Real time NI-DAQ data plot in Matlab - matlab

I'm trying to get a real time plot of data I'm acquiring with a NI USB-6008. I tried doing the same with arduino and got a plot exactly as I wanted (see here, and the x-axis would move in real-time, but I couldn't define the sampling rate. With NI I was able to define the sampling rate I wanted but I can't display the data in a continuous, real-time plot, I can only see 1 sec at a time and I need to be able to have access to all the data acquired since I want to measure a real-time EEG. I'm a new matlab user, so please consider no previous knowledge.
This is the code I've got so far:
close all
dq = daq("ni");
ch1 = addinput(dq, "Dev1", "ai0", "Voltage");
dq.Rate = 1000;
dq.ScansAvailableFcn = #(src,evt) plotDataAvailable(src, evt);
dq.ScansAvailableFcnCount = 100;
start(dq, "Duration", seconds(5))
while dq.Running
time = 0;
data = 0;
n = ceil(dq.Rate/10);
%Set up Plot
plotGraph = plot(time,data);
title('DAQ data log','FontSize',15);
xlabel ('Elapsed Time (s)','FontSize',10); ylabel('Voltage (V)','FontSize',10);
h = animatedline;
ax = gca;
ax.YGrid = 'on';
ax.XGrid = 'on';
h = animatedline;
function plotDataAvailable(src, ~)
while ishandle(plotGraph) % Loop when Plot is Active will run until plot is closed
data = read(dq,n);
t = datetime('now');
% Add points to animation
% Update axes
ax.XLim = datenum([t-seconds(15) t]);
This was my previous arduino code that showed me the plot I needed (with the wrong sampling rate):
%User Defined Properties
a = arduino('com4','uno'); % Define the Arduino Communication port
plotTitle = 'Arduino Data Log'; % Plot title
%Define Function Variables
time = 0;
data = 0;
%Set up Plot
plotGraph = plot(time,data,'-r' );
xlabel ('Elapsed Time (s)','FontSize',10); ylabel('Voltage (V)','FontSize',10);
h = animatedline;
ax = gca;
ax.YGrid = 'on';
ax.XGrid = 'on';
ax.YLim = [0 5]; % Sets y-min and y-max
while ishandle(plotGraph) % Loop when Plot is Active will run until plot is closed
startIteration = tic;
voltagem = readVoltage(a,'A0')
t = datetime('now');
% Add points to animation
% Update axes
ax.XLim = datenum([t-seconds(15) t]);
I've tried using this while loop on my NI data but it doesn't work.
I would really appreciate your help.

You've got the order of the operations wrong. What your code is doing at the moment is:
initialize the data acquisition
read the data from the hardware while trying to add data to lines that don't exist
initialize the animated lines.
Furthermore, in your addpoints call you're trying to plot t, which is a scalar, and data, which is an array.
What you should do instead is:
close all
% Set up the plot
title('DAQ data log','FontSize',15);
xlabel ('Elapsed Time (s)','FontSize',10)
ylabel('Voltage (V)','FontSize',10);
h = animatedline;
ax = gca;
ax.YGrid = 'on';
ax.XGrid = 'on';
% Set up the data acquisition
dq = daq("ni");
ch1 = addinput(dq, "Dev1", "ai0", "Voltage");
dq.Rate = 1000;
dq.ScansAvailableFcn = {#plotDataAvailable, h, ax}; % pass also the handle to the line and to the axes
dq.ScansAvailableFcnCount = 100;
% Now you start the data acquisition
start(dq, "Duration", seconds(5))
function plotDataAvailable(src, evt, h, ax)
data = read(dq, n);
% maybe your time array should look something like this?
t = datetime(now) - seconds((length(data)-1:-1:0)./src.Rate);
% Add points to animated line
addpoints(h, datenum(t), data)
% Update axes
% ax.XLim = datenum([t-seconds(15) t]); % this line is useless, why would you have a 15s window when your data acquisition is only 5s long?
I can't try this at the moment, so it might not work exactly.

