When is the callback MIPInfoCallback called during IloCplex branch & cut? - callback

I am using the IloCplex library in C++ and I am wondering when exactly the callback MIPInfoCallback is called during resolution. In the documentation it only says "IloCplex calls the user-written callback regularly during the branch-and-cut search".
Is it called at every node? If so, is it before or after processing the node (i.e. before or after solving the relaxation and adding any cuts)?
Thanks in advance for your answers

CPLEX > User's Manual for CPLEX > Advanced programming techniques > Using legacy optimization callbacks > Informational callbacks
We can read
What is an informational callback?
Defines an informational callback.
An informational callback is a user-written routine that enables your
application to access information about the current mixed integer
programming (MIP) optimization without sacrificing performance and
without interfering in the search of the solution space. The
algorithms call an informational callback when the algorithm finds it
appropriate; for some algorithms, an informational callback is called
at every node; for other algorithms, an informational callback is
called at convenient points in the progress of the algorithm.


Can we edit callback function HAL_UART_TxCpltCallback for our convenience?

I am a newbie to both FreeRTOS and STM32. I want to know how exactly callback function HAL_UART_TxCpltCallback for HAL_UART_Transmit_IT works ?
Can we edit that that callback function for our convenience ?
Thanks in Advance
You call HAL_UART_Transmit_IT to transmit your data in the "interrupt" (non-blocking) mode. This call returns immediately, likely well before your data gets fully trasmitted.
The sequence of events is as follows:
HAL_UART_Transmit_IT stores a pointer and length of the data buffer you provide. It doesn't perform a copy, so your buffer you passed needs to remain valid until callback gets called. For example it cannot be a buffer you'll perform delete [] / free on before callbacks happen or a buffer that's local in a function you're going to return from before a callback call.
It then enables TXE interrupt for this UART, which happens every time the DR (or TDR, depending on STM in use) is empty and can have new data written
At this point interrupt happens immediately. In the IRQ handler (HAL_UART_IRQHandler) a new byte is put in the DR (TDR) register which then gets transmitted - this happens in UART_Transmit_IT.
Once this byte gets transmitted, TXE interrupt gets triggered again and this process repeats until reaching the end of the buffer you've provided.
If any error happens, HAL_UART_ErrorCallback will get called, from IRQ handler
If no errors happened and end of buffer has been reached, HAL_UART_TxCpltCallback is called (from HAL_UART_IRQHandler -> UART_EndTransmit_IT).
On to your second question whether you can edit this callback "for convenience" - I'd say you can do whatever you want, but you'll have to live with the consequences of modifying code what's essentially a library:
Upgrading HAL to newer versions is going to be a nightmare. You'll have to manually re-apply all your changes you've done to that code and test them again. To some extent this can be automated with some form of version control (git / svn) or even patch files, but if the code you've modified gets changed by ST, those patches will likely not apply anymore and you'll have to do it all by hand again. This may require re-discovering how the implementation changed and doing all your work from scratch.
Nobody is going to be able to help you as your library code no longer matches code that everyone else has. If you introduced new bugs by modifying library code, no one will be able to reproduce them. Even if you provided your modifications, I honestly doubt many here will bother to apply your changes and test them in practice.
If I was to express my personal opinion it'd be this: if you think there's bugs in the HAL code - fix them locally and report them to ST. Once they're fixed in future update, fully overwrite your HAL modifications with updated official release. If you think HAL code lacks functionality or flexibility for your needs, you have two options here:
Suggest your changes to ST. You have to keep in mind that HAL aims to serve "general purpose" needs.
Just don't use HAL for this specific peripheral. This "mixed" approach is exactly what I do personally. In some cases functionality provided by HAL for given peripheral is "good enough" to serve my needs (in my case one example is SPI where I fully rely on HAL) while in some other cases - such as UART - I use HAL only for initialization, while handling transmission myself. Even when you decide not to use HAL functions, it can still provide some value - you can for example copy their IRQ handler to your code and call your functions instead. That way you at least skip some parts in development.

