jOOQ code generation fails on triggers - how to skip them? - triggers

In my application I use Flyway to migrate the database. I have a SQL file containing the database structure which includes some CREATE TRIGGER statements. jOOQ code generation fails because it uses H2 which does not support triggers. What is the best way to work around this problem?
Can I skip CREATE TRIGGER statements on code generation?
Refactor CREATE TRIGGER statements into a separate SQL file. Can I skip SQL files based on file name for the code generation?
Can I use e.g. docker to start a MariaDB server which is used instead H2 for code generation?
Or maybe you have a better or nicer idea how to deal with trigger creation?

You can ignore certain statements like this:
-- [jooq ignore start]
-- Anything between these two tokens is ignored by the jOOQ parser
-- [jooq ignore stop]
Find the docs here:


Is there a smart solution for handling a lot of functions in liquibase?

I have a lot of functions(500+) in the project. It’s spring boot + PostgreSQL.
How to configure liquibase to include all functions from directory and update them if needed?
For example
I modify a few functions inside.
Liquibase run “CREATE OR REPLACE …”(for each function) on app startup.
This way I don’t need any new changeset.
Are there any drawbacks of it?
I don’t like to copy paste 500 changesets.

How to implement conditional branches in Azure Data Factory pipelines

I am implementing a pipeline to insert data updates from csv files to SQL DB. Plan is to first insert the data to temporary SQL table for validation and transformation, and then move processed data to actual SQL table. I would like to branch the pipeline execution depending on the validation result. If data is OK, it will be inserted to target SQL table. If there are fatal fails, insertion activity should be skipped.
Tried to find instructions / guidance but no success so far. Any ideas if pipeline activity supports conditional execution, e.g. based on some properties in input dataset?
It is possible now with Azure Data Factory ver 2.
Post execution our downstream activities can now be dependent on four possible outcomes as standard.
- On success
- On failure
- On completion
- On skip
Also, custom ‘if’ conditions will be available for branching based expressions.
Refer below links for more detail:-
The short answer is no.
I think its worth pointing out that ADF is just an orchestration tool to invoke other services. The current version can't do what you want because it does not have any of its own compute. Its not an SSIS data flow engine.
If you want this behaviour you'll need to code it into the SQL DB stored procedures with flags etc on the processed datasets.
Then maybe have some boiler plate code with a parameters that are passed from ADF to perform either the insert or update or divert operation.
Handy link for called stored procedure with params from ADF:
Hope this helps.

Is it possible to prevent the SQL Producer from overwriting just one of the tables columns?

Scenario: A computed property needs to available for RAW methods. The IsComputed property set in the model will not work as its value will not be available to RAW methods.
Attempted Solution: Create a computed column directly on the SQL table as opposed to setting the IsComputed property in the model. Specify that CodefluentEntities not overwrite the computed column. I would than expect the BOM to read the computed SQL field no differently than if it was a normal database field.
Problem: I can't figure out how to prevent Codefluent Entities from overwriting the computed column. I attempted to use the production flags as well as setting produce="false" for the property in the .cfp. Neither worked.
Question: Is it possible to prevent Codefluent Entities from overwriting my computed column and if so, how?
The solution youre looking for is here
You can execute whatever custom T-SQL scripts you like, the only premise is to give the script a specific name so the Producer knows when to execute it.
i.e. if you want your custom script to execute after the tables are generated, name your script
Save your custom t-sql file alongside the codefluent generated files and build the project.
In my specific case, i had to enable full-text index in one of my table columns, i wrote the SQL script for the functionality, saved it as
Heres how they look in my file directory
file directory
Alternate Solution: An alternate solution is to execute the following the TSQL script after the SQL Producer finishes generating.
ALTER TABLE PunchCard DROP COLUMN PunchCard_CompanyCodeCalculated
ADD PunchCard_CompanyCodeCalculated AS CASE
WHEN PunchCard_CompanyCodeAdjusted IS NOT NULL THEN PunchCard_CompanyCodeAdjusted
ELSE PunchCard_CompanyCode
Additional Configuration Needed to Make Solution Work: In order for this solution to work one must also configure the BOM so that it does not attempt to save the data associated with the computed columns. This can be done through Model using the advanced properties. In my case I selected the CompanyCodeCalculated property. Went to advanced settings. And set the Save setting to False.
Question: Somewhere in the Knowledge Center there is a passing reference on how to automate the execution SQL Scripts after the SQL Producer finishes but I can not find it. Anybody now how this is done?
Post Usage Comments: Just wanted to let people know I implemented this approach and am so far happy with the results.

