aspectj - pointcut on interface not getting triggered on Implementation class handle [duplicate] - aspectj

Often people ask AspectJ questions like this one, so I want to answer it in a place I can easily link to later.
I have this marker annotation:
import java.lang.annotation.Inherited;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
public #interface Marker {}
Now I annotate an interface and/or methods like this:
public interface MyInterface {
void one();
#Marker void two();
Here is a little driver application which also implements the interface:
public class Application implements MyInterface {
public void one() {}
public void two() {}
public static void main(String[] args) {
Application application = new Application();;
Now when I define this aspect, I expect that it gets triggered
for each constructor execution of an annotated class and
for each execution of an annotated method.
package de.scrum_master.aspect;
public aspect MarkerAnnotationInterceptor {
after() : execution((#Marker *).new(..)) && !within(MarkerAnnotationInterceptor) {
after() : execution(#Marker * *(..)) && !within(MarkerAnnotationInterceptor) {
Unfortunately the aspect prints nothing, just as if class Application and method two() did not have any #Marker annotation. Why does AspectJ not intercept them?

The problem here is not AspectJ but the JVM. In Java, annotations on
methods or
other annotations
are never inherited by
implementing classes,
overriding methods or
classes using annotated annotations.
Annotation inheritance only works from classes to subclasses, but only if the annotation type used in the superclass bears the meta annotation #Inherited, see JDK JavaDoc.
AspectJ is a JVM language and thus works within the JVM's limitations. There is no general solution for this problem, but for specific interfaces or methods you wish to emulate annotation inheritance for, you can use a workaround like this:
package de.scrum_master.aspect;
* It is a known JVM limitation that annotations are never inherited from interface
* to implementing class or from method to overriding method, see explanation in
* <p>
* Here is a little AspectJ trick which does it manually.
public aspect MarkerAnnotationInheritor {
// Implementing classes should inherit marker annotation
declare #type: MyInterface+ : #Marker;
// Overriding methods 'two' should inherit marker annotation
declare #method : void MyInterface+.two() : #Marker;
Please note: With this aspect in place, you can remove the (literal) annotations from the interface and from the annotated method because AspectJ's ITD (inter-type definition) mechanics adds them back to the interface plus to all implementing/overriding classes/methods.
Now the console log when running the Application says:
By the way, you could also embed the aspect right into the interface so as to have everything in one place. Just be careful to rename to MyInterface.aj in order to help the AspectJ compiler to recognise that it has to do some work here.
public interface MyInterface {
void one();
void two();
// Cannot omit 'static' here due to
public static aspect MarkerAnnotationInheritor {
// Implementing classes should inherit marker annotation
declare #type: MyInterface+ : #Marker;
// Overriding methods 'two' should inherit marker annotation
declare #method : void MyInterface+.two() : #Marker;
Update 2021-02-11: Someone suggested an edit to the latter solution, saying that the aspect MarkerAnnotationInheritor nested inside interface MyInterface is implicitly public static, so the modifiers in the aspect declaration could be omitted. In principle this is true, because members (methods, nested classes) of interfaces are always public by default and a non-static inner class definition would not make sense inside an interface either (there is no instance to bind it to). I like to be explicit in my sample code, though, because not all Java developers might know these details.
Furthermore, currently the AspectJ compiler in version 1.9.6 throws an error if we omit static. I have just created AspectJ issue #571104 for this problem.


Aspect does not trigger around repositories in my application

I want to trigger my aspect for classes annotated with repositories and belonging to my packages, for example this one:
public class MyRepo extends JpaRepository<MyEntity, String>{
My classes are jpa repositories created like this:
entityManagerFactoryRef = "firstManagerFactory",
transactionManagerRef = "firstTransactionManager",
basePackages = {""}
public class DbConfig {
My aspect is the following but only activates if I leave the repository() pointcut, but if I also specify application packages it doesn't work:
#Pointcut("within(#org.springframework.stereotype.Repository *)")
private void repositoryInvocation() {
// Method is empty as this is just a Pointcut, the implementations are in the advices.
public void applicationPackage() {
// Method is empty as this is just a Pointcut, the implementations are in the advices.
#Around("repositoryInvocation() && applicationPackage()") //this && doesn't work, I have to remove the second one
public Object aspectTriggers(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint) throws Throwable {
Object result = joinPoint.proceed();
return result;
What am I missing?
I think I got it: problem is that the implementation of the repository does not belong to my application package, but to spring's SimpleJPARepository. It's like the aspect is only working on the implementation, totally ignoring the interface.
I think you do not want
#Pointcut("within(#org.springframework.stereotype.Repository *)")
but rather
Be careful with your pointcut syntax, the two are not the same:
within() describes a package or class name you want to scope/limit your pointcut to.
#within() looks for a type (class) with the given annotation.
You want the latter, not the former.
Edit: On a second thought, actually I see no obvious reason why the first version should not work, even though it is a bit more complicated than the second.
But you said that you had problems with the second pointcut anyway. Are you 100% sure that your repository class really is in a (sub) package? No typo in either the package name or the pointcut? Actually, without trying and only looking at it, it should work otherwise.

