What is the purpose of the CIR if I have the MDR in Von Neumann Architecture? - cpu-architecture

From the fetch decode execute cycle of the Von Neumann Architecture, at a basic level, here is what I understand:
Memory address in PC is copied to MAR.
PC +=1
The instruction / data in the address of the MAR is stored in the MDR after being fetched from main memory.
Instruction from MDR is copied to CIR
Instruction / data in memory is decoded & executed by the CU .
Result from the calculation stored in ACC.
Now if the MDR value is copied to the CIR, why are they both necessary. I am quite new to systems architecture so I may have gotten the wrong end of the stick, but I've tried my best :)

Think about what happens if the current instruction is a load or store: does anything need to happen after the MDR? If so, how is the CPU going to remember what it's in the middle of doing if it doesn't keep track of that somehow.
Whether that requires the original instruction bits the whole time or not depends on the design.
A CPU that needs to do a lot of decoding (e.g. a CISC with a compact variable-length instruction set, like original 8086) may not keep the actual instruction itself around, but instead just some decode results. For example, actual 8086 decoded incrementally, scanning through prefixes one byte at a time until reaching the opcode. And modern x86 decodes to uops which it sends down the pipeline; the original machine-code bytes aren't needed.
But CPUs like MIPS were specifically designed so parts of the instruction word could be used directly as internal control signals. Still, it's not always necessary to keep the whole instruction around in one piece.
It might make more sense to look at CIR as being the input latches of the decoding process that produces the necessary internal control signals, or sequence of microcode depending on the design. Having a truly physical CIR separate from that is ok if you don't mind redoing decoding at any step you need to consult it to figure out what step to do next.


What is the benefit of having the registers as a part of memory in AVR microcontrollers?

Larger memories have higher decoding delay; why is the register file a part of the memory then?
Does it only mean that the registers are "mapped" SRAM registers that are stored inside the microprocessor?
If not, what would be the benefit of using registers as they won't be any faster than accessing RAM? Furthermore, what would be the use of them at all? I mean these are just a part of the memory so I don't see the point of having them anymore. Having them would be just as costly as referencing memory.
The picture is taken from Avr Microcontroller And Embedded Systems The: Using Assembly and C by Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Sarmad Naimi, and Sepehr Naimi
AVR has some instructions with indirect addressing, for example LD (LDD) – Load Indirect From Data Space to Register using Z:
Loads one byte indirect with or without displacement from the data space to a register. [...]
The data location is pointed to by the Z (16-bit) Pointer Register in the Register File.
So now you can move from a register by loading its data-space address into Z, allowing indirect or indexed register-to-register moves. Certainly one can think of some usage where such indirect access would save the odd instruction.
what would be the benefit of using registers as they won't be any faster than accessing RAM?
accessing General purpose Registers is faster than accessing Ram
first of all let us define how fast measured in microControllers .... fast mean how many cycle the instruction will take to excute ... LOOk at the avr architecture
See the General Purpose Registers GPRs are input for the ALU , and the GPRs are controlled by instruction register (2 byte width) which holds the next instruction from the code memory.
Let us examine simple instruction ADD Rd , Rr; where Rd,Rr are any two register in GPRs so 0<=r,d<=31 so each of r and d could be rebresented in 5 bit,now open "AVR Instruction Set Manual" page number 32 look at the op-code for this simple add instraction is 000011rdddddrrrr and becuse this op-code is two byte(code memory width) this will fetched , Decoded and excuit in one cycle (under consept of pipline ofcourse) jajajajjj only one cycle seems cool to me
I mean these are just a part of the memory so I don't see the point of having them anymore. Having them would be just as costly as referencing memory
You suggest to make the all ram as input for the ALU; this is a very bad idea: a memory address takes 2 bytes.
If you have 2 operands per instruction as in Add instruction you will need 4 Byte for saving only the operands .. and 1 more byte for the op-code of the operator itself in total 5 byte which is waste of memory!
