I am trying to login into the bitbucket through VSCode extension( Jira and Bitbucket(Atlassian Labs)). I am getting below error in my browser : - visual-studio-code

Something went wrong
"Error authenticating with bbcloud: Error: Error fetching Bitbucket
tokens: Error[ERR_SOCKET_CLOSED]: Socket is closed
Give it a moment and try again"

Try starting VScode as administrator and try again


OTRS Mailfetching issue

I have issue with OTRS version 6 which is running on ubuntu 16.04.
OTRS didn't fetch the mail properly whenever i tried to fetch the mail it through below error
" OTRS-otrs.Console.pl-Maint::PostMaster::MailAccountFetch-77[5799]: [Error][Kernel::System::Daemon::DaemonModules::BaseTaskWorker::_HandleError][Line:52]: There was an error executing Execute() in Kernel::System::Console::Command::Maint::PostMaster::MailAccountFetch: Error: Timeout of 600 seconds reached, killing child process!"
I tried below steps:
Tried to reconfigure fetchmail:bin not success
Tried to add new param in Daemon: "ArtticlIndex rebuild" add new param "--force-pid"
3.Restart the server from remote console
How to fix this issue? please guide me on this.

Request textDocument/codeAction failed. Message: Internal error, please look at the server's logs. Code: -32603 vscode

Request textDocument/codeAction failed.
Message: Internal error, please look at the server's logs.
Code: -32603
eveytime when i click README.md file, I always cathch this error at the terminal
i have checked the Markdown server, there was no something wrong.
I just had the same error and was caused by this extension "LanguageTool Linter". After uninstalling it (disable would probably work also) it stopped giving errors.

Ngrok issue: Failed to update message endpoint with https://7df3-103-99-202-239.ngrok.io/api/messagesDetailed

I am not able to re-run my bot project on VS code, I am getting error ---- "[Error] - code:BT.MessageEndpointUpdatingError, message: Failed to update message endpoint with https://1005-103-99-202-239.ngrok.io/api/messages Suggestions: Please check log in output channel and try to fix this issue. Please retry the current step" as I have updated the ngrok url to debug the code locally.enter image description here

go error plugin when running heroku login on windows 10

I just downloaded and updated Heroku, and then ran
> heroku login
in my PowerShell, but got the following error:
(node:1496) [UNKNOWN] Error Plugin: heroku: UNKNOWN: unknown error, open 'U:\_netrc'
Error occurred during reading netrc file: U:\_netrc
module: #oclif/config#1.13.2
task: runHook prerun
plugin: heroku
root: C:\Users\<myusername>\AppData\Local\heroku\client\7.59.2
See more details with DEBUG=*
Error: UNKNOWN: unknown error, open 'U:/_netrc'
I couldn't find much information about the error message, and would appreciate any insights or suggestions. Thank you!

Access denied error while installing MongoChef (Studio-3t)

I am trying to install mongochef (studio-3t) on my window 10, but at the end i got an error which is
Java.io.ioException Access denied error.
please help, how to fix it ? (i tried with "run as administration").