Unreal GAS: When a GameplayAbility is considered as executed

In Unreal GameplayAbilitySystem, e.g. Cancel Abilities With Tag is documented with
Cancels any already-executing Ability [..]
and the source code says (in GameplayAbility.h)
Abilities with these tags are cancelled when this ability is executed
To know at design time, which abilities will be affected when setting those tags, it is required to be sure about:
When a GameplayAbility is considered as executed and when as executing?
According to the documentation linked above, the GA is executed with CallActivateAbility(). However, activation can be interrupted, if cooldown/costs conditions are not fulfilled (e.g. "not enough mana") in CommitAbility().
CommitAbility() checks if the ability can be activated via CommitCheck() (cooldown/costs) and only if this succeeds, CommitExecute() is called (which applies cooldown and costs).
Before CommitAbility(), PreActivate() is called, which
1) sets (for instanced GameplayAbilities):
// ...
bIsActive = true;
bIsBlockingOtherAbilities = true;
bIsCancelable = true;
// ...
2) and blocks/cancels other GameplayAbilities with given tags using UAbilitySystemComponent::ApplyAbilityBlockAndCancelTags
Detailed questions which might help to answer the question above:
Is executing a GameplayAbility the same like activating a GameplayAbility or have these terms different meanings? (both terms are used in documentation and function names/variables)
Is a GameplayAbility always considered as executing as soon as PreActivate() is called? (since that function blocks/cancels other abilities via ApplyAbilityBlockAndCancelTags and therefore - according to the second quote above - is considered as executing)
This would imply, that a GameplayAbility is considered as executing
independently from the outcome of CommitAbility()?
as long as UGameplayAbility::ActivateAbility() is executing?
How is a GameplayAbility detected as executing?
Is it enough to check for UGameplayAbility::bIsActive == true (for instanced GameplayAbilities)?
Or are executing abilities registered somewhere in UGameplayAbilitySystem?
The terms activate/execute a GameplayAbility (GA) and active/executing GameplayAbility are used when the abilities influence each other with GameplayTags. So when designing, these terms are important for understanding the GameplayAbility interaction via tags. As a consequence, an:
activated/executed GA may block/cancel other GAs (via adding tags)
deactivated GA may unblock other GAs (via removing tags)
active/executing GA must be able to receive a block/cancel via tag changes, when another GA is executed
To make best usage of tags for controlling the interaction between GameplayAbilities, keep the following in mind: A GameplayAbility is
activated/executed when CallActivateAbility() is called (in blueprint, the Event ActivateAbility and Event ActivateAbilityFromEvent are triggered by that function via ActivateAbility()).
deactivated when EndAbility() is called (which is also called by CancelAbility()).
active/executing between the calls of UAbilitySystemComponent::TryActivateAbility() until EndAbility().
In case that EndAbility() is not called, the GA is executing for the lifetime of ActivateAbility() (again, in blueprints this is almost similar to the lifetime of the implemented Event ActivateAbility and Event ActivateAbilityFromEvent).
When a GA is considered activated/executed and deactivated (1, 2)
UAbilitySystemComponent::ApplyAbilityBlockAndCancelTags() triggers GAs to be cancelled or blocked/unblocked. Therefore calls to it define the moment of activate/execute and deactivate.
Block/cancel are called by PreActivate() which is called by CallActivateAbility()
Unblock is called by EndAbility() (which is also called by CancelAbility())
When a GA is considered active/executing (3)
When it can be blocked
A GA can be blocked only during its activation. CanActivateAbility() checks (via DoesAbilitySatisfyTagRequirements()) the blocked tag list of the GameplayAbilitySystemComponent (ASC) (UAbilitySystemComponent::BlockedAbilityTags). If one of the tags is present there, the ability activation is aborted.
and when it can be cancelled (unregarded the fact if the GA allows it)
A GA can be cancelled by other GAs via tags as long as it is registered in the GameplayAbilitySystemComponent (ASC) in UAbilitySystemComponent::ActivatableAbilities and as long as that stored GA spec returns FGameplayAbilitySpec::IsActive() = true.
It gets added to that container via UAbilitySystemComponent::GiveAbility() and removed via UAbilitySystemComponent::ClearAbility()
FGameplayAbilitySpec::IsActive() will return true, as long as FGameplayAbilitySpec::ActiveCount > 0. This variable will be incremented upon GA activation (in UAbilitySystemComponent::InternalTryActivateAbility()) and decremented upon GA deactivation (in UAbilitySystemComponent::NotifyAbilityEnded).
UASC::InternalTryActivateAbility() is called in UASC::TryActivateAbility() and UASC::NotifyAbilityEnded() is called in EndAbility(). These two conditions are the reason that I considered a GA only as active/executing between those calls instead of between UASC::GiveAbility() and UASC::ClearAbility().
How those tags are triggered
When a GA is activated/deactivated, it triggers functions in the GameplayAbilitySystemComponent (ASC):
For un-/blocking
UAbilitySystemComponent::ApplyAbilityBlockAndCancelTags calls ...
UAbilitySystemComponent::BlockAbilitiesWithTags() respectively UAbilitySystemComponent::UnBlockAbilitiesWithTags(), which (finally) call for each of the tags in its list UAbilitySystemComponent::BlockedAbilityTags ...
FGameplayTagCountContainer::UpdateTagMap_Internal(), which adds respectively removes the tag
For cancelling
UAbilitySystemComponent::CancelAbilities() which compares the tags provided by the cancelling GA with the tags of all activateable abilities stored in the Ability System Component (in UAbilitySystemComponent::ActivatableAbilities()), which are currently active.
If there is a match, all of those GA instances are cancelled.
What about CommitExecute()
That function is independent from interacting with other GAs via tags, so the Execute part of the name can be misleading.
CommitExecute() is called only if the costs of the GA can be afforded and if the GA is not on cooldown (all of that happens in CommitAbility()). But blocking/cancelling other GAs already happened before and unblocking GAs also happens independently from that function.
So what about CommitAbility()
For an executing GA, it doesn't matter, if this is being called.
If CommitAbility() fails, the GA might be deactivated immediately after being activated, depending on the implementation of the GA. So it can have an influence on the execution duration, which however is unimportant for the design process of the GAs interaction via tags.
What about SetShouldBlockOtherAbilities()
This public function can be called to un-/block other GAs via tags from an arbitrary place in C++/blueprints.
E.g. it could be called several times during the lifetime of ActivateAbility() to un-/block other GAs. Furthermore, it is not able to cancel other GAs. It is not clear what are the best practices for using or avoiding this function. It seems to lower the transparency of GA interaction via tags.
(if no parent namespace is present, all functions are members of UGameplayAbility)
Other ways to block/unblock GAs (e.g. via inputID) or cancelling GAs (e.g. via UAbilitySystemComponent::CancelAllAbilities()) are not considered. This is about GA interaction via tags. Also triggering GAs via tags (or GameplayEvents) is another topic.
It would be nice if a designer of the Unreal GAS could clarify things, correct incomplete conclusions or leave some words about best practices.

