = PV(0x26b05c0) at 0x26ce248 |
REFCNT = 1 |
PV = 0x26d68a0 "abc"\0 <----+
CUR = 3
LEN = 10
Ok, so far, I've only talked about scalars. Well, that's because subs and functions can only return scalars[2].
In your example, the scalar assigned to #return_value would be returned[3], copied, then copied a second time into #receiver by the assignment.
You could avoid all of this by returning a reference to the array.
sub f { my #fizbobs = ...; \#fizbobs }
my $fizbobs = f();
The only thing copied there is a reference, the simplest non-undefined scalar.
Ok, maybe not never. I think there needs to be a free byte in the string buffer to hold the COW count.
In list context, they can return 0, 1 or many of them, but they can only return scalars.
The last operator of your sub is a list assignment operator. In list context, the list assignment operator returns the scalars to which its left-hand side (LHS) evaluates. See Scalar vs List Assignment Operator for more info.
The subroutine returns the result of the last operation if you don't specify an explicit return.
#return_value is created separately from #receiver and the values are copied and the memory used by #return_value is released when it goes out of scope at subroutine exit.
So yes - the memory used is duplicated.
If you desperately want to avoid this, you can create an anonymous array once, and 'pass' a reference to it around:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
sub foo {
my $anon_array_ref = [ 1, 2 ];
return $anon_array_ref;
my $results_from_foo = foo();
print Dumper $results_from_foo;
This will usually be premature optimisation though, unless you know you're dealing with really big data structures.
Note - you should probably include an explicit return; in your sub after the assignment, as it's good practice to make clear what you're doing.
I have next program:
use warnings;
use strict;
print \&mysub;
sub mysub {};
print \&mysub;
Its output:
The BEGIN block is processed in compile time. At that point definition of sub mysub is not seen by compiler yet. But program still prints right subroutine address, which it will have when defined.
Why I do not get error here? Is this some sort of autovivification?
Yes, this is a form of autovivification. A stub is created when a reference to the sub is required and the sub doesn't exist.
use strict;
use warnings qw( all );
use feature qw( say );
sub test {
say defined(&mysub) ? "defined (".\&mysub.")"
: exists(&mysub) ? "exists (".\&mysub.")"
: "doesn't exist";
my $ref = \&mysub;
eval("sub mysub { } 1") or die($#);
doesn't exist
exists (CODE(0xab8cd8))
defined (CODE(0xab8cd8))
Very interesting question. I'm writing this as an answer instead of a comment because it will be rather long, but there are still some bits I'm not entirely sure about.
I believe your intuition is correct and that it is a form of autovivification.
Devel::Peek can spread more light on what's happening.
I changed your code a little bit:
use warnings;
use strict;
use Devel::Peek;
Dump( \&mysub );
print \&mysub;
sub mysub {};
Dump( \&mysub );
print \&mysub;
I added $|++ so that buffering won't be cause of confusions, and added calls to Devel::Peek::Dump to look into the reference \&mysub. Here the output on my system:
SV = IV(0x2628628) at 0x2628638
RV = 0x26286e0
SV = PVCV(0x2640750) at 0x26286e0
COMP_STASH = 0x25ffdb0 "main"
ROOT = 0x0
GVGV::GV = 0x26287a0 "main" :: "mysub"
FILE = "/tmp/autov.pl"
FLAGS = 0x1000
OUTSIDE = 0x0 (null)
CODE(0x26286e0)SV = IV(0x25fff20) at 0x25fff30
RV = 0x26286e0
SV = PVCV(0x2640750) at 0x26286e0
COMP_STASH = 0x25ffdb0 "main"
START = 0x262ea50 ===> 1
ROOT = 0x262ea10
GVGV::GV = 0x26287a0 "main" :: "mysub"
FILE = "/tmp/autov.pl"
FLAGS = 0x1000
PADLIST = 0x2648620
PADNAME = 0x2630180(0x2667f70) PAD = 0x2628770(0x262f020)
OUTSIDE = 0x2600140 (MAIN)
Note how Dump's output changes between the two calls.
The first time Dump is called we just have a reference to a empty scalar.
