Why function does not receive arguments? - perl

I have next code:
my $str = '';
new( (split ',', $str )[0] )
Here I split my $str and asks exactly one element from result list
But when check incoming data at #_ I see zero elements
Why function does not receive arguments?
I expect one element

Here is some code that tests what you say in your question.
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'say';
sub new {
say 'new() received ' . #_ . ' argument(s).';
say "The first argument was '$_[0].'" if #_;
my $str = 'one,two,three';
new( (split ',', $str )[0] );
When I run it, I get the following output:
$ perl split_test
new() received 1 argument(s).
The first argument was 'one.'
This seems to be working as expected. So it seems likely that your problem lies in parts of the code that you haven't shared with us.

It seems I found the answer.
Problem was because of special case when I slice empty list.
This special case is useful at while condition:
while ( ($home, $user) = (getpwent)[7,0] ) {
printf "%-8s %s\n", $user, $home;
Here is documentation for this
#a = ()[0,1]; # #a has no elements
#b = (#a)[0,1]; # #b has no elements
#c = (sub{}->())[0,1]; # #c has no elements
#d = ('a','b')[0,1]; # #d has two elements
#e = (#d)[0,1,8,9]; # #e has four elements
#f = (#d)[8,9]; # #f has two elements


How to fix the error of "Use of unitialized value in addition..." in perl script?

Here is the script of user Suic for calculating molecular weight of fasta sequences (calculating molecular weight in perl),
use strict;
use warnings;
use Encode;
for my $file (#ARGV) {
open my $fh, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', $file;
my $input = join q{}, <$fh>;
close $fh;
while ( $input =~ /^(>.*?)$([^>]*)/smxg ) {
my $name = $1;
my $seq = $2;
$seq =~ s/\n//smxg;
my $mass = calc_mass($seq);
print "$name has mass $mass\n";
sub calc_mass {
my $a = shift;
my #a = ();
my $x = length $a;
#a = split q{}, $a;
my $b = 0;
my %data = (
A=>71.09, R=>16.19, D=>114.11, N=>115.09,
C=>103.15, E=>129.12, Q=>128.14, G=>57.05,
H=>137.14, I=>113.16, L=>113.16, K=>128.17,
M=>131.19, F=>147.18, P=>97.12, S=>87.08,
T=>101.11, W=>186.12, Y=>163.18, V=>99.14
for my $i( #a ) {
$b += $data{$i};
my $c = $b - (18 * ($x - 1));
return $c;
and the protein.fasta file with n (here is 2) sequences:
seq_ID_1 descriptions etc
>seq_ID_2 descriptions etc
When using: perl molecular_weight.pl protein.fasta > output.txt
in terminal, it will generate the correct results, however it also presents an error of "Use of unitialized value in addition (+) at molecular_weight.pl line36", which is just localized in line of "$b += $data{$i};" how to fix this bug ? Thanks in advance !
You probably have an errant SPACE somewhere in your data file. Just change
$seq =~ s/\n//smxg;
$seq =~ s/\s//smxg;
Besides whitespace, there may be some non-whitespace invisible characters in the data, like WORD JOINER (U+2060).
If you want to be sure to be thorough and you know all the legal symbols, you can delete everything apart from them:
$seq =~ s/[^ARDNCEQGHILKMFPSTWYV]//smxg;
Or, to make sure you won't miss any (even if you later change the symbols), you can populate a filter regex dynamically from the hash keys.
You'd need to make %Data and the filter regex global, so the filter is available in the main loop. As a beneficial side effect, you don't need to re-initialize the data hash every time you enter calc_mass().
use strict;
use warnings;
my %Data = (A=>71.09,...);
my $Filter_regex = eval { my $x = '[^' . join('', keys %Data) . ']'; qr/$x/; };
$seq =~ s/$Filter_regex//smxg;
(This filter works as long as the symbols are single character. For more complicated ones, it may be preferable to match for the symbols and collect them from the sequence, instead of removing unwanted characters.)