And furthermore this architecture could only fetch 2 bytes at a time (instruction register width) so you need to spend more cycles on fetching the code from code memory which is waste of cycles >> more slower system
Register numbers are only 4 or 5 bits wide, depending on the instruction, allowing 2 per instruction with room to spare in a 16-bit instruction word.
conclusion GPRs' existence are crucial for saving code memory and program execution time
Larger memories have higher decoding delay; why is the register file a part of the memory then?
When cpu deal with GPRs it only access the first 32 position not all the data space
Final comment
don't disturb yourself by time diagram for different ram technology because you don't have control on it ,so who has control? the architecture designers , and they put the limit of the maximum crystal frequency you can use with there architecture and everything will be fine .. you only concern about cycles consuming with your application

Why does registers exists and how they work together with cpu?

So I am currently learning Operating Systems and Programming.
I want how the registers work in detail.
All I know is there is the main memory and our CPU which takes address and instruction from the main memory by the help of the address bus.
And also there is something MCC (Memory Controller Chip which helps in fetching the memory location from RAM.)
On the internet, it shows register is temporary storage and data can be accessed faster than ram for registers.
But I want to really understand the deep-down process on how they work. As they are also of 32 bits and 16 bits something like that. I am really confused.!!!
I'm not a native english speaker, pardon me for some perhaps incorrect terminology. Hope this will be a little bit helpful.
Why does registers exists
When user program is running on CPU, it works in a 'dynamic' sense. That is, we should store incoming source data or any intermediate data, and do specific calculation upon them. Memory devices are needed. We have a choice among flip-flop, on-chip RAM/ROM, and off-chip RAM/ROM.
The term register for programmer's model is actually a D flip-flop in the physical circuit, which is a memory device and can hold a single bit. An IC design consists of standard cell part (including the register mentioned before, and and/or/etc. gates) and hard macro (like SRAM). As the technology node advances, the standard cells' delay are getting smaller and smaller. Auto Place-n-Route tool will place the register and the related surrounding logic nearby, to make sure the logic can run at the specified 3.0/4.0GHz speed target. For some practical reasons (which I'm not quite sure because I don't do layout), we tend to place hard macros around, leading to much longer metal wire. This plus SRAM's own characteristics, on-chip SRAM is normally slower than D flip-flop. If the memory device is off the chip, say an external Flash chip or KGD (known good die), it will be further slower since the signals should traverse through 2 more IO devices which have much larger delay.
how they work together with cpu
Each register is assigned a different 'address' (which maybe not open to programmer). That is implemented by adding address decode logic. For instance, when CPU is going to execute an instruction mov R1, 0x12, the address decode logic sees the binary code of R1, and selects only those flip-flops corresponding to R1. Then data 0x12 is stored (written) into those flip-flops. Same for read process.
Regarding "they are also of 32 bits and 16 bits something like that", the bit width is not a problem. Both flip-flops and a word in RAM can have a bit width of N, as long as the same address can select N flip-flops or N bits in RAM at one time.
Registers are small memories which resides inside the processor (what you called CPU). Their role is to hold the operands for fast processor calculations and to store the results. A register is usually designated by a name (AL, BX, ECX, RDX, cr3, RIP, R0, R8, R15, etc.) and has a size which is the number of bits it can store (4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 bits). Other registers have special meanings, and their bits control the state or provide information about the state of the processor.
There are not many registers (because they are very expensive). All of them have a capacity of only a few kilobytes, so they can't store all the code and data of your program, which can go up to gigabytes. This is the role of the central memory (what you call RAM). This big memory can hold gigabytes of data and each byte has its address. However, it only holds data when the computer is turned on. The RAM reside outside of the CPU Chip and interacts with him via Memory Controller Chip which stands as interface between CPU and RAM.
On top of that, there is the hard drive that stores your data when you turn off your computer.
That is a very simple view to get you started.

Why do we need to specify the number of flash wait cycles?

