Granting rolegroup to role did not inherit the config from rolegroup in postgres - postgresql

We have a scenario where some users would need super user permissions and other db users dont need it. So we have create the users and then created a role 'SuperRole' which has permissions to create role, db.
Let's say I have user 'User1' mapped to role 'User1' by default with INHERIT. After creating 'SuperRole' role I have ran
GRANT superrole to user1;
After this if I see \du output
postgres=# \du user1
List of roles
Role name | Attributes | Member of
user1 | Create role, Create DB | {superrole}
As per the documentation the privileges of role 'member of' should also be inherited. But when i connect to psql with user1, I should be having the privileges of superrole also to create role and db. However when I try to create a db I am getting the below error.
postgres=> create database test;
ERROR: permission denied to create database
The similar error shows for creating role as well. What should be done to make the privileges set for superrole to be available for user1 as well.

The role attributes LOGIN, SUPERUSER, CREATEDB, and CREATEROLE can be thought of as special privileges, but they are never inherited as ordinary privileges on database objects are. You must actually SET ROLE to a specific role having one of these attributes in order to make use of the attribute.


Superuser cannot create or alter roles

Created a user/role via following method is Aurora Postgres:
CREATE ROLE rds_user_test;
GRANT rds_superuser to rds_user_test;
GRANT rds_iam TO rds_user_test;
When I login using IAM DB Auth as rds_user_test it appears that I can do all operations as needed except creating or altering roles (maybe other functionality is missing but haven't tested all operations yet). When I check role memberships of this new role against other roles that are able to create/alter roles, both are members of superuser.
I also followed the instructions here:
Still get the same permissions error:
[42501] ERROR: permission denied to create role
Any thoughts on why this new role cannot create/alter other roles even though it seems to have the same privileges of superuser as other roles?
rds_superuser on Amazon Aurora is typically not a superuser. Check with:
SELECT rolsuper FROM pg_roles WHERE rolname = 'rds_superuser';
But to create a role, you don't need superuser privileges. All you need is the CREATEROLE privilege. Check if your user has that:
SELECT rolcreaterole FROM pg_roles WHERE rolname = 'rds_user_test';
Else you need to grant it (as a role that's allowed to do so):
Any role with the CREATEROLE privilege can do that (typically including rds_superuser).
The manual:
Roles having CREATEROLE privilege can change any of these settings except SUPERUSER, REPLICATION, and BYPASSRLS; but only for non-superuser and non-replication roles.
The instructions you followed, explicitly instruct to add CREATEROLE, you seem to have skipped that bit:

rds_superuser role in postgres RDS server

I just created a new postgres RDS instace on aws (through the dashboard), and I gave it a default user, lets call him "jack".
When I logged in to the instance, I saw my created user "jack", and that he had a role "rds_superuser" attached. (so I thought that I can do the same things that I used to do with superuser on a regular postgres server).
I checked the documentation, I saw that wasn't possible.
As logged in as the default user "stan", I created a new database user like "stan", and wanted to create a new databases with the owner being the user "stan", I couldn't?
I entered something like this:
But I got an error, saying something like:
ERROR: must be member of role "stan"
So, what I did was, made the role "stan", logged out as the default user "jack", logged into the RDS instance as "stan", and created that database with him as the owner.
Since I had three different users, I had to repeat that last step three times.
My question, is there a way, that I can make the default user "jack" that I created during RDS postgres creation, capable of creating new databases (like superuser on a regular postgres server installation) and giving the different owners like this:
you were supposed to grant stan to rds_superuser in order to do that. You did:
rds=> create user stan;
rds=> CREATE DATABASE foobar WITH OWNER = stan;
ERROR: must be member of role "stan"
you should:
rds=> grant stan to su_rdsadm;
rds=> CREATE DATABASE foobar WITH OWNER = stan;
I did it as rds superuser:
rds=> \du+ su_rdsadm
List of roles
Role name | Attributes | Member of | Description
su_rdsadm | Create role, Create DB +| {rds_superuser,stan} |
| Password valid until infinity | |
rds=> select current_user;
(1 row)
It's good to know this further. This limitation of rds_superuser for ownership/grants and so on will keep hitting you until you grant role whose objects you want to manipulate (or on which behalf you want to grant) to rds superuser.

Postgres unable to create db after granting privs to role

I'm sure I'm missing something simple, but I've created the following:
postgres=# \du
List of roles
Role name | Attributes | Member of
admin | No inheritance, Create DB, Cannot login | {}
postgres | Superuser, Create role, Create DB | {}
wade | | {admin}
(Note that Cannot login and No inheritance don't affect what's happening to wade, here. See the PostgreSQL documentation for role membership to understand why. —bignose)
However, when I try to create a db, I get:
bin wwilliam$ createdb -U wade test
createdb: database creation failed: ERROR: permission denied to create database
What am I missing?
An excerpt from the manual:
The INHERIT attribute governs inheritance of grantable privileges (that is, access privileges for database objects and role memberships). It does not apply to the special role attributes set by CREATE ROLE and ALTER ROLE. For example, being a member of a role with CREATEDB privilege does not immediately grant the ability to create databases, even if INHERIT is set; it would be necessary to become that role via SET ROLE before creating a database.
(Emphasis mine).
In documentation:
The role attributes LOGIN, SUPERUSER, CREATEDB, and CREATEROLE can be thought of as special privileges, but they are never inherited as ordinary privileges on database objects are. You must actually SET ROLE to a specific role having one of these attributes in order to make use of the attribute
So you must activate admin role using SET ROLE admin; before creating DB.

CREATEDB through a ROLE for a User in PostgreSQL

I have created a ROLE with name Admin and I have given it all accesses (including CREATEDB). I have created a User ekekakos who is member of Admin role and inherints from it. When I am trying to create a new DB with ekekakos I am getting the following message:
When I enable the option CAN CREATE DB to the user ekekakos, the database is created.
Why the user do not take the privilages of the role Admin?
Excerpt from the docs:
The role attributes LOGIN, SUPERUSER, CREATEDB, and CREATEROLE can be thought of as special privileges, but they are never inherited as ordinary privileges on database objects are. You must actually SET ROLE to a specific role having one of these attributes in order to make use of the attribute.

PostgreSQL role inheritance not working?

I ran into a very annoying role inheritance issue with PostgreSQL. It simply doesn't behave as it should according to the documentation.
I would like to have a master role, and grant its permissions to newly created users. These users should inherit the permissions without issuing SET ROLE manually.
GRANT testrole TO testuser;
Now after I connect as testuser, I get the following:
postgres=> CREATE DATABASE foobar;
ERROR: permission denied to create database
postgres=> SET ROLE testrole;
postgres=> CREATE DATABASE foobar;
According to the docs linked above (because of the INHERIT option), the SET ROLE shouldn't be required.
What am I missing here?
A bit further down the same page:
"The role attributes LOGIN, SUPERUSER, CREATEDB, and CREATEROLE can be thought of as special privileges, but they are never inherited as ordinary privileges on database objects are. You must actually SET ROLE to a specific role having one of these attributes in order to make use of the attribute."