Need to extract value from a file and subtract from variable in Perl

use IPC::System::Simple qw( capture capturex );
use POSIX;
my $tb1_file = '/var/egridmanage_pl/daily_pl/egrid-csv/test.csv';
open my $fh1, '<', $tb1_file or die qq{Unable to open "$tb1_file" for input: $!};
my #t1_temp_12 = map {
my #t1_ft_12 = split /,/;
sprintf "%.0f", $t1_ft_12[6] if $t1_ft_12[2] eq '12:00:00';
} <$fh1>;
print "TEMP #t1_temp_12\n";
my $result = #t1_temp_12 - 273.14;
print "$result should equal something closer to 24 ";
$result value prints out -265.14 making me think the #t1_temp_12 is hashed
So I tried to do awk
my $12temp = capture("awk -F"," '$3 == "12:00:00" {print $7 - 273-.15}' test.csv");
I've tried using ``, qx, open, system all having the same error result using the awk command
But this errors out. When executing awk at command line i get the favoured results.
This looks like there's some cargo cult programming going on here. It looks like all you're trying to do is find the line for 12:00:00 and print the temperature in degrees C rather than K.
Which can be done like this:
use strict;
use warnings;
while (<DATA>) {
my #fields = split /,/;
print $fields[6] - 273.15 if $fields[2] eq "12:00:00";
You don't really need to do map sprintf etc. (Although you could do a printf on that output if you do want to format it).
Edit: From the comments, it seems one of the sources of confusion is extracting an element from an array. An array is zero or more scalar elements - you can't just assign one to the other, because .... well, what should happen if there isn't just one element (which is the usual case).
Given an array, we can:
pop #array will return the last element (and remove it from the array) so you could my $result = pop #array;
[0] is the first element of the array, so we can my $result = $array[0];
Or we can assign one array to another: my ( $result ) = #array; - because on the left hand side we have an array now, and it's a single element - the first element of #array goes into $result. (The rest isn't used in this scenario - but you could do my ( $result, #anything_else ) = #array;
So in your example - if what you're trying to do is retrieve a value matching a criteria - the normal tool for the job would be grep - which filters an array by applying a conditional test to each element.
my #lines = grep { (split /,/)[2] eq "12:00:00" } <DATA>;
print "#lines";
print $lines[0];
Which we can reduce to:
my ( $firstresult ) = grep { (split /,/)[2] eq "12:00:00" } <DATA>;
print $firstresult;
But as we want to want to transform our array - map is the tool for the job.
my ( $result ) = map { (split /,/)[6] - 273.15 } grep { (split /,/)[2] eq "12:00:00" } <DATA>;
print $result;
First we:
use grep to extract the matching elements. (one in this case, but doesn't necessarily have to be!)
use map to transform the list, so that that we turn each element into just it's 6th field, and subtract 273.15
assign the whole lot to a list containing a single element - in effect just taking the first result, and throwing the rest away.
But personally, I think that's getting a bit complicated and may be hard to understand - and would suggest instead:
my $result;
while (<DATA>) {
my #fields = split /,/;
if ( $fields[2] eq "12:00:00" ) {
$result = $fields[6] - 273.15;
print $result;
Iterate your data, split - and test - each line, and when you find one that matches the criteria - set $result and bail out of the loop.
#t1_temp_12 is an array. Why are you trying to subtract an single value from it?
my $result = "#t1_temp_12 - 273.14";
Did you want to do this instead?
#t1_temp_12 = map {$_ - 273.14} #t1_temp_12;
As a shell one-liner, you could write your entire script as:
perl -F, -lanE 'say $F[6]-273.14 if $F[2] eq "12:00:00"' <<DATA

Why can't my Perl code implement the reverse function?

Here is my code named reverse.pl
#!usr/bin/perl -w
use 5.016;
use strict;
while(my $line=<>)
my #array=();
push (#array,$line);
say #array;
Test file named a.txt
My command is perl reverse.pl a.txt
Why it can't implement the reverse function?
I want to show the result is:
and so on.
Reverse in a scalar context reverses a scalar.
Reverse in a list context reverses the list, but not each scalar within the list.
You explicitly turn your scalar $line into a list with one item and then reverse the order of the items.
Try this:
use 5.016;
use strict;
while (my $line=<>) {
say scalar reverse $line;
If you have an array and want to reverse each element (but not the elements), use map:
my #array = qw(Alpha Beta Gamma);
#array = map { scalar reverse $_ } #array;
print "#array\n";
If you want to do both (reverse each element and the elements themselves), do:
#array = map { scalar reverse $_ } reverse #array;
#array = reverse map { scalar reverse $_ } #array;
When you say:
push #array, $line;
You're creating an array of one value that's equal to the line.
$array[0] = "A B C D";
When you say:
#array = reverse #array;
You are reversing that single member array. The first element becomes the last, and the last element becomes the first, etc.. However, you only have one element, so there's nothing to reverse.
What you want to do is create an array with your line:
my #array = split /\s+/, $line;
This will create an array with each character being a separate element of the array. For example, your first line:
$array[0] = "A";
$array[1] = "B";
$array[2] = "C";
$array[3] = "D";
Now, if you use reverse on this array, you'll get:
$array[0] = "D";
$array[1] = "C";
$array[2] = "B";
$array[3] = "A";
Here's the program:
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw(say);
while ( my $line = <> ) {
chomp $line;
my #array = split /\s+/, $line;
say join " ", reverse $line;
The join function takes an array, and joins each element into a single line -- thus rebuilding your line.
By the way, I could have done this:
#array = reverse #array;
say "#array"; #Quotes are important!
This is because Perl will automatically join an array with whatever character is in $". This is a Perl variable that is used for joining arrays when that array is placed in quotation marks, and the default value is a single space.
Personally, I rather prefer the say join " ", reverse $line;. It's more obvious what is going on, and doesn't depend upon the value of rarely used variables.