Especially when working with "faster" devices like STMF4xx/F7xx we need to specify the number of flash wait cycles, based on the supply voltage and the sys-clock frequency.
When the CPU fetches instructions/or constants this is done over the FLITF. Am I right with the assumption that the FLITF holds a CPU request as long as it can provide the requested data, making it impossible for other Bus-Masters to access flash meanwhile.
If this was true, why should it be important to any interface to know flash wait cycles. Like Cache does preload instructions so or so, independent if it knows how long to wait, no?
Because the flash interface isn't magic.
It has to meet the necessary setup and hold times for addressing and reading out the flash cells, which will vary somewhat depending on voltage. Taking the STM32F411 as an example (because I have that TRM handy), doing some maths with the voltage/frequency/wait-state table implies that a read from flash on one of those takes in the order of ~30ns above 2.7V, down to ~60ns below 2.1V.
Since the flash interface doesn't have its own asynchronous nanosecond-precision timekeeping ability (because that would be needlessly complicated, power-hungry, and silly), that translates to asserting its signals for n clock cycles, after which it can assume the data signals from the cells are stable enough to read back*. How does it know what the clock frequency is, and therefore what n should be? Simple: you, as the programmer who set the clock, tell it. Some hardware things are just infinitely easier to let software deal with.
* and then going through the further shenanigans of extracting the relevant 8, 16 or 32 bits out of the 128-bit line it's read, to finally spit that out the other side onto the AHB bus to the waiting CPU, obviously.

What is the advantage of having instructions in a uniform format?

Many processors have instructions which are of uniform format and width such as the ARM where all instructions are 32-bit long. other processors have instructions in multiple widths of say 2, 3, or 4 bytes long, such as 8086.
What is the advantage of having all instructions the same width and in a uniform format?
What is the advantage of having instructions in multiple widths?
Fixed Length Instruction Trade-offs
The advantages of fixed length instructions with a relatively uniform formatting is that fetching and parsing the instructions is substantially simpler.
For an implementation that fetches a single instruction per cycle, a single aligned memory (cache) access of the fixed size is guaranteed to provide one (and only one) instruction, so no buffering or shifting is required. There is also no concern about crossing a cache line or page boundary within a single instruction.
The instruction pointer is incremented by a fixed amount (except when executing control flow instructions--jumps and branches) independent of the instruction type, so the location of the next sequential instruction can be available early with minimal extra work (compared to having to at least partially decode the instruction). This also makes fetching and parsing more than one instruction per cycle relatively simple.
Having a uniform format for each instruction allows trivial parsing of the instruction into its components (immediate value, opcode, source register names, destination register name). Parsing out the source register names is the most timing critical; with these in fixed positions it is possible to begin reading the register values before the type of instruction has been determined. (This register reading is speculative since the operation might not actually use the values, but this speculation does not require any special recovery in the case of mistaken speculation but does take extra energy.) In the MIPS R2000's classic 5-stage pipeline, this allowed reading of the register values to be started immediately after instruction fetch providing half of a cycle to compare register values and resolve a branch's direction; with a (filled) branch delay slot this avoided stalls without branch prediction.
(Parsing out the opcode is generally a little less timing critical than source register names, but the sooner the opcode is extracted the sooner execution can begin. Simple parsing out of the destination register name makes detecting dependencies across instructions simpler; this is perhaps mainly helpful when attempting to execute more than one instruction per cycle.)
In addition to providing the parsing sooner, simpler encoding makes parsing less work (energy use and transistor logic).
A minor advantage of fixed length instructions compared to typical variable length encodings is that instruction addresses (and branch offsets) use fewer bits. This has been exploited in some ISAs to provide a small amount of extra storage for mode information. (Ironically, in cases like MIPS/MIPS16, to indicate a mode with smaller or variable length instructions.)