So I think I finally got it, because I got the plot like I wanted, with the x-axis moving with real-time. However I still get an error saying "Unrecognized table variable name 'Dev1_ai0'" event tho I checked that's the name of the row that I want. Anyways, this is what my code looks now.
close all
time = 0;
data = 0;
% Set up the plot
plotGraph = plot(time,data,'-r' );
title('DAQ data log','FontSize',15);
xlabel ('Elapsed Time (s)','FontSize',10)
ylabel('Voltage (V)','FontSize',10);
h = animatedline;
ax = gca;
ax.YGrid = 'on';
ax.XGrid = 'on';
% Set up the data acquisition
dq = daq("ni");
ch1 = addinput(dq, "Dev1", "ai0", "Voltage");
dq.Rate = 1000;
% Start the data acquisition
start(dq, "Duration", seconds(10))
n = ceil(dq.Rate/10);
while ishandle(plotGraph)
data = read(dq, n);
voltage = data.Dev1_ai0;
t = datetime('now');
for i = 1:100
% Add points to animated line
if isvalid(h)
addpoints(h, datenum(t), voltage(i))
% Update axes
ax.XLim = datenum([t-seconds(15) t]);
disp('Plot Closed')


Dynamic plot in each iteration in MATLAB

In the following code, plot(plot_x,plot_y,'-k'); in current iteration shows the previous iterations plots.
But I want to show only the current iteration plot, i.e., previous plot should be disappeared. However, plot(N_x,N_y,'Ob','MarkerSize',10); should be there always. What kind of modification should I do?
N = 50;
L = 20;
itr = 5;
N_x = (rand(N,1)-0.5)*L;
N_y = (rand(N,1)-0.5)*L;
grid on;
hold on;
axis([-0.5*L 0.5*L -0.5*L 0.5*L]);
for n = 1:itr
out = randperm(N,5);
plot_x = N_x(out);
plot_y = N_y(out);
hold on;
You can update the XData and YData properties of a single line instead of creating a new one.
I've added comments to the below code to explain the edits
N = 50;
L = 20;
itr = 5;
N_x = (rand(N,1)-0.5)*L;
N_y = (rand(N,1)-0.5)*L;
grid on;
hold on;
axis([-0.5*L 0.5*L -0.5*L 0.5*L]);
p = plot(NaN, NaN, '-k'); % Create a dummy line to populate in the loop
for n = 1:itr
out = randperm(N,5);
plot_x = N_x(out);
plot_y = N_y(out);
set( p, 'XData', plot_x, 'YData', plot_y ); % Update the line data
drawnow(); % flush the plot buffer to force graphics update
In the plot loop, ask the plot function returnig the handle of the line, then, after the pause statement delete the line by calling the delete function.
for n = 1:itr
out = randperm(N,5);
plot_x = N_x(out);
plot_y = N_y(out);
% Get the handle of the line
hold on;
% Delete the line