Abstract components via org.osgi.service.component annotations

I am migrating from org.apache.felix.scr annotations to org.osgi.service.component annotations. I have a set of Components that inherit from a common abstract class. In the felix case, I can use a #Component annotation with the option componentAbstract=true on the super class, and then use #Reference annotation in the super class. I cannot find how to migrate this to osgi annotations.
Is it possible to use Component annotations in a super class of a Component? And if so, what is then the appropriate way to handle the properties and metatype generation?
So, what I am looking for, is something like this
/* No component definition should be generated for the parent, as it is
abstract and cannot be instantiated */
public abstract class Parent {
protected Service aService;
protected activate(Map<String,Object> props) {
System.out.println("I have my parent property: "+props.get(""));
public abstract void doSomething();
/* For this class, the proper Component definition should be generated, also
including the information coming from the annotations in the parent */
public class Child extends Parent {
public activate(Map<String,Object> props) {
System.out.println("I have my child property: "+props.get(""));
public void doSomething() {
By default BND will not process DS annotations in parent classes. You can change that with -dsannotations-options: inherit but please see why you shouldn't!
2021-02-23 UPDATE: It seems like the page mentioned above is no longer available. I don't know if it was moved elsewhere or simply removed but its content (in Markdown format) is still available on GitHub:

AS3 Eclipse: How to create template to extends myClass?

How do I create a template that each time when I create a class that extends MyClass, it will automatically add 3 functions.
In other words I am trying to implement Abstract functionality in AS3. Assume that MyClass have both private and protected methods.
I see the only way to write own code template and call it every time you need, in Flash Builder: window->preference->flash builder->editors->code template->action script->new and give the name to the template, for instance myclass.
You can use existed templates as an example for template syntax.
Template code for MyClass child class with three methods:
import my.package.MyClass
* #author ${user}
public class ${enclosing_type} extends MyClass
public function ${enclosing_type}()
override public function publicMethod():void
override protected function protectedMethod():void
override private function privateMethod():void
Create new "action script file" or "new class",
remove all file content
type myclass and choose from auto-complete options template myclass
If you are actually extending MyClass, all of MyClass's functions are already available to your descendants. You can also override either of them with old header and desired new body, and still be able to call older versions of those functions via super qualifier. So, you add those functions to MyClass and let them be.
Another way is to make an interface - it's a set of declarations without any function bodies, which you have to implement in any class that wants this interface in its content. A short introduction to interfaces. Then your MyClass will be an interface, with 3 function declarations in it, and whichever class will be declared as implements MyClass will have to provide bodies for these functions.
Check other keywords on that page, including extends and implements.
Hope this helps.
EDIT: There are no abstract classes in AS3, however you can emulate abstract functions in a normal class via exception throwing:
protected function abstractFunction(...params):void {
throw new Error("Abstract!");