The second time, after the actual definition of the subroutine, you can see the details that pertain to subroutines have been fleshed out: namely PADLIST (now not null), PADNAME and START (I'm not an expert of Perl guts but I think this is the actual "pointer" to the subroutine).
I hope this helps. I'd be interested in knowing what you'll discover if you'll dig deeper in the problem.
I quite often arrange my subroutine entry like this:
sub mySub {
my ($self, %opts) = #_;
lock_keys(%opts, qw(count, name));
my $name = delete $opts{name};
to allow calling the sub using named arguments like this:
$obj->mySub(count=>1, name=>'foobar');
The lock_keys guards against calling the sub with mis-spelled argument names.
The last couple of lines are another common idiom I use, where if I am writing a method that overrides a superclass, I might extract the arguments which are specific to the subclass and then chain a call to the subclass.
This worked fine in perl 5.8, but after upgrading to Centos 6 (which has perl 5.10.1) I started to see seemingly random errors like this:
Attempt to delete readonly key 'otherOption' from a restricted hash at xxx.pl line 9.
These errors do not happen all the time (even in the same subroutine) but they do seem to relate to the call chain that results in calling the sub which bombs out.
Also note that they do not happen on perl 5.16 (or at least not on ideone).
What is causing these errors in perl 5.10? According to the manpage for Hash::Util, delete() should still work after lock_keys. It is like the whole hash is getting locked somehow.
I found the answer to this even before posting on SO, but the workaround is not great so feel free to chime in with a better one.
This SSCCE exhibits the problem:
use strict;
use Hash::Util qw(lock_keys);
sub doSomething {
my ($a, $b, %opts) = #_;
lock_keys(%opts, qw(myOption, otherOption));
my $x = delete $opts{otherOption};
my %h = (
foreach my $k (keys %h) {
doSomething(1, 2, otherOption=>$k);
It seems that the problem is related to the values passed in as values to the named argument hash (%opt in my example). If these values are copied from keys of a hash, as in the example above, it marks the values as read-only in such a way that it later prevents deleting keys from the hash.
In fact you can see this using Devel::Peek
$ perl -e'
use Devel::Peek;
my %x=(a=>1);
foreach my $x (keys %x) {
my %y = (x => $x);
SV = PV(0x22cfb78) at 0x22d1fd0
PV = 0x22f8450 "a"
CUR = 1
LEN = 0
SV = RV(0x22eeb30) at 0x22eeb20
RV = 0x22f8880
SV = PVHV(0x22d7fb8) at 0x22f8880
ARRAY = 0x22e99a0 (0:7, 1:1)
hash quality = 100.0%
KEYS = 1
FILL = 1
MAX = 7
RITER = -1
EITER = 0x0
Elt "x" HASH = 0x9303a5e5
SV = PV(0x22cfc88) at 0x22d1b98
PV = 0x22f8450 "a"
CUR = 1
LEN = 0
Note that the FLAGS for the hash entry are "READONLY" and in fact the variable $x and the value of the corresponding value in %y are actually pointing at the same string (PV = 0x22f8450 in my example above). It seems that Perl 5.10 is trying hard to avoid copying strings, but in doing so has inadvertently locked the whole hash.
The workaround I am using is to force a string copy, like this:
foreach my $k (keys %h) {
my $j = "$k";
doSomething(1, 2, otherOption=>$j);
This seems an inefficient way to force a string copy, and in any case is easy to forget, so other answers containing better workarounds are welcome.
I am having some problems with memory in Perl. When I fill up a big hash, I can not get the memory to be released back to the OS. When I do the same with a scalar and use undef, it will give the memory back to the OS.
Here is a test program I wrote.