Slowing Speed with each for loop iteration in matlab

I have written a while loop in Matlab that is supposed to send each value in an array from Matlab to arduino at a specified time interval using a tic toc delay in Matlab and then read values and store them in a variable and graph them.
The output of the while-loop slows down with each successive iteration.
I increased the buffersize which helped it a lot, but it still slows down too much. Is there another way to increase the speed to print the values on time. I have included another tic toc and graph to show the execution speed here is the code:
max = 80;
min = 40;
amp = (max-min)/2;
offset = amp + min;
btime = 5;
bpm = 12;
spb = 60/bpm;
sapb = spb/.05;
tosd = sapb*bpm*btime;
time1 = btime*60;
x = linspace(0,time1,tosd)';
x1 = amp*sin(x*(2*pi/20)) + offset;
fprintf(handles.UltraM,(['<P' num2str(offset) '>']))
y = [];
i = 1;
hold on;
title('Pressure Data');
xlabel('Data Number');
ylabel('Analog Voltage (0-1023)');
t1 = [];
hold on;
title('Time to execute task');
xlabel('iteration number');
ylabel('time taken');
while (i<=length(x))
t2 = tic;
t = tic;
fprintf(handles.UltraM,(['<P' num2str(x1(i)) '>']));
%disp((['<P' num2str(x1(i)) '>']));
y(i) = fscanf(handles.UltraM,'%d');
hold on;
plot(i, y(i), 'b*');
hold off;
while toc(t) < 0.05
t1(i) = toc(t2);
hold on;
hold off;
i = i + 1;
After a bit of back and forth I think I know what you're trying to achieve and what stands in your way.
I have edited your code to make it slightly more fast and readable. Most of the time the operations take just slightly above 0.05 seconds, and at several time points it can take about 5 milliseconds longer than expected. Your millage may vary of course. Since I do not have an arduino, I cannot know if there is a bottle neck there. You should also try profiling your code using the builtin Matlab profiler (it's very useful) to see what exactly slows your code down.
The main thing I found to slow your code is that you used the plot function to add one point at a time to your figure. Each time you call this function, it creates a new graphics object. After a few hundred of those, things get sluggish. Instead you should simply update the already plotted data and redraw it using drawnow.
In short, the solution is this:
1) Initialize you plot with a single point and save the graphics handle for later use:
p1 = plot(0,0,'b*');
2) Then, inside the loop, once your data arrays have been updated, replace the data in your existing plot with the new arrays.
set(p1, 'XData', 1:i, 'YData', y(1:i));
3) Redraw the plots to reflect the latest update.
drawnow will eventually slow down your code also since it has to redraw increasingly large plots at every iteration. To make things work faster, you might want to refresh your plot after a longer interval. For example, the following will refresh every 10 iterations:
if rem(i,10) == 0
Full code below. Let me know if you have any more issues.
max = 80;
min = 40;
amp = (max-min)/2;
offset = amp + min;
btime = 5;
bpm = 12;
spb = 60/bpm;
sapb = spb/.05;
tosd = sapb*bpm*btime;
time1 = btime*60;
x = linspace(0,time1,tosd)';
x1 = amp*sin(x*(2*pi/20)) + offset;
%fprintf(handles.UltraM,(['<P' num2str(offset) '>']))
disp(['<P' num2str(offset) '>']); % replacing with disp (I don't have an arduino)
%y = []; % unnecessary here, preallocated before loop
p1 = plot(0,0,'b*'); % plotting one dot to create an object, data will be overwritten
hold on;
title('Pressure Data');
xlabel('Data Number');
ylabel('Analog Voltage (0-1023)');
%t1 = []; % unnecessary here, preallocated before loop
p2 = plot(0,0,'b*'); % plotting one dot to create an object, data will be overwritten
hold on;
title('Time to execute task');
xlabel('iteration number');
ylabel('time taken');
% preallocate t1 and y arrays for faster operation
t1 = zeros(size(x));
y = zeros(size(x));
i = 1; % moved closer to loop beginning for better readability
while i <= length(x) % parentheses unnecessary in Matlab
t2 = tic;
t = tic;
%fprintf(handles.UltraM,(['<P' num2str(x1(i)) '>']));
disp((['<P' num2str(x1(i)) '>'])); % replacing with disp (I don't have an arduino)
%y(i) = fscanf(handles.UltraM,'%d');
y(i) = randn; % replacing with random number (I don't have an arduino)
%figure(1); % unnecessary
%hold on; % unnecessary
%plot(i, y(i), 'b*');
% replacing the above with a slightly faster version
set(p1, 'XData', 1:i, 'YData', y(1:i));
%drawnow; % first one is annecessary
%hold off; % unnecessary
while toc(t) < 0.05
t1(i) = toc(t2);
%figure(2); % unnecessary
%hold on; % unnecessary
% replacing the above with a slightly faster version
set(p2, 'XData', 1:i, 'YData', t1(1:i));
if rem(i,10) == 0 % refreshing every 10 iterations
%hold off; % unnecessary
i = i + 1;
You can vectorize your loop by replacing it entirely with the following two statements:
% vectorizing num-to-string conversion
y4 = cellstr(strcat('<P',num2str(x1), '>'));
% deleting all spaces
y4 = cellfun(#(u) u(~isspace(u)), y4, 'UniformOutput', false)
This small adjustment makes your program run x4 faster on my PC.
Displaying/printing the results could also be done using the cellfun iterator: cellfun(#disp, y4)