From where is the code for dealing with critical section originated?

While learning the subject of operating systems, Critical Section is a topic which I've come across. To solve this problem, certain methods are provided like semaphores, certain software solutions, etc...etc..etc. But I've a question that from where is the code for implementing these solutions originated? As programmers never are found writing such codes for their program. Suppose I write a simple program executing printf in 'C', I never write any code for critical section problem. And the code is converted into low level instructions and is executed by OS, which behaves as our obedient servant. So, where does code dealing with critical section originate and fit in? Let resources like frame buffer be the critical section.
The OS kernel supplies such inter-thread comms synchronization mechanisms, mutex, semaphore, event, critical section, conditional variables etc. It has to because the kernel needs to block threads that cannot proceed. Many languages provide convenient wrappers around such calls.
Your app accesses them, directly or indirectly, via system calls, ie intrrupts that enter kernel state and ask for such services.
In some cases, a short-term user-space spinlock may get plastered on top, but such code should defer to a system call if the spinner is not quickly satisfied.
In the case of C printf, the relevant library, (stdio usually), will make the calls to lock/unlock the I/O stream, (assuming you have linked in a multithreaded version of the library).

Clarification about Scala Future that never complete and its effect on other callbacks

While re-reading scala.lan.org's page detailing Future here, I have stumbled up on the following sentence:
In the event that some of the callbacks never complete (e.g. the callback contains an infinite loop), the other callbacks may not be executed at all. In these cases, a potentially blocking callback must use the blocking construct (see below).
Why may the other callbacks not be executed at all? I may install a number of callbacks for a given Future. The thread that completes the Future, may or may not execute the callbacks. But, because one callback is not playing footsie, the rest should not be penalized, I think.
One possibility I can think of is the way ExecutionContext is configured. If it is configured with one thread, then this may happen, but that is a specific behaviour and a not generally expected behaviour.
Am I missing something obvious here?
Callbacks are called within an ExecutionContext that has an eventually limited number of threads - if not by the specific context implementation, then by the underlying operating system and/or hardware itself.
Let's say your system's limit is OS_LIMIT threads. You create OS_LIMIT + 1 callbacks. From those, OS_LIMIT callbacks immediately get a thread each - and none ever terminate.
How can you guarantee that the remaining 1 callback ever gets a thread?
Sure, there could be some detection mechanisms built into the Scala library, but it's not possible in the general case to make an optimal implementation: maybe you want the callback to run for a month.
Instead (and this seems to be the approach in the Scala library), you could provide facilities for handling situations that you, the developer, know are risky. This removes the element of surprise from the system.
Perhaps most importantly - it enables the developer to "bake in" the necessary information about handler/task characteristics directly into his/her program, rather than relying on some obscure piece of language functionality (which may change from version to version).

What is the difference between hook and callback?