###### Memory test
## Use Commands
use Number::Bytes::Human qw(format_bytes);
use Data::Dumper;
use Devel::Size qw(size total_size);
## Create Varable
my $share_var;
my %share_hash;
my $type_hash = 1;
my $type_scalar = 1;
## Start Main Loop
while (true) {
print "Hit Enter (add to memory): "; <>;
print "Hit Enter (Set Varable to nothing): "; <>;
$share_var = "";
$share_hash = ();
print "Hit Enter (clean data): "; <>;
print "Hit Enter (start over): "; <>;
#### Up Memory
sub Up_Mem {
my $total_loops = shift;
my $n = 1;
print "Adding data to shared varable $total_loops times\n";
until ($n > $total_loops) {
if ($type_hash) {
$share_hash{$n} = 'X' x 1111;
if ($type_scalar) {
$share_var .= 'X' x 1111;
$n += 1;
print "Done Adding Data\n";
#### Clean up Data
sub Clean_Data {
print "Clean Up Data\n";
if ($type_hash) {
## Method to fix hash (Trying Everything i can think of!
my $n = 1;
my $total_loops = 100_000;
until ($n > $total_loops) {
undef $share_hash{$n};
$n += 1;
%share_hash = ();
$share_hash = ();
undef $share_hash;
undef %share_hash;
if ($type_scalar) {
undef $share_var;
#### Check Memory Usage
sub Memory_Check {
## Get current memory from shell
my #mem = `ps aux | grep \"$$\"`;
my($results) = grep !/grep/, #mem;
## Parse Data from Shell
chomp $results;
$results =~ s/^\w*\s*\d*\s*\d*\.\d*\s*\d*\.\d*\s*//g; $results =~ s/pts.*//g;
my ($vsz,$rss) = split(/\s+/,$results);
## Format Numbers to Human Readable
my $h = Number::Bytes::Human->new();
my $virt = $h->format($vsz);
my $h = Number::Bytes::Human->new();
my $res = $h->format($rss);
print "Current Memory Usage: Virt: $virt RES: $res\n";
if ($type_hash) {
my $total_size = total_size(\%share_hash);
my #arr_c = keys %share_hash;
print "Length of Hash: " . ($#arr_c + 1) . " Hash Mem Total Size: $total_size\n";
if ($type_scalar) {
my $total_size = total_size($share_var);
print "Length of Scalar: " . length($share_var) . " Scalar Mem Total Size: $total_size\n";
Current Memory Usage: Virt: 6.9K RES: 2.7K
Length of Hash: 0 Hash Mem Total Size: 92
Length of Scalar: 0 Scalar Mem Total Size: 12
Hit Enter (add to memory):
Adding data to shared varable 100000 times
Done Adding Data
Current Memory Usage: Virt: 228K RES: 224K
Length of Hash: 100000 Hash Mem Total Size: 116813243
Length of Scalar: 111100000 Scalar Mem Total Size: 111100028
Hit Enter (Set Varable to nothing):
Current Memory Usage: Virt: 228K RES: 224K
Length of Hash: 100000 Hash Mem Total Size: 116813243
Length of Scalar: 0 Scalar Mem Total Size: 111100028
Hit Enter (clean data):
Clean Up Data
Current Memory Usage: Virt: 139K RES: 135K
Length of Hash: 0 Hash Mem Total Size: 92
Length of Scalar: 0 Scalar Mem Total Size: 24
Hit Enter (start over):
So as you can see the memory goes down, but it only goes down the size of the scalar. Any ideas how to free the memory of the hash?
Also Devel::Size shows the hash is only taking up 92 bytes even though the program still is using 139K.
Generally, yeah, that's how memory management on UNIX works. If you are using Linux with a recent glibc, and are using that malloc, you can return free'd memory to the OS. I am not sure Perl does this, though.
If you want to work with large datasets, don't load the whole thing into memory, use something like BerkeleyDB:
Example code, stolen verbatim:
use strict ;
use BerkeleyDB ;
my $filename = "fruit" ;
unlink $filename ;
tie my %h, "BerkeleyDB::Hash",
-Filename => $filename,
-Flags => DB_CREATE
or die "Cannot open file $filename: $! $BerkeleyDB::Error\n" ;
# Add a few key/value pairs to the file
$h{apple} = "red" ;
$h{orange} = "orange" ;
$h{banana} = "yellow" ;
$h{tomato} = "red" ;
# Check for existence of a key
print "Banana Exists\n\n" if $h{banana} ;
# Delete a key/value pair.
delete $h{apple} ;
# print the contents of the file
while (my ($k, $v) = each %h)
{ print "$k -> $v\n" }
untie %h ;
(OK, not verbatim. Their use of use vars is ... legacy ...)