Make a movie of trajectories in MATLAB

I want to create a movie in MATLAB which looks like this:
Mathematically, I have the differential equations and the code to solve them numerically:
% lorenz - Program to compute the trajectories of the Lorenz
% equations using the adaptive Runge-Kutta method.
clear; help lorenz;
%* Set initial state x,y,z and parameters r,sigma,b
state = input('Enter the initial position [x y z]: ');
r = input('Enter the parameter r: ');
sigma = 10.; % Parameter sigma
b = 8./3.; % Parameter b
param = [r sigma b]; % Vector of parameters passed to rka
tau = 1; % Initial guess for the timestep
err = 1.e-3; % Error tolerance
%* Loop over the desired number of steps
time = 0;
nstep = input('Enter number of steps: ');
for istep=1:nstep
%* Record values for plotting
x = state(1); y = state(2); z = state(3);
tplot(istep) = time; tauplot(istep) = tau;
xplot(istep) = x; yplot(istep) = y; zplot(istep) = z;
if( rem(istep,50) < 1 )
fprintf('Finished %g steps out of %g\n',istep,nstep);
%* Find new state using adaptive Runge-Kutta
[state, time, tau] = rka(state,time,tau,err,'lorzrk',param);
%* Print max and min time step returned by rka
fprintf('Adaptive time step: Max = %g, Min = %g \n', ...
max(tauplot(2:nstep)), min(tauplot(2:nstep)));
%* Graph the time series x(t)
figure(1); clf; % Clear figure 1 window and bring forward
xlabel('Time'); ylabel('x(t)')
title('Lorenz model time series')
pause(1) % Pause 1 second
%* Graph the x,y,z phase space trajectory
figure(2); clf; % Clear figure 2 window and bring forward
% Mark the location of the three steady states
x_ss(1) = 0; y_ss(1) = 0; z_ss(1) = 0;
x_ss(2) = sqrt(b*(r-1)); y_ss(2) = x_ss(2); z_ss(2) = r-1;
x_ss(3) = -sqrt(b*(r-1)); y_ss(3) = x_ss(3); z_ss(3) = r-1;
view([30 20]); % Rotate to get a better view
grid; % Add a grid to aid perspective
xlabel('x'); ylabel('y'); zlabel('z');
title('Lorenz model phase space');
But I don't know how to plot two different trajectories at once in different colors, and make a clip that looks like this (with the side plot that shows the X coordinate solutions in the same time).
Can anyone help me with this ?
Thank you!
In your example code, you already have a for loop, which goes through all time steps. Now, to generate such an animation, we'll want to plot the figure at each time step. This is done by
for istep=1:nstep
%* Record values for plotting
x = state(1); y = state(2); z = state(3);
tplot(istep) = time; tauplot(istep) = tau;
xplot(istep) = x; yplot(istep) = y; zplot(istep) = z;
%* Find new state using adaptive Runge-Kutta
[state, time, tau] = rka(state,time,tau,err,'lorzrk',param);
%* Create Plot
x_ss(1) = 0; y_ss(1) = 0; z_ss(1) = 0;
x_ss(2) = sqrt(b*(r-1)); y_ss(2) = x_ss(2); z_ss(2) = r-1;
x_ss(3) = -sqrt(b*(r-1)); y_ss(3) = x_ss(3); z_ss(3) = r-1;
view([30 20]); % Rotate to get a better view
grid; % Add a grid to aid perspective
xlabel('x'); ylabel('y'); zlabel('z');
title('Lorenz model phase space');
%* Save frame
output_video(istep) = getframe;
This will create an array of structs output_video, which is of size 1 x nstep and contains cdata (the image data) and colormap for each frame.
You can view this video in MATLAB with
or save it do disk using the VideoWriter class:
v = VideoWriter('my_trajectory_video.avi')

Speed up creation of impoint objects

I have to create some draggable points on an axes. However, this seems to be a very slow process, on my machine taking a bit more than a second when done like so:
x = rand(100,1);
y = rand(100,1);
for i = 1:100
h(i) = impoint(gca, x(i), y(i));
Any ideas on speed up would be highly appreciated.
The idea is simply to provide the user with the possibility to correct positions in a figure that have been previously calculated by Matlab, here exemplified by the random numbers.
You can use the the ginput cursor within a while loop to mark all points you want to edit. Afterwards just click outside the axes to leave the loop, move the points and accept with any key.
f = figure(1);
ax = gca;
i = 1;
while 1
[u,v] = ginput(1);
if ~inpolygon(u,v,ax.XLim,ax.YLim); break; end;
[~, ind] = min(hypot(x-u,y-v));
h(i).handle = impoint(gca, x(ind), y(ind));
h(i).index = ind;
i = i + 1;
Depending on how you're updating your plot you can gain a general speedup by using functions like clf (clear figure) and cla (clear axes) instead of always opening a new figure window as explained in this answer are may useful.
Alternatively the following is a very rough idea of what I meant in the comments. It throws various errors and I don't have the time to debug it right now. But maybe it helps as a starting point.
1) Conventional plotting of data and activating of datacursormode
x = rand(100,1);
y = rand(100,1);
xlim([0 1]); ylim([0 1])
f = figure(1)
datacursormode on
dcm = datacursormode(f);
2) Custom update function evaluating the chosen datatip and creating an impoint
function txt = customUpdateFunction(empt,event_obj)
pos = get(event_obj,'Position');
ax = get(event_obj.Target,'parent');
sc = get(ax,'children');
x = sc.XData;
y = sc.YData;
mask = x == pos(1) & y == pos(2);
x(mask) = NaN;
y(mask) = NaN;
set(sc, 'XData', x, 'YData', y);
impoint(ax, pos(1),pos(2));
txt = {};
It works for the, if you'd just want to move one point. Reactivating the datacursormode and setting a second point fails:
Maybe you can find the error.