Fixed length instruction encoding and uniform formatting do have disadvantages. The most obvious disadvantage is relatively low code density. Instruction length cannot be set according to frequency of use or how much distinct information is required. Strict uniform formatting would also tend to exclude implicit operands (though even MIPS uses an implicit destination register name for the link register) and variable-sized operands (most RISC variable length encodings have short instructions that can only access a subset of the total number of registers).
(In a RISC-oriented ISA, this has the additional minor issue of not allowing more work to be bundled into an instruction to equalize the amount of information required by the instruction.)
Fixed length instructions also make using large immediates (constant operands included in the instruction) more difficult. Classic RISCs limited immediate lengths to 16-bits. If the constant is larger, it must either be loaded as data (which means an extra load instruction with its overhead of address calculation, register use, address translation, tag check, etc.) or a second instruction must provide the rest of the constant. (MIPS provides a load high immediate instruction, partially under the assumption that large constants are mainly used to load addresses which will later be used for accessing data in memory. PowerPC provides several operations using high immediates, allowing, e.g., the addition of a 32-bit immediate in two instructions.) Using two instructions is obviously more overhead than using a single instruction (though a clever implementation could fuse the two instructions in the front-end [What Intel calls macro-op fusion]).
Fixed length instructions also makes it more difficult to extend an instruction set while retaining binary compatibility (and not requiring addition modes of operation). Even strictly uniform formatting can hinder extension of an instruction set, particularly for increasing the number of registers available.
Fujitsu's SPARC64 VIIIfx is an interesting example. It uses a two-bit opcode (in its 32-bit instructions) to indicate a loading of a special register with two 15-bit instruction extensions for the next two instructions. These extensions provide extra register bits and indication of SIMD operation (i.e., extending the opcode space of the instruction to which the extension is applied). This means that the full register name of an instruction not only is not entirely in a fixed position, but not even in the same "instruction". (Similarities to x86's REX prefix--which provides bits to extend register names encoded in the main part of the instruction--might be noted.)
(One aspect of fixed length encodings is the tyranny of powers of two. Although it is possible to used non-power-of-two instruction lengths [Tensilica's XTensa now has fixed 24-bit instructions as its base ISA--with 16-bit short instruction support being an extension, previously they were part of the base ISA; IBM had an experimental ISA with 40-bit instructions.], such adds a little complexity. If one size, e.g., 32bits, is a little too short, the next available size, e.g., 64 bits, is likely to be too long, sacrificing too much code density.)
For implementations with deep pipelines the extra time required for parsing instructions is less significant. The extra dynamic work done by hardware and the extra design complexity are reduced in significance for high performance implementations which add sophisticated branch prediction, out-of-order execution, and other features.
Variable Length Instruction Trade-offs
For variable length instructions, the trade-offs are essentially reversed.
Greater code density is the most obvious advantage. Greater code density can improve static code size (the amount of storage needed for a given program). This is particularly important for some embedded systems, especially microcontrollers, since it can be a large fraction of the system cost and influence the system's physical size (which has impact on fitness for purpose and manufacturing cost).
Improving dynamic code size reduces the amount of bandwidth used to fetch instructions (both from memory and from cache). This can reduce cost and energy use and can improve performance. Smaller dynamic code size also reduces the size of caches needed for a given hit rate; smaller caches can use less energy and less chip area and can have lower access latency.
(In a non- or minimally pipelined implementation with a narrow memory interface, fetching only a portion of an instruction in a cycle in some cases does not hurt performance as much as it would in a more pipelined design less limited by fetch bandwidth.)
With variable length instructions, large constants can be used in instructions without requiring all instructions to be large. Using an immediate rather than loading a constant from data memory exploits spatial locality, provides the value earlier in the pipeline, avoids an extra instruction, and removed a data cache access. (A wider access is simpler than multiple accesses of the same total size.)
