Install PHP 7.4 through IUS Package Manager on CentOS 7 - server

I am new to server configuration so please help me with this. I have a server with CentOS Linux 7.4.1708 installed on it. I have Webtatic package manager which does not have the PHP 7.4. There is not much on internet regarding it, if webtatic is active or dead. I can either update to Remi or IUS. Since IUS has better security our company is inclined towards IUS. I am trying to look at but couldn't find documentation to install it.
I want to remove webtatic package manager and PHP 7.1. Install IUS and PHP 7.4.
Please help me to install this tech stack. Thank you in advance.

First you have to update to latest CentOS 7.9.2009 to have all expected updates, including lot of security ones.
webtatic seems indeed dead, no activity since October 2019
IUS seems a bit asleep nowadays (see their wishlist... missing extensions, and some outdated versions)
Remi is the most active
Then you have to disable webtatic, by removing the webtatic-release configuration package.
For "Remi", simply follow the Wizard instructions, using "single version", it should take care of the upgrade from webtatic packages


How to install Modsecurity 2.9.6 on Debian 11 with Apache2?

If you want you use the new CRS versions you need at least 2.9.6 of libapache2-mod-security2. see:
Is this possible on Debian11? I searched for backports but couldn't find any method on getting this version. Default Debian 11 Version 2.9.3
If you want you use the new CRS versions you need at least 2.9.6 of libapache2-mod-security2. see:
Thanks, we (CRS team) should add some links to this documentation.
Is this possible on Debian11? I searched for backports but couldn't find any method on getting this version. Default Debian 11 Version 2.9.3
We are working on it, that Debian 11 accepts this version too. Actually, the Debian's package source repository already has the patched 2.9.3:
You can download that and make an own package.
If you want to avoid to make a custom/own package, follow this link, and you can try the Digitalwave's ModSecurity repository. There you can find the 2.9.6 for Debian 10, 11, Ubuntu 18.04, 20,04 and 22.04.
Note: I'm CRS developer, and Debian maintainer. I made the packages for Debian too.

Xen on Centos 7

I am a newbie to Xen and want to download it on my machine which currently has CentOS7. I have been researching and experimenting for a couple of days but can't seem to find a straightforward answer on how to install a fully functioning Xen on CentOS7. I tried using the workaround at, but it seems that some of the packages it uses might be outdated.
Is it even possible to install Xen on CentOS7, even if it is missing some parts to it? Would it be better just to go back to CentOS6.x so that I can install Xen4CentOS?
Thanks in advance! Any advice is appreciated!
Afaik RedHat therefore CentOS is not supporting Xen whoever in fact it is possible.
I am using xen4centos on my Centos7 server, it was installed along with official article from wiki:
It it is not, please provide some logs, errors etc

What packages need to upgrade for RHEL 6.x from RHEL 5.11

i would like to know, based on what rpm packages upgrade i can upgrade my RHEL version 5.11 to 6.x
We can't use re-installation of RHEL 6.x, so wanted an option(s) to upgrade to RHEL 6.x from 5.x by upgrading all needful packages.
By upgrading kernal or core rhel release rpm, can we upgrade to latest?
Please let me know details. Thank you.
In place upgrades between 4, 5, and 6 are not supported by RedHat and you risk impacting the support that you pay for by doing so. The only supported upgrade path is from 6 to 7. The expectation is that an upgrade path will continue in future releases.
You state that you cannot re-install but don't state why. Is it because the criticality of the system or is it because of the configuration of the application? I'm guessing the latter and that the system is not all that critical (because otherwise you wouldn't want to impact your support agreement). With that said, there is a way to upgrade and the procedure is provided by RedHat but, again, it is not supported by them.
The link is: In place upgrade

Update Centos Machine 5.10 to 6.5

I want to update my dedicate Centos Machine, which installed WHM. I want to know that if I do update the OS, there any changes on WHM. Like any default Setting changed? or any other Problems.
So please suggest me that right way of update Centos without any problems, because many websites hosted on this Server.
Pankaj Gupta
Pankaj, because there are many changes in a major CentOS release you cannot upgrade from 5.10 to 6.5. You need to put together a migration plan. First install CentOS 6.5 on another server, configure httpd and php/passenger/whichever and test that each hosted website is working properly. Then you can reinstall and reconfigure everything.
Give CentOS 7 a try.
Upgrading is not possible and even if you try around doing some search you will end up wasting lot of time by fixing the dependency related errors etc. So its always better and safe to do a fresh install of CentOS 6.5 and then migrate the sites.

Using Vista under a Virtual Machine for testing apps

Does anyone know how to install a Vista UPGRADE edition to a virtual machine? Id like to use it for testing with older versions of .NET, but it wont let me install the upgrade version. I'd rather not have to install XP and then Upgrade it. Its a licensed legal copy with CD-Key and all. It just wont install to an empty VM because its an Upgrade version.
WARNING: The following does violate your EULA
Install Vista without using a serial number and choose the basic edition and also unselect auto activate.
After install, reinstall and now you can use your serial number and perform an upgrade.
See Paul Thurrot's site for more in depth information.