MATLAB adding slider on a figure

I have a 576x576x150 matrix. Each 576x576 set represents an image. When I want to plot one frame I do it by using the plot command:
imshow(B(:,:,45),[]) % plots frame 45
title('45') % tells frame number
However I would like to add a slider to the plot, so I can move from 1-150 frame within the figure.I've seen examples of people using uicontrol but I don't know how to code it. In addition to that, I would like to have a title on top of the figure telling me the frame number.
Here is how I do it. I like to keep a single function that does the plotting so you don't recycle commands elsewhere. You could replace the first two lines by function test(B) to use you own B matrix. This code is pretty easy to extend. You will also want to play with the layout to suit your purpose.
function test
% Create an axes to plot in
axes('Position',[.15 .05 .7 .9]);
% sliders for epsilon and lambda
'Value',2,'SliderStep',[1/(150-1) 10/(150-1)],...
'Units','normalized','Position',[.02 .02 .14 .05]);
uicontrol(fig,'Style','text','Units','normalized','Position',[.02 .07 .14 .04],...
'String','Choose frame');
% Set up callbacks
% End of main file
% Callback subfunctions to support UI actions
function slider1_callback(~,~,vars)
% Run slider1 which controls value of epsilon
function plotterfcn(vars)
% Plots the image
The idea is to use uicontrol() to enable sliding/scrolling.
The following code is for scrolling (created by Evan Brooks, you can modify it to sliding):
function scrollfigdemo
% create new figure window
f = figure;
set(f,'doublebuffer', 'on', 'resize', 'off')
% set columns of plots
cols = 2;
% create 5 data sets to plot
% determine required rows of plots
rows = ceil(length(y)/cols);
% increase figure width for additional axes
fpos = get(gcf, 'position');
scrnsz = get(0, 'screensize');
fwidth = min([fpos(3)*cols, scrnsz(3)-20]);
fheight = fwidth/cols*.75; % maintain aspect ratio
set(gcf, 'position', [10 fpos(2) fwidth fheight])
% setup all axes
buf = .15/cols; % buffer between axes & between left edge of figure and axes
awidth = (1-buf*cols-.08/cols)/cols; % width of all axes
aidx = 1;
rowidx = 0;
while aidx <= length(y)
for i = 0:cols-1
if aidx+i <= length(y)
start = buf + buf*i + awidth*i;
apos{aidx+i} = [start 1-rowidx-.92 awidth .85];
a{aidx+i} = axes('position', apos{aidx+i});
rowidx = rowidx + 1; % increment row
aidx = aidx + cols; % increment index of axes
% make plots
axes(a{1}), plot(x,y{1}), title('sine'), xlabel('x'), ylabel('sin(x)')
axes(a{2}), plot(x,y{2}), title('cosine'), xlabel('x'), ylabel('cos(x)')
axes(a{3}), plot(x,y{3}), title('tangent'), xlabel('x'), ylabel('tan(x)')
axes(a{4}), plot(x,y{4}), title('x^2'), xlabel('x'), ylabel('x^2')
axes(a{5}), plot(x,y{5}), title('x^3'), xlabel('x'), ylabel('x^3')
% determine the position of the scrollbar & its limits
swidth = max([.03/cols, 16/scrnsz(3)]);
ypos = [1-swidth 0 swidth 1];
ymax = 0;
ymin = -1*(rows-1);
% build the callback that will be executed on scrolling
clbk = '';
for i = 1:length(a)
line = ['set(',num2str(a{i},'%.13f'),',''position'',[', ...
num2str(apos{i}(1)),' ',num2str(apos{i}(2)),'-get(gcbo,''value'') ', num2str(apos{i}(3)), ...
' ', num2str(apos{i}(4)),'])'];
if i ~= length(a)
line = [line,','];
clbk = [clbk,line];
% create the slider
uicontrol('style','slider', ...
'units','normalized','position',ypos, ...