Managing database changes

I'm starting to move more logic into the database, using triggers, views, functions, CTEs, etc. When plv8/json comes out for postgres, I can see myself putting lots of logic in there.
I'm having problems with the "standard" way of doing database migrations in sequel and activerecord. Both sequel and activerecord let you put arbitrary sql code into timestamped files. When each file is ran, a schema_versions table is updated with the filename (or timestamp in the filename), which keeps record of which migrations have been applied to the current database.
If a lot of coding is being done at the database level, that means that modifications to existing views, functions, etc follow the below pattern:
Migration 1 defines a function and a view that uses that function.
-- Migration 1
create function calculate(x int) returns int as $$
return x + 1;
$$ language sql;
create view foos as (
select something, calculate(something) from a_table
Requirements change, and I need to change a function type. In Migration 2 I have to drop all objects that depend on foo, and recreate them by copying their entire body -- even if there weren't any changes in most of the other code!
-- Migration 2
-- Have to drop all views and functions that depend on the
-- `calculate(int)` function.
drop view foos;
create or replace calculate(x bigint) returns bigint as $$
return x + 1;
$$ language sql;
-- I could do `drop function calculate(int) cascade`,
-- but I might accidentally drop some objects that wouldn't get recreated below.
-- Now I have to recreate foo.
create view foos as (
select something, calculate(something) from a_table
If I'm building a system based on views and functions and triggers, my migrations would be filled with duplicated code, and it's difficult to find the latest version of the code. You might say "don't do that!", but for my purposes (e-commerce, shipping, transactions), I'm finding it's a lot easier and faster to have the database ensure the integrity of the data by doing the logic inside the database.
You can (of course) dump the current database schema (which includes all the code definitions), but I think you lose comments. And you wouldn't generally want to edit a giant file that contains the whole schema.
Any ideas on how to solve this problem?
My best idea is to how the sql code contained in their own canonical files (app/sql/orders/shipping.sql, app/sql/orders/creation.sql, etc). Everyone develops directly on these. Whenever it's time for a release, then you'd want to make a new migration file, look at all the changed code since the previous release, figure out the dependency chain of the database objects that need to be dropped and recreated, and then copy the sql from the canonical sql files into a new sequel/activerecord migration file. But it's a pain. :/
Thoughts are very welcome. I hope I explained this well enough, I'm cutting back on my caffeine intake and I'm a little groggy atm.
Oh, I asked a similar question on Stack Overflow: Changing the type of a column used in other views The answer was a function that let me pass in:
sql code to run
database views to drop and recreate
The function would retrieve the view definition, drop the views, run the sql code, then recreate the view definition (in reverse order of dropping). Perhaps a system of functions like this would help solve the problem of having to copy/paste sql code into the migration files.
I'd recommend liquibase.
You create files which track the changes to your database and these will be run into the database in the correct migration order.
You might find Dave Wheeler's blog-posts interesting starting from here:
My rate of database change is fairly small but I tend to be careless and make small changes to the schema directly, so I've had to come up with a fair bit of infrastructure to catch when I've done so. The basic elements are:
A makefile that can rebuild a development database from scratch
A set of schema-files separated into "modules" (lookups_schema.sql, lookup_data.sql)
A set of update files that transition from one revision to the next
I don't usually have the corresponding downgrade scripts, some people do
A script to populate my database with a plausible amount of test data
Crucially, a test suite via pgTAP that checks my various functions, views and also the upgrade scripts. The upgrade tests can be run against a live database too.
If you have a separate instance of PostgreSQL set up with fsync turned off / on ramdisk etc then rebuilding the whole DB and populating it can take seconds (if you don't have too much test data).
Start with #1, #2, then add #6 (pgTAP is very cool), then the rest. The crucial thing is a test suite that checks your in-database code.
There are tools that try to automate schema changes for you, but they are really only good at adding a new column to a table and that sort of thing. Once you have code in your db then they're not much help.

Eclipse BIRT and Oracle: Need to set role before running report

Is it possible to set a database role before running a report? I have a number of databases each containing a number of schemas with the same set of tables, where each schema has a number of roles to control read, write, data management and so on. None of these are default roles.
In sqlplus or TOAD I can do SET ROLE , before running a select statement. I would like to do the same in BIRT.
It may be possible to do this using the afterOpen event for the ODA Data Source, but I have not found any examples on how to get and use the native connection in JavaScript.
I am not allowed to add or change anything on the server end.
You can make an additional call to the database in the afterOpen method of the Data Source using Java. You can use JavaScript or a Java Event Handler to execute the SET ROLE statement, or to call a stored procedure that will execute it for you. This happens after the initial db connection is made, but before the Data Set query runs. It will be a little tricky to use the data source connection to make that call however, and I don't have the code right now to provide as an example.
Another way is to create a stored proc Data Set that will execute the desired command, and have that execute first. Drag and drop the Data Set into the report design, and make it invisible. It will run first before any other queries. Not the cleanest solution, but easy to do
Hope that helps
Le Birt Expert
You can write a login trigger and do a set role in this trigger ( PL/SQL: DBMS_SESSION.SET_ROLE). You can determine the username, osuser, program and machine of the user who want to log in.
The approach to use a stored procedure for setting the role won't work - at least not on Apache Derby. Reason: lifetime of the set role is limited to the execution of the procedure itself - after returning from the procedure the role will be the same as before the procedure has been called, i.e. for executing the report the same as no role would have ever been set.