Move files and copy subtree - find

I need to find all files recursively within the $source directory which contain the string 720p and move them to $dest
Just 2 things to take care of -
For all such files which are to be moved , first create that file's outer 2 directories in $dest and then move this matched file inside that
i have to do this for lakhs of files so a bit of parallelization would be helpful
For a file like - "$source/dir-b/dir-c/file-720p.mp4" , it should do as follows :
mkdir -p "$dest/dir-b/dir-c"
mv "$source/dir-b/dir-c/file-720p.mp4" "$dest/dir-b/dir-c/file-720p.mp4"

You're looking for something like this:
export dst
find "${src}" -name '*720p*' -type f -exec sh -c '
for p; do
echo mkdir -p "${np%/*}" &&
echo mv "$p" "$np"
done' sh {} +
This can be parallelized using GNU find's -print0 primary in conjunction with GNU xargs, but I don't think that'd make much of a difference performance-wise, as this is rather an IO-intensive task.
Remove echos if the output is satisfactory.


Copy files based on regex to another folder but keep folder structure

I want to copy files matching a regex to another folder but while keeping part of the folder structure, All the filepaths will start with src/main/java/ buth the path before that is different for most files
I know that I can use
find . -iregex ".*HeadersConstants\.java" -exec cp {} ./destination/ \;
To copy a file but then I lose the file path in the destination dir
Are you on linux? Historically, cpio would have been an obvious choice but these days rsync is likely to be better:
find . -iregex ".*HeadersConstants\.java" |\
rsync -v --files-from=- ./ ${destination}/
It's probaby not a good idea for the destination to be inside . as your question code suggests but we can stop find looking there with:
find . -path ./destination -prune \
-o -iregex ".*HeadersConstants\.java" -print |\
rsync -v --file-from=- ./ ./destination/
(You may want to investigate why the -print is required.)
In the meantime I got it to work (probably not the cleanest way)
find . -name "HeadersConstants\.java" | while read f
if [[ ${f} =~ ${javaRe} ]]; then
mkdir -p "$fullpath"
cp "$f" "$fullpath"

How to rename all the files (without for loop) in a single line command?

I want to rename all the files in my home directory (example abc), in the format (abc_bkp) without using any loops and it should be a single line command in unix (bash script).
If the directory contains nothing but files, this should do it:
ls | xargs -I {} mv {} {}_bkp
If it contains subdirectories, links, and other things you don't want to rename, you must filter the output of ls. Here is a crude way to do it; maybe someone can suggest a more elegant approach:
ls -l | grep ^- | cut -d' ' -f 13 | xargs -I {} mv {} {}_bkp
If you don't want to use loops then I believe the BEST way could be find command, try following command as a DRY run first and once you are satisfy with results then you could remove echo from it to give a real shot.
find -type f -or -type d | xargs -I % echo mv % %_bkp
-I: From man xargs page:
-I replace-str
Replace occurrences of replace-str in the initial-arguments with names read from standard input. Also, unquoted blanks do not
input items; instead the separator is the newline character. Implies -x and -L 1.

Fish Shell: Delete All Except

Using Fish, how can I delete the contents of a directory except for certain files (or directories). Something like rm !(file1|file2) from bash, but fishier.
There is no such feature in fish - that's issue #1444.
You can do something like
rm (string match -rv '^file1$|^file2$' -- *)
Note that this will fail on filenames with newlines in them.
Or you can do the uglier:
set -l files *
for file in file1 file2
if set -l index (contains -i -- $file $files)
set -e files[$index]
rm $files
which should work no matter what the filenames contain.
Or, as mentioned in that issue, you can use find, e.g.
find . -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type f -a ! \( -name 'file1' -o -name 'file2' \)

How to copy a file on several directories with the name *Co* (where *=wildcard)

How to copy a file to several directories of the form *Co*? or *52?
Apparently, just typing
cp fileA *Co*
won't work.
My other concern is that if a directory already contains fileA, I don't want it to be overwritten. That is, if the directory *Co* contains fileA, do NOT copy. Is there a one line solution for this, since I think writing a script with if-else is an overkill.
If your version of cp supports -n, you can do:
find . -name '*Co*' -exec cp -n fileA {} \;
If not:
find . -name '*Co*' -exec sh -c 'test -f $0/fileA || cp fileA $0' {} \;
Note that these will each descend recursively: if you don't want that you can limit the scope of find. To find either Co or *52, you can do:
find . \( -name '*Co*' -o -name '*52' \) -exec ...

How to create links to all subfolders containing specified text in their names

As specified in title I am looking for a way how to create links to all subfolders containing specified text in their names, so for example for all subfolders of root directory containing ".app" in their names an link will be created to "/AppLinks" directory. I would like to use it in bash script (open source, free).
Does anyone know how to do that?
I searched it by google with no luck.
find yourdir -type d -name '*.app' -exec ln -s {} /AppLinks \;
Find all directories named in yourdir, and create a symlink to them in /AppLinks.
single line bash-fu
function FUNCsymlink() { echo "$1"; fileName=`basename "$1"`; ln -s "$1" "/AppLinks/$fileName"; }; export -f FUNCsymlink; find `pwd`/ -maxdepth 1 -type d -iname "*.app" -exec bash -c "FUNCsymlink '{}'" \;
to easy reading:
function FUNCsymlink() {
echo "$1";
fileName=`basename "$1"`;
ln -s "$1" "/AppLinks/$fileName";
export -f FUNCsymlink;
find `pwd`/ -maxdepth 1 -type d -iname "*.app" -exec bash -c "FUNCsymlink '{}'" \;
you may have to adjust it a bit for your specific solution.
wherever you run it, it will create the symlinks to /AppLinks
it will only look for direct subfolders, not subfolders of subfolders, thats what I believe you need..