You can store gigabytes of data in a hash this way, and you will only use a tiny bit of memory. (Basically, whatever BDB's pager decides to keep in memory; this is controllable.)
In general, you cannot expect perl to release memory to the OS.
See the FAQ: How can I free an array or hash so my program shrinks?.
You usually can't. Memory allocated to lexicals (i.e. my() variables) cannot be reclaimed or reused even if they go out of scope. It is reserved in case the variables come back into scope. Memory allocated to global variables can be reused (within your program) by using undef() and/or delete().
On most operating systems, memory allocated to a program can never be returned to the system. That's why long-running programs sometimes re- exec themselves. Some operating systems (notably, systems that use mmap(2) for allocating large chunks of memory) can reclaim memory that is no longer used, but on such systems, perl must be configured and compiled to use the OS's malloc, not perl's.
It is always a good idea to read the FAQ list, also installed on your computer, before wasting your time.
For example, How can I make my Perl program take less memory? is probably relevant to your issue.
Why do you want Perl to release the memory to the OS? You could just use a larger swap.
If you really must, do your work in a forked process, then exit.
Try recompiling perl with the option -Uusemymalloc to use the system malloc and free. You might see some different results
A simple but relevant question: Is « my » overwriting memory when called in a loop?
For instance, is it "better" (in terms of memory leaks, performance, speed) to declare it outside of the loop:
my $variable;
for my $number ( #array ) {
$variable = $number * 5;
Or should I declare it inside the loop:
for my $number ( #array ) {
my $variable = $number * 5;
(I just made that code up, it's not meant to do anything nor be used - as it is - in real life)
Will Perl allocate a new space in memory for each and every one of the for iterations ?
Aamir already told you what will happen.
I recommend to stick to the second version unless there is some reason to use the first. You don't want to care about the previous state of $variable. It's simplest to start each iteration with a fresh variable. And if variable contains a reference you might actually shoot yourself in the foot if you push that onto an array.
Yes, there is a performance hit. Using a recycled variable will be faster. However, it is hard to hell how much faster it will be as this will depend on your specific situation. No matter how much faster it is though, always remember: Premature optimization is the root of all evil.
From your examples above:
A new space for variable will not be allocated everytime, the previous one will be used.
A new space will be allocated for every iteration of loop and will be de-allocated as well in the same iteration.
These are things you aren't supposed to think about with a dynamic language such as Perl. Even though you might get an answer about what the current implementation does, that's not a feature and it isn't something you should rely on.
Define your variables in the shortest scope possible.
However, to be merely curious, you can use the Devel::Peek module to cheat a bit to see the internal (not physical) memory address:
use Devel::Peek;
foreach ( 0 .. 5 ) {
my $var = $_;
Dump( $var );
In this small case, the address ends up being the same. That's no guarantee that it will always be the same for different situations, or even the same program:
SV = IV(0x9ca968) at 0x9ca96c
IV = 0
SV = IV(0x9ca968) at 0x9ca96c
IV = 1
SV = IV(0x9ca968) at 0x9ca96c
IV = 2
SV = IV(0x9ca968) at 0x9ca96c
IV = 3
SV = IV(0x9ca968) at 0x9ca96c
IV = 4
SV = IV(0x9ca968) at 0x9ca96c
IV = 5
You can benchmark the difference between the two uses using the Benchmark module which is made for these types of micro-benchmarking comparisons:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Benchmark qw( cmpthese );
sub outside {
my $x;
for my $y ( 1 .. 1_000_000 ) {
$x = $y;
sub inside {
for my $y ( 1 .. 1_000_000 ) {
my $x = $y;
cmpthese -1 => {
inside => \&inside,
outside => \&outside,
Results on my Windows XP SP3 laptop:
Rate inside outside
inside 4.44/s -- -25%
outside 5.91/s 33% --
Predictably, the difference is less pronounced when the body of the loop is executed only once.
That said, I would not declare $x outside the loop unless I needed outside the loop what is assigned to $x inside the loop.
You are totally safe using "my" inside a for loop or any other block. In general you don't have to worry about memory leaks in perl, but you would be equally safe in this circumstance with a non-garbage-collecting language like C++. A normal variable is deallocated at the end of the block in which it has scope.