stripping off numbers and alphabetics in perl

I have an input variable, say $a. $a can be either number or string or mix of both.
My question is how can I strip off the variable to separate numeric digits and alphabetic characters?
$a can be 'AB9'
Here I should be able to store 'AB' in one variable and '9' in other.
How can I do that?
Check this version, it works with 1 or more numeric and alphabetic characters in a variable.
use strict;
use Data::Dumper;
my $var = '11a';
my (#digits, #alphabetics);
while ($var =~ /([a-zA-Z]+)/g) {
push #alphabetics, $1;
while ($var =~ /(\d+)/g) {
push #digits, $1;
print Dumper(\#alphabetics);
print Dumper(\#digits);
Here's one way to express it very shortly:
my ($digits) = $input =~ /(\d+)/;
my ($alpha) = $input =~ /([a-z]+)/i;
say 'digits: ' . ($digits // 'none');
say 'non-digits: ' . ($alpha // 'none');
It's important to use the match operator in list context here, otherwise it would return if the match succeeded.
If you want to get all occurrences in the input string, simply change the scalar variables in list context to proper arrays:
my #digits = $input =~ /(\d+)/g;
my #alpha = $input =~ /([a-z]+)/gi;
say 'digits: ' . join ', ' => #digits;
say 'non-digits: ' . join ', ' => #alpha;
For my $input = '42AB17C', the output is
digits: 42, 17
non-digits: AB, C

what's the best way to get multiple values from a perl array?

For example,
First, I get the dataRecord into an array like this,
my #dataRecord = split(/\n/);
Next, I filter on the array data record to get the test lines like this,
#dataRecord = grep(/test_names/,#dataRecord);
Next, I need to get the test names from the test line like this,
my ($test1_name,$test2_name,$test3_name) = getTestName(#dataRecord);
sub getTestName
my $str = shift #_;
# testing the str for data and
print str,"\n"; # This test point works in that I see the whole test line.
$str =~ m{/^test1 (.*), test2 (.*), test3 (.)/};
print $1, "\n"; # This test point does not work.
return ($1,$2,$3);
Is there a better way for me to acommplish this task?
You can chain operations together while reducing the syntax required. This has the advantage of emphasizing the important parts of the program while reducing the syntax noise.
my #test = map m{/^test1 (.*), test2 (.*), test3 (.)/},
grep /test_names/,
split /\n/;
# use $test[0], $test[1], $test[2] here
If you are trying to debug a problem, map and grep can take blocks, making it easy to insert error checking code:
my #test = map {
if (my #match = m{/^test1 (.*), test2 (.*), test3 (.)/}) {
} else {
die "regex did not match for: $_"
} # no comma here
grep /test_names/,
split /\n/;
Here are a few different ways to assign from an array that aren't directly related to your question, but are probably useful:
my ($zero, $one, $two) = #array;
my (undef, $one, $two) = #array;
my (undef, undef, $two) = #array; # better written `my $two = $array[2];`
my ($one, $two) = #array[1, 2]; # note that 'array' is prefixed with a #
my ($one, $two) = #array[1 .. 2]; # indicating that you are requesting a list
# in turn, the [subscript] sees list context
my #slice = #array[$start .. $stop]; # which lets you select ranges
To unpack the args to a subroutine:
my ($first, $second, #rest) = #_;
In a method that takes name => value pairs:
my ($self, %pairs) = #_;
You can get a list of matching subexpressions by using the m// operator in list context, for example by assigning its return value to a list of variables (like you currently do with the subroutine call). So, you can replace the subroutine with a much simpler construct:
my $str = shift #dataRecord;
my ($test1_name, $test2_name, $test3_name) =
$str =~ m/^test1 (.*), test2 (.*), test3 (.)/;
Or, a for loop if you want to do this for each element of the #dataRecord array:
for my $str (#dataRecord) {
my ($test1_name, $test2_name, $test3_name) =
$str =~ m/^test1 (.*), test2 (.*), test3 (.)/;