By reading some text, especially the iOS document about delegate, all the protocol method are called hook that the custom delegate object need to implement. But some other books, name these hook as callback, what is the difference between them? Are they just different name but the same mechanism? In addition to Obj-C, some other programming languages, such as C, also got the hook, same situation with Obj-C?
The terminology here is a bit fuzzy. In general the two attempt to achieve similar results.
In general, a callback is a function (or delegate) that you register with the API to be called at the appropriate time in the flow of processing (e.g to notify you that the processing is at a certain stage)
A hook traditionally means something a bit more general that serves the purpose of modifying calls to the API (e.g. modify the passed parameters, monitor the called functions). In this meaning it is usually much lower level than what can be achieved by higher-level languages like Java.
In the context of iOS, the word hook means the exact same thing as callback above
Let me chime in with a Javascript answer. In Javascript, callbacks, hooks and events are all used. In this order, they are each higher level concepts than the other.
Unfortunately, they are often used improperly which leads to confusion.
From a control flow perspective, a callback is a function, usually given as an argument, that you execute before returning from your function.
This is usually used in asynchoronous situations when you need to wait for I/O (e.g. HTTP request, a file read, a database query etc.). You don't want to wait with a synchronous while loop, so other functions can be executed in the meantime.
When you get your data, you (permanently) relinquish control and call the callback with the result.
function myFunc(someArg, callback) {
// ...
callback(error, result);
Because the callback function may be some code that hasn't been executed yet, and you don't know what's above your function in the call stack, generally instead of throwing errors you pass on the error to the callback as an argument. There are error-first and result-first callback conventions.
Mostly callbacks have been replaced by Promises in the Javascript world and since ES2017+, you can natively use async/await to get rid of callback-rich spaghetti code and make asynchronous control flow look like it was synchronous.
Sometimes, in special cascading control flows you run callbacks in the middle of the function. E.g. in Koa (web server) middleware or Redux middleware you run next() which returns after all the other middlewares in the stack have been run.
Hooks are not really a well-defined term, but in Javascript practice, you provide hooks when you want a client (API/library user, child classes etc.) to take optional actions at well-defined points in your control flow.
So a hook may be some function (given as e.g. an argument or a class method) that you call at a certain point e.g. during a database update:
data = beforeUpdate(data);
// ...update
Usually the point is that:
Hooks can be optional
Hooks usually are waited for i.e. they are there to modify some data
There is at most one function called per hook (contrary to events)
React makes use of hooks in its Hooks API, and they - quoting their definition - "are functions that let you “hook into” React state and lifecycle features", i.e. they let you change React state and also run custom functions each time when certain parts of the state change.
In Javascript, events are emitted at certain points in time, and clients can subscribe to them. The functions that are called when an event happens are called listeners - or for added confusion, callbacks. I prefer to shun the term "callback" for this, and use the term "listener" instead.
This is also a generic OOP pattern.
In front-end there's a DOM interface for events, in node.js you have the EventEmitter interface. A sophisticated asynchronous version is implemented in ReactiveX.
Properties of events:
There may be multiple listeners/callbacks subscribed (to be executed) for the same event.
They usually don't receive a callback, only some event information and are run synchronously
Generally, and unlike hooks, they are not for modifying data inside the event emitter's control flow. The emitter doesn't care 'if there is anybody listening'. It just calls the listeners with the event data and then continues right away.
Examples: events happen when a data stream starts or ends, a user clicks on a button or modifies an input field.
The two term are very similar and are sometimes used interchangably. A hook is an option in a library were the user code can link a function to change the behavior of the library. The library function need not run concurrent with the user code; as in a destructor.
A callback is a specific type of hook where the user code is going to initiate the library call, usually an I/O call or GUI call, which gives contol over to the kernel or GUI subsystem. The controlling process then 'calls back' the user code on an interupt or signal so the user code can supply the handler.
Historically, I've seen hook used for interupt handlers and callback used for GUI event handlers. I also see hook used when the routine is to be static linked and callback used in dynamic code.
Two great answers already, but I wanted to throw in one more piece of evidence the terms "hook" and "callback" are the same, and can be used interchangeably: FreeRTOS favors the term "hook" but recognizes "callback" as an equivalent term, when they say:
The idle task can optionally call an application defined hook (or callback) function - the idle hook.
The tick interrupt can optionally call an application defined hook (or callback) function - the tick hook.
The memory allocation schemes implemented by heap_1.c, heap_2.c, heap_3.c, heap_4.c and heap_5.c can optionally include a malloc() failure hook (or callback) function that can be configured to get called if pvPortMalloc() ever returns NULL.
Source: https://www.freertos.org/a00016.html