Extending the instruction set is also generally easier given support for variable length instructions. Addition information can be included by using extra long instructions. (In the case of some encoding techniques--particularly using prefixes--, it is also possible to add hint information to existing instructions allowing backward compatibility with additional new information. x86 has exploited this not only to provide branch hints [which are mostly unused] but also the Hardware Lock Elision extension. For a fixed length encoding, it would be difficult to choose in advance which operations should have additional opcodes reserved for possible future addition of hint information.)
Variable length encoding clearly makes finding the start of the next sequential instruction more difficult. This is somewhat less of a problem for implementations
that only decode one instruction per cycle, but even in that case it adds extra
work for the hardware (which can increase cycle time or pipeline length as well as use more energy). For wider decode several tricks are available to reduce the cost of parsing out individual instructions from a block of instruction memory.
One technique that has mainly been used microarchitecturally (i.e., not included in the interface exposed to software but only an implementation technique) is to use marker bits to indicate the start or end of an instruction. Such marker bits would be set for each parcel of instruction encoding and stored in the instruction cache. Such delays the availability of such information on a instruction cache miss, but this delay is typically small compared to the ordinary delay in filling a cache miss. The extra (pre)decoding work is only needed on a cache miss, so time and energy is saved in the common case of a cache hit (at the cost of some extra storage and bandwidth which has some energy cost).
(Several AMD x86 implementations have used marker bit techniques.)
Alternatively, marker bits could be included in the instruction encoding. This places some constrains on opcode assignment and placement since the marker bits effectively become part of the opcode.
Another technique, used by the IBM zSeries (S/360 and descendants), is to encode the instruction length in a simple way in the opcode in the first parcel. The zSeries uses two bits to encode three different instruction lengths (16, 32, and 48 bits) with two encodings used for 16 bit length. By placing this in a fixed position, it is relatively easy to quickly determine where the next sequential instruction begins.
(More aggressive predecoding is also possible. The Pentium 4 used a trace cache containing fixed-length micro-ops and recent Intel processors use a micro-op cache with [presumably] fixed-length micro-ops.)
Obviously, variable length encodings require addressing at the granularity of a parcel which is typically smaller than an instruction for a fixed-length ISA. This means that branch offsets either lose some range or must use more bits. This can be compensated by support for more different immediate sizes.
Likewise, fetching a single instruction can be more complex since the start of the instruction is likely to not be aligned to a larger power of two. Buffering instruction fetch reduces the impact of this, but adds (trivial) delay and complexity.
With variable length instructions it is also more difficult to have uniform encoding. This means that part of the opcode must often be decoded before the basic parsing of the instruction can be started. This tends to delay the availability of register names and other, less critical information. Significant uniformity can still be obtained, but it requires more careful design and weighing of trade-offs (which are likely to change over the lifetime of the ISA).
As noted earlier, with more complex implementations (deeper pipelines, out-of-order execution, etc.), the extra relative complexity of handling variable length instructions is reduced. After instruction decode, a sophisticated implementation of an ISA with variable length instructions tends to look very similar to one of an ISA with fixed length instructions.
It might also be noted that much of the design complexity for variable length instructions is a one-time cost; once an organization has learned techniques (including the development of validation software) to handle the quirks, the cost of this complexity is lower for later implementations.
Because of the code density concerns for many embedded systems, several RISC ISAs provide variable length encodings (e.g., microMIPS, Thumb2). These generally only have two instruction lengths, so the additional complexity is constrained.
Bundling as a Compromise Design
One (sort of intermediate) alternative chosen for some ISAs is to use a fixed length bundle of instructions with different length instructions. By containing instructions in a bundle, each bundle has the advantages of a fixed length instruction and the first instruction in each bundle has a fixed, aligned starting position. The CDC 6600 used 60-bit bundles with 15-bit and 30-bit operations. The M32R uses 32-bit bundles with 16-bit and 32-bit instructions.
(Itanium uses fixed length power-of-two bundles to support non-power of two [41-bit] instructions and has a few cases where two "instructions" are joined to allow 64-bit immediates. Heidi Pan's [academic] Heads and Tails encoding used fixed length bundles to encode fixed length base instruction parts from left to right and variable length chunks from right to left.)
