How i get the original variable name for a parameter inside a function call? (Python 3.7) - python-3.7

First, i want to say there are a few questions related to this topic but the answers are not what I'm looking for, those questions are related to files or something else so it shouldn't be count as a duplicated, but if you find a duplicated question makes me know an i will change this.
I need to print the original variable name passed to a function.
This code is an example to show what i want (Take this code as a starting point if you want):
def print_var_name(var):
original_var_name = do_something_here
var_1 = 'foo'
The output should be:
Thanks you guys!


talend thmap get value of outer loop element

I'm just starting out with thMap.
So far I have successfully mapped an X12 835 message to output structures. That works no problem.
I have also successfully acquired the LoopIndex of the current loop using the LoopIndex() function.
My challenge:
I need to get the value of an element from the enclosing loop.
In the attached image, everything in green is working.
I'm trying to get the value down the red line.
My goal is to do this assignment
gsRecord.parent_id = enclosing loop
The documentation explains some things but I don't see examples putting it together.
Does anyone have any good examples, videos or suggestions?
Update from 12/9/22
Here is something I have tried. Providing this example in hopes someone recognizes a specific issue to help move me forward. Any input would be appreciated.
Per this screenshot
I am attempting to output in gsRecord.parent_id the loopIndex of the parent loop (isaRecord).
This gives me the following error
"An reference in an LoopIndex/Variable was made to an either an input
map element or an output map element that is not in the context of the
reference. Use an enclosing looping output map element here.(msg #1202)"
Given the reference to 'enclosing looping output map element here' it feels like the gsRecord is not properly defined as a child of the isaRecord.
However the definition of the gsRecord is in reference to the isaRecord as in this screenshot.
It feels like there is some combination of LoopIndex and EnclosedContext that I could use to accomplish this but I'm unable to find any in-depth documentation on the functions.
Any help would be appreciated.

kdb/q - geting an expression by location to its containing source code string?

I'm playing around with Q's new .Q.trp, and the debug object which you're given in case of an error.
From what I see, the debug object contains a string representation of the source code where the error occured, as well as the offset in that string where the error was triggered.
For example,
something: 123;
x: 123; ThisThrowsAnError[456;789]; y: 123;
when executing above code, the debug object would contain this code in its entirity, as well as the offset pointing to (the beginning of) ThisThrowsAnError[].
My question is - based on this information, how can I extract the entire statement that cuased the error?
For example, in above example, I'd like to extract "ThisThorwsAnError[456;789]".
Things I've thought of so far...
Extract string from the offset, until the end of line. Doesn't work though, as there might be other statements in the same line (e.g. the "y: 123" above)
Parse the source code (literally, with "parse"). But then what..? The output could be anything (e.g. a lambda or a statement list), and then whatever it is still needs to be mapped back to the source locations somehow
Appreciate any ideas! Thanks

GAMS: retrieve information from solution

GAMS: I think I have a pretty simple question, however I'm stuck and was wondering if someone could help here.
A simplified version of my model looks like this:
set(i,t) ;
parameter price
variable p(i,t)
obj.. C=sum((i,t), p(i,t)*price);
Model file /all/ ;
Solve file minimizing C using MIP ;
Display C.l;
p(i,t) and e(i,t) are related:
Equation1 .. e(i,t)=e=e(i,t-1)+p(i,t)*D
Now I want to retrieve information from the solution: lets say I want to know at what t e(i,t) has a certain value for example --> e(i,t)= x(i) or otherwise formulated e(i,t=TD)=x(i) find TD, where x(i) thus is depending on i. Does anyone know how I can write this in to my GAMs model? To be clear I do not want to change anything about my solution and the model I have runs; I just want to retrieve this information from the solution given.
So far I tried a couple of thing and nothing worked. I think that this must be simple, can anyone help? Thank you!
Try something like this:
set i /i1*i10/
t /t1*t10/;
variable e(i,t);
*some random dummy "solution"
e.l(i,t) = uniformInt(1,10);
set find5(i,t) 'find all combinations of i and t for which e.l=5';
find5(i,t)$(e.l(i,t)=5) = yes;
display e.l,find5;
Hope that helps,

Matlab: Understanding a piece of code

I have a matlab code which is for printing a cell array to excel. The size of matrix is 50x13.
The row 1 is the column names.
Column 1 is dates and rest columns are numbers.
The dateformat being defined in the code is:
dFormat = struct;
dFormat.Style = struct( 'NumberFormat', '_(* #,##0.00_);_(* (#,##0.00);_(* "-"??_);_(#_)' );
dFormat.Font = struct( 'Size', 8 );
Can someone please explain me what the dFormat.Style code means ?
The first line creates an empty struct (struct with no fields) called dFormat. A structure can contain pretty much anything in one of its fields, including another structure. The second line adds a field called 'Style' to the dFormat struct and sets it equal to another struct with a field called 'NumberFormat'. The 'NumberFormat' field is set equal to that long string of characters. You now have a structure of structures. The third line is similar to the second.
Note that the first line isn't really necessary unless dFormat already exists and it needs to be "zeroed out" as dFormat.Style with create it implicitly. However, using the struct function can make code more readable in some cases as objects use a similar notation for access methods and properties. In other words, all of your code could be replaced with:
dFormat.Style.NumberFormat = '_(* #,##0.00_);_(* (#,##0.00);_(* "-"??_);_(#_)';
dFormat.Font.Size = 8;
See this video from the MathWorks for more details and this list of helpful structure functions and examples.
#horchler already elaborated on structs, but I imagine you may actually be more interested in the content of this structs Style field.
In case you are solely interested in _(* #,##0.00_);_(* (#,##0.00);_(* "-"??_);_(#_), that does not really look like something MATLAB related to me.
My best guess is that this code is used to later feed some other program, for examle to build an excel file.

Crystal Formula to exclude if value does not contain a certain format

I'm trying to exclude any value from a certain field (table.value) that does not match this format AA#####A. Example if they entered APT12345T, or PT12345PT and No Value then I want to exclude it from the report. It needs to match example AP12345P. What selection formula can I use to accomplish this.
Any help is greatly appreciated
Thanks in advance.
try reading Crystal's help topics on the mid() and isnumeric() functions.
here's an example from the help file:
Examples The following example is applicable to both Basic and Crystal
Mid("abcdef", 3, 2)
Returns "cd".
so, in your case, you want to strip your value into three pieces,
and build up a three-part boolean variable where:
the first piece is not numeric(), or between 'AA' and 'ZZ', or however
else you want to test for letters,
the second part isnumeric(), and
the third part passes the same test as the first part.
where are you getting stuck?
something like this:
not isnumeric(mid({table.field},1,2)) and
isnumeric(mid({table.field},3,5) and
not isnumeric(mid({table.field},8,1))