Class from Interface.cll

I'm trying to implement a class instance of an interface class. Exploring the interface (.NET DLL) with the project explorer, it says:
bool CreateInstance(SharedLibrary::MemoryArbiter^ pntMemory,
SharedLibrary::clsMessageQueue^ pntMessageQueue,
SharedLibrary::clsGPIO^ pntGPIO,
SharedLibrary::Types^ pntProgramSettings,
SharedLibrary::DisplayDriver^ pntDisplayDriver)
Member from Plugin_Interface::IPlugin
But if I write in my MyClass.h:
using namespace System;
using namespace System::ComponentModel;
using namespace SharedLibrary;
namespace MyCppPlugin {
[AttributeUsageAttribute(AttributeTargets::Class | AttributeTargets::Method |
AttributeTargets::Property | AttributeTargets::Field,
AllowMultiple = true, Inherited = false)]
ref class MyPlugin abstract : public Plugin_Interface::IPlugin
bool CreateInstance(SharedLibrary::MemoryArbiter^ pntMemory,
SharedLibrary::clsMessageQueue^ pntMessageQueue,
SharedLibrary::clsGPIO^ pntGPIO, SharedLibrary::Types^
pntProgramSettings, SharedLibrary::DisplayDriver^ pntDisplayDriver);
It says: "error C3766: Missing implementation of Plugin_Interface::IPlugin::CreateInstace(...)
What the heck do I do wrong?
Forgot the abstract statement.
And: Why is it saying "IntelliSense: Class can not implement interface member function "Plugin_Interface::IPlugin::CreateInstance" (declared in "Plugin_Interface.dll")"
You got a lot more diagnostic messages from this snippet, you are making several mistakes:
[AttributeUsage] is only valid on a class that derives from System::Attribute. You no doubt need to use some kind of attribute so that the plugin host can recognize your class as a valid plugin candidate, I can't guess what that attribute might be.
A method that implements an interface method should be public.
A method that implements an interface method must be virtual.
The method signature must be an exact match with the interface method declaration.
Just in case: you must actually implement the method, not just declare it.
The third and forth bullets are the chief reasons for the "must provide an implementation of the interface method" compile error. So proper code ought to resemble something like this:
public ref class MyPlugin : public Plugin_Interface::IPlugin {
virtual bool CreateInstance(SharedLibrary::MemoryArbiter^% pntMemory,
SharedLibrary::clsMessageQueue^% pntMessageQueue,
SharedLibrary::clsGPIO^% pntGPIO,
SharedLibrary::Types^% pntProgramSettings,
SharedLibrary::DisplayDriver^% pntDisplayDriver)
// Todo...
return false;
I got it. Thanks to Hans Passant who gave me so many hints :)
To export the function it has to implement the Interface 1:1. The export statement has to be added over the class header:
public ref class MyPlugin : public Plugin_Interface::IPlugin
And: While VB.NET will compile to "Any CPU" and C++/CLI will compile to Win64/Win32 it will missfit. Both Projects have to have the same target - either 64bit OR 32bit.
Now it works.

guice ignores providers?

It seems Guice is ignoring my #Provider methods of my module.
I have a class MyModule like this:
public class MyModule extends AbstractModule {
protected void configure() {
bindInterceptor(Matchers.any(), Matchers.annotatedWith(Timed.class), new GuiceEnabledLoggingInterceptor());
// And more binding lines...
public AnotherClassInApi provideMyClass() {
return AnotherClassInApi.getInstance();
// And more #Provides methods
Main method is
public static void main(String[] args){
Injector INJECTOR = Guice.createInjector(new MyModule());
// ...
In some other part of the project I have class AnotherClassInApi, which is a very standard singleton plus one method:
public class AnotherClassInApi {
private static final AnotherClassInApi INSTANCE = new AnotherClassInApi();
private AnotherClassInApi() { }
// ... more methods
public static AnotherClassInApi getInstance() {
return INSTANCE;
Well, I understand that should effectively bind any request for an AnotherClassInApi object to the getInstance() method, but it doesn't work. Funny thing, a breakpoint in the #Provide method is never reached while debugging, but one in the configure method is reached. It seems guice is ignoring my provider annotation, and I think I'm following exactly what Guice guide says about #Provider, so I'm already stuck.
I've been googling around, but can't find anything similar. Any help will be much appreciated.
The concept of Providers (and #Provides methods) is, that they are only called when actually needed. So unless you really use your Injector to create an instance that has an #Inject dependency, your Provider is not ignored, just not used (nor needed).
You can monitor all configured bindings by using "injector.getAllBindings()".
java.util.Map,Binding> getAllBindings()
Returns a snapshot
of this injector's bindings, both explicit and just-in-time. The
returned map is immutable; it contains only the bindings that were
present when getAllBindings() was invoked. Just-in-time bindings are
only present if they have been requested at least once. Subsequent
calls may return a map with additional just-in-time bindings. The
returned map does not include bindings inherited from a parent
injector, should one exist.
This method is part of the Guice SPI and is intended for use by tools
and extensions.