How to install Streamsets on aws? - streamsets

I am trying to install Streamsets on AWS.
What is an easy way to set up Streamsets on AWS ?
Is there any preferred AMI I can use or need to setup from scratch ?

There is already AMI available, but the installation is simple is and straightforward
the below link is steps for installing for RedHat / Amazon Linux and Centos Operating Systems


Is there a way to Install Kubernetes offline (without internet connection) on Ubuntu 16.04 machine

I am trying to install Install Kubernetes offline (without an internet connection) on Ubuntu 16.04 machine. Is there any procedure or steps to follow for the installation without internet connectivity?
If you have one machine with no external internet connectivity, then there is no option to install k8s. However if you download all the required software/images you need to install k8s beforehand, then it is possible. Simply transfer the data between machine. Please refer to

how to create postgresql server on rhel7 linux vm in gcp

I am actually planning to have a PostgreSQL instance on rhel7 linux vm running on google cloud platform,
Can you let me know the process for the same.
One more query is it ok to install postgresql on vm rather than going for a cloud sql instance on gcp?
Just go to the PostgresSQL official downloads page for redhat and install the software.
You can get the RPMs there if you need to do an air-gapped installation.
You'll need to configure postgres later. See Posgres docs Chapter 18. Server Setup and Operation.

How to install pre-requisites for Hyperledger Composer on Windows10

I am following the tutorial for Hyperledger Composer. I'm trying to install the pre-requisites for the Composer as outlined here:
The instructions are only provided for Ubuntu or Mac, and I have Win10 machine with Docker 17.12.x
So I got Ubuntu 16.04 docker image, added curl. I got the script, I login as blockchain user, and run the script, but I get this error:
#Updating package lists
-sudo apt-add-repository: command not found
Is it even possible to install Hperledger Composer on a Windows 10 machine?!
No it is not possible to install Hyperledger Composer on windows which includes the Windows Subsystem for Linux and other environments like MinGW that simulate a linux environment. This platform is not supported at this time. I recommend you use a hypervisor such as VirtualBox or if you are using Windows 10 Professional, the built in Hyper-V support to run a Linux virtual machine where you can install Hyperledger Composer. Also we recommend using ubuntu 16.04 as this is the level we test with most.

Kubernetes-Ubuntu14.04: How to install and configure kubernetes using Ubuntu 14.04

I'm new in using kubernetes and I need to know how can I install and use kubernetes with different nodes using ubuntu 14.04,
because all what I found is aroud ubuntu 16.04.
There is a huge difference between the two version concerning kubernetes.
I need to have a master and two slaves(using the same OS).
Is recommended to Work with kebernetes on ubuntu 14.4 ?
Thank you for your help.
Kubernetes makes use of systemd, which is not available in Ubuntu 14.04. While it is possible to install in Ubuntu 14.04, you would have to do some magic in order to make it work. You can find more info here: How to install latest Kubernetes in Ubuntu 14 (Thanks to Janos Lenart who shared in the comments)

creating redhat lxc inside redhat host machine

I was in the process of creating redhat based lxc in redhat host machine but lxc-create doesn't have any template for redhat. I like to know if there is any feasibility to create redhat lxc in redhat host machine.I have also read about virsh and docker. Virsh is used for host based containers but will it be isolated similar to LXC and have anyone had experience about it. I'm confused whether i can configure separate filesystems and network interface for each container in virsh. Please help me with best solution. Thanks in advance.
The Docker Hub is full of images that can be used with LXC (including redhat images). You can use dlrootfs to download the redhat image directly from the Docker Hub and then use it with LXC.
Hope that helps