.NET Core 2.1 and .NET Core 5.0 Web-Apps on Same Server - asp.net-core-5.0

We currently have a production server running multiple .NET Core 2.1 websites and we need to deploy a website running .NET Core 5.0 on that same server.
I know I need to install dotnet-hosting-5.0.7-win.exe to be able to host the new site. Will installing that version of dotnet-hosting have any negative effects on the 2.1 sites?
I just want to make sure that running both versions is possible. Thank you.


Server GRPC core Implementation of GRPC.core in .NET framework 4.8

Samples for grpc.core server implementation in .NET framework 4.7
We are planning to migrate from .NET framework to .NET core (.NET6). As part of this migration, we want to first move to grpc.core from WCF. When we searched for sample service implementation using grpc.core in .NET frameowrk 4.7, we ended up getting nothing. All the results were pointed to the implementation using grpcdotent in dotnet6.
Here is a grpc.core server and client hello world example
This example's server project targets .NET Core 3.1 but you can essentially use the same code/approach for .NET 4.7

Will .Net framework 4.8 support Microsoft enterprise library v6.0?

Since some of our applications are written in .Net framework 2.0 & 4.5, We've plan to migrate our applications to .Net framework 4.8 and we have used MS enterprise library v3.0 & v5.0 and would like to uplift to enterprise library v6.0 Before going to migrate, need to know will the latest .Net framework 4.8 support enterprise library v6.0.
There is a port of Enterprise Library 6.0 that is supports .Net Core and .Net Standard 2.0.
I have not used that yet, so I cannot tell anything about its quality but based on the Nuget stats it seems tell that people are using these packages.
Also the original Microsoft Enterprise Library source code was published on GitHub so you could recompile the whole project using updated references, not sure how much effort would that cost.

Convert MVC2 .NET 4 application to run on .NET 3.5

This might seem like an odd request, but is there any simple way to downgrade my ASP.NET MVC2 application running on .NET 4 (developed in VS2010) to run on .NET 3.5? I'm asking because the server I will be using to host the application on is within my university and only has.NET 3.5 installed.
Many thanks
The ASP.NET MVC 2 is built against .Net 3.5 so there is no downgrade needed there. The only problem you might have is your own code - if you are using some .Net 4.0 specific stuff you will have to change it. For starters change your projects target framework (in project properties) to 3.5 and check if it still builds.

Sharepoint 2010 Foundation with .Net Framework 4.0

I am having a Web Application with build target as .Net Framework 4.0.
I want to interact with the Sharepoint Object Model API's but it gives a framework 4.0 runtime does not supports Sharepoint.dll error.
Is their any tweak such that I can use Sharepoint 2010 with .Net Framework4.0.
Note: I cannnot change the build target of the web app to any other framework as I am using some exclusive features of .net 4.0 in my application.
Sorry you probably will have no luck:
There appears to be some confusion
around whether or not ASP.NET 4 is
supported for both MOSS and SharePoint
2010 - in short, the answer is that it
is not currently supported in either
Whilst it is possible to use ASP.NET
3.5 in MOSS by making some modifications to the SharePoint site
web.config (instructions for doing
that in MOSS here; SP2010 uses 3.5 by
default), this is unfortunately not
the case with version 4.
The reason? ASP.NET 4 uses a new
version of the Common Language Runtime
(CLR). Whilst .NET 2.0, 3.0 and 3.5
all used version 2.0 of the CLR, .NET
4 uses version 4. I'm not entirely
sure what happened to version 3. There
is a decent post on stack overflow
with further details.
from SharePoint 2010 and .NET 4: confused?
Maybe .NET 4.0 Support will be added in a future update (SP1?) who knows...
Unfortunately, .Net 2.0 to 3.5 use a different application pool type from .Net 4.0; Mixing in the same app pool is not going to work.
What features of .Net 4.0 are you using, and perhaps the community can help you with a 3.5 solution?

Add .NET 2.0 SP1 as a prerequisite for deployment project

I have a .NET 2.0 application that has recently had contributions that are Service Pack 1 dependent. The deployment project has detected .NET 2.0 as a prerequisite, but NOT SP1. How do I include SP1 as a dependency/prerequisite in my deployment project?
You'll want to setup launch condition in your deployment project to make sure version 2.0 SP1 is installed. You'll want to set a requirement based off the MsiNetAssemblySupport variable, tied to the version number of .NET 2.0 SP1 (2.0.50727.1433 and above according to this page.)
Bootstrapping the project to actually download the framework if it isn't installed is a different matter, and there are plenty of articles out there on how to do that.