Some VLIW instruction sets use a fixed size instruction word but individual operation slots within the word can be a different (but fixed for the particular slot) length. Because different operation types (corresponding to slots) have different information requirements, using different sizes for different slots is sensible. This provides the advantages of fixed size instructions with some code density benefit. (In addition, a slot might be allocated to optionally provide an immediate to one of the operations in the instruction word.)

Why are CPU registers fast to access?

Register variables are a well-known way to get fast access (register int i). But why are registers on the top of hierarchy (registers, cache, main memory, secondary memory)? What are all the things that make accessing registers so fast?
Registers are circuits which are literally wired directly to the ALU, which contains the circuits for arithmetic. Every clock cycle, the register unit of the CPU core can feed a half-dozen or so variables into the other circuits. Actually, the units within the datapath (ALU, etc.) can feed data to each other directly, via the bypass network, which in a way forms a hierarchy level above registers — but they still use register-numbers to address each other. (The control section of a fully pipelined CPU dynamically maps datapath units to register numbers.)
The register keyword in C does nothing useful and you shouldn't use it. The compiler decides what variables should be in registers and when.
Registers are a core part of the CPU, and much of the instruction set of a CPU will be tailored for working against registers rather than memory locations. Accessing a register's value will typically require very few clock cycles (likely just 1), as soon as memory is accessed, things get more complex and cache controllers / memory buses get involved and the operation is going to take considerably more time.
Several factors lead to registers being faster than cache.
Direct vs. Indirect Addressing
First, registers are directly addressed based on bits in the instruction. Many ISAs encode the source register addresses in a constant location, allowing them to be sent to the register file before the instruction has been decoded, speculating that one or both values will be used. The most common memory addressing modes indirect through a register. Because of the frequency of base+offset addressing, many implementations optimize the pipeline for this case. (Accessing the cache at different stages adds complexity.) Caches also use tagging and typically use set associativity, which tends to increase access latency. Not having to handle the possibility of a miss also reduces the complexity of register access.
Complicating Factors
Out-of-order implementations and ISAs with stacked or rotating registers (e.g., SPARC, Itanium, XTensa) do rename registers. Specialized caches such as Todd Austin's Knapsack Cache (which directly indexes the cache with the offset) and some stack cache designs (e.g., using a small stack frame number and directly indexing a chunk of the specialized stack cache using that frame number and the offset) avoid register read and addition. Signature caches associate a register name and offset with a small chunk of storage, providing lower latency for accesses to the lower members of a structure. Index prediction (e.g., XORing offset and base, avoiding carry propagation delay) can reduce latency (at the cost of handling mispredictions). One could also provide memory addresses earlier for simpler addressing modes like register indirect, but accessing the cache in two different pipeline stages adds complexity. (Itanium only provided register indirect addressing — with option post increment.) Way prediction (and hit speculation in the case of direct mapped caches) can reduce latency (again with misprediction handling costs). Scratchpad (a.k.a. tightly coupled) memories do not have tags or associativity and so can be slightly faster (as well as have lower access energy) and once an access is determined to be to that region a miss is impossible. The contents of a Knapsack Cache can be treated as part of the context and the context not be considered ready until that cache is filled. Registers could also be loaded lazily (particularly for Itanium stacked registers), theoretically, and so have to handle the possibility of a register miss.
Fixed vs. Variable Size
Registers are usually fixed size. This avoids the need to shift the data retrieved from aligned storage to place the actual least significant bit into its proper place for the execution unit. In addition, many load instructions sign extend the loaded value, which can add latency. (Zero extension is not dependent on the data value.)
Complicating Factors
Some ISAs do support sub-registers, notable x86 and zArchitecture (descended from S/360), which can require pre-shifting. One could also provide fully aligned loads at lower latency (likely at the cost of one cycle of extra latency for other loads); subword loads are common enough and the added latency small enough that special casing is not common. Sign extension latency could be hidden behind carry propagation latency; alternatively sign prediction could be used (likely just speculative zero extension) or sign extension treated as a slow case. (Support for unaligned loads can further complicate cache access.)
