Azure Data Factory self-hosted Integration Runtime auto update issues - azure-data-factory

I have some problem with self-hosted Integration Runtime in Azure Data Factory V2.
I have a few VMs running 4.X.X IR software. Some of them had auto update enabled in DFv2
There was an update from 4.X.X to 5.X. After this, IR is unavailable from DFv2.
Looks like the IR services running on the VMs are pointing to a wrong execute path - using still 4.0. I can fix it manually with sc config or reinstall IR, but after reboot it doesn't work again.
Is that a bug? Can I somehow fix it without removing the VMs?
What I did - I went to Data Factory V2 Integration Runtimes and picked my self-hosted IR, went to Auto update and enabled it. My Virtual Machine hosting this IR was running an older IR software (4.X.X). There was an update to 5.X.X. Everything was working fine until I rebooted the VM. After this from Data Factory V2 Integration Runtimes I was seeing an error saying that my self-hosted IR is unavailable. I logged into the hosting VM and it turned out that IR software cannot start its service dmgsvc.exe. When you go to services.msc and check the Integration Runtime service pointing to the dmgsvc.exe, the path will be incorrect. What was wrong there? It was a catalog 4.0 instead of 5.0. IR software cannot start up correctly because of that and the error is Error 2: System cannot find the file specified. So what I did? I manually fixed it and it was working. But after the first reboot of the VM it was again pointing to the 4.0 catalog. I reinstalled the software and the effect was the same.

For the upgrade to version 5.x of the Azure Data Factory self-hosted integration runtime, we require .NET Framework Runtime 4.7.2 or later. On the download page, you'll find download links for the latest 4.x version and the latest two 5.x versions.
If automatic update is on and you've already upgraded your .NET
Framework Runtime to 4.7.2 or later, the self-hosted integration
runtime will be automatically upgraded to the latest 5.x version.
If automatic update is on and you haven't upgraded your .NET
Framework Runtime to 4.7.2 or later, the self-hosted integration
runtime won't be automatically upgraded to the latest 5.x version.
The self-hosted integration runtime will stay in the current 4.x
version. You can see a warning for a .NET Framework Runtime upgrade
in the portal and the self-hosted integration runtime client.
Refer: Troubleshoot self-hosted integration runtime


service fabric running .net 6.0 application

We are migrating our application from .NET 4.6.1 to .NET 6.0.
after deploying the migrated application, it is failing to find framework dlls. After logging into cluster VM looks like .NET 6.0 is not installed on machines. Do we have to have to separately install .NET 6 on cluster?
existing cluster is configured for auto fabric upgrade and current fabric version is 9.0.1028.9590
You definitely don't need to install .NET frameworks on Service Fabric - this should be bundled as part of your Service Fabric application packages. We recently went through the exact process of upgrading our applications and I can also confirm that our cluster does not have any recent .NET frameworks installed.
How do you create your deployment packages? I suspect this may be the source of your problem...
For example, if using Azure DevOps, basically you need the following build tasks:
Use Net Core => to install 6.0.x SDK
Restore nuget packages
Build your .sln file via VS Studio build task
Build your .sfproj file via another VS Studio build task with parameters /t:Package /p:PackageLocation=$(build.artifactstagingdirectory)\applicationpackage
And publish artifact using source $(build.artifactstagingdirectory)
Finally, use the default powershell script Deploy-FabricApplication.ps1 that comes with default VS Studio to register and deploy your application to cluster.

ServerManager.exe -This application could not be started

I have problem on Windows Server 2019, all application which use .Net cannot be started. I have 4.8 version with all windows update. But I get this error. I tried reinstall, use fix tool for .NetFramework but i cannot fix .NetFramework
enter image description here
We just found this solution. (
I ran into this issue after the Windows Update, Cumulative Update for .NET Framework (KB5006765), was installed on a Windows Server 2019 that also had Azure AD Connect installed. Apparently, a bunch of .NET registry items where deleted. Server Manager and any software built on .NET was not working...throwing this error:
This application requires one of the following versions of the .NET Framework: v4.0.30319
Do you want to install this .NET Framework version now?
DSIM and SFC repairs did not work, nor did rolling back the Windows Update.
Found some insight here:
Ended up having to import these registry items from a working system:

How to get VS build agent capabilities without installing the full Visual Studio application?

I've installed the latest VS Build Tools (2022), but my on-prem build agent isn't picking up the VisualStudio-related capabilities. I've been under the impression that we no longer need to install the full application in order to get these capabilities.
An example from this blog post:
I've added all workloads to my offline layout, and I've included them in my installation.
I know this is possible, because earlier I accidentally included Python and VS 2019 Build Tools in my Node.js installation configuration. The VS-related capabilities were found by the agent then.
But I'm trying to get 2022, so I uninstalled 2019.
How can I get the 2022 VS-related capabilities to be installed and detected by my build agent, without installing the full Visual Studio product?
You need to upgrade the agent to a recent enough version. You can download the agent from the azure-pipelines-agent repository's releases page. Or manually specify the capabilities.
You may need to set a special environment flag on the agent to prevent it from automatically being downgraded to whatever version shipped with your version if Azure DevOps Server or Team Foundation Server.
And then you'll also need to install the latest version of the vsbuild/msbuild and vstest tasks
Required agent version
You will need to install the most recent agent from the azure-pipelines-agent repository for it to auto-detect Visual Studio 2022, or alternatively add the capabilities to the agent manually.
You may need to force Azure DevOps Server to not downgrade back to its preferred agent version. You can do so by setting the following environment variable at the system level on your server before launching the agent:
These tricks will work for most tasks in the azure-pipelines-tasks repository, as long as it doesn't depend on a UI extension or service connection type that isn't available in your version of Azure DevOps Server.

Is the NuGetToolInstaller task supposed to require .Net 4.7.2 and should using the task add .Net framework 4.7.2 as a demand?

We have a build VM that's on an older version of Windows 10 because we have a 3rd party component that can't be installed on newer versions. That version of Windows 10 doesn't support installing .Net Framework 4.7.2, and this appears to be required for the NuGetToolInstaller to work. Is there anyway to get NuGet working in a build that will work with all Windows 10 builds (or even Windows 7)?
I can force it to only choose to build on a VM with a later build of Windows 10 by manually adding a demand for .Net Framework 4.7.2, but shouldn't the NuGetToolInstaller task already include that demand (in the same way that the Visual Studio Build task does)?
and this appears to be required for the NuGetToolInstaller to work.
Check this json file, it shows all the supported versions in task NuGettoolinstaller, we can see that it can be installed from version 2.8.6, I try to install it with the version 2.8.6 and it works, check the pic below.
According to the description, it seems that you are using self-hosted agent, it will check the configuration of the local machine. If you have another version installed on your local agent machine, we can also use the NuGet version.

Upgrade path for service fabric from 5.7.198 to 6.0

Recently we started getting a message on the Azure portal that our SF version on the cluster we use will become unsupported (5.7.198). Which I interpret as that we need to upgrade to 6.0.
Has anyone done such an upgrade on a prod system with real customers and data that should be kept safe?
Is there an upgrade we should follow (i.e. go through intermediate versions)
Any issues that I should expect?