Small Capacity
A typical register file for an in-order 64-bit RISC will be only about 256 bytes (32 8-byte registers). 8KiB is considered small for a modern cache. This means that multiplying the physical size and static power to increase speed has a much smaller effect on the total area and static power. Larger transistors have higher drive strength and other area-increasing design factors can improve speed.
Complicating Factors
Some ISAs have a large number of architected registers and may have very wide SIMD registers. In addition, some implementations add additional registers for renaming or to support multithreading. GPUs, which use SIMD and support multithreading, can have especially high capacity register files; GPU register files are also different from CPU register files in typically being single ported, accessing four times as many vector elements of one operand/result per cycle as can be used in execution (e.g., with 512-bit wide multiply-accumulate execution, reading 2KiB of each of three operands and writing 2KiB of the result).
Common Case Optimization
Because register access is intended to be the common case, area, power, and design effort is more profitably spent to improve performance of this function. If 5% of instructions use no source registers (direct jumps and calls, register clearing, etc.), 70% use one source register (simple loads, operations with an immediate, etc.), 25% use two source registers, and 75% use a destination register, while 50% access data memory (40% loads, 10% stores) — a rough approximation loosely based on data from SPEC CPU2000 for MIPS —, then more than three times as many of the (more timing-critical) reads are from registers than memory (1.3 per instruction vs. 0.4) and
Complicating Factors
Not all processors are design for "general purpose" workloads. E.g., processor using in-memory vectors and targeting dot product performance using registers for vector start address, vector length, and an accumulator might have little reason to optimize register latency (extreme parallelism simplifies hiding latency) and memory bandwidth would be more important than register bandwidth.
Small Address Space
A last, somewhat minor advantage of registers is that the address space is small. This reduces the latency for address decode when indexing a storage array. One can conceive of address decode as a sequence of binary decisions (this half of a chunk of storage or the other). A typical cache SRAM array has about 256 wordlines (columns, index addresses) — 8 bits to decode — and the selection of the SRAM array will typically also involve address decode. A simple in-order RISC will typically have 32 registers — 5 bits to decode.
Complicating Factors
Modern high-performance processors can easily have 8 bit register addresses (Itanium had more than 128 general purpose registers in a context and higher-end out-of-order processors can have even more registers). This is also a less important consideration relative to those above, but it should not be ignored.
Many of the above considerations overlap, which is to be expected for an optimized design. If a particular function is expected to be common, not only will the implementation be optimized but the interface as well. Limiting flexibility (direct addressing, fixed size) naturally aids optimization and smaller is easier to make faster.
Registers are essentially internal CPU memory. So accesses to registers are easier and quicker than any other kind of memory accesses.
Smaller memories are generally faster than larger ones; they can also require fewer bits to address. A 32-bit instruction word can hold three four-bit register addresses and have lots of room for the opcode and other things; one 32-bit memory address would completely fill up an instruction word leaving no room for anything else. Further, the time required to address a memory increases at a rate more than proportional to the log of the memory size. Accessing a word from a 4 gig memory space will take dozens if not hundreds of times longer than accessing one from a 16-word register file.
A machine that can handle most information requests from a small fast register file will be faster than one which uses a slower memory for everything.
Every microcontroller has a CPU as Bill mentioned, that has the basic components of ALU, some RAM as well as other forms of memory to assist with its operations. The RAM is what you are referring to as Main memory.
The ALU handles all of the arthimetic logical operations and to operate on any operands to perform these calculations, it loads the operands into registers, performs the operations on these, and then your program accesses the stored result in these registers directly or indirectly.
Since registers are closest to the heart of the CPU (a.k.a the brain of your processor), they are higher up in the chain and ofcourse operations performed directly on registers take the least amount of clock cycles.